def __init__(self, settings, thread_count=1): import expresso.pycas as pc super(Fresnel2D, self).__init__(settings) self._thread_count = thread_count self._set_initial_field(settings) pe = settings.partial_differential_equation x, y, z = settings.partial_differential_equation.coordinates R, = self._get_evaluators([pc.exp(pe.F * z.step)], settings, return_type=pc.Types.Complex) D = pc.numpyfy( self._evaluate(pc.exp(-pe.A * z.step * (pc.Symbol('kx')**2)), settings)) if self._F_is_constant_in_z: self.__R_step = R(*self._get_indices()) else: self.__R = R import numpy as np fx = 2 * np.pi / (self._nx * self._get_as(x.step, float, settings)) kx = fx * (self._nx / 2. - np.abs(np.arange(self._nx) - self._nx / 2.)) self.__D_step = D(kx=kx, **self._get_indices_dict())
def __init__(self,settings,thread_count = None): super(FresnelPropagator2D,self).__init__(settings) if thread_count == None: import multiprocessing thread_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() self._thread_count = thread_count self._set_initial_field(settings) pe = settings.partial_differential_equation x,y,z = settings.partial_differential_equation.coordinates import expresso.pycas as pc R, = self._get_evaluators([pc.exp(pe.F*z.step)],settings,return_type=pc.Types.Complex,parallel=not self._F_is_constant_in_z) if self._F_is_constant_in_z: self.__R_step = R(*self._get_coordinates()) else: self.__R = R D = pc.numpyfy( self._evaluate( pc.exp(-z.step*(pe.A * pc.Symbol('kx')**2 + pe.C * pc.Symbol('ky')**2)) ,settings) ) import numpy as np fx = 2*np.pi/(self._nx*self._get_as(x.step,float,settings)) fy = 2*np.pi/(self._ny*self._get_as(y.step,float,settings)) ky,kx = np.meshgrid( fy*( self._ny/2.-np.abs(np.arange(self._ny)-self._ny/2.) ), fx*( self._nx/2.-np.abs(np.arange(self._nx)-self._nx/2.) ) ) self.__D_step = D(kx=kx,ky=ky,**self._get_coordinate_dict())
def __init__(self,settings): super(FiniteDifferencesPropagator2D,self).__init__(settings) from _pypropagate import finite_difference_acF,finite_difference_a0F pde = settings.partial_differential_equation sb = settings.simulation_box self._2step = settings.get_numeric( pc.equal(pde.C, 0) ) != pc.S(True) sf = 0.5 if self._2step else 1 if self._2step: ra = settings.get_as(pde.ra*sf,complex) rc = settings.get_as(pde.rc*sf,complex) else: ra = pc.numpyfy(settings.get_unitless(pde.ra))(**{ + '_i':range(self._ny)}) z,dz = sb.coordinates[2].symbol,sb.coordinates[2].step evaluators = self._get_evaluators([ (pde.rf*sf), (pde.rf*sf).subs(z,z-dz*sf), pde.u_boundary, pde.u_boundary.subs(z,z-dz*sf) ], settings,return_type=pc.Types.Complex,compile_to_c = True,parallel=True) self.__rf = evaluators[:2] self.__u_boundary = evaluators[2:] self._solver = finite_difference_acF() if self._2step else finite_difference_a0F() self._solver.resize(self._nx,self._ny) if self._2step: self._solver.ra = ra self._solver.rc = rc else: self._solver.ra.as_numpy()[:] = ra d,u,l,r = [(self._get_x_coordinates(),np.zeros(self._nx,dtype = np.uint)), (self._get_x_coordinates(),np.ones(self._nx,dtype = np.uint)*(self._ny-1)), (np.zeros(self._ny,dtype = np.uint), self._get_y_coordinates()), (np.ones(self._ny,dtype = np.uint)*(self._nx-1),self._get_y_coordinates())] self.__boundary_values = [np.concatenate([v[0] for v in d,u,l,r]), np.concatenate([v[1] for v in d,u,l,r]), np.zeros(2*self._nx+2*self._ny,dtype=np.uint)] self._set_initial_field(settings) self._reset()
def __init__(self, settings, thread_count=None): super(Fresnel3D, self).__init__(settings) if thread_count == None: import multiprocessing thread_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() self._thread_count = thread_count pe = settings.partial_differential_equation x, y, z = settings.partial_differential_equation.coordinates import expresso.pycas as pc R, = self._get_evaluators([pc.exp(pe.F * z.step)], settings, return_type=pc.Types.Complex, parallel=not self._F_is_constant_in_z) if self._F_is_constant_in_z: self.__R_step = R(*self._get_indices()) else: self.__R = R D = pc.numpyfy( self._evaluate( pc.exp( -z.step * (pe.A * pc.Symbol('kx')**2 + pe.C * pc.Symbol('ky')**2)), settings)) import numpy as np fx = 2 * np.pi / (self._nx * self._get_as(x.step, float, settings)) fy = 2 * np.pi / (self._ny * self._get_as(y.step, float, settings)) ky, kx = np.meshgrid( fy * (self._ny / 2. - np.abs(np.arange(self._ny) - self._ny / 2.)), fx * (self._nx / 2. - np.abs(np.arange(self._nx) - self._nx / 2.))) self.__C_is_zero = settings.get_numeric(pe.C) == pc.S(0) self.__D_step = D(kx=kx, ky=ky, **self._get_indices_dict()) self._set_initial_field(settings)
def __init__(self, settings, thread_count=1): import expresso.pycas as pc import numpy as np pe = settings.partial_differential_equation x, y, z = settings.partial_differential_equation.coordinates xi = getattr(settings.simulation_box, + 'i') self.__ximin = float(settings.get_unitless(xi.subs(x.symbol, 0))) self.__ximax = float(settings.get_unitless(xi.subs(x.symbol, x.max))) self.__sx = self.__ximax - self.__ximin super(FresnelCS, self).__init__(settings) self._thread_count = thread_count self._set_initial_field(settings) R, = self._get_evaluators([pc.exp(pe.F * z.step)], settings, return_type=pc.Types.Complex) D = pc.numpyfy( self._evaluate(pc.exp(-pe.A * z.step * (pc.Symbol('kx')**2)), settings)) if self._F_is_constant_in_z: self.__R_step = R(*self._get_indices()) else: self.__R = R kx = hankel_freq(self._nx) * ((self._nx - 1) * 1. / self.__sx) self.__D_step = D(kx=kx, **self._get_indices_dict()) self.__hankel_resample_matrix = hankel_resample_matrix( self._nx, (np.arange(self._nx) - self.__ximin) * (self._nx * 1. / self.__sx), cache_key=(self._nx, self.__ximin, self.__sx), xmax=self._nx)
def __init__(self,settings,thread_count=1): import expresso.pycas as pc super(FresnelPropagator1D,self).__init__(settings) self._thread_count = thread_count self._set_initial_field(settings) pe = settings.partial_differential_equation x,y,z = settings.partial_differential_equation.coordinates R, = self._get_evaluators([pc.exp(pe.F*z.step)],settings,return_type=pc.Types.Complex) D = pc.numpyfy( self._evaluate( pc.exp(-pe.A*z.step*(pc.Symbol('kx')**2)) , settings) ) if self._F_is_constant_in_z: self.__R_step = R(*self._get_coordinates()) else: self.__R = R import numpy as np fx = 2*np.pi/(self._nx*self._get_as(x.step,float,settings)) kx = fx*( self._nx/2.-np.abs(np.arange(self._nx)- self._nx/2.) ) self.__D_step = D(kx=kx,**self._get_coordinate_dict())
def analytical_circular_waveguide(settings): from pypropagate.coordinate_ndarray import CoordinateNDArray import expresso.pycas as pc import warnings import scipy.optimize import scipy.integrate from scipy.special import j0, j1, k0, k1 import numpy as np from numpy import sqrt, ceil, pi, sign, cos, sin, exp, sum, abs s = settings.symbols r = settings.waveguide.r dx = float(settings.get_numeric(s.dx / r)) kn = float(settings.get_numeric(s.k * r)) n1 = settings.get_as(settings.waveguide.n_1, complex) n2 = settings.get_as(settings.waveguide.n_2, complex) R = 1 # We will determine um for all guided modes as the roots of the characteristic equation: def char(kappa): gamma = sqrt(kn**2 * (n1.real**2 - n2.real**2) - kappa**2) return gamma * k1(gamma * R) * j0(kappa * R) - kappa * j1( kappa * R) * k0(gamma * R) kappa_max = kn * sqrt(n1.real**2 - n2.real**2) # Dimensionless waveguide paramter V = kn * R * sqrt(n1.real**2 - n2.real**2) # V determines the number of guided modes N = ceil(V / pi) # Now find all N roots of the characteristic equation kappa_values = [] segments = N with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") while len(kappa_values) < N and segments < 10000: segments = segments * 2 kappa_values = [] xsegs = np.linspace(0, kappa_max, segments) for interval in [(xi, xj) for xi, xj in zip(xsegs[1:], xsegs[:-1])]: va, vb = char(np.array(interval)) # Check if values for interval boundaries are finite and have opposite sign if np.isfinite(va) and np.isfinite( vb) and sign(va) != sign(vb): # There might be a root in the interval. Find it using Brent's method! kappa, res = scipy.optimize.brentq(char, interval[0], interval[1], full_output=True) # Check that point converged and value is small (we might have converged to a pole instead) if kappa != 0 and res.converged and abs(char(kappa)) < 1: kappa_values.append(kappa) # Reactivate warnings warnings.resetwarnings() kappa_values = np.array(kappa_values) # Define the guided modes def psi(kappa, r): gamma = sqrt(kn**2 * (n1.real**2 - n2.real**2) - kappa**2) return np.piecewise(r, [r < R, r >= R], [ lambda r: j0(kappa * r), lambda r: j0(kappa * R) * k0(gamma * r) / k0(gamma * R) ]) # Normalize the modes by integrating the intensity of the guided modes over R^2 B_values = [ (2 * pi * scipy.integrate.quad(lambda r: abs(psi(kappa, r))**2 * r, 0, R)[0] + (2 * pi * scipy.integrate.quad(lambda r: abs(psi(kappa, r))**2 * r, R, np.inf)[0]))**(-0.5) for kappa in kappa_values ] #Project the modes onto the symmetrical initial condition u0 = pc.numpyfy(settings.get_numeric(s.u0.subs(s.y, 0).subs(s.x, s.x * r)), restype=float) c_values = [ B**2 * 2 * pi * (scipy.integrate.quad(lambda r: psi(kappa, r) * u0(x=r) * r, 0, R)[0] + scipy.integrate.quad(lambda r: psi(kappa, r) * u0(x=r) * r, R, np.inf)[0]) for kappa, B in zip(kappa_values, B_values) ] # Integrate mu mu_values = np.array([ 2 * pi * scipy.integrate.quad( lambda r: abs(psi(kappa, r) * B)**2 * kn * n1.imag * r, 0, R)[0] + 2 * pi * scipy.integrate.quad( lambda r: abs(psi(kappa, r) * B)**2 * kn * n2.imag * r, R, np.inf)[0] for kappa, B in zip(kappa_values, B_values) ]) beta_values = sqrt(n1.real**2 * kn**2 - kappa_values**2) # The full solution is the superposition of the guided modes def field(x, r): solution = None for i in range(len(kappa_values)): mode = c_values[i] * psi(kappa_values[i], np.abs(r)) * exp( (1j * (beta_values[i] - kn) + mu_values[i]) * x) if solution is None: solution = mode else: solution += mode return solution linspace = lambda a, b, N: np.linspace(a, b, int(N)) x_values = linspace( *settings.get_as((s.zmin / r, s.zmax / r, s.Nz), float)) r_values = linspace( *settings.get_as((s.xmin / r, s.xmax / r, s.Nx), float)) data = np.conjugate(field(*np.meshgrid(x_values, r_values))) sx = settings.get_numeric( sz = settings.get_numeric( res = CoordinateNDArray(data, [(-sx / 2, sx / 2), (0, sz)], (s.x, s.z), settings.get_numeric_transform()) return res
def analytical_slab_waveguide(settings): from pypropagate.coordinate_ndarray import CoordinateNDArray import expresso.pycas as pc from pypropagate import expression_to_array import scipy.optimize import scipy.integrate from scipy.special import j0, j1, k0, k1 import numpy as np from numpy import sqrt, ceil, pi, sign, cos, sin, exp, tan, sum, abs import warnings s = settings.symbols r = settings.waveguide.r k = float(settings.get_numeric(s.k * r)) n1 = settings.get_as(settings.waveguide.n_1, complex) n2 = settings.get_as(settings.waveguide.n_2, complex) d = 2 dx = settings.get_as(s.dx / r, float) # We will determine um for all guided modes as the roots of the characteristic equation: def Char(kappa): gamma = sqrt((n1.real**2 - n2.real**2) * k**2 - kappa**2) return kappa * tan(kappa * d / 2) - gamma kappa_max = sqrt(n1.real**2 - n2.real**2) * k # maximum number of guided modes N = ceil(d * kappa_max / (2 * pi)) # Now find roots of the characteristic equation by searching intervals kappa_values = [] segments = N with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") while len(kappa_values) < N: segments = segments * 2 if segments > 10000: break kappa_values = [] xsegs = np.linspace(0, kappa_max, segments) for interval in [(xi, xj) for xi, xj in zip(xsegs[1:], xsegs[:-1])]: va, vb = Char(np.array(interval)) # Check if values for interval boundaries are finite and have opposite sign if np.isfinite(va) and np.isfinite( vb) and sign(va) != sign(vb): # There might be a root in the interval. Find it using Brent's method! kappa, res = scipy.optimize.brentq(Char, interval[0], interval[1], full_output=True) # Check that point converged and value is small (we might have converged to a pole instead) if kappa != 0 and res.converged and abs(Char(kappa)) < 1: kappa_values.append(kappa) kappa_values = np.array(kappa_values) # Define the guided modes def psi(kappa, r): gamma = sqrt((n1.real**2 - n2.real**2) * k**2 - kappa**2) return cos(kappa * r) * (r * 2 <= d) + cos(kappa * d / 2) * exp( -gamma * (r - d / 2)) * (r * 2 > d) # Normalize the modes by integrating the intensity of the guided modes over R B_values = [(2 * scipy.integrate.quad(lambda r: abs(psi(kappa, r))**2, 0, np.inf)[0])**(-0.5) for kappa in kappa_values] #Project the modes onto the symmetrical initial condition u0 = pc.numpyfy(settings.get_numeric(s.u0.subs(s.y, 0).subs(s.x, s.x * r)), restype=float) c_values = [ 2 * B**2 * scipy.integrate.quad(lambda r: psi(kappa, r) * u0(x=r), 0, np.inf)[0] for kappa, B in zip(kappa_values, B_values) ] # Determine attenuation coeffcients mu_values = np.array([ 2 * B**2 * k * (scipy.integrate.quad(lambda r: abs(psi(kappa, r))**2 * n1.imag, 0, d / 2)[0] + scipy.integrate.quad(lambda r: abs(psi(kappa, r))**2 * n2.imag, d / 2, np.inf)[0]) for kappa, B in zip(kappa_values, B_values) ]) # The full solution is the superposition of the guided modes def field(x, r): solution = None for c, b, kappa, mu in zip(c_values, B_values, kappa_values, mu_values): beta = sqrt(k**2 * n1.real**2 - kappa**2) mode = c * psi(kappa, r) * exp((mu + 1j * (beta - k)) * x) if solution is None: solution = mode else: solution += mode return solution linspace = lambda a, b, N: np.linspace(a, b, int(N)) x_values = linspace( *settings.get_as((s.zmin / r, s.zmax / r, s.Nz), float)) r_values = abs( linspace(*settings.get_as((s.xmin / r, s.xmax / r, s.Nx), float))) data = np.conjugate(field(*np.meshgrid(x_values, r_values))) sx = settings.get_numeric( sz = settings.get_numeric( res = CoordinateNDArray(data, [(-sx / 2, sx / 2), (0, sz)], (s.x, s.z), settings.get_numeric_transform()) return res