コード例 #1
def codeName_extraction(path, name, list_busCode, list_busCode_original):
    list_extract = []
    cnt = 0
    with open(path + '/' + name) as f:
        for line in f:
            cnt += 1

            split_line = line.split('\t')
            # we can also use the function in extract road name in extract the bus code name
            list_index = match_road(split_line[1].lower(), list_busCode)
            if len(list_index) > 0:
                for index in list_index:
                    # list_busCode_original have different index with list_busCode;
                    print (split_line[0] + '\t' + list_busCode_original[index + 1])
                    list_extract.append(split_line[0] + '\t' + list_busCode_original[index + 1])

            print cnt

    for value in list_extract:
        print value

    write_file(path, 'facebook_2015_BusNews_filtering_busStopName', list_extract)
コード例 #2
def fix_busCodeName(path, name, list_busStopName, list_busCode_original):
    list_idBusStop = list()
    for index in range(1, len(list_busStopName)):
        split_line = list_busStopName[index].split('\t')
        id_index = split_line[0].lower()

        if id_index not in list_idBusStop:

    # cnt = 1
    list_extract = list()
    with open(path + '/' + name) as f:
        for text in f:
            split_line = text.strip().split('\t')
            id_text = split_line[0]
            if id_text in list_idBusStop:
                # we can also use the function in extract road name in extract the bus code name
                list_index = match_road(split_line[1].lower(), list_busCode)
                if len(list_index) > 0:
                    for index in list_index:
                        # list_busCode_original have different index with list_busCode;
                        print split_line[0] + '\t' + list_busCode_original[index + 1]
                        list_extract.append(split_line[0] + '\t' + list_busCode_original[index + 1])