コード例 #1
    def Special_Refresh():
            screen, "rivets.jpg",
            Rect(menu_margin, 0, menu_width,

        edge = Rect(menu_margin, -10, menu_width + 10,
                    screen.get_rect().height + 10)

        for r in [stats_rect, global_stats_rect, edge]:
            extra.Line_Edging(screen, r, False)

        r = picture.get_rect()
        r.center = picture_surf.get_rect().center
        extra.Line_Edging(picture_surf, r, False)
        picture_surf.blit(picture, r.topleft)
コード例 #2
    def __Draw(self, xxx_todo_changeme):
        (width_hint, height_hint) = xxx_todo_changeme
        surf = pygame.Surface((width_hint, height_hint))
        bbox = Rect(0, 0, width_hint, height_hint)

        extra.Tile_Texture(surf, "006metal.jpg", surf.get_rect())

        margin = 8
        w = bbox.width - (margin * 2)
        th = None
        y = margin + bbox.top
        control_rects = []
        max_width = 0
        first_item = True

        for (num, name, hotkeys) in self.options:
            if (name == None):  # a gap
                if (first_item):
                    img = resource.Load_Image("header.jpg")
                    img_r = img.get_rect()
                    img_r.center = bbox.center
                    img_r.top = y
                    surf.blit(img, img_r.topleft)
                    extra.Edge_Effect(surf, img_r)
                    max_width = img_r.width + (margin * 2)
                    y += img_r.height

                y += margin * 2

            txt = render.Render(name, 18, (50, 200, 20), (200, 200, 0))
            if (th == None):
                th = txt.get_rect().height + (margin * 2)
            tw = txt.get_rect().width + (margin * 2)
            if (tw > max_width):
                max_width = tw

            x = bbox.left + margin
            r = Rect(x, y, w, th)
            x += self.Justify(w, txt.get_rect().width)

            extra.Tile_Texture(surf, "greenrust.jpg", r)
            extra.Edge_Effect(surf, r)
            self.Enhancement_Interface(surf, num, r, margin)

            surf.blit(txt, (x, y + margin - 1))
            y += th + margin
            control_rects.append((num, r))

            first_item = False

        # Finalise drawing
        extra.Line_Edging(surf, bbox, True)

        return (surf, control_rects, (max_width, y))
コード例 #3
    def __Draw_H(self, title, text, height):
        width = self.width
        margin = 10
        fs1 = 12
        fs2 = 14
        newline_gap = 12

        surf = pygame.Surface((width, height))
        bbox = surf.get_rect()
        extra.Tile_Texture(surf, "006metal.jpg", bbox)
        tsurf = stats.Get_Font(fs1).render(title, True, (250,250,200))
        tsurf_r = tsurf.get_rect()
        tsurf_r.center = bbox.center
        tsurf_r.top = margin

        surf.blit(tsurf, tsurf_r.topleft)

        y = tsurf_r.bottom + margin
        # line edging for title
        extra.Line_Edging(surf, Rect(0,0,width,y), True)

        y += margin
        x = margin
        height = y
        while ( len(text) != 0 ):
            newline = False
            i = text.find(' ')
            j = text.find("\n")

            if (( j >= 0 ) and ( j < i )):
                i = j
                newline = True

            if ( i < 0 ):
                i = len(text)

            word = text[ : i ] + " "
            text = text[ i + 1 : ].lstrip()

            tsurf = stats.Get_Font(fs2).render(word, True, (250,200,250))
            tsurf_r = tsurf.get_rect()
            tsurf_r.topleft = (x,y)
            if ( tsurf_r.right > ( width - 5 )):
                # Wrap.
                y += tsurf_r.height
                x = margin
                tsurf_r.topleft = (x,y)

            surf.blit(tsurf, tsurf_r.topleft)
            x = tsurf_r.right
            height = tsurf_r.bottom + margin

            if ( newline ):
                x = margin
                y = tsurf_r.bottom + newline_gap

        # line edging for rest of box
        extra.Line_Edging(surf, bbox, True)

        return (surf, height)
コード例 #4
class Menu:
    def __init__(self, menu_options, force_width=0):
        self.options = menu_options

        self.control_rects = []
        self.hover = None
        self.bbox = None

        self.selection = None
        self.update_required = True

        width_hint = height_hint = 10

        if (force_width > 0):
            width_hint = force_width

        # Two attempts at drawing required.
        (discard1, discard2, (width_hint, height_hint)) = self.__Draw(
            (width_hint, height_hint))

        if (width_hint < 150):
            width_hint = 150
        if (force_width > 0):
            width_hint = force_width

        (self.surf_store, self.control_rects,
         (discard1, discard2)) = self.__Draw((width_hint, height_hint))

        self.bbox = Rect(0, 0, width_hint, height_hint)

    def Get_Command(self):
        return self.selection

    def Select(self, snum):
        self.update_required = True
        self.selection = snum

    def Mouse_Move(self, spos):
        if ((spos == None) or (not self.bbox.collidepoint(spos))):
            self.hover = None

        self.update_required = True
        (x, y) = spos

        old_sel = self.hover
        self.hover = None
        x -= self.bbox.left
        y -= self.bbox.top
        for (num, r) in self.control_rects:
            if (r.collidepoint(x, y)):
                self.hover = num
                if (old_sel != self.hover):

    def Mouse_Down(self, spos):

        if (self.hover != None):
            self.selection = self.hover

    def Key_Press(self, k):
        for (num, name, hotkeys) in self.options:
            if ((hotkeys != None) and (k in hotkeys)):
                self.selection = num
                self.update_required = True

    def Draw(self, output, centre=None):
        if (self.update_required):
            self.update_required = False

            if (centre == None):
                self.bbox.center = output.get_rect().center
                self.bbox.center = centre


            output.blit(self.surf_store, self.bbox.topleft)

            for (num, r) in self.control_rects:
                r = Rect(r)
                r.top += self.bbox.top
                r.left += self.bbox.left
                if (num == self.selection):
                    pygame.draw.rect(output, (255, 255, 255), r, 1)
                elif (num == self.hover):
                    pygame.draw.rect(output, (0, 180, 0), r, 1)

    def __Draw(self, (width_hint, height_hint)):
        surf = pygame.Surface((width_hint, height_hint))
        bbox = Rect(0, 0, width_hint, height_hint)

        extra.Tile_Texture(surf, "006metal.jpg", surf.get_rect())

        margin = 8
        w = bbox.width - (margin * 2)
        th = None
        y = margin + bbox.top
        control_rects = []
        max_width = 0
        first_item = True

        for (num, name, hotkeys) in self.options:
            if (name == None):  # a gap
                if (first_item):
                    img = resource.Load_Image("header.jpg")
                    img_r = img.get_rect()
                    img_r.center = bbox.center
                    img_r.top = y
                    surf.blit(img, img_r.topleft)
                    extra.Edge_Effect(surf, img_r)
                    max_width = img_r.width + (margin * 2)
                    y += img_r.height

                y += margin * 2

            txt = render.Render(name, 18, (50, 200, 20), (200, 200, 0))
            if (th == None):
                th = txt.get_rect().height + (margin * 2)
            tw = txt.get_rect().width + (margin * 2)
            if (tw > max_width):
                max_width = tw

            x = bbox.left + margin
            r = Rect(x, y, w, th)
            x += self.Justify(w, txt.get_rect().width)

            extra.Tile_Texture(surf, "greenrust.jpg", r)
            extra.Edge_Effect(surf, r)
            self.Enhancement_Interface(surf, num, r, margin)

            surf.blit(txt, (x, y + margin - 1))
            y += th + margin
            control_rects.append((num, r))

            first_item = False

        # Finalise drawing
        extra.Line_Edging(surf, bbox, True)

        return (surf, control_rects, (max_width, y))