コード例 #1
def try_cli(command):
    """Try CLI command and exit if invalid"""

        return clicmd(command, True)
        print 'Script Error: Check Command Syntax'
コード例 #2
def version_check():
    pimage = True
    sh_switch = clicmd('show switch', True)
    ver = ''
    if 'Image Selected:   secondary' in sh_switch:
        pimage = False
    sh_switch = sh_switch.splitlines()
    for line in sh_switch:
        if (pimage and ('Primary ver:' in line)) or (not pimage and ('Secondary ver:' in line)):
            ver = line.split(':')
            ver = ver[1].strip()
    if ver == '':
        print FMT_ERROR.format('Problem detecting software version')
    elif ver.startswith('15.6') or ver.startswith('15.7'):
        return True
        return False
コード例 #3
ファイル: pause.py プロジェクト: davehammers/verizon
    def __call__(self):
        # just display the version and exit
        if self.args.version is True:
            print self.proc_name, "Version:", _version_

        # run these commands in sequence
        cmd_list = [
            ('show ports {} config port-number no-refresh'.format(self.args.ports), False),
            ('show ports {} utilization port-number packets'.format(self.args.ports), False),
            ('show port {} utilization port-number bytes'.format(self.args.ports), False),
            ('show port {} utilization port-number bandwidth'.format(self.args.ports), False),
            ('run script portsum.py {}'.format(self.args.ports), True),  # the script produces its own output
            ('show ports {} information detail'.format(self.args.ports), False),
            ('show ports {} wred no-refresh'.format(self.args.ports), False),
            ('show ports {} flow-control no-refresh'.format(self.args.ports), False),
            ('show ports {} qosmonitor no-refresh'.format(self.args.ports), False),
        for cmd, no_display in cmd_list:
            print '*' * 80
            print cmd
            if no_display:
                print exsh.clicmd(cmd, capture=True)
コード例 #4
def main():

    parser = ArgParser(prog='dhcp43.py', 
                       description="This script will generate the hex needed to configure EXOS's built-in DHCP server with option 43 for ZTP. "
                                   "It will also either provide the command to use, or configure the option on the specified VLAN.")

    parser.add_argument('-s', '--server_address', 
                            help='IP Address of TFTP server for sub-option 100. May be omitted if a URL is used for sub-option 101.', 
                            type=str, default="")

    parser.add_argument('-v', '--vlan_name',
                            help='VLAN to configure option 43 on. If this is included, the option 43 config will be added to the DHCP '
                                 'server configuration on this switch for this VLAN. If not, the config command will simply be printed.', 
                            type=str, default="")
                            help='Files to be downloaded. If the \'-s\' option is used, this may be simply be a file name. '
                                 'If the \'-s\' option is not used, this should be a full URL. (IE, tftp://',
                            type=str, nargs='+')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    vlan = args.vlan_name
    server = args.server_address
    files = args.files

    # Convert the IP address to hex, if it exists
    hex = []
    if len(server):
        ip = server.split('.')
        hex.append(binascii.hexlify(chr(100)))      #sub-option 100
        hex.append(binascii.hexlify(chr(4)))        #length = 4 bytes
        for i in ip:                                #convert each byte of the IP to hex

    # Convert the filenames/URLs to hex
    for i in files:
        hex.append(binascii.hexlify(chr(101)))      #sub-option 101
        hex.append(binascii.hexlify(chr(len(i))))   #length of filename/URL in bytes
        hex.append(binascii.hexlify(i))             #filename converted to hex

    #Generate the command needed to configure this:
    hex = ''.join(hex) #join all the hex into one string
    hex = ':'.join(hex[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(hex), 2)) #delimit the bytes with ':', like EXOS expects

    if len(vlan): #if a vlan was give do the configuration
        cmd = 'configure vlan {0} dhcp-options code 43 hex {1}'.format(vlan, hex)
    else:         #otherwise print the command
        vlan = '<vlan_name>'
        cmd = 'configure vlan {0} dhcp-options code 43 hex {1}'.format(vlan, hex)
        print cmd        
コード例 #5
ファイル: crcerror.py プロジェクト: jmillerneteng/lp3thw
def main():

	var1=exsh.clicmd("show ports stack-ports rxerrors no-refresh | i 1", capture=True)

	if var1>0:
		var5=exsh.clicmd("create log message \"RX errors are present on stack-port 1\"")
        var5=exsh.clicmd("clear counters port stack-ports")
コード例 #6
def port_check(port):
        ports_result = []
        cmd = 'debug cfgmgr show next vlan.show_ports_info portList={0} port=None'.format(port)
        result = json.loads(exsh.clicmd(cmd, capture=True))
        for status in result['data']:
        if 'ERROR' in ports_result:
            return False
            return True
    except RuntimeError as cmdMsg:
        print 'Error:', cmdMsg, ':', cmd
        exsh.clicmd('create log message "flow_mod.py: Error: cmd={0} : msg={1}"'.format(cmd, cmdMsg), capture=False)
        return False
コード例 #7
ファイル: exoslib.py プロジェクト: extremenetworks/exoslib
def port_is_valid(port):
    port = port.replace(' ', '')
    port_check = json.loads(exsh.clicmd('debug cfgmgr show next maximum-rows 1 vlan.show_ports_info portList={0}'.format(port), capture=True, xml=False))
    if port_check['data'][0]['status'] == 'SUCCESS':
        return True
        return False
コード例 #8
ファイル: exoslib.py プロジェクト: r3p3r/exoslib
def cfg_areas():
    Returns a list of config modules with non-default config
    Does not support user-created VRs.

    cfg_modules = []
    config = exsh.clicmd('show config', capture=True)
    config = config.splitlines(True)
    moduleName = ''
    moduleStr = ''
    configExist = False
    for line in config:
        if '#' not in line and line != '\n':
            moduleStr += line
            configExist = True
        elif configExist is True and '#' in line:
            moduleStr = line
            moduleName = ''
            configExist = False
        elif '#' in line:
            moduleStr += line
            configExist = False
            if '# Module ' in line:
                moduleName = line.replace('# Module ', '')
                moduleName = moduleName.replace(' configuration.\n', '')
                moduleName = moduleName.lower()
        elif configExist is True and line == '\n':
            moduleStr += line
            moduleStr = ''
    return cfg_modules
コード例 #9
def cmd2Dict(clicmd):
        some EXOS commands return not all info if you use cmd2data, e.g. show switch, this function helps in this case 
    aDict = {}
    tag = None
    value = ""
    data = exsh.clicmd(clicmd, capture=True)
    for line in data.split("\n"):
        if not line:
            # ignore empty lines
        if line[0] != " ":
            # this a tag line
            s = line.rstrip().split(":", 1)
            # cleanup the entries
            s = [t.strip() for t in s]
            if len(s) == 2:
                if tag:
                    # we need to save the old stuff
                    aDict[tag] = value
                tag = s[0]
                value = s[1]
                # should not happen, but if than we add it to the previous tag
                value += "\n" + s[0]
            # belongs to the previous tag
            value += "\n" + line.strip()
    if tag:
        # save the last tag too
        aDict[tag] = value
    return aDict
コード例 #10
    def __call__(self):
        DIAG_LOCK = '/usr/local/cfg/diag.lock'
        if isfile(DIAG_LOCK):
            # returning from a diagnostics reboot

        # create an EXOS process that starts diagnostics
        print >> stderr, "\nStarting Diagnostics\n"
        with open(DIAG_LOCK, 'w'):
        # create the EXOS expy backend process
        exsh.clicmd('create process {0} python-module {0} start on-demand'.format(PROCESS_NAME))

        slot_clause = ''
        exsh.clicmd('start process {0} {1}'.format(PROCESS_NAME, slot_clause))
コード例 #11
def port_active(port):
    port_status = json.loads(clicmd('debug cfgmgr show one vlan.show_ports_info formatted portList={0}'.format(port), capture=True))
    port_status = port_status['data'][0]['linkState']
    if port_status == '1':
        return True
        return False
コード例 #12
def port_active(port):
    port_status = json.loads(clicmd('debug cfgmgr show one vlan.show_ports_info formatted portList={0}'.format(port), capture=True))
    port_status = port_status['data'][0]['linkState']
    if port_status == '1':
        return True
        return False
コード例 #13
def cliCmd(cmd, arg=None, fmt=None): # Send a command, with optional args; fmt = None|raw|xml
    if fmt == 'xml':
        captFlag = False
        xmlFlag = True
    elif fmt == 'raw':
        captFlag = True
        xmlFlag = False
        captFlag = False
        xmlFlag = False
        output = exsh.clicmd(cmd, args=arg, capture=captFlag, xml=xmlFlag)
        debug("cliCmd -> {}".format(cmd))

    except RuntimeError as detail:
        print "RuntimeError:", detail
        print "Unable to execute CLI command '{}'".format(cmd)
        if arg: print " with arguments '{}'".foramt(arg)

    if fmt == 'xml':
        # because exsh.clicmd returns malformed XML
        output = '<xmldata>' + output + '</xmldata>'

    return output
コード例 #14
def try_cli(command):
    """Try CLI command and exit if invalid"""

        return clicmd(command, True)
        print 'Script Error: Check Command Syntax'
コード例 #15
def get_port_vlan_list(port):
    vlanRslt = json.loads(
            'debug cfgmgr show next vlan.show_ports_info_detail_vlans port={0} vlanIfInstance=None'
            .format(port), True))
    port_data = []
    for vlanRow in vlanRslt['data']:
    return port_data
コード例 #16
def get_vlan_ports(vlan):
    vlanportsRslt = json.loads(
        clicmd('debug cfgmgr show one vlan.vlanPort vlanName={0}'.format(vlan),

    return ({
        'untagged': str(vlanportsRslt['data'][0]['untaggedPorts']),
        'tagged': str(vlanportsRslt['data'][0]['taggedPorts'])
コード例 #17
ファイル: exoslib.py プロジェクト: extremenetworks/exoslib
def get_active_ports():
    active_list = []
    vlan_ports_info = json.loads(exsh.clicmd('debug cfgmgr show next vlan.show_ports_info port=None '
                                             'portList=*', capture=True, xml=False))
    for item in vlan_ports_info['data']:
        if item['linkState'] == '1':

    return active_list
コード例 #18
ファイル: exoslib.py プロジェクト: extremenetworks/exoslib
def halDebugCongestion():
    Returns CPU and fabric congestion for all switches in a stack.
	If the switch is a standalone it will report as slot 1.

    stackRslt = json.loads(exsh.clicmd('debug cfgmgr show next hal.halDebugCongestion formatted', True))
    slot_data = []
    for slot in stackRslt['data']:
        slot_data.append({'Slot' : str(slot['slot']), 'cpu_cng' : str(slot['cpu_cng']), 'fabric_cng' : str(slot['fabric_cng'])})
    return slot_data
コード例 #19
def get_switch_start_dates():
    Returns an array of strings containing the initial start date of each
    switch in the stack
    raw_out = exsh.clicmd("sho odometers", capture=True, xml=False)
    #odo_info = re.findall('[a-zA-z]{3}-\d+-\d+', raw_out)
    odo_info = re.findall('Switch.*', raw_out)
    odo_info = [re.findall('[a-zA-z]{3}-\d+-\d+', line)[0] \
                for line in odo_info]
    return odo_info
コード例 #20
ファイル: exoslib.py プロジェクト: extremenetworks/exoslib
def get_vlans():
    Returns a list of all VLANs created on the switch

    output = json.loads(exsh.clicmd('debug cfgmgr show next vlan.vlan', capture=True))
    output = output['data']
    vlans = []
    for item in output:
    return set(vlans)
コード例 #21
ファイル: showlag.py プロジェクト: extremenetworks/EXOS_Apps
    def json_clicmd(self, cmd):
        # issue debug cfgmgr CLI command to EXOS and return the JSON data
        json_result = exsh.clicmd(cmd, capture=True)

            json_dict = json.loads(json_result)
            self.log.debug('JSON format error')
            return None, None
        # extract and return the data list
        return (json_dict.get("class"), json_dict.get("data"))
コード例 #22
    def get_exos_json_data(self, cmd):
        # run the command that returns JSON results
        result = exsh.clicmd(cmd, True)

        # convert the results to JSON
            json_result = json.loads(result)
            return []

        # return the list of dictionaries
        return json_result.get('data', [])
コード例 #23
    def json_clicmd(self, cmd):
        # issue debug cfgmgr CLI command to EXOS and return the JSON data
        json_result = exsh.clicmd(cmd, capture=True)

            json_dict = json.loads(json_result)
            self.log.debug('JSON format error')
            return None, None
        # extract and return the data list
        return (json_dict.get("class"), json_dict.get("data"))
コード例 #24
    def get_exos_json_data(self, cmd):
        # run the command that returns JSON results
        result = exsh.clicmd(cmd, True)

        # convert the results to JSON
            json_result = json.loads(result)
            return []

        # return the list of dictionaries
        return json_result.get('data', [])
コード例 #25
ファイル: autoexec.py プロジェクト: davehammers/verizon
    def __call__(self):
        # cleanup from previous run
            exsh.clicmd('delete process {}'.format(self.process_name))
        except Exception:

        if isfile(self.diag_lock):
            # returning from a diagnostics reboot

        # create an EXOS process that starts diagnostics
        print >> stderr, "\nStarting Diagnostics\n"
        with open(self.diag_lock, 'w'):
        # create the EXOS expy backend process
            'create process {0} python-module {0} start on-demand'.format(

        slot_clause = ''
        exsh.clicmd('start process {0} {1}'.format(self.process_name,
コード例 #26
ファイル: exoslib.py プロジェクト: r3p3r/exoslib
def get_port_vlans(port):
    vlanRslt = json.loads(
            'debug cfgmgr show next vlan.show_ports_info_detail_vlans formatted port={0} vlanIfInstance=None'
            .format(port), True))
    port_data = []
    for vlanRow in vlanRslt['data']:
            'VlanName': str(vlanRow['vlanName']),
            'VlanId': str(vlanRow['vlanId']),
            'tag': str(vlanRow['tagStatus'])
    return port_data
コード例 #27
ファイル: exoslib.py プロジェクト: extremenetworks/exoslib
def get_all_ports():
    """Create and return a EXOS CLI friendly port list string containing all device ports

    Some show commands do not provide a "port all" option but allow for specifiying a port list. This method creates
    an "all" port list to be used with these CLI commands

    In the future this may be used to return the all port string as well as an active port list

    :return: str. -- EXOS CLI friendly port list containing all ports on device
    vlan_ports_info = json.loads(exsh.clicmd('debug cfgmgr show next maximum-rows 1 vlan.show_ports_info port=None portList=*', capture=True, xml=False))
    all_ports = vlan_ports_info['data'][0]['portList']
    return all_ports
コード例 #28
ファイル: exoslib.py プロジェクト: extremenetworks/exoslib
def operational_slots():
    """Check slot status and return list of operational slots

    :return: list -- operational slots
    if get_platform() == 'Summit':
        return ['1']
    op_slots = []
    dm_card_info = json.loads(exsh.clicmd('debug cfgmgr show next dm.card_info', capture=True, xml=False))
    dm_card_info = dm_card_info['data']
    for item in dm_card_info:
        if item['card_state_str'] == 'Operational' and item['slot'] not in op_slots:
    return op_slots
コード例 #29
    def json_clicmd(self, cmd):
        # issue debug cfgmgr CLI command to EXOS and return the JSON data
        if i_am_script is True:
            json_result = exsh.clicmd(cmd, capture=True)
            json_result = exec_cli([cmd], ignore_errors=True)

            json_dict = json.loads(json_result)
        except Exception as e:
            self.log.warn('JSON format error {}\n{}'.format(e, json_result))
            return None
        # extract and return the data list
        return json_dict.get('data')
コード例 #30
def get_mlag_peers():
    mlagpeerRslt = json.loads(clicmd('debug cfgmgr show next vsm.mLagPeer', True))
    mlag_peer = []
    dup = False
    for peerRow in mlagpeerRslt['data']:
        for peer in mlag_peer:
            if peer['peerName'] == peerRow['peerName'] or peerRow['peerName'] == None:
                dup = True
        if dup is True:
            mlag_peer.append({'peerName': str(peerRow['peerName']),
                              'peerIpAddr': str(peerRow['peerIpAddr']),
                              'localIpAddr': str(peerRow['localIpAddr']),
                              'vlan': str(peerRow['vlan'])})
    return mlag_peer
コード例 #31
def get_mlag_peers():
    mlagpeerRslt = json.loads(clicmd('debug cfgmgr show next vsm.mLagPeer', True))
    mlag_peer = []
    dup = False
    for peerRow in mlagpeerRslt['data']:
        for peer in mlag_peer:
            if peer['peerName'] == peerRow['peerName']:
                dup = True
        if dup is True:
            mlag_peer.append({'peerName': str(peerRow['peerName']),
                              'peerIpAddr': str(peerRow['peerIpAddr']),
                              'localIpAddr': str(peerRow['localIpAddr']),
                              'vlan': str(peerRow['vlan'])})
    return mlag_peer
コード例 #32
def get_mlag_ports():
    mlagportRslt = json.loads(clicmd('debug cfgmgr show next vsm.mLagPort', True))
    mlag_ports = []
    dup = False
    for mportRow in mlagportRslt['data']:
        for peer in mlag_ports:
            if peer['peerName'] == mportRow['peerName'] and peer['idx'] == mportRow['idx']:
                dup = True
        if dup is True:
            mlag_ports.append({'peerName': str(mportRow['peerName']),
                              'idx': str(mportRow['idx']),
                              'port': str(mportRow['port']),
                              'localportstate': str(mportRow['lclLinkState']),
                              'remoteportstate': str(mportRow['rmtLinkState'])})
    return mlag_ports
コード例 #33
def get_mlag_ports():
    mlagportRslt = json.loads(clicmd('debug cfgmgr show next vsm.mLagPort', True))
    mlag_ports = []
    dup = False
    for mportRow in mlagportRslt['data']:
        for peer in mlag_ports:
            if peer['peerName'] == mportRow['peerName'] and peer['idx'] == mportRow['idx']:
                dup = True
        if dup is True:
            mlag_ports.append({'peerName': str(mportRow['peerName']),
                              'idx': str(mportRow['idx']),
                              'port': str(mportRow['port']),
                              'localportstate': str(mportRow['lclLinkState']),
                              'remoteportstate': str(mportRow['rmtLinkState'])})
    return mlag_ports
コード例 #34
def version_check():
    pimage = True
    sh_switch = clicmd('show switch', True)
    ver = ''
    if 'Image Selected:   secondary' in sh_switch:
        pimage = False
    sh_switch = sh_switch.splitlines()
    for line in sh_switch:
        if (pimage and
            ('Primary ver:' in line)) or (not pimage and
                                          ('Secondary ver:' in line)):
            ver = line.split(':')
            ver = ver[1].strip()
    if ver == '':
        print FMT_ERROR.format('Problem detecting software version')
    elif ver.startswith('15.6') or ver.startswith('15.7'):
        return True
        return False
コード例 #35
ファイル: exoslib.py プロジェクト: extremenetworks/exoslib
def cmd2data(clicmd):
    Runs an EXOS command and returns the output in json format
    re_reply = re.compile(r'<reply>.+?</reply>', re.DOTALL)
    xmlout = exsh.clicmd(clicmd, capture=False, xml=True)
    data = []
    for reply in re.finditer(re_reply, xmlout):
        if reply:
            reply_xml = reply.group()
            root = ElementTree.fromstring(reply_xml)
            for message in root.iter('message'):
                for element in message:
                    mdata = {}
                    edata = {}
                    for e in element:
                        text = int(e.text) if e.text is not None and e.text.isdigit() else e.text
                        edata[e.tag] = text
                    mdata[element.tag] = edata
    return data
コード例 #36
    def build_report(self):
        hdg = [

            exsh.clicmd('show time')
            print exsh.clicmd('show time', True),
        except RuntimeError:

        rows = []
        for port, port_stat in self.port_stats.items():
            port_rxerr = self.port_rxerr.get(port)
            port_txerr = self.port_txerr.get(port)
            port_congestion = self.port_congestion.get(port)
            port_qos = self.port_qos.get(port)

            cols = []
            # Port

            # In Octets

            # Out Octets

            # In Ucasts

            # Out Ucasts

            # In Mcasts

            # Out Mcasts

            # In Bcasts

            # Out Bcasts

            # In Discards
            cnt = 0
            for fld in [
                cnt += int(port_qos.get(fld), 0)

            # OutDiscards

            # In Errors
            cnt = 0
            for fld in [
                cnt += int(port_rxerr.get(fld), 0)

            # Out Errors
            cnt = 0
            for fld in [
                cnt += int(port_txerr.get(fld), 0)

            # In Unknowns
            # TODO


        # determine the max width of data fields
        max_width = 0
        for row in hdg:
            for entry in row:
                if len(str(entry)) > max_width:
                    max_width = len(str(entry))
        for row_entry in rows:
            for entry in row_entry:
                if len(str(entry)) > max_width:
                    max_width = len(str(entry))
        # leave room for a space
        max_width += 1

        # print headings
        row = hdg[0]
        print_line = ''
        for idx in range(len(row)):
            if idx:
                print_line += '{:^{}}'.format(row[idx], max_width)
                print_line += '{:<{}}'.format(row[idx], max_width)
        print print_line

        row = hdg[1]
        print_line = ''
        for idx in range(len(row)):
            if idx:
                print_line += '{:>{}}'.format(row[idx], max_width)
                print_line += '{:<{}}'.format(row[idx], max_width)
        print print_line

        # print heading separator
        print_line = ''
        for idx in range(len(hdg[0])):
            if idx:
                print_line += ' {}'.format('-' * (max_width - 1))
                print_line += '{} '.format('-' * (max_width - 1))
        print print_line

        # print ports stats
        for row in rows:
            cnt = 0
            print_line = ''
            for idx in range(len(row)):
                if idx:
                    print_line += '{:>{}}'.format(row[idx], max_width)
                    print_line += '{:<{}}'.format(row[idx], max_width)
            print print_line
コード例 #37
 def signal_handler(signal, frame):
     if cli_refresh and not legacy_version:
         # renable cli refresh, if we disabled it previously
         clicmd('enable cli refresh')
コード例 #38
def main():

    parser = ArgParser(prog='watch.py', description = "This script displays the output of a "
                                                                        "specified CLI command every n seconds "
                                                                        "Example \"run script watch.py \"show port "
                                                                        "packet no-ref\"\"")
    parser.add_argument("command", help="Command to iterate.  Should be enclosed in quotes "
                                        "(i.e. \"show l2stats vlan Mgmt\")")
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--count', help='Number of times to issue the command (default 3)', type=int, default=3)
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--interval', help='Wait time between command iterations (default 5 sec)', type=int,
    parser.add_argument('-d', '--diff', help='If numerical values have changed in an ouput print difference between '
                                             'previous and current command iteration', action="store_true")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    cmd = args.command
    count = args.count
    interval = args.interval
    stat_diff = args.diff

    cli_refresh = True
    legacy_version = version_check()

    # Create and register a hanlder for SIGINT so we handle ^C cleanly

    def signal_handler(signal, frame):
        if cli_refresh and not legacy_version:
            # renable cli refresh, if we disabled it previously
            clicmd('enable cli refresh')

    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)

    # Handle Auto-refreshing Commands
    if legacy_version:
        print 'WARNING: Switch is running pre 16.1 code.  Please be sure to not use auto-refreshing commands\n'
        # Check to see if cli refresh is disabled
        cli_out = clicmd('show management | include "CLI refresh"', True)
        if 'Disabled' in cli_out:
            cli_refresh = False

        if cli_refresh:
            # Temporarily disable refreshing CLI commands to prevent script from hanging
            clicmd('disable cli refresh')

    if stat_diff:
        prev_output = try_cli(cmd)
        print prev_output
        count -=1
        prev_output = prev_output.split('\n')

        while count != 0:
            curr_output = try_cli(cmd).split('\n')
            for index in range(len(prev_output)):
                # Split current and prev command outputs into list divided based on numerical and non-numerical strings
                prev = re.split(r'(\d+)', prev_output[index])
                curr = re.split(r'(\d+)', curr_output[index])
                for i in range(len(prev)):
                    if prev[i].isdigit() and curr[i] > prev[i]:
                        diff = int(curr[i]) - int(prev[i])
                        diff = '+' + str(diff)
                        FMT = '{0:>' + str(len(curr[i])) + '}'
            count -= 1
            prev_output = curr_output
        for i in range(count):
            print try_cli(cmd)

    if cli_refresh and not legacy_version:
        # Restore CLI refresh
        clicmd('enable cli refresh')
コード例 #39
def main():

    parser = ArgParser(prog='conf_diff.py',
                       description='Compare the saved configuration with the currently running one.')

    parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', 
                         help='Enables verbose logging and leaves temp files for debugging',
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--clean',
                        help='Remove previous debug files. Executes "rm temp_*; rm *.temp"',

    args = parser.parse_args()

    debug = args.debug
    clean = args.clean

    if clean:
        print "DEBUG: Cleaning up previous debug files"
        clicmd("rm temp_*")
        clicmd("rm *.temp")

    print "Comparing configurations, please wait..."

    #create unique names for temp files

    t_stamp = str(time())

    if debug:
        print "DEBUG: Creating temp files"

    saved_name = '/usr/local/cfg/saved_{0}.temp'.format(t_stamp[:-3])
    running_name = '/usr/local/cfg/running_{0}.temp'.format(t_stamp[:-3])
    temp_config = 'temp_{0}'.format(t_stamp[:-3])

    saved_file = open(saved_name, 'w')
    running_file = open(running_name, 'w')

    # find the selected config file

    if debug:
        print "DEBUG: Finding selected config"

    output = clicmd('show switch | include "Config Selected"', True).split()
    selected_config = output[2]
    selected_config = selected_config[:-4]

    # save the running config to a temp file, 
    # then convert both config files from XML to human-readable format

    if debug:
        print "DEBUG: Generating temp version of running config"

    clicmd("save config {0}".format(temp_config))

    if debug:
        print "DEBUG: Generating temp cfgmgr version of selected config"

    saved_file.write(clicmd("debug cfgmgr show configuration file {0}".format(selected_config), True))

    if debug:
        print "DEBUG: Generating temp cfgmgr version of running config"

    running_file.write(clicmd("debug cfgmgr show configuration file {0}".format(temp_config), True))

    # set the selected config back, since the save config changed it
    clicmd("use config {0}".format(selected_config), False)

    # close the files, and reopen them for reading

    saved_file = open(saved_name, 'r')
    running_file = open(running_name, 'r')

    # diff the two configs

    if debug:
        print "DEBUG: Diffing configs"

    d = Differ()

    diff = list(d.compare(saved_file.readlines(), running_file.readlines()))

    # print the results of the diff
    print " "
    print "If line starts with \'+\', the command has been added since last save."
    print "If line starts with \'-\', the command was present in the last save, and has been deleted."
    print " "
    print "Config changes:"

    for line in diff:
        if line.startswith('+ ') or line.startswith('- '):
            print line[:-1]

    print "Note that this script has cleared the CLI dirty bit. The configuration has not been saved."
    # clean up

    # remove files that were opened
    if not debug:
        clicmd("rm {0}".format(saved_name))
        clicmd("rm {0}".format(running_name))
        clicmd("rm {0}.cfg".format(temp_config))
コード例 #40
import sys
import exsh

do_list = [
    'create vlan 10-20',
    'config vlan 10-20 add ports all tagged',

show_list = [
    'show vid',
    'show ports',
    'show ports vid',
    'show ports info',
    'show ports config no',
    'show ports statistics no',

# just print any command line args to show they showed up
print sys.argv

# stuff to do
for cmd in do_list:
    print '\n',cmd

# stuff to show
for cmd in show_list:
    print '\n',cmd
    print exsh.clicmd(cmd,capture=True)
コード例 #41
def main():
    print FMT_H1.format("Checking MLAG Configuration and Status")
    # Check to see if MLAG is configured
    vsm_config = len(clicmd('show configuration vsm', True).splitlines())
    if vsm_config <= 3:
        print FMT_ERROR.format('MLAG Not Configured')

    # Check software version, 15.6 must run legacy MLAG check script
    pimage = True
    sh_switch = clicmd('show switch', True)
    ver = ''
    if 'Image Selected:   secondary' in sh_switch:
        pimage = False
    sh_switch = sh_switch.splitlines()
    for line in sh_switch:
        if (pimage and ('Primary ver:' in line)) or (not pimage and ('Secondary ver:' in line)):
            ver = line.split(':')
            ver = ver[1].strip()
    if ver == '':
        print FMT_ERROR.format('Problem detecting software version')
    elif ver.startswith('15.6'):
        print('Switch running EXOS 15.6, executing legacy script, multi-peer not supported.')
        peer_info = get_mlag_peers()
        mports = get_mlag_ports()

        sharing = json.loads(clicmd('debug cfgmgr show next vlan.ls_ports_show', capture=True))
        sharing = sharing['data']
        lag_ports = []
        for port in sharing:

        for index, peer in enumerate(peer_info):
            perror = False
            # Get Peer Name
            pname = peer['peerName']
            print FMT_H1.format('Checking MLAG Peer "{0}"'.format(pname))
            # Get ISC VLAN
            isc_vlan = peer['vlan']
            isc_port = ''
            # Check to see if MLAG peer is not configured
            if isc_vlan == 'None':
                print FMT_H2.format(FMT_CFG.format('Peer "{0}" is not properly configured, ISC VLAN configuration not found'.format(pname)))
                perror = True
            # Check the number of ports added to the ISC vlan, and get the port number of the ISC link
            port_check = get_vlan_ports(isc_vlan)
            plist = ['-', ',']
            # Catch 1 tagged and 1 untagged port added to ISC
            if port_check['untagged'] != 'None' and port_check['tagged'] != 'None':
                print FMT_H2.format(FMT_CFG.format('ISC vlan "{0}" for peer {1} has more than one port added, please resolve'.format(isc_vlan, pname)))
                perror = True
            # Check if NO ports are added to ISC
            elif port_check['untagged'] == 'None' and port_check['tagged'] == 'None':
                print FMT_H2.format(FMT_CFG.format('No port added to ISC vlan "{0}" for peer {1}, please resolve'.format(isc_vlan, pname)))
                perror = True
            # Check if untagged or tagged fields contain port list, meaning multiple ports are added
            elif any(s in port_check['untagged'] for s in plist) or any(s in port_check['tagged'] for s in plist):
                print FMT_H2.format(FMT_CFG.format('ISC vlan "{0}" for peer {1} has more than one port added, please resolve'.format(isc_vlan, pname)))
                perror = True
            elif port_check['untagged'] == 'None':
                isc_port = port_check['tagged']
            elif port_check['tagged'] == 'None':
                isc_port = port_check['untagged']
            if isc_port == '':
                FMT_ERROR.format('Problem detecting ISC port for peer {0}'.format(pname))
                perror = True

            # Create a list of the vlans that exist on the ISC port
            isc_vlans = get_port_vlan_list(isc_port)
            # Now we can iterate through MLAG ports, and check if the vlans on them are
            # on the ISC port. If not, an error will be written to the CLI.
            missing_vlans = []
            mlag_ports = []
            mport_vids = []

            # Create a list 'mlag_ports' that contains all MLAG ports for the peer
            for port in mports:
                if port['peerName'] == pname:
            # Create a list of all VLANs on all MLAG ports for the peer
            for port in mlag_ports:
                vlan_list = get_port_vlan_list(port)
                for vid in vlan_list:
                    if vid not in mport_vids:

            # Check ISC and MLAG Port status
            # Check ISC
            if isc_port in lag_ports:
                for port in sharing:
                    if port['loadShareMaster'] == isc_port:
                        if port['linkState'] == '0':
                            print FMT_CFG.format(
                                'Port {0}, a LAG member of the ISC for peer {1}, is down.  Please resolve.'.format(
                                    port['port'], pname))
                            perror = True
                        elif port['agg_membership'] == '0' and port['linkState'] == '1':
                            print FMT_CFG.format(
                                'Port {0}, a LAG member of the ISC for peer {1} is not added to the aggregator.  Please resolve.'.format(
                                    port['port'], pname))
                            perror = True
                print FMT_CFG.format(
                    'ISC for {0} is not a LAG.  It is recommended that all ISC connections use link aggregation'.format(
                perror = True
                if not port_active(isc_port):
                    print FMT_CFG.format(
                        'ISC port {0} for Peer {1} not active. Please resolve.'.format(isc_port, pname))
                    perror = True
            # Check MLAG Ports
            for port in mlag_ports:
                if port in lag_ports:
                    for lag_port in sharing:
                        if lag_port['loadShareMaster'] == port:
                            if lag_port['linkState'] == '0':
                                print FMT_CFG.format(
                                    'MLAG port {0} for peer {1} is down.  Please resolve.'.format(
                                        lag_port['port'], pname))
                                perror = True
                            elif lag_port['agg_membership'] == '0' and lag_port['linkState'] == '1':
                                print FMT_CFG.format(
                                    'MLAG port {0} for peer {1} is not added to the aggregator.  Please resolve.'.format(
                                        lag_port['port'], pname))
                                perror = True
                    if not port_active(port):
                        print FMT_CFG.format(
                            'MLAG Port {0} for Peer {1} is not active. Please resolve.'.format(port, pname))
                        perror = True

            # Check to see if MLAG port VLANs are missing from ISC and add the missing vlans to a list
            for vid in mport_vids:
                if vid not in isc_vlans:
                    print FMT_H2.format(FMT_CFG.format('VLAN {0} is found on an MLAG port but not added to ISC port {1}'.format
                                         (vid, isc_port)))
                    perror = True
            # If vlans are missing, ask the user if they woud like to resolve
            if missing_vlans != [] and yes_no_input(">> Would you like to add the missing vlans to the ISC? (y/n)"):
                for vlan in missing_vlans:
                    print('Adding missing VLANS..')
                    clicmd('configure vlan {0} add port {1} tagged'.format(vlan, isc_port))
            ## Check local and remote checksums to determine if FDB and VLANs match
            for count in range(0, 3):
                checksums = clicmd('debug fdb show globals | include LclCkhsum:', True)
                checksums = checksums.split()
                if index == 0:
                    local = checksums[2]
                    remote = checksums[4]
                elif index == 1:
                    local = checksums[7]
                    remote = checksums[9]
                    print FMT_ERROR.format('Checksum check failed.')
                    # print local
                    # print remote
                if local == remote:
                    # print FMT_H2.format('Local and remote FDB checksums match.')
                if local != remote:
                    print FMT_CFG.format('Local and remote FDB checksums do not match. Please check config on the other MLAG peer.')
                    print clicmd('debug fdb show globals', True)
                    perror = True

            if not perror:
                print FMT_H2.format('No problems found on peer "{0}"'.format(pname))

    print '\n>> MLAG config check completed.\n'
コード例 #42
        if 'ERROR' in ports_result:
            return False
            return True
    except RuntimeError as cmdMsg:
        print 'Error:', cmdMsg, ':', cmd
        exsh.clicmd('create log message "flow_mod.py: Error: cmd={0} : msg={1}"'.format(cmd, cmdMsg), capture=False)
        return False

if port_check(ports) == True:

    FORMAT = '{prt:<8.8} {vlanType}:{tagged}'
    print FORMAT.format(prt='Port', vlanType='untagged', tagged='tagged')
    cmd2 = 'debug cfgmgr show next vlan.show_ports_info portList={0} port=None'.format(ports)
    portRslt = exsh.clicmd(cmd2, capture=True)
    portDict = json.loads(portRslt)
    index = -1
    for row in portDict['data']:
        index = (index + 1)
        port = row['port']
        vlanRslt = json.loads(exsh.clicmd(
            'debug cfgmgr show next vlan.show_ports_info_detail_vlans formatted port={0} vlanIfInstance=None'.format(port), True))
        taggedVlan = []
        untaggedVlan = []
        for vlanRow in vlanRslt['data']:
            vid = vlanRow.get('vlanId', None)
            if vid:
                if vlanRow['tagStatus'] == '1':
コード例 #43
def main():

    print "Comparing configurations, please wait..."

    #create unique names for temp files

    t_stamp = str(time())

    saved_name = '/usr/local/cfg/saved_{0}.temp'.format(t_stamp[:-3])
    running_name = '/usr/local/cfg/running_{0}.temp'.format(t_stamp[:-3])
    temp_config = 'temp_{0}'.format(t_stamp[:-3])

    saved_file = open(saved_name, 'w')
    running_file = open(running_name, 'w')

    # find the selected config file
    output = clicmd('show switch | include "Config Selected"', True).split()
    selected_config = output[2]
    selected_config = selected_config[:-4]

    # save the running config to a temp file, 
    # then convert both config files from XML to human-readable format

    clicmd("save config {0}".format(temp_config))
    saved_file.write(clicmd("debug cfgmgr show configuration file {0}".format(selected_config), True))
    running_file.write(clicmd("debug cfgmgr show configuration file {0}".format(temp_config), True))

    # set the selected config back, since the save config changed it
    clicmd("use config {0}".format(selected_config), False)

    # close the files, and reopen them for reading

    saved_file = open(saved_name, 'r')
    running_file = open(running_name, 'r')

    # diff the two configs

    d = Differ()

    diff = list(d.compare(saved_file.readlines(), running_file.readlines()))

    # print the results of the diff
    print " "
    print "If line starts with \'+\', the command has been added since last save."
    print "If line starts with \'-\', the command was present in the last save, and has been deleted."
    print " "
    print "Config changes:"

    for line in diff:
        if line.startswith('+ ') or line.startswith('- '):
            print line[:-1]

    print "Note that this script has cleared the CLI dirty bit. The configuration has not been saved."
    # clean up

    # remove files that were opened
    clicmd("rm {0}".format(saved_name))
    clicmd("rm {0}".format(running_name))
    clicmd("rm {0}.cfg".format(temp_config))
コード例 #44
def legacy_mlag_check():
    # Find which vlan is the ISC vlan
    cli_output = clicmd('debug vsm show peer | inc "vrId      :"', True).split()
    isc_vlan = cli_output[5]
    peer_name = clicmd('debug vsm show peer | include "Name      : "', True).split()

    #Checkes to see if MLAG peer is not configured
    if cli_output[5] == 'Unknown':
        print ("Tool does not support this configuration")
        print ("****mlag_config_check.py running on MLAG Peer {0}****").format(peer_name[6])
        # Check the number of ports added to the ISC vlan, and get the port number of the ISC link
        cli_output = clicmd('show vlan ' + isc_vlan, True).split()
        index = cli_output.index('Ports:')
        index = index + 1 # +1, since we found the item before the number of ports
        num_ports = cli_output[index]
        # Remove the trailing period from that output
        if num_ports.endswith('.'):
            num_ports = int(num_ports[:-1])
        #Check the number of ports added to the ISC vlan
        if num_ports > 1:
            print 'Multiple ports are added to the ISC vlan (' + isc_vlan + '). Please correct.'
        elif num_ports == 0:
            print 'No ports are added to the ISC vlan (' + isc_vlan + '). Please correct.'
        # At this point, we can assume that there is one port added to the ISC vlan,
        # and continue checking the MLAG configuration.
        # Determine what the port number of the ISC is
        if 'Tag:' in cli_output:
            index = cli_output.index('Tag:')
            index = index + 1
            isc_port = cli_output[index]
        elif 'Untag:' in cli_output:
            index = cli_output.index('Untag:')
            index = index + 1
            isc_port = cli_output[index]
            print FMT_ERROR.format('An error occurred. Unable to determine ISC port')
        # Remove the flags around the port number
        if isc_port.endswith('g'):
            isc_port = isc_port[:-1]
        elif isc_port.endswith('G'):
            print ('The ISC port is also configured as an MLAG port. Please correct.')
        if isc_port.startswith('*'):
            isc_port = isc_port[1:]
        elif isc_port.startswith('!'):
            isc_port = isc_port[1:]
            print 'The ISC port (' + isc_port + ') is disabled. Please correct.'
        # Create a list of the vlans that exist on the ISC port
        cli_output = clicmd('show port ' + isc_port + ' info detail', True).split()
        vlan_on_next_iteration = False
        isc_port_vlans = list()
        for i in cli_output:
            if vlan_on_next_iteration:
                #remove a trailing comma, if present
                if i.endswith(','):
                    vlan = i[:-1]
                    vlan = i
            if i == 'Name:':
                vlan_on_next_iteration = True
            else :
                vlan_on_next_iteration = False
        # Now, isc_port_vlans contains all the vlans on the ISC port.
        # Now we can iterate through MLAG ports, and check if the vlans on them are
        # on the ISC port. If not, an error will be written to the CLI.
        cli_output = clicmd('show config vsm', True)
        lines = cli_output.split('\n')
        #remove an empty string that breaks the for loop below
        lines = lines[:-1]
        #create an empty list to be used in the loop
        mlag_ports = list()
        for l in lines:
            line = l.split()
            if line[0] == 'enable':
        for p in mlag_ports:
            cli_output = clicmd('show port ' + p + ' info detail', True).split()
            vlan_on_next_iteration = False
            port_vlans = list()
            for i in cli_output:
                if vlan_on_next_iteration:
                    #remove a trailing comma, if present
                    if i.endswith(','):
                        vlan = i[:-1]
                        vlan = i
                    if vlan not in isc_port_vlans:
                        print 'Vlan ' + vlan + ' is not added to the ISC port (' + isc_port + '), and is found on MLAG port ' + p + '. Please correct.'
                if i == 'Name:':
                    vlan_on_next_iteration = True
                else :
                    vlan_on_next_iteration = False
        ## Check local and remote checksums to determine if FDB and VLANs match
        for count in range(0,3):
            checksums = clicmd('debug fdb show globals | include LclCkhsum:', True)
            checksums = checksums.split()
            local = checksums[2]
            remote = checksums[4]
            #print local
            #print remote
            if local == remote:
                print ('Local and remote FDB checksums match.')
        if local != remote:
            print 'Local and remote FDB checksums do not match. Please check config on the other MLAG peer.'
            print clicmd('debug fdb show globals', True)
コード例 #45
def get_vlan_ports(vlan):
    vlanportsRslt = json.loads(clicmd('debug cfgmgr show one vlan.vlanPort vlanName={0}'.format(vlan), True))

    return  ({'untagged' : str(vlanportsRslt['data'][0]['untaggedPorts']), 'tagged' : str(vlanportsRslt['data'][0]['taggedPorts'])})
コード例 #46
def main():
    print FMT_H1.format("Checking MLAG Configuration and Status")
    # Check to see if MLAG is configured
    vsm_config = len(clicmd('show configuration vsm', True).splitlines())
    if vsm_config <= 3:
        print FMT_ERROR.format('MLAG Not Configured')

    # Check software version, 15.6 must run legacy MLAG check script
    pimage = True
    sh_switch = clicmd('show switch', True)
    ver = ''
    if 'Image Selected:   secondary' in sh_switch:
        pimage = False
    sh_switch = sh_switch.splitlines()
    for line in sh_switch:
        if (pimage and ('Primary ver:' in line)) or (not pimage and ('Secondary ver:' in line)):
            ver = line.split(':')
            ver = ver[1].strip()
    if ver == '':
        print FMT_ERROR.format('Problem detecting software version')
    elif ver.startswith('15.6'):
        print('Switch running EXOS 15.6, executing legacy script, multi-peer not supported.')
        peer_info = get_mlag_peers()
        mports = get_mlag_ports()

        sharing = json.loads(clicmd('debug cfgmgr show next vlan.ls_ports_show', capture=True))
        sharing = sharing['data']
        lag_ports = []
        for port in sharing:

        for index, peer in enumerate(peer_info):
            perror = False
            # Get Peer Name
            pname = peer['peerName']
            print FMT_H1.format('Checking MLAG Peer "{0}"'.format(pname))
            # Get ISC VLAN
            isc_vlan = peer['vlan']
            isc_port = ''
            # Check to see if MLAG peer is not configured
            if isc_vlan == 'None':
                print FMT_H2.format(FMT_CFG.format('Peer "{0}" is not properly configured, ISC VLAN configuration not found'.format(pname)))
                perror = True
            # Check the number of ports added to the ISC vlan, and get the port number of the ISC link
            port_check = get_vlan_ports(isc_vlan)
            plist = ['-', ',']
            # Catch 1 tagged and 1 untagged port added to ISC
            if port_check['untagged'] != 'None' and port_check['tagged'] != 'None':
                print FMT_H2.format(FMT_CFG.format('ISC vlan "{0}" for peer {1} has more than one port added, please resolve'.format(isc_vlan, pname)))
                perror = True
            # Check if NO ports are added to ISC
            elif port_check['untagged'] == 'None' and port_check['tagged'] == 'None':
                print FMT_H2.format(FMT_CFG.format('No port added to ISC vlan "{0}" for peer {1}, please resolve'.format(isc_vlan, pname)))
                perror = True
            # Check if untagged or tagged fields contain port list, meaning multiple ports are added
            elif any(s in port_check['untagged'] for s in plist) or any(s in port_check['tagged'] for s in plist):
                print FMT_H2.format(FMT_CFG.format('ISC vlan "{0}" for peer {1} has more than one port added, please resolve'.format(isc_vlan, pname)))
                perror = True
            elif port_check['untagged'] == 'None':
                isc_port = port_check['tagged']
            elif port_check['tagged'] == 'None':
                isc_port = port_check['untagged']
            if isc_port == '':
                FMT_ERROR.format('Problem detecting ISC port for peer {0}'.format(pname))
                perror = True

            # Create a list of the vlans that exist on the ISC port
            isc_vlans = get_port_vlan_list(isc_port)
            # Now we can iterate through MLAG ports, and check if the vlans on them are
            # on the ISC port. If not, an error will be written to the CLI.
            missing_vlans = []
            mlag_ports = []
            mport_vids = []

            # Create a list 'mlag_ports' that contains all MLAG ports for the peer
            for port in mports:
                if port['peerName'] == pname:
            # Create a list of all VLANs on all MLAG ports for the peer
            for port in mlag_ports:
                vlan_list = get_port_vlan_list(port)
                if vlan_list == ['None']:
                    print FMT_CFG_WRN.format('No VLANs added to MLAG Port {0}'.format(port))
                for vid in vlan_list:
                    if vid not in mport_vids:

            # Check ISC and MLAG Port status
            # Check ISC
            if isc_port in lag_ports:
                for port in sharing:
                    if port['loadShareMaster'] == isc_port:
                        if port['linkState'] == '0':
                            print FMT_CFG.format(
                                'Port {0}, a LAG member of the ISC for peer {1}, is down.  Please resolve.'.format(
                                    port['port'], pname))
                            perror = True
                        elif port['agg_membership'] == '0' and port['linkState'] == '1':
                            print FMT_CFG.format(
                                'Port {0}, a LAG member of the ISC for peer {1} is not added to the aggregator.  Please resolve.'.format(
                                    port['port'], pname))
                            perror = True
                print FMT_CFG.format(
                    'ISC for {0} is not a LAG.  It is recommended that all ISC connections use link aggregation'.format(
                perror = True
                if not port_active(isc_port):
                    print FMT_CFG.format(
                        'ISC port {0} for Peer {1} not active. Please resolve.'.format(isc_port, pname))
                    perror = True
            # Check MLAG Ports
            for port in mlag_ports:
                if port in lag_ports:
                    for lag_port in sharing:
                        if lag_port['loadShareMaster'] == port:
                            if lag_port['linkState'] == '0':
                                print FMT_CFG.format(
                                    'MLAG port {0} for peer {1} is down.  Please resolve.'.format(
                                        lag_port['port'], pname))
                                perror = True
                            elif lag_port['agg_membership'] == '0' and lag_port['linkState'] == '1':
                                print FMT_CFG.format(
                                    'MLAG port {0} for peer {1} is not added to the aggregator.  Please resolve.'.format(
                                        lag_port['port'], pname))
                                perror = True
                    if not port_active(port):
                        print FMT_CFG.format(
                            'MLAG Port {0} for Peer {1} is not active. Please resolve.'.format(port, pname))
                        perror = True

            # Check to see if MLAG port VLANs are missing from ISC and add the missing vlans to a list
            for vid in mport_vids:
                if vid not in isc_vlans:
                    print FMT_H2.format(FMT_CFG.format('VLAN {0} is found on an MLAG port but not added to ISC port {1}'.format
                                         (vid, isc_port)))
                    perror = True
            # If vlans are missing, ask the user if they woud like to resolve
            if missing_vlans != [] and yes_no_input(">> Would you like to add the missing vlans to the ISC? (y/n)"):
                for vlan in missing_vlans:
                    print('Adding missing VLANS..')
                    clicmd('configure vlan {0} add port {1} tagged'.format(vlan, isc_port))
            ## Check local and remote checksums to determine if FDB and VLANs match
            for count in range(0, 3):
                checksums = clicmd('debug fdb show globals | include LclC[kh][kh]sum:', True)
                checksums = checksums.split()
                if index == 0:
                    local = checksums[2]
                    remote = checksums[4]
                elif index == 1:
                    local = checksums[7]
                    remote = checksums[9]
                    print FMT_ERROR.format('Checksum check failed.')
                    # print local
                    # print remote
                if local == remote:
                    # print FMT_H2.format('Local and remote FDB checksums match.')
                if local != remote:
                    print FMT_CFG.format('Local and remote FDB checksums do not match. Please check config on the other MLAG peer.')
                    print clicmd('debug fdb show globals', True)
                    perror = True

            if not perror:
                print FMT_H2.format('No problems found on peer "{0}"'.format(pname))

    print '\n>> MLAG config check completed.\n'
コード例 #47
def main():

    parser = ArgParser(
        "This script will generate the hex needed to configure EXOS's built-in DHCP server with option 43 for ZTP. "
        "It will also either provide the command to use, or configure the option on the specified VLAN.",
        usage="%(prog)s [-h] [-s SERVER_ADDRESS] [-v VLAN_NAME] files")

        'IP Address of TFTP server for sub-option 100. May be omitted if a URL is used for sub-option 101.',

        'VLAN to configure option 43 on. If this is included, the option 43 config will be added to the DHCP '
        'server configuration on this switch for this VLAN. If not, the config command will simply be printed.',
        'File(s) to be downloaded. If the \'-s\' option is used, this may be simply be a file name. '
        'If multiple files are given, they should be separated by spaces. '
        'If the \'-s\' option is not used, this should be a full URL. (IE, tftp://',

    args = parser.parse_args()

    vlan = args.vlan_name
    server = args.server_address
    files = args.files

    # Convert the IP address to hex, if it exists
    hex = []
    if len(server):

        ip = server.split('.')
        hex.append(binascii.hexlify(chr(100)))  #sub-option 100
        hex.append(binascii.hexlify(chr(4)))  #length = 4 bytes
        for i in ip:  #convert each byte of the IP to hex

    # Convert the filenames/URLs to hex
    for i in files:

        hex.append(binascii.hexlify(chr(101)))  #sub-option 101
            len(i))))  #length of filename/URL in bytes
        hex.append(binascii.hexlify(i))  #filename converted to hex

    #Generate the command needed to configure this:
    hex = ''.join(hex)  #join all the hex into one string
    hex = ':'.join(hex[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(
        hex), 2))  #delimit the bytes with ':', like EXOS expects

    #Create the command
    cmd = 'configure vlan {0} dhcp-options code 43 hex {1}'.format(vlan, hex)

    #execute it if running on EXOS and a VLAN name was given, otherwise print it
    if env_is_exos and vlan is not "<vlan_name>":
        print cmd
コード例 #48
ファイル: watch.py プロジェクト: paulkoldo/ExtremeScripting
def try_cli(command):
    """Try CLI command and exit if invalid"""
        return clicmd(command, True)
コード例 #49
def get_port_vlan_list(port):
    vlanRslt = json.loads(clicmd('debug cfgmgr show next vlan.show_ports_info_detail_vlans port={0} vlanIfInstance=None'.format(port), True))
    port_data = []
    for vlanRow in vlanRslt['data']:
    return port_data
コード例 #50
def legacy_mlag_check():
    # Find which vlan is the ISC vlan
    cli_output = clicmd('debug vsm show peer | inc "vrId      :"', True).split()
    isc_vlan = cli_output[5]
    peer_name = clicmd('debug vsm show peer | include "Name      : "', True).split()

    #Checkes to see if MLAG peer is not configured
    if cli_output[5] == 'Unknown':
        print ("Tool does not support this configuration")
        print ("****mlag_config_check.py running on MLAG Peer {0}****").format(peer_name[6])
        # Check the number of ports added to the ISC vlan, and get the port number of the ISC link
        cli_output = clicmd('show vlan ' + isc_vlan, True).split()
        index = cli_output.index('Ports:')
        index = index + 1 # +1, since we found the item before the number of ports
        num_ports = cli_output[index]
        # Remove the trailing period from that output
        if num_ports.endswith('.'):
            num_ports = int(num_ports[:-1])
        #Check the number of ports added to the ISC vlan
        if num_ports > 1:
            print 'Multiple ports are added to the ISC vlan (' + isc_vlan + '). Please correct.'
        elif num_ports == 0:
            print 'No ports are added to the ISC vlan (' + isc_vlan + '). Please correct.'
        # At this point, we can assume that there is one port added to the ISC vlan,
        # and continue checking the MLAG configuration.
        # Determine what the port number of the ISC is
        if 'Tag:' in cli_output:
            index = cli_output.index('Tag:')
            index = index + 1
            isc_port = cli_output[index]
        elif 'Untag:' in cli_output:
            index = cli_output.index('Untag:')
            index = index + 1
            isc_port = cli_output[index]
            print FMT_ERROR.format('An error occurred. Unable to determine ISC port')

        # if there is a no display string, disp_string_index will be -1. Otherwise, strip everyting after the first paren around the display string

        if disp_string_index != -1:
           isc_port = isc_port[:disp_string_index]

        # Remove the flags around the port number
        if isc_port.endswith('g'):
            isc_port = isc_port[:-1]
        elif isc_port.endswith('G'):
            print ('The ISC port is also configured as an MLAG port. Please correct.')
        if isc_port.startswith('*'):
            isc_port = isc_port[1:]
        elif isc_port.startswith('!'):
            isc_port = isc_port[1:]
            print 'The ISC port (' + isc_port + ') is disabled. Please correct.'
        # Create a list of the vlans that exist on the ISC port
        cli_output = clicmd('show port ' + isc_port + ' info detail', True).split()
        vlan_on_next_iteration = False
        isc_port_vlans = list()
        for i in cli_output:
            if vlan_on_next_iteration:
                #remove a trailing comma, if present
                if i.endswith(','):
                    vlan = i[:-1]
                    vlan = i
            if i == 'Name:':
                vlan_on_next_iteration = True
            else :
                vlan_on_next_iteration = False
        # Now, isc_port_vlans contains all the vlans on the ISC port.
        # Now we can iterate through MLAG ports, and check if the vlans on them are
        # on the ISC port. If not, an error will be written to the CLI.
        cli_output = clicmd('show config vsm', True)
        lines = cli_output.split('\n')
        #remove an empty string that breaks the for loop below
        lines = lines[:-1]
        #create an empty list to be used in the loop
        mlag_ports = list()
        for l in lines:
            line = l.split()
            if line[0] == 'enable':
        for p in mlag_ports:
            cli_output = clicmd('show port ' + p + ' info detail', True).split()
            vlan_on_next_iteration = False
            port_vlans = list()
            for i in cli_output:
                if vlan_on_next_iteration:
                    #remove a trailing comma, if present
                    if i.endswith(','):
                        vlan = i[:-1]
                        vlan = i
                    if vlan not in isc_port_vlans:
                        print 'Vlan ' + vlan + ' is not added to the ISC port (' + isc_port + '), and is found on MLAG port ' + p + '. Please correct.'
                if i == 'Name:':
                    vlan_on_next_iteration = True
                else :
                    vlan_on_next_iteration = False
        ## Check local and remote checksums to determine if FDB and VLANs match
        for count in range(0,3):
            checksums = clicmd('debug fdb show globals | include LclC[kh][kh]sum:', True)
            checksums = checksums.split()
            local = checksums[2]
            remote = checksums[4]
            #print local
            #print remote
            if local == remote:
                print ('Local and remote FDB checksums match.')
        if local != remote:
            print 'Local and remote FDB checksums do not match. Please check config on the other MLAG peer.'
            print clicmd('debug fdb show globals', True)
コード例 #51
ファイル: watch.py プロジェクト: bgarlock/ExtremeScripting
# watch.py
# This script displays the output of a specified CLI command every n seconds
# Usage: run script watch.py <seconds> <cli_cmd>
#     seconds: delay between commands in seconds
#     cli_cmd: CLI command to be watched
# Note: CLI commands will need to be enclosed in quotes
# Last updated: August 25, 2015

from exsh import clicmd
from time import sleep
import sys

if(len(sys.argv) == 3):
	command = sys.argv[2]
	time = int(sys.argv[1])

		print clicmd(command, True)

	print "Error: Incorrect number of arguments"
	print "Usage: run script watch.py <seconds> <cli_cmd>"
	print "    seconds: time between commands in seconds"
	print "    cli_cmd: CLI command to be watched"
	print "Note: CLI commands will need to be enclosed in quotes"