コード例 #1
    def test_vaneylen19_bounds(self, kwargs):
        with self._model():
            vaneylen19("ecc", **kwargs)
            trace = self._sample()

        ecc = trace["ecc"].flatten()
        assert np.all((kwargs.get("lower", 0.0) <= ecc)
                      & (ecc <= kwargs.get("upper", 1.0)))
コード例 #2
    def test_vaneylen19_multi(self):
        with self._model():
            vaneylen19("ecc", fixed=True, multi=True, shape=3)
            trace = self._sample()

        ecc = trace["ecc"].flatten()
        assert np.all((0 <= ecc) & (ecc <= 1))

        f = 0.08
        cdf = lambda x: (  # NOQA
            (1 - f) * halfnorm.cdf(x, scale=0.049) + f * rayleigh.cdf(
                x, scale=0.26))
        s, p = kstest(ecc, cdf)
        assert s < 0.05
コード例 #3
    def test_vaneylen19(self, kwargs):
        with self._model() as model:
            dist = vaneylen19("ecc", shape=(5, 2), **kwargs)

            if not kwargs.get("fixed", False):
                assert "ecc_sigma_gauss" in model.named_vars
                assert "ecc_sigma_rayleigh" in model.named_vars
                assert "ecc_frac" in model.named_vars

            # Test random sampling
            samples = dist.random(size=100)
            assert np.shape(samples) == (100, 5, 2)
            assert np.all((0 <= samples) & (samples <= 1))

            trace = self._sample()

        ecc = trace["ecc"]
        assert np.all((0 <= ecc) & (ecc <= 1))