def description(bot, update): """Gets brief description of the issue""" send_to_backlog_group(bot, update) user = update.message.from_user main.ISSUE_DICT['issue'] = update.message.text main.ISSUE_DICT['time_open'] ="%d.%m.%y %H:%M:%S") main.ISSUES_QUEUE.put(main.ISSUE_DICT)"Issue of {} submitted. " "Given issue: {}".format(user.first_name, update.message.text)) update.message.reply_text( 'An expert user will help you shortly. Thanks for' ' your patience!\nReference number for the ' 'issue: {}'.format(main.ISSUE_DICT['issue_id'])) # Sends the issue to the experts' group bot.send_message( chat_id=main.EXPERT_GROUP_CHAT_ID, text=("{} has requested help! If you're available to " "assist, please reply /accept\n" "*Note:* if you accept an issue (that has not been " "taken already), ExpertEaseBot will " "send you a private message with further details.".format( user.first_name)), parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN) "The issue of user {} has been sent to experts group.".format( user.first_name)) return ConversationHandler.END
def non_link_from_expert(bot, update): backlog.send_to_backlog_group(bot, update) if not main.check_if_has_open_issue(update): return ConversationHandler.END update.message.reply_text("This is not a valid link to a video. Try " "sending in the following format:\n" "") return ConversationHandler.END
def send_msg_to_group_command(bot, update, args): backlog.send_to_backlog_group(bot, update) message = " ".join(args) "Admin {} has sent a message to experts' group: {}".format( update.message.from_user.first_name, message)) bot.send_message(chat_id=main.EXPERT_GROUP_CHAT_ID, text=message) return ConversationHandler.END
def cancel(bot, update): backlog.send_to_backlog_group(bot, update) user = update.message.from_user global ISSUE_DICT"User {} canceled submission of issue {}.".format( user.first_name, ISSUE_DICT['issue_id'])) update.message.reply_text('Bye!', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) # Deleting the issue. ISSUE_DICT = dict() main.BLOCKED_USERS_UNTIL_FEEDBACK.remove(update.message.chat_id) return ConversationHandler.END
def start(bot, update): """Initiated by user""" send_to_backlog_group(bot, update) if update.message.chat_id in main.BLOCKED_USERS_UNTIL_FEEDBACK: "User {} tried to send another issue while a feedback " "for previous issue was not submitted.".format( update.message.from_user.first_name)) text = "New issues cannot be submitted right now.\n" try: issue = main.ISSUES_WAITING_FOR_FEEDBACK[update.message.chat_id] text += "Please reply 'Yes' if the assistance you " \ "received was helpful and 'No' otherwise." except KeyError: text += "Please wait for an expert to respond to your " \ "previous issue." update.message.reply_text(text) return ConversationHandler.END # global ISSUE_ID main.ISSUE_ID += 1 user = update.message.from_user main.ISSUE_DICT = { 'name': user.first_name, 'chat_id': update.message.chat_id, 'issue_id': main.ISSUE_ID } main.BLOCKED_USERS_UNTIL_FEEDBACK.append(main.ISSUE_DICT['chat_id']) "A new user has connected. First name: {}, last name: {}, " "username: {}. Assigned issue ID: {}".format(user.first_name, user.last_name, user.username, main.ISSUE_ID)) reply_keyboard = [['Video', 'Text']] update.message.reply_text( 'Hi! We are Expert-Ease, and we will find you an expert that can ' 'help you with whatever it is you need on Wordpress.\n' 'Do you want to send us a description of the issue using ' 'video or text?', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True)) return main.METHOD
def expert_accepts(bot, update): backlog.send_to_backlog_group(bot, update) expert = update.message.from_user if main.ISSUES_QUEUE.empty(): # No users to assist bot.send_message(chat_id=main.EXPERT_GROUP_CHAT_ID, text="There is no user that needs assistance" " at the moment, but thank you!") "Expert {} wished to assist, but queue is empty.".format( expert.first_name)) return ConversationHandler.END # Updating expert's current issue current_issue = main.ISSUES_QUEUE.get() current_issue['expert_name'] = expert.first_name current_issue['expert_chat_id'] = current_issue['time_expert_accepts'] = "%d.%m.%y %H:%M:%S") main.EXPERT_ISSUES_DICT[] = current_issue global ISSUE_DICT ISSUE_DICT = dict() # Notifying the expert that he's taking an issue bot.send_message(, text=("Thank you {}! You will help {} on issue {}.\n" "After making the Loom video, please share the " "link here. Thanks!\n" "The issue, as submitted: {}".format( expert.first_name, current_issue['name'], current_issue['issue_id'], current_issue['issue'])))"Expert {} has received issue {}.".format( expert.first_name, current_issue['issue_id'])) # Updating the user that an expert is connected to him bot.send_message( chat_id=current_issue['chat_id'], text="Hey {}! Our expert {} is making a personalized video " "response just for you, as we speak!".format(current_issue['name'], expert.first_name)) "User {} has been updated that {} has taken the issue.".format( current_issue['name'], expert.first_name)) return ConversationHandler.END
def method(bot, update): """Supposed to get 'video' or 'text' methods from user""" send_to_backlog_group(bot, update) user = update.message.from_user"Method chosen by {}: {}".format(user.first_name, update.message.text)) text = 'Great! Please send us a ' if update.message.text == 'Video': text += 'link to a video (possibly with sound) describing the issue.' \ ' Please shoot the video using the extension Loom, which will ' \ 'best demonstrate the issue.' main.ISSUE_DICT['method'] = 'video' elif update.message.text == 'Text': text += 'detailed walkthrough of the issue.' main.ISSUE_DICT['method'] = 'text' update.message.reply_text(text, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return main.DESCRIPTION
def collect_message_from_expert_command(bot, update, args): backlog.send_to_backlog_group(bot, update) message = " ".join(args) "Expert {} has requested to use the following message: {}".format( update.message.from_user.first_name, message)) main.dbCur.execute("""DELETE FROM experts WHERE expertchatid = %s;""", (str(update.message.chat_id), )) main.dbCur.execute( """INSERT INTO experts VALUES (%s, %s, %s);""", (update.message.from_user.first_name, update.message.chat_id, message)) main.dbConn.commit() update.message.reply_text("Thank you {}! The message will be saved in " "our database and sent to users you help in " "the future.\n" "*Note*: at the moment, we allow messages with " "up to 100 characters.".format( update.message.from_user.first_name), parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return ConversationHandler.END
def link_from_expert(bot, update): backlog.send_to_backlog_group(bot, update) if not main.check_if_has_open_issue(update): return ConversationHandler.END # Check if this is a Loom video: if "" not in update.message.text.lower(): update.message.reply_text("This is indeed a link, but not to a Loom " "video. Please send one!") return ConversationHandler.END issue = main.EXPERT_ISSUES_DICT[update.message.chat_id] issue['time_solution_submitted'] ="%d.%m.%y %H:%M:%S") issue['full_solution'] = update.message.text expert = update.message.from_user bot.send_message(chat_id=issue['chat_id'], text="Our expert {} is finished, and sent you the " "following link on issue {}:\n" "{}".format(expert.first_name, issue['issue_id'], issue['full_solution'])) # Thanks to expert update.message.reply_text("Thank you for helping {} out!".format( issue['name'])) "User {} has received link from expert {}. Link: {}".format( issue['name'], expert.first_name, update.message.text)) del main.EXPERT_ISSUES_DICT[update.message.chat_id] # Feedback phase main.ISSUES_WAITING_FOR_FEEDBACK[issue['chat_id']] = issue time.sleep(30) reply_keyboard = [['Yes', 'No']] bot.send_message(chat_id=issue['chat_id'], text="Was the help from {} helpful?".format( expert.first_name), reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True)) return ConversationHandler.END
def user_sent_feedback(bot, update): backlog.send_to_backlog_group(bot, update) user = update.message.from_user if update.message.chat_id not in main.BLOCKED_USERS_UNTIL_FEEDBACK: return ConversationHandler.END"User {} has sent feedback: {}.".format( user.first_name, update.message.text)) issue = main.ISSUES_WAITING_FOR_FEEDBACK[update.message.chat_id] text = 'Thank you for sending feedback!\n' # When replying, we also need to return the expert's message if exists main.dbCur.execute( """SELECT message FROM experts WHERE expertchatid = %s;""", (str(issue['expert_chat_id']), )) fetched = main.dbCur.fetchone() if fetched is not None: expert_message = fetched['message'] text += expert_message + "\n\n" text += 'If you wish to send another issue, click /start.' update.message.reply_text(text, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) # Now we can enter all data into the database main.dbCur.execute( """ INSERT INTO issues VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s); """, (issue['issue_id'], issue['name'], issue['chat_id'], issue['expert_name'], issue['expert_chat_id'], issue['method'], issue['time_open'], issue['time_expert_accepts'], issue['time_solution_submitted'], update.message.text, issue['issue'], issue['full_solution'])) main.dbConn.commit() main.BLOCKED_USERS_UNTIL_FEEDBACK.remove(update.message.chat_id) del main.ISSUES_WAITING_FOR_FEEDBACK[update.message.chat_id] return ConversationHandler.END
def current_issues_command(bot, update): backlog.send_to_backlog_group(bot, update)"Admin {} has asked for current issues.".format( update.message.from_user.first_name)) if main.ISSUES_QUEUE.qsize() == 0: text = "There are no issues waiting for experts." else: text = "There are currently {} issues waiting for experts."\ .format(main.ISSUES_QUEUE.qsize()) text += "\n" if not main.EXPERT_ISSUES_DICT: text += "No issues are taken care of by experts at the moment.\n" else: text += "Those are the current issues that are taken care of " \ "by experts right now:\n" for expert, issue in main.EXPERT_ISSUES_DICT.items(): text += "Issue {} of user {} is taken care of by expert {}.\n"\ .format(issue['issue_id'], issue['name'], issue['expert_name']) bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=text) return ConversationHandler.END