コード例 #1
def extract_entries(id_traces, random_entries=False, data=[]):
    /!\ DEPRECATED /!\ Use extract_all_traces to extract real traces.

    Extract what will be used as entries.
    :param id_traces: Id of the trace chosen. '22' for the second sdsc trace.
    :type id_traces: String.
    :return: A dictionary with various information on the entries.
    if random_entries:
        entries = data
    elif id_traces == '1':
        entries = t1.extract_sources()
    elif id_traces[0] == '2':
        entries = t2.extract_sources(id_traces[1])
        entries = t3.extract_filename()
    entries_set = set(entries)
    elements = list(entries_set)
    bijection = {elements[i]: i for i in range(len(elements))}
    entries = [bijection[e] for e in entries]
    various_information = {'elements': entries,
                           'distinct_elements': [bijection[e] for e in elements],
                           'size': len(entries),
                           'frequency': {},
                           'max': len(elements)}
    for e in various_information['distinct_elements']:
        various_information['frequency'][e] = \
            len([el for el in entries if el == e]) / len(entries)

    return various_information
コード例 #2
def extract_all_traces():
    Extra from the traces what will be used as entries. It does it in one go for all the traces to eventually keep
    the same IDs for similar items.
    :return: List of integers.
    traces = [t1.extract_filename(), t2.extract_filenames('1'),
              t2.extract_filenames('2'), t3.extract_filename()]
    distinct_elts = list(set([e for l in traces for e in l]))
    max_elt = len(distinct_elts)-1
    bijection = {distinct_elts[i]: i for i in range(len(distinct_elts))}
    entries = [[bijection[e] for e in l] for l in traces]
    return entries, max_elt