コード例 #1
ファイル: eyefiserver.py プロジェクト: hgdeoro/EFLU
    def uploadPhoto(self, postData):

        # Take the postData string and work with it as if it were a file object
        postDataInMemoryFile = StringIO.StringIO(postData)

        # Get the content-type header which looks something like this
        # content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------02468ace13579bdfcafebabef00d
        contentTypeHeader = self.headers.getheaders('content-type').pop()

        # Extract the boundary parameter in the content-type header
        headerParameters = contentTypeHeader.split(";")

        boundary = headerParameters[1].split("=")
        boundary = boundary[1].strip()
        eyeFiLogger.debug("Extracted boundary: " + boundary)

        # eyeFiLogger.debug("uploadPhoto postData: " + postData)

        # Parse the multipart/form-data
        form = cgi.parse_multipart(postDataInMemoryFile, {"boundary": boundary,
            "content-disposition": self.headers.getheaders('content-disposition')})
        eyeFiLogger.debug("Available multipart/form-data: " + str(form.keys()))

        # Parse the SOAPENVELOPE using the EyeFiContentHandler()
        soapEnvelope = form['SOAPENVELOPE'][0]
        eyeFiLogger.debug("SOAPENVELOPE: " + soapEnvelope)
        handler = EyeFiContentHandler()
        parser = xml.sax.parseString(soapEnvelope, handler)

        eyeFiLogger.debug("Extracted elements: " + str(handler.extractedElements))

        imageTarfileName = handler.extractedElements["filename"]

        uid = self.server.config.getint('EyeFiServer', 'upload_uid')
        gid = self.server.config.getint('EyeFiServer', 'upload_gid')
        file_mode = self.server.config.get('EyeFiServer', 'upload_file_mode')
        dir_mode = self.server.config.get('EyeFiServer', 'upload_dir_mode')
        eyeFiLogger.debug("Using uid/gid %d/%d" % (uid, gid))
        eyeFiLogger.debug("Using file_mode " + file_mode)
        eyeFiLogger.debug("Using dir_mode " + dir_mode)

        geotag_enable = int(self.server.config.getint('EyeFiServer', 'geotag_enable'))
        if geotag_enable:
            geotag_accuracy = int(self.server.config.get('EyeFiServer', 'geotag_accuracy'))

        tempDir = os.path.normpath(self.server.config.get('EyeFiServer', 'upload_dir'))

        imageTarPath = os.path.join(tempDir, imageTarfileName)
        eyeFiLogger.debug("Generated path " + imageTarPath)

        fileHandle = open(imageTarPath, 'wb')
        eyeFiLogger.debug("Opened file " + imageTarPath + " for binary writing")

        eyeFiLogger.debug("Wrote file " + imageTarPath)

        eyeFiLogger.debug("Closed file " + imageTarPath)

        eyeFiLogger.debug("Extracting TAR file " + imageTarPath)
        imageTarfile = tarfile.open(imageTarPath)

        for member in imageTarfile.getmembers():
            # If timezone is a daylight savings timezone, and we are
            # currently in daylight savings time, then use the altzone
            if time.daylight != 0 and time.localtime().tm_isdst != 0:
                timeoffset = time.altzone
                timeoffset = time.timezone
            timezone = timeoffset / 60 / 60 * -1
            imageDate = datetime.fromtimestamp(member.mtime) - timedelta(hours=timezone)
            uploadDir = imageDate.strftime(self.server.config.get('EyeFiServer', 'upload_dir'))
            eyeFiLogger.debug("Creating folder " + uploadDir)
            if not os.path.isdir(uploadDir):
                if uid != 0 and gid != 0:
                    os.chown(uploadDir, uid, gid)
                if file_mode != "":
                    os.chmod(uploadDir, int(dir_mode))

            f = imageTarfile.extract(member, uploadDir)
            imagePath = os.path.join(uploadDir, member.name)

            send_event(create_upload_event('cli', imagePath))

            eyeFiLogger.debug("imagePath " + imagePath)
            os.utime(imagePath, (member.mtime + timeoffset, member.mtime + timeoffset))
            if uid != 0 and gid != 0:
                os.chown(imagePath, uid, gid)
            if file_mode != "":
                os.chmod(imagePath, int(file_mode))

            if geotag_enable > 0 and member.name.lower().endswith(".log"):
                eyeFiLogger.debug("Processing LOG file " + imagePath)
                    imageName = member.name[:-4]
                    shottime, aps = list(self.parselog(imagePath, imageName))
                    aps = self.getphotoaps(shottime, aps)
                    loc = self.getlocation(aps)
                    if loc['status'] == 'OK' and float(loc['accuracy']) <= geotag_accuracy:
                        xmpName = imageName + ".xmp"
                        xmpPath = os.path.join(uploadDir, xmpName)
                        eyeFiLogger.debug("Writing XMP file " + xmpPath)
                        self.writexmp(xmpPath, float(loc['location']['lat']), float(loc['location']['lng']))
                        if uid != 0 and gid != 0:
                            os.chown(xmpPath, uid, gid)
                        if file_mode != "":
                            os.chmod(xmpPath, int(file_mode))
                    eyeFiLogger.exception("Error processing LOG file " + imagePath)

        eyeFiLogger.debug("Closing TAR file " + imageTarPath)

        eyeFiLogger.debug("Deleting TAR file " + imageTarPath)

        # Create the XML document to send back
        doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document()

        SOAPElement = doc.createElementNS("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/", "SOAP-ENV:Envelope")
        SOAPElement.setAttribute("xmlns:SOAP-ENV", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/")
        SOAPBodyElement = doc.createElement("SOAP-ENV:Body")

        uploadPhotoResponseElement = doc.createElement("UploadPhotoResponse")
        successElement = doc.createElement("success")
        successElementText = doc.createTextNode("true")



        return doc.toxml(encoding="UTF-8")
コード例 #2
ファイル: send_upload_event.py プロジェクト: hgdeoro/EFLU
def main():
    print "Sending event for file {0}".format(sys.argv[1])
    assert os.path.exists(sys.argv[1])
    assert os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1])
    send_event(create_upload_event('cli', sys.argv[1]))