コード例 #1
def solve_eyring_rate_model_ss(voltage, _ss, _matrix, _test, _specs):
    # 3 calculate the ion transport rates
    solute_transport = eyring_script.eyring_rate_transport(_ss)
    # characterize how well the steady state is by getting the residues of the steady state times the transition matrix
    sum_squared_errors, sum_absolute_errors = characterize_solution(_ss, _matrix)

    # 4 calculate the current from the solute transport rates
    current = eyring_script.current_calc(solute_transport)

    # save the fitting results in a custom class
    fitting_specs_eig = FittingMetrics(_test, sum_absolute_errors, sum_squared_errors, solute_transport)

    return Results(voltage, _specs, solute_transport, fitting_specs_eig,
                   current, _ss)
コード例 #2
def solve_eyring_rate_model_ss(voltage, _ss, _matrix, _test, _specs):
    # 3 calculate the ion transport rates
    _solute_transport = eyring_script.eyring_rate_transport(_ss)
    # transports are in 1x1 matrix form, so convert them to just scalars
    solute_transport = dict()
    for solute in _solute_transport:
        solute_transport[solute] = [np.asscalar(x) for x in _solute_transport[solute]]

    # characterize how well the steady state is by getting the residues of the steady state times the transition matrix
    sum_squared_errors, sum_absolute_errors = characterize_solution(_ss, _matrix)

    # 4 calculate the current from the solute transport rates
    current = eyring_script.current_calc(solute_transport)

    # save the fitting results in a custom class
    fitting_specs_eig = FittingMetrics(_test, sum_absolute_errors, sum_squared_errors, solute_transport)

    return Results(voltage, _specs, solute_transport, fitting_specs_eig,
                   current, _ss)