コード例 #1
ファイル: demo_drag.py プロジェクト: vcsrc/nanoengineer
def demo_drag_toolcorner_expr_maker(world):  #070106 improving the above
    # given an instance of World, return an expr for the "toolcorner" for use along with GraphDrawDemo_FixedToolOnArg1 (on the same World)
    expr = SimpleColumn(
                      "drag new nodes?",
        checkbox_pref(kluge_dragtool_state_prefs_key + "bla",
                      "make polyline?",
        checkbox_pref(kluge_dragtool_state_prefs_key + "bla2",
                      "(make it closed?)",
        ## ActionButton( world._cmd_Clear, "button: clear") # works
        # 070108: try this variant which uses _cmd_Clear_nontrivial: will the If work as an Expr?? If_kluge should tell us #####k
        ####k also will the type tests inside ActionButton work with an If? Probably not -- that's a ###BUG but I'll put it off.
        ## 1. make this work later: ActionButton( world._cmd_Clear, If_kluge( world._cmd_Clear_nontrivial, "button: clear", "button (disabled): clear"))
        ##          2. this too: If_kluge( world._cmd_Clear_nontrivial,
        ##                  ActionButton( world._cmd_Clear, "button: clear"),
        ##                  ActionButton( world._cmd_Clear, "button (disabled): clear")
        ##         )
            getattr_Expr(world, '_cmd_Clear_nontrivial'),
            ActionButton(world._cmd_Clear, "button: clear"),
                         "button (disabled): clear",
        )  # works, though text change is so slow I suspect there's actually a highlighting or update bug making it appear even slower...
        # update 070109: the bug seems to be that as long as the mouse stays on the button, it remains highlighted with the old highlight form.
    return expr
コード例 #2
class whatever(DelegatingInstanceOrExpr):  ###e rename
    # simulates the env that demo_ui will provide (stub version, evolving to be more like it)
    ui_and_world = Instance(World())  #####
    ###e following needs to permit cmd_DrawOnSurface to vary
    # (at least let it also be cmd_MakeRect; use a menu of options? or use one ActionButton per command, since more like a toolbar?)
    # -- but with Instance inside the variation, I think --
    # ie it should be a map from the desired cmd expr to the cmd instance -- or, make a new one each time, so it's a cmdrun...
    # maybe see how demo_ui/toolbar was planning to do it... ###e
    toolbar = SimpleColumn(
            _self.do_cmd_DrawOnSurface, "button: cmd_DrawOnSurface"
        ),  #e make the text from the command #e the running one should look pressed
        ActionButton(_self.do_cmd_MakeRect, "button: cmd_MakeRect"),
    )  ###e show it where? above PM for now?
    current_cmdrun = State(
        Anything, None
    )  # what is actually in here? an Instance of a "command run",   [btw is None needed??]

    # or of a command obj that handles multiple runs (ie a command_runner?)... up to it to not get messed up if that happens
    # (and for now, unfortunately, not remaking it is probably a significant speed optim)
    # (so should we let an outer command handler have the PM and get reused, but an inner CommandRun get remade? why bother?)
    def do_cmd_DrawOnSurface(
    ):  #e which name is better: do_cmd or set_cmd? depends on type of command!

    def do_cmd_MakeRect(self):

    def _do_cmd(self, cmd):
        "set self.current_cmdrun, etc..."
        # do we make a new one if button pressed when one already running?? yes for now.
        self.current_cmdrun = self.Instance(
            id(cmd))  #e cache that expr? index ok? why cache instance?
        #old cmt: #e args? world? new object? does its super handle some? Command vs CommandRun?

    pm = current_cmdrun.property_manager
    corner_stuff = SimpleColumn(toolbar, pm)
    delegate = Overlay(
        DrawInCorner(corner_stuff, corner=PM_CORNER),

    def _init_instance(self):
        super(whatever, self)._init_instance()
        )  # or at least set some command, preferably a "null" or "default" one
        # note that this resets the current tool state on reload -- not really desirable;
        # how was demo_ui planning to handle that? ###k

コード例 #3
class test_StateArrayRefs_2(DelegatingInstanceOrExpr):  # testexpr_35a
    indices = range(4)
    ## heights = StateArrayRefs(Width, ORIGIN) ###KLUGE for now: this contains heights * DZ as Vectors, not just heights
    heights = StateArrayRefs(Width, 0.0)

    def _height_dragger_for_index(self, index):
        stateref = StateArrayRefs_getitem_as_stateref(self.heights, index)
        #e change to self.heights.getitem_as_stateref(index)? self.heights._staterefs[index]?? self.heights[index]???
        newindex = ('_height_dragger_for_index', index)
        return self.Instance(_height_dragger(stateref), newindex)

    delegate = SimpleRow(
            _self._height_dragger_for_index,  ###k _self needed??
        #e SimpleGrid? 2d form of MapListToExpr?
            _self.printit, "button: print state"
        )  ###e idea: define on special attr, let UI assemble debug info viewer

    def printit(self):  #e can PrintAction do this for us?
            h.value for i, h in sorted_items(self.heights)
        ]  ###KLUGE, assumes they're StateRefs -- maybe just rename StateArray -> StateArrayRefs

コード例 #4
class test_StateArrayRefs_3( DelegatingInstanceOrExpr): # testexpr_35b, _35c
    indices = range(3)
    heights = StateArrayRefs(Width, 0.0)
    direction = Arg(Vector, DX, "direction of permitted motion -- DZ is the goal but DX is easier for testing")
        ### DX for initial test (testexpr_35b), then DZ (testexpr_35c)
    range = Option(tuple_Expr, None, doc = "range limit of height")
    msg = Option(str, "drag along a line")
    def _height_dragger_for_index(self, index):
        stateref = StateArrayRefs_getitem_as_stateref( self.heights, index )
            #e change to self.heights.getitem_as_stateref(index)? self.heights._staterefs[index]?? self.heights[index]???
        newindex = ('_height_dragger_3_for_index', index) 
        return self.Instance( _height_dragger_3( stateref, self.direction,
                                                 sbar_text = "%s (#%r)" % (self.msg, index,),
                                                 range = self.range
                                                ), newindex )
    delegate = SimpleRow(
        MapListToExpr( _self._height_dragger_for_index, ###k _self needed??
                       KLUGE_for_passing_expr_classes_as_functions_to_ArgExpr(SimpleColumn) ),
                           #e SimpleGrid? 2d form of MapListToExpr?
        ActionButton( _self.printit, "button: print state") ###e idea: define on special attr, let UI assemble debug info viewer
    def printit(self): #e can PrintAction do this for us?
        print [h.value for i,h in sorted_items(self.heights)] ###KLUGE, assumes they're StateRefs -- maybe just rename StateArray -> StateArrayRefs