コード例 #1
ファイル: bifrost.py プロジェクト: marcoprado17/Mjollnir
def challenge_by_name(challenge_name):
    Page to display a challenge given a problem name.
    challenge = mongodb.challenges.find_one({'name': challenge_name})

    if not challenge or ( not is_active_user_in('Dev') and challenge['dev_only'] ):

    submissions = mongodb.submissions.find({ 'cid': challenge['cid'] }).sort([ ('rating', -1) ]).limit(10)
    challenge_solutions = []

    i = 0
    for submission in submissions:
        i += 1
        # TODO: Batch request
        user_from_submission = mongodb.users.find_one({ 'uid': submission['uid'] })

        if not user_from_submission:
            raise Exception("Could not find user " + submission['uid'] + " in the database")

        submission['sequence'] = i
        submission['username'] = user_from_submission['username']
        submission['RD'] = int(round(submission['RD']))

    matches = latest_matches( cid = challenge['cid'] )

    return render_template('challenge.html', challenge = challenge, challenge_solutions = challenge_solutions, matches = matches, custom_title = challenge_name)
コード例 #2
ファイル: bifrost.py プロジェクト: marcoprado17/Mjollnir
def challenge():
    Page to display a challenge given an id.
    challenge_id = request.args.get('cid')

    if not challenge_id:

    challenge = mongodb.challenges.find_one({'cid': challenge_id})

    if challenge and ( is_active_user_in('Dev') or not challenge['dev_only'] ):
        return render_template('challenge.html', challenge=challenge)
コード例 #3
ファイル: bifrost.py プロジェクト: marcoprado17/Mjollnir
def submitsolution(challenge_name):
    Allows a user to submit/update (override) a solution to an existing challenge.
    challenge = mongodb.challenges.find_one({'name': challenge_name})

    if not challenge or ( not is_active_user_in('Dev') and challenge['dev_only'] ):

    if request.method == 'GET':
        return render_template('submitsolution.html', challenge = challenge)

    if 'language' not in request.form:
        return render_template('submit.solution.html', challenge = challenge, error = "Please select a language"), 400

    language = request.form['language']
    if language not in ACCEPTED_LANGUAGES.keys():
        return render_template('submitsolution.html', challenge = challenge, error = "Invalid language"), 403

    file = request.files['sourcefile']
    if not file:
        return render_template('submitsolution.html', challenge = challenge, error = "Please select a Source File"), 400

    # Source/Solution/Submission (you choose!) Instance ID
    siid = str(uuid4())

    # Upload the source file to the 'mjollnir-solutions' S3 bucket using the siid as the key
    upload_solution(siid, language, file)

    # Update/Create a database entry for this submission
    query_existing_solution = { 'uid': user.custom_data['uid'], 'cid': challenge['cid'] }
    existing_solution = mongodb.submissions.find_one(query_existing_solution)

    if existing_solution:
        # For an existing solution, we have to set the 'build_' attributes and notify
        #   the compiler service. The service is responsible for updating the database entries
        #   when it finishes compiling.

        update_document = { '$set': { 'build_siid': siid,
                                      'build_status': "Waiting",
                                      'build_description': "" } }

        mongodb.submissions.update(query_existing_solution, update_document)

        document = existing_solution

        # For new solutions, we just add the document blueprint

        document = { 'siid': '',
                     'build_siid': siid,
                     'build_status': "Waiting",
                     'build_description': "",
                     'cid': challenge['cid'],
                     'uid': user.custom_data['uid'],
                     'sid': str(uuid4()),
                     'rating': 1500,
                     'RD': 300.0,
                     'previous_submissions': [] }


    error = ''
        r = requests.post('http://' + app.config['YGG_URL'] + '/build', data={'sid': document['sid'], 'cid': document['cid'], 'password': app.config['YGG_PASSWORD']})
        if r.status_code != 200:
            error = 'Could not send solution to build. Please notify system administrators.'
            logger.warn('[%s] Error %d in /build: %s' % (time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), r.status_code, r.text))
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
        error = 'Connection refused. Yggdrasil may be down. Please notify system administrators.'
        logger.warn('[%s] Exception in /build: %s' % (time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), e.message))

    if error:
        return render_template('submitsolution.html', challenge = challenge, error = error), 400

    return redirect(url_for('dashboard'))
コード例 #4
ファイル: bifrost.py プロジェクト: marcoprado17/Mjollnir
def groups_dashboard():
    Renders a list of groups the user can see
    username = user.username
    if not username:

    user_in_db = mongodb.users.find_one({ 'username': username })

    if not user_in_db:

    groups = filter(lambda group: not group['admin_only'] or username in group['admins'] or is_active_user_in('Dev'), mongodb.groups.find())

    return render_template('groups.html', username = username, groups = groups)
コード例 #5
ファイル: bifrost.py プロジェクト: marcoprado17/Mjollnir
def challenges():
    Page to display all challenges
    challenges = sorted_by_name( [challenge for challenge in mongodb.challenges.find() if ( not challenge['dev_only'] or is_active_user_in('Dev') )] )
    return render_template('challenges.html', challenges=challenges)