def extract_marker_gene_reads(bams,out_prefix,cores): N = min(len(bams),cores,cpu_count()) extract_reads.extract_reads(bamlist=bams,cores=N,prefix=out_prefix) # merge single reads cmd = ['cat'] for i in xrange(N): hs = '%s.%d.single.fastq' % (out_prefix,i) if file_size(hs)>0: cmd.append(hs) if len(cmd)>1: f = open(out_prefix+'.single.fastq','w'),stdout=f) f.close() # merge pe1 reads cmd = ['cat'] for i in xrange(N): h1 = '%s.%d.pe1.fastq' % (out_prefix,i) if file_size(h1)>0: cmd.append(h1) if len(cmd)>1: f = open(out_prefix+'.pe1.fastq','w'),stdout=f) f.close() # merge pe2 reads cmd = ['cat'] for i in xrange(N): h2 = '%s.%d.pe2.fastq' % (out_prefix,i) if file_size(h2)>0: cmd.append(h2) if len(cmd)>1: f = open(out_prefix+'.pe2.fastq','w'),stdout=f) f.close() # remove temporary file cmd = ['rm'] for i in xrange(N): hs = '%s.%d.single.fastq' % (out_prefix,i) h1 = '%s.%d.pe1.fastq' % (out_prefix,i) h2 = '%s.%d.pe2.fastq' % (out_prefix,i) if os.path.exists(hs): cmd.append(hs) if os.path.exists(h1): cmd.append(h1) if os.path.exists(h2): cmd.append(h2)
def extract_bam_reads(bam, verbose=False): ''' It is to extract short reads from the input bam file. ''' if verbose:'extract short reads from ' + os.path.basename(bam)) prefix = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(bam))[0]) PE1,PE2,SIN = extract_reads.extract_reads(bamlist=[bam],prefix=prefix) # merge os.system('cat {} {} {} | seqtk seq -A > {}'.format(PE1,PE2,SIN,prefix+'.fasta')) # remove temporary file cmd = ['rm','-f',PE1,PE2,SIN] call(cmd) return prefix+'.fasta'
def extract_sample_gene_read(params): smpl, bam = params extract_reads.extract_reads(bamlist=[bam], prefix=smpl, cores=1) return None
def extract_marker_gene_reads(bams, out_prefix, cores): N = min(len(bams), cores, cpu_count()) extract_reads.extract_reads(bamlist=bams, cores=N, prefix=out_prefix)
def main(): # required packages import os import argparse import datetime import time parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Main script of the FUCHS pipeline.' 'For a detailed help see ' 'or the included README.rst file.') # input parser.add_argument( '-C', '--circIDs', dest='circlefile', default='none', help='Tab-separated file chr:start_end(tab)read1,read2,read3.') parser.add_argument( '-D', '--DCC', dest='CircRNACount', default='none', help= 'If you mapped with STAR and are using step1 you need to provide a list' ' of circle ids (CircRNACount or CircCoordinates from DCC)' 'You must supply either -C or -DCC') parser.add_argument( '-J', '--chimericJunctions', dest='chimeric_junction', default='none', help= 'If you mapped with STAR and are using step1 you need to provide the paired end Chimeric.junction.out file here' ) parser.add_argument( '-F', '--mate1', dest='mate1', default='none', help= 'If you mapped with STAR and are using step1 you need to provide the mate1.Chimeric.junction.out file here (optional if ends were mapped separately)' ) parser.add_argument( '-R', '--mate2', dest='mate2', default='none', help= 'If you mapped with STAR and are using step1 you need to provide the mate2.Chimeric.junction.out file here (optional if ends were mapped separately)' ) parser.add_argument( '-B', '--bamfile', dest='bamfile', required=True, help= 'BAM file containing chimeric reads, linear reads may be in it but are not required.' ) parser.add_argument('-A', '--annotation', dest='bedfile', required=True, help='bed formatted feature file including exons.') # output parser.add_argument( '-O', '--outFolder', dest='out_folder', default='.', help= 'Output folder. There will be a sub folder for the sample containing a BAM file ' 'for each circle.') parser.add_argument('-N', '--sampleName', dest='sample', required=True, help='sample name to title every thing.') # options parser.add_argument( '-r', '--thresholdReads', dest='reads', default=5, type=int, help='Circle has to have at least <r> reads to be analysed.') # TODO: default: no multi map parser.add_argument( '-q', '--thresholdMapq', dest='mapq', default=3, type=int, help= 'MAPQ cutoff, only reads passing this threshold will be written to circle BAM file.' ) # TODO: add 0 based info parser.add_argument('-c', '--splitCharacter', dest='split_character', default='_', help='feature name separator.') parser.add_argument( '-e', '--exonIndex', dest='exon_index', default=3, type=int, help= 'Field indicating the exon number after splitting feature name by split_character (for the annotation file).' ) parser.add_argument( '-p', '--annotationFormat', dest='ref_platform', default='refseq', help= 'Specifies the annotation platform which was used (refseq or ensembl)') parser.add_argument( '-s', '--skipSteps', dest='skipped_steps', default='none', help= 'Comma separated list of steps that should be skipped (e.g. step3,step4,step6)' ) parser.add_argument( '-T', '--tmp', dest='tmp_folder', default='/tmp/', help='Folder to store temporary files generated by pybedtools.') parser.add_argument('-P', '--cpus', dest='num_cpus', default=4, type=int, help='Number of CPUs used.') args = parser.parse_args() # parse arguments circles = os.path.expanduser(args.circlefile) circle_ids = os.path.expanduser(args.CircRNACount) paired = os.path.expanduser( args.chimeric_junction) # not the greatest naming scheme mate1 = os.path.expanduser(args.mate1) mate2 = os.path.expanduser(args.mate2) bamfile = os.path.expanduser(args.bamfile) bedfile = os.path.expanduser(args.bedfile) outfolder = os.path.expanduser(args.out_folder) + '/' sample = args.sample num_cpus = args.num_cpus cutoff_reads = args.reads cutoff_mapq = args.mapq exon_index = args.exon_index split_character = args.split_character platform = args.ref_platform skipped_steps = args.skipped_steps.split(',') tmp_folder = os.path.expanduser(args.tmp_folder) + '/' # start writing down FUCHS time for retracing print('Started FUCHS at %s' % ( dt = str( start_time = time.time() # make log file # TODO # test if command line was correct if circles == 'none' and circle_ids == 'none': print( 'ERROR, you need to specify either a -C or -DCC.\nIf you mapped and detected your circRNAs with STAR/DCC you may indicate \n-DCC CircRNACount, -CJ Chimeric.junction.out, -m1 mate1.Chimeric.junction.out and -m2 mate2.Chimeric.junction.out\nif you used a different program, please supply a circID list using -C.\n' ) quit() if not circles == 'none' and not circle_ids == 'none': print( 'You have indicated both -C and -DCC, this is not necessary, we will skip step1 (read extraction from the STAR output) and proceed with the circID file\n' ) circle_ids == 'none' skipped_steps += ['step1'] if not circle_ids == 'none' and paired == 'none': print( 'You have indicated that you detected your circRNAs using STAR/DCC with the -DCC flag, \nhowever you did not specify a Chimeric.junction.out file, this is necessary, \nplease specify at least -CJ, if you have paired end data also specify -m1/-m2\n' ) quit() # convert relative paths names to absolute path names working_dir = os.getcwd() if not circles == 'none' and not os.path.isabs(circles): circles = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), circles)) print('changed circID file to %s\n' % (circles)) if not circles == 'none' and not os.path.exists(circles): print('ERROR, no such file or directory: %s' % (circles)) quit() if not circle_ids == 'none' and not os.path.isabs(circle_ids): circle_ids = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), circle_ids)) print('changed CircRNACount file to %s\n' % (circle_ids)) if not circle_ids == 'none' and not os.path.exists(circle_ids): print('ERROR, no such file or directory: %s' % (circle_ids)) quit() if not paired == 'none' and not os.path.isabs(paired): paired = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), paired)) print('changed Chimeric.junction.out file to %s\n' % (paired)) if not paired == 'none' and not os.path.exists(paired): print('ERROR, no such file or directory: %s' % (paired)) quit() if not mate2 == 'none' and not os.path.isabs(mate2): mate2 = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), mate2)) print('changed mate2.Chimeric.junction.out file to %s\n' % (mate2)) if not mate2 == 'none' and not os.path.exists(mate2): print('ERROR, no such file or directory: %s' % (mate2)) quit() if not mate1 == 'none' and not os.path.isabs(mate1): mate1 = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), mate1)) print('changed mate1.Chimeric.junction.out file to %s\n' % (mate1)) if not mate1 == 'none' and not os.path.exists(mate1): print('ERROR, no such file or directory: %s' % (mate1)) quit() if not os.path.isabs(bamfile): bamfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), bamfile)) print('changed bamfile file to %s\n' % (bamfile)) if not os.path.exists(bamfile): print('ERROR, no such file or directory: %s' % (bamfile)) quit() if not os.path.isabs(outfolder): outfolder = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), outfolder)) print('changed output folder to %s\n' % (outfolder)) if not os.path.isdir(outfolder): os.mkdir(outfolder) if not os.path.isabs(tmp_folder): tmp_folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), tmp_folder)) print('changed tmp folder to %s\n' % (tmp_folder)) if not os.path.isdir(tmp_folder): os.mkdir(tmp_folder) if not os.path.isabs(bedfile): bedfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), bedfile)) print('changed bedfile file to %s\n' % (bedfile)) if not os.path.exists(bedfile): print('ERROR, no such file or directory: %s' % (bedfile)) quit() accepted_platforms = ('refseq', 'ensembl') platform = platform.lower() if not platform in accepted_platforms: print( 'ERROR please specify an accepted annotation platform. Possible options are: refseq or ensembl' ) quit() print "The following analysis steps will be skipped: " + '%s' % ', '.join( map(str, skipped_steps)) # Step 1: (optional) if DCC was used, extract circle read names from junction file output_file = open( '%s/%s.logfile.%s' % (outfolder, sample, dt.replace(' ', '_')), 'w') output_file.write('FUCHS is starting at %s\n\n' % (dt)) output_file.write( '%s: starting to get readnames from Chimeric.junction.out\n' % ( output_file.close() if not 'step1' in skipped_steps: circles = "%s.reads.txt" % paired if not os.path.isfile(circles): import get_readnames_from_DCC as get_readnames names = get_readnames.get_readnames_from_DCC( circle_ids, paired, mate1, mate2) else: output_file = open( '%s/%s.logfile.%s' % (outfolder, sample, dt.replace(' ', '_')), 'a') output_file.write( '\tskipping get_readnames_from_DCC because %s exists already\n' % (circles)) output_file.close() # Step2 : extract circle reads from sample bam file output_file = open( '%s/%s.logfile.%s' % (outfolder, sample, dt.replace(' ', '_')), 'a') output_file.write( '\tfinished\n\n%s: starting to extract chimeric reads from bamfile\n' % ( output_file.close() if not 'step2' in skipped_steps: import extract_reads as extract_reads er = extract_reads.extract_reads(cutoff_reads, cutoff_mapq, circles, bamfile, outfolder, sample, tmp_folder, num_cpus) # Step3 : (optional) get information about possibly rolling circles output_file = open( '%s/%s.logfile.%s' % (outfolder, sample, dt.replace(' ', '_')), 'a') output_file.write( '\tfinished\n\n%s: starting to get mate pair information\n' % ( output_file.close() if not 'step3' in skipped_steps: if not os.path.isfile('%s/%s.mate_status.txt' % (outfolder, sample)): import get_mate_information as mateinformation mi = mateinformation.mate_information(platform, split_character, bedfile, outfolder, sample, tmp_folder, num_cpus) else: output_file = open( '%s/%s.logfile.%s' % (outfolder, sample, dt.replace(' ', '_')), 'a') output_file.write( '\tskipping get_mate_information because %s/%s.mate_status.txt exists already\n' % (outfolder, sample)) output_file.close() # Step4 : (optional) find exon skipping events output_file = open( '%s/%s.logfile.%s' % (outfolder, sample, dt.replace(' ', '_')), 'a') output_file.write('\tfinished\n\n%s: starting to detect skipped exons\n' % ( output_file.close() if not 'step4' in skipped_steps: if not os.path.isfile('%s/%s.skipped_exons.bed' % (outfolder, sample)): import detect_skipped_exons as skipped_exons se = skipped_exons.detect_skipped_exons(outfolder, sample, bedfile, tmp_folder, platform, num_cpus) else: output_file = open( '%s/%s.logfile.%s' % (outfolder, sample, dt.replace(' ', '_')), 'a') output_file.write( '\tskipping detect_skipped_exons because %s/%s.skipped_exons.bed exists already\n' % (outfolder, sample)) output_file.close() # Step5 : (optional) identify different circles within the same host gene output_file = open( '%s/%s.logfile.%s' % (outfolder, sample, dt.replace(' ', '_')), 'a') output_file.write( '\tfinished\n\n%s: starting to detect alternative splicing\n' % ( output_file.close() if not 'step5' in skipped_steps: if not os.path.isfile('%s/%s.alternative_splicing.txt' % (outfolder, sample)): import detect_splicing_variants as splicing_variants sv = splicing_variants.detect_splicing_variants( split_character, platform, circles, bedfile, outfolder, sample, tmp_folder, num_cpus) else: output_file = open( '%s/%s.logfile.%s' % (outfolder, sample, dt.replace(' ', '_')), 'a') output_file.write( '\tskipping detect_splicing_variants because %s/%s.alternative_splicing.txt exists already\n' % (outfolder, sample)) output_file.close() # Step6 : (optional) generate coverage profile for each circle # (one transcript per gene, best if most fitting transcript) output_file = open( '%s/%s.logfile.%s' % (outfolder, sample, dt.replace(' ', '_')), 'a') output_file.write( '\tfinished\n\n%s: starting to generate coverage profiles\n' % ( output_file.close() if not 'step6' in skipped_steps: if not os.path.isfile('%s/%s.exon_counts.bed' % (outfolder, sample)) and not os.path.isdir( '%s/%s.coverage_profiles/' % (outfolder, sample)): import get_coverage_profile as coverage_profile sv = coverage_profile.get_coverage_profile(exon_index, split_character, platform, bedfile, outfolder, sample, tmp_folder, num_cpus) else: output_file = open( '%s/%s.logfile.%s' % (outfolder, sample, dt.replace(' ', '_')), 'a') output_file.write( '\tskipping get_coverage_profile because %s/%s.exon_counts.bed exists already\n' % (outfolder, sample)) output_file.close() # Step7 : (optional, requires step 5) output_file = open( '%s/%s.logfile.%s' % (outfolder, sample, dt.replace(' ', '_')), 'a') output_file.write( '\tfinished\n\n%s: starting to summarize the coverage profiles\n' % ( output_file.close() if not 'step7' in skipped_steps: if not os.path.isfile( '%s/%s.coverage_profiles/coverage_profiles.all_circles.pdf' % (outfolder, sample)): if os.path.isdir('%s/%s.coverage_profiles/' % (outfolder, sample)): os.system( 'summarized_coverage_profiles.R %s/%s.coverage_profiles' % (outfolder, sample)) else: output_file = open( '%s/%s.logfile.%s' % (outfolder, sample, dt.replace(' ', '_')), 'a') output_file.write( '\tYou are trying cluster the coverage profiles without ' 'generating coverage profiles first, please run step 5 (get_coverage_profile)\n' ) output_file.close() else: output_file = open( '%s/%s.logfile.%s' % (outfolder, sample, dt.replace(' ', '_')), 'a') output_file.write( '\tskipping summarized_coverage_profiles.R because %s/%s.coverage_profiles/coverage_profiles.all_circles.pdf already exists\n' % (outfolder, sample)) output_file.close() # Step8 : (optional, requires step6) pictures for all circles output_file = open( '%s/%s.logfile.%s' % (outfolder, sample, dt.replace(' ', '_')), 'a') output_file.write( '\tfinished\n\n%s: starting to visualize the coverage profiles\n' % ( output_file.close() if not 'step8' in skipped_steps: if os.path.isdir('%s/%s.coverage_profiles/' % (outfolder, sample)): files = os.listdir('%s/%s.coverage_profiles' % (outfolder, sample)) folders = os.listdir(outfolder) if not '%s.coverage_pictures' % (sample) in folders: os.mkdir('%s/%s.coverage_pictures' % (outfolder, sample)) def run_r_parallel(f): if f.endswith('.txt'): os.system( 'make_coverage_picture.R %s/%s.coverage_profiles/%s %s/%s.coverage_pictures/' % (outfolder, sample, f, outfolder, sample)) from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool as Pool pool = Pool(num_cpus), files) else: output_file = open( '%s/%s.logfile.%s' % (outfolder, sample, dt.replace(' ', '_')), 'a') output_file.write( '\tYou are trying to generate coverage pictures ' 'without generating coverage profiles, please run step 5 (get_coverage_profile)\n' ) output_file.close() output_file = open( '%s/%s.logfile.%s' % (outfolder, sample, dt.replace(' ', '_')), 'a') output_file.write('\tfinished\n\n\nFUCHS finished at %s\n\n' % ( output_file.write("FUCHS took --- %s minutes ---\n\n" % (round( (time.time() - start_time) / 60.0))) output_file.close()
def extract_marker_gene_reads(bams,out_prefix,cores): N = min(len(bams),cores,cpu_count()) extract_reads.extract_reads(bamlist=bams,cores=N,prefix=out_prefix)