コード例 #1
ファイル: explore.py プロジェクト: ArunJayan/expeyes-programs
def run_expt(expt):
    global w
    if os.name == 'nt':        # For windows OS
        w.eye.fd.close()    # Close hardware port
        cmd = sys.executable + ' ' + eyeplot.abs_path() + expt+'.py'
        w.eye = eyes.open()    # Open hardware port again
        showhelp('Finished ' + expt)
        #print abs_path() + expt+'.py'
        stat,out = subprocess.getstatusoutput('python '+ eyeplot.abs_path() + expt+'.py')
        if stat != 0:
            showhelp('Finished "'+expt+'.py"')
コード例 #2
ファイル: explore.py プロジェクト: wavicles/expeyes-programs
def run_expt(expt):
	global w
	w.eye.fd.close()	# Close hardware port
	if os.name == 'nt':		# For windows OS
		cmd = sys.executable + ' ' + eyeplot.abs_path() + expt+'.py'
		showhelp(_('Finished ') + expt)
		#print abs_path() + expt+'.py'
		stat,out = commands.getstatusoutput('python '+ eyeplot.abs_path() + expt+'.py')
		if stat != 0:
			showhelp(_('Finished "')+expt+'.py"')
	w.eye = eyes.open()	# Open hardware port again
コード例 #3
ファイル: explore.py プロジェクト: emnik/expeyes-programs
def run_expt(expt):
    global w
    w.eye.fd.close()  # Close hardware port
    if os.name == "nt":  # For windows OS
        cmd = sys.executable + " " + eyeplot.abs_path() + expt + ".py"
        showhelp(_("Finished ") + expt)
        # print abs_path() + expt+'.py'
        stat, out = commands.getstatusoutput("python " + eyeplot.abs_path() + expt + ".py")
        if stat != 0:
            showhelp(_('Finished "') + expt + '.py"')
    w.eye = eyes.open()  # Open hardware port again
コード例 #4
ファイル: explore.py プロジェクト: raviola/expeyes
def run_expt(expt):
	global w
	w.eye.fd.close()		# Close hardware port
	cmd = sys.executable + ' ' + eyeplot.abs_path() + expt+'.py'
	showhelp(_('Finished ') + expt)
	w.eye = eyes.open()		# Open hardware port again
コード例 #5
ファイル: croplus.py プロジェクト: wavicles/expeyes-programs
def run_expt(expt):
    global p
    if expt == '': return
    p.fd.close()	# Free the device from this program, the child will open it
    cmd = sys.executable + ' ' + eyeplot.abs_path() + expt+'.py'
    msg(_('Finished "')+expt+'.py"')
    p = eyes.open()	# Establish hardware communication again, for the parent
コード例 #6
ファイル: explore.py プロジェクト: raviola/expeyes
	def __init__(self, parent, handle, width=WIDTH, height = HEIGHT):
		self.eye = handle 
		self.parent = parent
		self.width = width
		self.height = height
		self.border = BORDER				# Top and bottom self.border
		self.fw = float(width)/12.7			# field width
		self.fh = float(height - 2 * self.border)/16	# field height
		im = Image.open(eyeplot.abs_path()+ picture)
		im = im.resize((int(width),int(height)))
		self.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im)
		self.panel = Canvas(parent, width = width, height = height)
		self.panel.create_image(0,0,image = self.image, anchor = NW)

		self.popup = Button(text = _('EXPERIMENTS'), bg=pgreen)
		self.popup.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.pop_expt_menu)
		self.panel.create_window(width/2, height-20, window = self.popup, anchor = CENTER)
		self.panel.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.clicked)
		self.panel.bind("<ButtonRelease-3>", self.pop_expt_menu)
		self.panel.pack(side=TOP, anchor=SW)

		for i in self.LE:				# Text Entry Fields on left
			x,y = self.xyfromi(i)
			self.tw[i] = Entry(width = 8, bg = 'white', fg='blue')
			self.tw[i].bind("<Return>", self.process)
			self.tw[i].bind("<KP_Enter>", self.process)
			self.panel.create_window(3.5*self.fw, y, window = self.tw[i], anchor = W)

		for i in self.LL:				# Label widgets on left
			x,y = self.xyfromi(i)
			self.tw[i] = Label(width = 8, bg = pgreen, fg='blue', bd=1)
			self.tw[i].bind("<Return>", self.process)
			self.tw[i].bind("<KP_Enter>", self.process)
			if i == 8: y -= 12
			self.panel.create_window(3.5*self.fw, y, window = self.tw[i], anchor = W)

		for i in self.RE:				# Text Entry Fields on right
			x,y = self.xyfromi(i)
			self.tw[i] = Entry(width = 8, bg = 'white', fg='blue')
			self.tw[i].bind("<Return>", self.process)
			self.tw[i].bind("<KP_Enter>", self.process)
			self.panel.create_window(width-3*self.fw, y, window = self.tw[i], anchor = E)

		for i in self.RL:				# Text Entry Fields on right
			x,y = self.xyfromi(i)
			self.tw[i] = Label(width = 8, bg = pgreen, fg='blue', bd=1)
			self.tw[i].bind("<Return>", self.process)
			self.tw[i].bind("<KP_Enter>", self.process)
			if i == 27 or i == 22: y -= 12
			self.panel.create_window(width-3*self.fw, y, window = self.tw[i], anchor = E)

		for i in range(2):
			x,y = self.xyfromi(i+3)
			self.doutval[i] = IntVar()
			self.doutCB[i] = Checkbutton(bg = 'red', variable = self.doutval[i], \
					command = lambda i=i : self.checked(i))
			self.panel.create_window(3.5*self.fw, y, window = self.doutCB[i], anchor = W)

			x,y = self.xyfromi(28)
			self.panel.create_line([width-self.fw, y, width-3*self.fw, y+self.fh/2], fill= pgreen)
			x,y = self.xyfromi(23)
			self.panel.create_line([width-self.fw, y, width-3*self.fw, y+self.fh/2], fill= pgreen)
			x,y = self.xyfromi(7)
			self.panel.create_line([self.fw, y, 3.5*self.fw, y+self.fh/2], fill= pgreen)

		x,y = self.xyfromi(1)
		self.FRB = Button(bg = 'gray', text ='F', padx=0, pady=0,	command = self.freq_id0)
		self.panel.create_window(3.0*self.fw, y, window = self.FRB, anchor = W)
		self.DCB = Button(bg = 'gray', text ='%', padx=0, pady=0,	command = self.duty_cycle)
		self.panel.create_window(5.5*self.fw, y, window = self.DCB, anchor = W)
		x,y = self.xyfromi(15)
		self.FRB = Button(bg = 'gray', text ='F', padx=0, pady=0,	command = self.freq_ampin)
		self.panel.create_window(3.0*self.fw, y, window = self.FRB, anchor = W)
		x,y = self.xyfromi(22)
		self.FRB = Button(bg = 'gray', text ='F', padx=0, pady=0,	command = self.freq_adc5)
		self.panel.create_window(width-6.2*self.fw, y, window = self.FRB, anchor = SW)
		self.looping = True
コード例 #7
ファイル: explore.py プロジェクト: raviola/expeyes
		NC =2
		NC = 1

def lissa_mode():
	global lissa,delay, NP, NC, VPERDIV
	lissa = LIZ.get()
	if lissa == 1:
		lissa = True
		g.setWorld(0,-5*VPERDIV, NP * delay * 0.001, 5*VPERDIV,_('mS'),'V')	# Restore old scale
		lissa = False

#-----------------------------main program starts here-----------------------------
for k in range(10):		# Test the hardware availability by by running another program.
	stat,out = commands.getstatusoutput('python '+ eyeplot.abs_path() + 'hwtest.py')
	if stat == 0:

pe = eyes.open()			# Try several times to make a connection
root = Tk()

left = Frame(root)			# Divide root window into Left and Right
left.pack(side=LEFT, anchor = S)
right = Frame(root)
right.pack(side = LEFT, anchor = S, fill = Y),

w=eyePanel(left, pe, WIDTH, HEIGHT)		# Panel photograph to the Left Panel
g = eyeplot.graph(right, WIDTH*1.05, HEIGHT*2./3,color = 'white', labels=False)  # Plot window 
g.setWorld(0,-5*VPERDIV, NP * delay * 0.001, 5*VPERDIV,_('mS'),'V')
コード例 #8
ファイル: explore.py プロジェクト: ArunJayan/expeyes-programs
        w.eye = eyes.open()    # Open hardware port again
        showhelp('Finished ' + expt)
        #print abs_path() + expt+'.py'
        stat,out = subprocess.getstatusoutput('python '+ eyeplot.abs_path() + expt+'.py')
        if stat != 0:
            showhelp('Finished "'+expt+'.py"')

#-----------------------------main program starts here-----------------------------
if __name__=="__main__":
    for k in range(20):        # Test the hardware availability by by running another program.
        stat,out = subprocess.getstatusoutput('python '+ eyeplot.abs_path() + 'hwtest.py')
        if stat == 0:

    pe = eyes.open()            # Try several times to make a connection
    root = Tk()

    left = Frame(root)            # Divide root window into Left and Right
    left.pack(side=LEFT, anchor = S)
    right = Frame(root)
    right.pack(side = LEFT, anchor = S, fill = Y)

    w=eyePanel(left, pe, WIDTH, HEIGHT)        # Panel photograph to the Left Panel
    g = eyeplot.graph(right, WIDTH*1.05, HEIGHT*2./3,color = 'white', labels=False)  # Plot window 
    g.setWorld(0,-5*VPERDIV, NP * delay * 0.001, 5*VPERDIV,'mS','V')
コード例 #9
        #print abs_path() + expt+'.py'
        stat, out = subprocess.getstatusoutput('python ' + eyeplot.abs_path() +
                                               expt + '.py')
        if stat != 0:
            showhelp('Finished "' + expt + '.py"')

#-----------------------------main program starts here-----------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
    for k in range(
    ):  # Test the hardware availability by by running another program.
        stat, out = subprocess.getstatusoutput('python ' + eyeplot.abs_path() +
        if stat == 0:

    pe = eyes.open()  # Try several times to make a connection
    root = Tk()

    left = Frame(root)  # Divide root window into Left and Right
    left.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=S)
    right = Frame(root)
    right.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=S, fill=Y)

    w = eyePanel(left, pe, WIDTH, HEIGHT)  # Panel photograph to the Left Panel
    g = eyeplot.graph(right,
コード例 #10
ファイル: explore.py プロジェクト: wavicles/expeyes-programs
	def __init__(self, parent, handle, width=WIDTH, height = HEIGHT):
		self.eye = handle 
		self.parent = parent
		self.width = width
		self.height = height
		self.border = BORDER				# Top and bottom self.border
		self.fw = float(width)/12.7			# field width
		self.fh = float(height - 2 * self.border)/16	# field height
		im = Image.open(eyeplot.abs_path()+ picture)
		im = im.resize((int(width),int(height)))
		self.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im)
		self.panel = Canvas(parent, width = width, height = height)
		self.panel.create_image(0,0,image = self.image, anchor = NW)

		self.popup = Button(text = _('EXPERIMENTS'), bg=pgreen)
		self.popup.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.pop_expt_menu)
		self.panel.create_window(width/2, height-20, window = self.popup, anchor = CENTER)
		self.panel.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.clicked)
		self.panel.bind("<ButtonRelease-3>", self.pop_expt_menu)
		self.panel.pack(side=TOP, anchor=SW)

		for i in self.LE:				# Text Entry Fields on left
			x,y = self.xyfromi(i)
			self.tw[i] = Entry(width = 8, bg = 'white', fg='blue')
			self.tw[i].bind("<Return>", self.process)
			self.tw[i].bind("<KP_Enter>", self.process)
			self.panel.create_window(3.5*self.fw, y, window = self.tw[i], anchor = W)

		for i in self.LL:				# Label widgets on left
			x,y = self.xyfromi(i)
			self.tw[i] = Label(width = 8, bg = pgreen, fg='blue', bd=1)
			self.tw[i].bind("<Return>", self.process)
			self.tw[i].bind("<KP_Enter>", self.process)
			if i == 8: y -= 12
			self.panel.create_window(3.5*self.fw, y, window = self.tw[i], anchor = W)

		for i in self.RE:				# Text Entry Fields on right
			x,y = self.xyfromi(i)
			self.tw[i] = Entry(width = 8, bg = 'white', fg='blue')
			self.tw[i].bind("<Return>", self.process)
			self.tw[i].bind("<KP_Enter>", self.process)
			self.panel.create_window(width-3*self.fw, y, window = self.tw[i], anchor = E)

		for i in self.RL:				# Text Entry Fields on right
			x,y = self.xyfromi(i)
			self.tw[i] = Label(width = 8, bg = pgreen, fg='blue', bd=1)
			self.tw[i].bind("<Return>", self.process)
			self.tw[i].bind("<KP_Enter>", self.process)
			if i == 27 or i == 22: y -= 12
			self.panel.create_window(width-3*self.fw, y, window = self.tw[i], anchor = E)

		for i in range(2):
			x,y = self.xyfromi(i+3)
			self.doutval[i] = IntVar()
			self.doutCB[i] = Checkbutton(bg = 'red', variable = self.doutval[i], \
					command = lambda i=i : self.checked(i))
			self.panel.create_window(3.5*self.fw, y, window = self.doutCB[i], anchor = W)

			x,y = self.xyfromi(28)
			self.panel.create_line([width-self.fw, y, width-3*self.fw, y+self.fh/2], fill= pgreen)
			x,y = self.xyfromi(23)
			self.panel.create_line([width-self.fw, y, width-3*self.fw, y+self.fh/2], fill= pgreen)
			x,y = self.xyfromi(7)
			self.panel.create_line([self.fw, y, 3.5*self.fw, y+self.fh/2], fill= pgreen)

		x,y = self.xyfromi(1)
		self.FRB = Button(bg = 'gray', text =_('F'), padx=0, pady=0,	command = self.freq_id0)
		self.panel.create_window(3.0*self.fw, y, window = self.FRB, anchor = W)
		self.DCB = Button(bg = 'gray', text ='%', padx=0, pady=0,	command = self.duty_cycle)
		self.panel.create_window(5.5*self.fw, y, window = self.DCB, anchor = W)
		x,y = self.xyfromi(15)
		self.FRB = Button(bg = 'gray', text =_('F'), padx=0, pady=0,	command = self.freq_ampin)
		self.panel.create_window(3.0*self.fw, y, window = self.FRB, anchor = W)
		x,y = self.xyfromi(22)
		self.FRB = Button(bg = 'gray', text =_('F'), padx=0, pady=0,	command = self.freq_adc5)
		self.panel.create_window(width-6.2*self.fw, y, window = self.FRB, anchor = SW)
		self.looping = True
コード例 #11
ファイル: explore.py プロジェクト: wavicles/expeyes-programs
		NC =2
		NC = 1

def lissa_mode():
	global lissa,delay, NP, NC, VPERDIV
	lissa = LIZ.get()
	if lissa == 1:
		lissa = True
		g.setWorld(0,-5*VPERDIV, NP * delay * 0.001, 5*VPERDIV,_('mS'),_('V'))	# Restore old scale
		lissa = False

#-----------------------------main program starts here-----------------------------
for k in range(10):		# Test the hardware availability by by running another program.
	stat,out = commands.getstatusoutput('python '+ eyeplot.abs_path() + 'hwtest.py')
	if stat == 0:

pe = eyes.open()			# Try several times to make a connection
root = Tk()

left = Frame(root)			# Divide root window into Left and Right
left.pack(side=LEFT, anchor = S)
right = Frame(root)
right.pack(side = LEFT, anchor = S, fill = Y),

w=eyePanel(left, pe, WIDTH, HEIGHT)		# Panel photograph to the Left Panel
g = eyeplot.graph(right, WIDTH*1.05, HEIGHT*2./3,color = 'white', labels=False)  # Plot window 
g.setWorld(0,-5*VPERDIV, NP * delay * 0.001, 5*VPERDIV,_('mS'),_('V'))
コード例 #12
ファイル: explore.py プロジェクト: emnik/expeyes-programs
        NC = 1

def lissa_mode():
    global lissa, delay, NP, NC, VPERDIV
    lissa = LIZ.get()
    if lissa == 1:
        lissa = True
        g.setWorld(0, -5 * VPERDIV, NP * delay * 0.001, 5 * VPERDIV, _("mS"), _("V"))  # Restore old scale
        lissa = False

# -----------------------------main program starts here-----------------------------
for k in range(10):  # Test the hardware availability by by running another program.
    stat, out = commands.getstatusoutput("python " + eyeplot.abs_path() + "hwtest.py")
    if stat == 0:

pe = eyes.open()  # Try several times to make a connection
root = Tk()

left = Frame(root)  # Divide root window into Left and Right
left.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=S)
right = Frame(root)
right.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=S, fill=Y),

w = eyePanel(left, pe, WIDTH, HEIGHT)  # Panel photograph to the Left Panel
g = eyeplot.graph(right, WIDTH * 1.05, HEIGHT * 2.0 / 3, color="white", labels=False)  # Plot window
g.setWorld(0, -5 * VPERDIV, NP * delay * 0.001, 5 * VPERDIV, _("mS"), _("V"))