コード例 #1
    def is_due(self, margin=timedelta(minutes=5)):
        """Returns True if the dataset's schedule demands a new parcel.

        The margin parameter will be subtracted from the scheduled interval,
        making the dataset due sooner than it otherwise would be. This is so
        that if you're running this tool via cron on, say, a daily schedule,
        and your exports are set to "1 day" intervals, they'll still be "due"
        even if the previous export actually happened slightly less than a day

        Due date is determined using the date of the most recent extant
        complete parcel (incomplete parcels are NOT counted) and the
        "interval" property in config.toml.
        If interval is not configured, this method returns False.

        Interval should be a string such as "1 day", "3 hours", etc.
        cfg = self.read_config()
        delta_str = cfg.get('interval', None)
        if not delta_str:
            return False
        delta = _interval.parse_delta(delta_str) - margin

        pas = [pa for pa in self.parcel_accessors() if pa.is_complete()]
        if not pas:
            return True
        last = pas[-1].datetime
        now = datetime.now(last.tzinfo)
        return (now - last) >= delta
コード例 #2
def test_empty():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
コード例 #3
def test_short():
    assert (parse_delta('1w2d3h4m5s')
            == timedelta(weeks=1, days=2, hours=3, minutes=4, seconds=5))
コード例 #4
def test_all():
    assert (parse_delta('1 week 2 days 3 hours 4 minutes 5 seconds')
            == timedelta(weeks=1, days=2, hours=3, minutes=4, seconds=5))
コード例 #5
def test_comma():
    assert (parse_delta('3 minutes, 5 seconds')
            == timedelta(minutes=3, seconds=5))
コード例 #6
def test_multi():
    assert (parse_delta('3 minutes 5 seconds')
            == timedelta(minutes=3, seconds=5))
コード例 #7
def test_invalid_chars():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        parse_delta('3 minutes + 5 seconds')
コード例 #8
def test_blank():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        parse_delta(' \t ')