コード例 #1
 def verify_from_strings(self, gid_string, cred_strings, target_urn,
     '''Create Credential and GID objects from the given strings,
     and then verify the GID has the right privileges according 
     to the given credentials on the given target.'''
     if gid_string is None:
     def make_cred(cred_string):
         return cred.Credential(string=cred_string)
     return self.verify(gid.GID(string=gid_string),
                        map(make_cred, cred_strings),
コード例 #2
def create_credential(caller_gid, object_gid, expiration, typename, issuer_keyfile, issuer_certfile, trusted_roots, delegatable=False):
    '''Create and Return a Credential object issued by given key/cert for the given caller
    and object GID objects, given life in seconds, and given type.
    Privileges are determined by type per sfa/trust/rights.py
    Privileges are delegatable if requested.'''
    # FIXME: Validate args: my gids, >0 life,
    # type of cred one I can issue
    # and readable key and cert files
    if caller_gid is None:
        raise ValueError("Missing Caller GID")
    if object_gid is None:
        raise ValueError("Missing Object GID")
    if expiration is None:
        raise ValueError("Missing expiration")
    naive_expiration = naiveUTC(expiration)
    duration = naive_expiration - datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    life_secs = duration.seconds + duration.days * 24 * 3600
    if life_secs < 1:
        raise ValueError("Credential expiration is in the past")
    if trusted_roots is None:
        raise ValueError("Missing list of trusted roots")

    if typename is None or typename.strip() == '':
        raise ValueError("Missing credential type")
    typename = typename.strip().lower()
    if typename not in ("user", "sa", "ma", "authority", "slice", "component"):
        raise ValueError("Unknown credential type %s" % typename)

    if not os.path.isfile(issuer_keyfile):
        raise ValueError("Cant read issuer key file %s" % issuer_keyfile)

    if not os.path.isfile(issuer_certfile):
        raise ValueError("Cant read issuer cert file %s" % issuer_certfile)

    issuer_gid = gid.GID(filename=issuer_certfile)
    if not (object_gid.get_urn() == issuer_gid.get_urn() or 
        (issuer_gid.get_type().find('authority') == 0 and
         hrn_authfor_hrn(issuer_gid.get_hrn(), object_gid.get_hrn()))):
        raise ValueError("Issuer not authorized to issue credential: Issuer=%s  Target=%s" % (issuer_gid.get_urn(), object_gid.get_urn()))

    ucred = cred.Credential()
    # FIXME: Validate the caller_gid and object_gid
    # are my user and slice
    # Do get_issuer and compare to the issuer cert?
    # Or do gid.is_signed_by_cert(issuer_certfile)?
    # Use sfa/trust/rights.py to figure out what privileges
    # the credential should have.
    # user means refresh, resolve, info
    # per the privilege_table that lets users do
    # remove, update, resolve, list, getcredential,
    # listslices, listnodes, getpolicy
    # Note that it does not allow manipulating slivers

    # And every right is delegatable if any are delegatable (default False)
    privileges = rights.determine_rights(typename, None)
    ucred.set_issuer_keys(issuer_keyfile, issuer_certfile)
    except Exception, exc:
        raise Exception("Create Credential failed to verify new credential from trusted roots: %s" % exc)
コード例 #3
class CredentialVerifier(object):
    """Utilities to verify signed credentials from a given set of 
    root certificates. Will compare target and source URNs, and privileges.
    See verify and verify_from_strings methods in particular."""


    # root_cert_fileordir is a trusted root cert file or directory of
    # trusted roots for verifying credentials
    def __init__(self, root_cert_fileordir):
        if root_cert_fileordir is None:
            raise Exception("Missing Root certs argument")
        elif os.path.isdir(root_cert_fileordir):
            files = os.listdir(root_cert_fileordir)
            self.root_cert_files = []
            for file in files:
                # FIXME: exclude files that aren't cert files?
                #print file == CredentialVerifier.CATEDCERTSFNAME
                if file == CredentialVerifier.CATEDCERTSFNAME:
                self.root_cert_files.append(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(root_cert_fileordir, file)))
            #self.root_cert_files = [root_cert_fileordir]
            raise Exception("Couldn't find Root certs in %s" % root_cert_fileordir)

    def getCAsFileFromDir(cls, caCerts):
        '''Take a directory of CA certificates and concatenate them into a single
        file suitable for use by the Python SSL library to validate client 
        credentials. Existing file is replaced.'''
        if caCerts is None:
            raise Exception ('Missing caCerts argument')
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser(caCerts)):
            return caCerts
        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.expanduser(caCerts)):
            raise Exception ('caCerts arg Not a file or a dir: %s' % caCerts)


        # Now we have a dir of caCerts files
        # For each file in the dir (isfile), concatenate them into a new file
        comboFullPath = os.path.join(caCerts, CredentialVerifier.CATEDCERTSFNAME)

        caFiles = os.listdir(caCerts)
        #logger.debug('Got %d potential caCert files in the dir', len(caFiles))

        outfile = open(comboFullPath, "w")
        okFileCount = 0
        for filename in caFiles:
            filepath = os.path.join(caCerts, filename)
            # Confirm it's a CA file?
            #        if not file.endswith('.pem'):
            #            continue
            if not os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser(filepath)):

            if filename == CredentialVerifier.CATEDCERTSFNAME:
                # logger.debug('Skipping previous cated certs file')
            okFileCount += 1

            certfile = open(filepath)
            for line in certfile:
        if okFileCount == 0:
            sys.exit('Found NO trusted certs in %s!' %  caCerts)

        return comboFullPath

    def verify_from_strings(self, gid_string, cred_strings, target_urn,
                            privileges, options=None):

        '''Create Credential and GID objects from the given strings,
        and then verify the GID has the right privileges according 
        to the given credentials on the given target.'''
        def make_cred(cred_string):
            credO = None
                credO = CredentialFactory.createCred(credString=cred_string)
            except Exception, e:
            return credO

        root_certs = \
            [Certificate(filename=root_cert_file) \
                 for root_cert_file in self.root_cert_files]

        caller_gid = gid.GID(string=gid_string)

        # Potentially, change gid_string to be the cert of the actual user 
        # if this is a 'speaks-for' invocation
        speaksfor_gid = \
            determine_speaks_for(None, \
            cred_strings, # May include ABAC speaks_for credential
            caller_gid, # Caller cert (may be the tool 'speaking for' user)
            options, # May include 'geni_speaking_for' option with user URN
        if caller_gid.get_subject() != speaksfor_gid.get_subject():
            speaksfor_urn = speaksfor_gid.get_urn()
            caller_gid = speaksfor_gid

        # Remove the abac credentials
        cred_strings = [cred_string for cred_string in cred_strings \
                            if CredentialFactory.getType(cred_string) == cred.Credential.SFA_CREDENTIAL_TYPE]

        return self.verify(caller_gid,
                           map(make_cred, cred_strings),