def albums_edit_route(): titles = [] if 'username' in session: if check_session() == False: options = {"edit": False, "login": True} return render_template("user.html", options=options, prev_url='/j89pws9vn291/pa4/albums/edit') else: username = session['username'] cur = mysql.connection.cursor() try: cur.execute( "SELECT albumid, title, access FROM Album WHERE username=%s", (username, )) titles = cur.fetchall() except: print "Get title query is wrong!" finally: cur.close() options = {"edit": True, "sensitive": True} session['lastactivity'] = return render_template("albums.html", options=options, titles=titles, username=username) else: return abort(404)
def album_route(): album_id = request.args.get('id', None) if album_id is not None: picids = [] album_owner = [] cur = mysql.connection.cursor() cur.execute( "SELECT title, access, username FROM Album WHERE albumid=%s", (album_id, )) album_info = cur.fetchone() if 'username' in session and check_session(): username = session['username'] if album_info[1] == 'private': rows_count = cur.execute( "SELECT username FROM AlbumAccess WHERE albumid=%s AND username=%s", (album_id, username)) if rows_count > 0 or username == album_info[2]: options = { "edit": False, "private": True, "sensitive": True } else: options = {"edit": False, "login": True, "refill": True} print "access denied!" return render_template("user.html", options=options) else: options = {"edit": False, "private": False, "sensitive": True} else: if album_info[1] == 'private': options = {"edit": False, "login": True, "refill": True} print "access denied!" return render_template("user.html", options=options, prev_url='/j89pws9vn291/pa4/album?id=' + album_id) else: options = {"edit": False, "private": False, "sensitive": False} cur.execute( "SELECT Photo.picid, Photo.url,, Contain.caption FROM Photo,Contain WHERE Photo.picid=Contain.picid and albumid=%s ORDER BY Contain.sequencenum", (album_id, )) picids = cur.fetchall() cur.close() session['lastactivity'] = return render_template("album.html", options=options, picids=picids, albumid=album_id, album_info=album_info) else: return abort(404)
def main_route(): if 'username' in session and check_session() is True: user = session['username'] options = {"logged_in": True} session['lastactivity'] = titles = [] cur = mysql.connection.cursor() try: cur.execute( "SELECT albumid, title, access FROM Album WHERE access='public' OR username=%s OR albumid IN (SELECT albumid FROM AlbumAccess WHERE username=%s)", (user, user)) titles = cur.fetchall() except: print "Get info of all public albums query is wrong!" finally: cur.close() return render_template("index.html", options=options, user=user, titles=titles) else: options = {"logged_in": False} return render_template("index.html", options=options)
def user_route(): if request.method == 'POST': user_name = request.form.get('user_name', None) first_name = request.form.get('first_name', None) last_name = request.form.get('last_name', None) email = request.form.get('email', None) password = request.form.get('password', None) confirmPassword = request.form.get('confirmPassword', None) if password == confirmPassword: if check_username(user_name) is False: cur = mysql.connection.cursor() try: cur.execute( "INSERT INTO User VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (user_name, first_name, last_name, password, email)) mysql.connection.commit() except: print "Insert new user query is wrong!" finally: cur.close() send_email(email, first_name, user_name) options = {"edit": False, "login": True, "refill": False} else: options = {"edit": False, "login": False, "refill": True} else: options = {"edit": False, "login": False, "refill": True} return render_template("user.html", options=options) else: if 'username' in session and check_session() is True: session['lastactivity'] = return redirect('/j89pws9vn291/pa4/user/edit') else: options = {"edit": False, "login": False, "refill": False} return render_template("user.html", options=options)
def pic_route(): pic_id = None username = None prev_id = [] next_id = [] id = None pic_id = request.args.get('id', None) if pic_id is not None: next_url = None options = {"prev": True, "next": True} sensitive = False cur = mysql.connection.cursor() try: cur.execute("SELECT url FROM Photo WHERE picid=%s", (pic_id, )) pic_url = cur.fetchone() cur.execute( "SELECT sequencenum, albumid, caption FROM Contain WHERE picid=%s", (pic_id, )) seq_tuple = cur.fetchone() cur.execute("SELECT username, access FROM Album WHERE albumid=%s", (seq_tuple[1], )) album_info = cur.fetchone() if 'username' in session and check_session(): username = session['username'] if album_info[1] == 'private': rows_count = cur.execute( "SELECT username FROM AlbumAccess WHERE albumid=%s AND username=%s", (seq_tuple[1], username)) if username != album_info[0] and rows_count == 0: options = { "edit": False, "login": True, "refill": True } print "Access denied!" return render_template("user.html", options=options) sensitive = True else: if album_info[1] == 'private': cur.close() options = {"edit": False, "login": True, "refill": True} print "Access denied!" return render_template( "user.html", options=options, prev_url='/j89pws9vn291/pa4/pic?id=' + pic_id) id = seq_tuple[1] cur.execute( "SELECT MAX(sequencenum) FROM Contain WHERE albumid=%s", (seq_tuple[1], )) max_seq = cur.fetchone() seq_num = int(seq_tuple[0]) prev_seq = seq_num - 1 next_seq = seq_num + 1 if seq_num == 1: prev_seq = None if seq_num >= max_seq[0]: next_seq = None if prev_seq == None and next_seq == None: # print "pass" options = {"prev": False, "next": False} elif prev_seq is None: cur.execute( "SELECT picid FROM Contain WHERE albumid=%s and sequencenum=%s", (seq_tuple[1], next_seq)) next_id = cur.fetchone() options = {"prev": False, "next": True} elif next_seq == None: cur.execute( "SELECT picid FROM Contain WHERE albumid=%s and sequencenum=%s", (seq_tuple[1], prev_seq)) prev_id = cur.fetchone() options = {"prev": True, "next": False} else: cur.execute( "SELECT picid FROM Contain WHERE albumid=%s and sequencenum=%s", (seq_tuple[1], next_seq)) next_id = cur.fetchone() cur.execute( "SELECT picid FROM Contain WHERE albumid=%s and sequencenum=%s", (seq_tuple[1], prev_seq)) prev_id = cur.fetchone() except: print "Some query inside is wrong!" finally: cur.close() result = get_pic_favorite_info(pic_id) latest_favorites = result[0] num_favorites = result[1] session['lastactivity'] = return render_template("pic.html", pic_url=pic_url, prev_id=prev_id, next_id=next_id, options=options, id=id, user_name=username, caption=seq_tuple[2], pic_id=pic_id, latest_favorites=latest_favorites, num_favorites=num_favorites, sensitive=sensitive) else: return abort(404)
def user_edit_route(): if 'username' in session: if check_session() is False: options = {"edit": False, "login": True, "refill": True} return render_template("user.html", options=options, prev_url='/j89pws9vn291/pa4/user/edit') else: username = session['username'] session['lastactivity'] = if request.method == 'POST': first_name = request.form.get('first_name', None) last_name = request.form.get('last_name', None) email = request.form.get('email', None) password = request.form.get('password', None) confirmPassword = request.form.get('confirmPassword', None) if password == confirmPassword: cur = mysql.connection.cursor() try: cur.execute( "UPDATE User SET firstname=%s, lastname=%s, password=%s, email=%s WHERE username=%s", (first_name, last_name, password, email, username)) mysql.connection.commit() except: print "Update existing user query is wrong!" finally: cur.close() else: cur = mysql.connection.cursor() try: cur.execute( "SELECT firstname, lastname, email FROM User WHERE username=%s", (username, )) name_and_email = cur.fetchone() options = { "edit": True, "login": False, "refill": False } return render_template("user.html", options=options, name_and_email=name_and_email) except: print "Insert new user query is wrong!" finally: cur.close() else: cur = mysql.connection.cursor() try: cur.execute( "SELECT firstname, lastname, email FROM User WHERE username=%s", (username, )) name_and_email = cur.fetchone() options = {"edit": True, "login": False, "refill": False} return render_template("user.html", options=options, name_and_email=name_and_email) except: print "Insert new user is wrong!" finally: cur.close() options = {"edit": False, "login": True, "refill": False} return render_template("user.html", options=options) else: options = {"edit": False, "login": True, "refill": False} return render_template("user.html", options=options, prev_url='/j89pws9vn291/pa4/user/edit')
def albums_edit_route_post(): if 'username' in session and check_session(): op = request.form.get('op', None) if op is not None: titles = [] if op == "delete": albumid = request.form.get('albumid') cur = mysql.connection.cursor() try: #delete the pics related to this album cur.execute("SELECT picid FROM Contain WHERE albumid=%s", (albumid, )) picid_need_remove = cur.fetchall() for picid_remove in picid_need_remove: cur.execute("SELECT url FROM Photo WHERE picid=%s", (picid_remove[0], )) url_remove = cur.fetchone() os.remove(UPLOAD_FOLDER + url_remove[0]) cur.execute("SELECT username FROM Album WHERE albumid=%s", (albumid, )) username = cur.fetchone() cur.execute("DELETE FROM Album WHERE albumid=%s", (albumid, )) mysql.connection.commit() cur.execute( "SELECT albumid, title, access FROM Album WHERE username=%s", (username[0], )) titles = cur.fetchall() except: print "Some query inside is wrong!" finally: cur.close() if op == "add": username = request.form.get('username') title = request.form.get('title') access = request.form.get('access') cur = mysql.connection.cursor() try: cur.execute( "INSERT INTO Album (title, created, lastupdated, username, access) VALUES (%s, NOW(), NOW(), %s, %s)", (title, username, access)) mysql.connection.commit() cur.execute( "SELECT albumid, title, access FROM Album WHERE username=%s", (username, )) titles = cur.fetchall() except: print "Insert new album record is wrong! \n Get info of the album query is wrong!" finally: cur.close() options = {"edit": True, "sensitive": True} session['lastactivity'] = return render_template("albums.html", options=options, username=username, titles=titles) else: return abort(404) else: options = {"edit": False, "login": True} return render_template("user.html", options=options, prev_url='/j89pws9vn291/pa4/albums/edit')
def album_edit_route_post(): op = request.form.get('op', None) if op is not None: albumid = request.form.get('albumid') picids = [] users_with_access = [] cur = mysql.connection.cursor() try: cur.execute( "SELECT title, access, username FROM Album WHERE albumid=%s", (albumid, )) album_info = cur.fetchone() except: print "Get info of an album query is wrong!" finally: cur.close() if op == "add": _file = request.files['filepath'] if _file and allowed_file(_file.filename): filename = _file.filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0] format = _file.filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1] # new_filename = _file.filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0] # filename.update(new_filename.encode('utf-8')) picid = filename url = '/pictures/' + picid + '.' + format + url) cur = mysql.connection.cursor() try: cur.execute( "SELECT sequencenum FROM Contain WHERE albumid=%s", (albumid, )) test_seq = cur.fetchall() if len(test_seq) == 0: new_seq = 1 else: cur.execute( "SELECT MAX(sequencenum) FROM Contain WHERE albumid=%s", (albumid, )) maxsequence = cur.fetchone() new_seq = maxsequence[0] + 1 cur.execute( "INSERT INTO Contain (albumid, picid, sequencenum) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", (albumid, picid, new_seq)) cur.execute( "INSERT INTO Photo (picid, url, format, date) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, NOW())", (picid, url, format)) mysql.connection.commit() except: print "Some query inside is wrong!" finally: cur.close() if op == "delete": picid = request.form.get('picid') url = "" cur = mysql.connection.cursor() try: cur.execute("SELECT url FROM Photo WHERE picid=%s", (picid, )) url = cur.fetchone() #update seqnum cur.execute( "SELECT sequencenum FROM Contain WHERE albumid=%s AND picid=%s", (albumid, picid)) del_seq = cur.fetchone() cur.execute( "SELECT picid,sequencenum FROM Contain WHERE sequencenum>%s", (del_seq[0], )) pic_need_to_decre = cur.fetchall() if len(pic_need_to_decre) == 0: print "this is the last pic" else: for pic_decre in pic_need_to_decre: cur.execute( "UPDATE Contain SET sequencenum=%s WHERE picid=%s AND albumid=%s", (pic_decre[1] - 1, pic_decre[0], albumid)) mysql.connection.commit() #update seqnum cur.execute( "DELETE FROM Contain WHERE albumid=%s AND picid=%s", (albumid, picid)) mysql.connection.commit() except: print "Update sequence num query is wrong!" finally: cur.close() os.remove(UPLOAD_FOLDER + url[0]) if op == "title_edit": new_title = request.form.get('new_title') cur = mysql.connection.cursor() try: cur.execute("UPDATE Album SET title=%s WHERE albumid=%s", (new_title, albumid)) mysql.connection.commit() except: print "Update album title query is wrong!" finally: cur.close() if op == "access_edit": cur = mysql.connection.cursor() try: if album_info[1] == 'public': cur.execute( "UPDATE Album SET access='private' WHERE albumid=%s", (albumid, )) else: cur.execute( "UPDATE Album SET access='public' WHERE albumid=%s", (albumid, )) cur.execute("DELETE FROM AlbumAccess WHERE albumid=%s", (albumid, )) mysql.connection.commit() except: print "Update access of an album query is wrong!" finally: cur.close() if op == "add_new_user_with_access": new_user_with_access = request.form.get('new_user_with_access') cur = mysql.connection.cursor() try: rows_count = cur.execute( "SELECT username FROM User WHERE username=%s", (new_user_with_access, )) if rows_count > 0: cur.execute( "INSERT INTO AlbumAccess(albumid, username) VALUES (%s, %s)", (albumid, new_user_with_access)) mysql.connection.commit() except: print "Add new access of a user query is wrong!" finally: cur.close() if op == "revoke": revoked_user = request.form.get('username') cur = mysql.connection.cursor() try: cur.execute( "DELETE FROM AlbumAccess WHERE albumid=%s AND username=%s", (albumid, revoked_user)) mysql.connection.commit() except: print "Delete access of a user query is wrong!" finally: cur.close() cur = mysql.connection.cursor() cur.execute( "SELECT title, access, username FROM Album WHERE Album.albumid=%s", (albumid, )) album_info = cur.fetchone() cur.execute( "SELECT Photo.picid, Photo.url,, Contain.caption FROM Photo, Contain WHERE Photo.picid=Contain.picid and albumid=%s ORDER BY Contain.sequencenum", (albumid, )) picids = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("UPDATE Album SET lastupdated=NOW() WHERE albumid=%s", (albumid, )) mysql.connection.commit() if 'username' in session and check_session(): username = session['username'] if username == album_info[2]: if album_info[1] == "private": cur.execute( "SELECT username FROM AlbumAccess WHERE albumid=%s", (albumid, )) users_with_access = cur.fetchall() options = { "edit": True, "private": True, "sensitive": True } elif album_info[1] == "public": options = { "edit": True, "private": False, "sensitive": True } else: options = {"edit": False, "login": True, "refill": True} print "Access denied!" return render_template("user.html", options=options) else: options = {"edit": False, "login": True, "refill": True} print "Access denied!" return render_template("user.html", options=options, prev_url='/j89pws9vn291/pa4/album?id=' + albumid) cur.close() session['lastactivity'] = return render_template("album.html", options=options, albumid=albumid, picids=picids, album_info=album_info, users_with_access=users_with_access) else: return abort(404)
def album_edit_route(): album_edit_id = request.args.get('id', None) if album_edit_id is not None: picids = [] users_with_access = [] cur = mysql.connection.cursor() try: cur.execute( "SELECT title, access, username FROM Album WHERE albumid=%s", (album_edit_id, )) album_info = cur.fetchone() if 'username' in session and check_session(): username = session['username'] if username == album_info[2]: if album_info[1] == "private": options = { "edit": True, "private": True, "sensitive": True } elif album_info[1] == "public": options = { "edit": True, "private": False, "sensitive": True } else: options = {"edit": False, "login": True, "refill": True} print "Access denied!" return render_template( "user.html", options=options, prev_url='/j89pws9vn291/pa4/album/edit?id=' + album_edit_id) else: options = {"edit": False, "login": True, "refill": True} print "Access denied!" return render_template( "user.html", options=options, prev_url='/j89pws9vn291/pa4/album/edit?id=' + album_edit_id) except: print "Get info of an album query is wrong!" finally: cur.close() cur = mysql.connection.cursor() try: cur.execute("SELECT username FROM AlbumAccess WHERE albumid=%s", (album_edit_id, )) users_with_access = cur.fetchall() cur.execute( "SELECT Photo.picid, Photo.url,, Contain.caption FROM Photo, Contain WHERE Photo.picid=Contain.picid AND albumid=%s ORDER BY Contain.sequencenum", (album_edit_id, )) picids = cur.fetchall() except: print "Get info of a user access query or get info of a photo query is wrong!" finally: cur.close() return render_template("album.html", options=options, picids=picids, albumid=album_edit_id, album_info=album_info, users_with_access=users_with_access) else: return abort(404)