コード例 #1
 def load_data(self, data):
   files = [entry_data for (entry_name, entry_data) in get_pak_files(data)]
   # There are always at least four files in a model pak.
   # The first three I don't know a lot about, and then
   # the GMO files come after that.
   if len(files) < 4:
     _LOGGER.error("Invalid model PAK. %d files found, but at least 4 needed." % len(files))
   # The name pak contains a list of null-terminated names for
   # each of the models, stored in our standard pak format.
   name_pak = files[0]
   names    = [entry_data.bytes.strip('\0') for (entry_name, entry_data) in get_pak_files(name_pak)]
   # Most of the model paks in SDR2 have a fourth unknown file before the models
   # start, so we'll just take everything from the back end and call it a day.
   models = files[-len(names):]
   # Now, we don't get file positions from the unpacker, so let's find those
   # and start filling out our internal list of GMO files.
   file_starts, file_ends = parse_pak_toc(data)
   model_starts = file_starts[-len(names):]
   for i, model in enumerate(models):
     # First of all, not all of the "models" present are actually GMO files.
     # It's rare, but there is the occasional other unknown format.
     # So let's make sure we have a GMO file.
     if not model[:GMO_MAGIC.len] == GMO_MAGIC:
       # print i, "Not a GMO."
     name  = names[i]
     gmo   = GmoFile(data = model)
     size  = model.len / 8
     start = model_starts[i]
       _NAME:   name,
       _START:  start,
       _SIZE:   size,
       _DATA:   gmo,
   self.__data = BitStream(data)
コード例 #2
    def load(self, filename):
        filename = filename.lower()

        if not filename in MTB_DIR:
            _LOGGER.error("Invalid MTB file: %s" % filename)

        self.filename = filename

        script_dir = MTB_DIR[filename]
        self.script_pack = ScriptPack(script_dir,

        # --- MTB FORMAT ---
        # A nested pak of our standard game paks.
        # Each file comes with three paks (four in the first game).
        # The first pak has a single file with information about the MTB as a whole.
        # The second one contains information about individual lines.
        # The third one, I dunno. Always seems to have 120 items?

        mtb = ConstBitStream(filename=os.path.join(
            common.editor_config.data01_dir, BIN_DIR, self.filename))
        paks = [data for name, data in get_pak_files(mtb)]

        mtb_data = paks[0]
        line_data = paks[1]

        for name, data in get_pak_files(mtb_data):
            mtb_index = data.read("uintle:16")
            sprite_char = data.read("uintle:16")
            voice_char = data.read("uintle:16")
            sprite_id = data.read("uintle:16")

        sprite = SpriteId(SPRITE_TYPE.stand, sprite_char, sprite_id)

        for name, data in get_pak_files(line_data):
            file_id = data.read("uintle:16")
            voice_ch = data.read("uintle:16")
            voice_id = data.read("uintle:16")

            voice = VoiceId(voice_char, voice_ch, voice_id)

            self.script_pack[file_id].scene_info.sprite = sprite
            self.script_pack[file_id].scene_info.voice = voice
コード例 #3
 def load(self, filename):
   filename = filename.lower()
   if not filename in MTB_DIR:
     _LOGGER.error("Invalid MTB file: %s" % filename)
   self.filename = filename
   script_dir = MTB_DIR[filename]
   self.script_pack = ScriptPack(script_dir, common.editor_config.data01_dir)
   # --- MTB FORMAT ---
   # A nested pak of our standard game paks.
   # Each file comes with three paks (four in the first game).
   # The first pak has a single file with information about the MTB as a whole.
   # The second one contains information about individual lines.
   # The third one, I dunno. Always seems to have 120 items?
   mtb = ConstBitStream(filename = os.path.join(common.editor_config.data01_dir, BIN_DIR, self.filename))
   paks = [data for name, data in get_pak_files(mtb)]
   mtb_data  = paks[0]
   line_data = paks[1]
   for name, data in get_pak_files(mtb_data):
     mtb_index   = data.read("uintle:16")
     sprite_char = data.read("uintle:16")
     voice_char  = data.read("uintle:16")
     sprite_id   = data.read("uintle:16")
   sprite = SpriteId(SPRITE_TYPE.stand, sprite_char, sprite_id)
   for name, data in get_pak_files(line_data):
     file_id  = data.read("uintle:16")
     voice_ch = data.read("uintle:16")
     voice_id = data.read("uintle:16")
     voice = VoiceId(voice_char, voice_ch, voice_id)
     self.script_pack[file_id].scene_info.sprite = sprite
     self.script_pack[file_id].scene_info.voice  = voice
コード例 #4
  def pack_shown(self, shown, num_letters):
    data = BitStream()
    if shown == None:
      shown = []
    for i in range(1, num_letters + 1):
      if i in shown:
        data += LETTER_VISIBLE
        data += LETTER_HIDDEN
    return data
if __name__ == "__main__":

  from extract.pak import get_pak_files
  for x in range(12):
    data = ConstBitStream(filename = os.path.join(common.editor_config.data01_dir, BIN_DIR, "anagram2_level%02d.dat" % x))
    with open("wip/anagram%02d.txt" % x, "wb") as f:
      for name, table in get_pak_files(data):
        f.write(name[:4] + ": ")
        # for i in range(36):
          # print "%3d" % table.read("uintle:8"),
        for i in range(18):
          f.write("%6d " % table.read("intle:16"))

### EOF ###
コード例 #5
        if shown == None:
            shown = []

        for i in range(1, num_letters + 1):
            if i in shown:
                data += LETTER_VISIBLE
                data += LETTER_HIDDEN

        return data

if __name__ == "__main__":

    from extract.pak import get_pak_files
    for x in range(12):
        data = ConstBitStream(
            filename=os.path.join(common.editor_config.data01_dir, BIN_DIR,
                                  "anagram2_level%02d.dat" % x))

        with open("wip/anagram%02d.txt" % x, "wb") as f:
            for name, table in get_pak_files(data):
                f.write(name[:4] + ": ")
                # for i in range(36):
                # print "%3d" % table.read("uintle:8"),
                for i in range(18):
                    f.write("%6d " % table.read("intle:16"))

### EOF ###