コード例 #1
ファイル: test_417_bbox.py プロジェクト: yening2020/ezdxf
def test_cache_usage_for_flat_multi_boxes(msp_solids, func):
    cache = bbox.Cache()
    for _ in range(10):
        list(func(msp_solids, cache=cache))

    # This works because flat processing has not to yield bounding boxes for
    # sub entities, caching top level bounding boxes works well.
    assert cache.misses == 2 + 2  # first 2xINSERT, 2xSOLID in INSERT
    assert cache.hits == 9 * 2  # 9 x 2xINSERT
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_417_bbox.py プロジェクト: yening2020/ezdxf
def test_cache_usage_for_recreation_on_the_fly(msp_solids):
    cache = bbox.Cache(uuid=True)
    for _ in range(10):
        list(bbox.multi_recursive(msp_solids, cache=cache))

    # This does not work well, because recursive processing has to yield the
    # bounding boxes for all sub entities. These sub entities are created on the
    # fly for every call and do not have a handle and always gets a new UUID,
    # which is the meaning of an UUID.
    # The INSERT entity, which has a handle, gets no own bounding box and is
    # therefore not cached.
    assert cache.misses == 20
    assert cache.hits == 0
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_417_bbox.py プロジェクト: yening2020/ezdxf
def test_cache_usage_with_uuids_for_reused_virtual_entities(msp_solids, func):
    cache = bbox.Cache(uuid=True)
    # Create flat entity structure by yourself, so that virtual entities are
    # only created once:
    entities = list(disassemble.recursive_decompose(msp_solids))
    for _ in range(10):
        list(func(entities, cache=cache))

    # This works, because virtual entities are cached by UUID
    # multi_flat and extents, have a second access stage: 2x2 misses, but
    # triggers only 2 bounding box calculations.
    # multi_recursive is the lowest level and has only 2 cache misses.
    assert cache.misses in (2, 4)
    assert cache.hits == 18
コード例 #4
def main(rows: int, cols: int):
    doc = ezdxf.new()
    msp = doc.modelspace()

    # Detecting the drawing extents by ezdxf:
    # The bounding box cache can be reused for entity filtering.
    # This cache is a lightweight object, which is compatible to the pickle
    # module, DXF entities are referenced by handle strings. (multiprocessing!)
    cache = bbox.Cache()

    # The bounding box calculation can take along time for big DXF files!
    # If flatten=0 the bounding box calculation for curves (SPLINE, ELLIPSE, ...)
    # is based on the control points of the Path class, this is less precise but
    # can speed up the calculation and for this task is a precise bounding box
    # not required.
    # This has no impact on this example which uses only straight lines
    extents = bbox.extents(msp, cache=cache, flatten=0)

    ctx = RenderContext(doc)
    for tile, render_area in enumerate(render_areas(extents, (rows, cols))):
        # Setup drawing add-on:
        fig = plt.figure(dpi=DPI)
        ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1])
        out = MatplotlibBackend(ax)

        ax.set_xlim(render_area.extmin.x, render_area.extmax.x)
        ax.set_ylim(render_area.extmin.y, render_area.extmax.y)

        # Disable rendering of entities outside of the render area:
        def is_intersecting_render_area(entity):
            """Returns True if entity should be rendered. """
            entity_bbox = bbox.extents([entity], cache=cache, flatten=0)
            return render_area.has_intersection(entity_bbox)

        # Finalizing invokes auto-scaling!
        Frontend(ctx, out).draw_layout(msp,

        # Set output size in inches:
        # width = 6 inch x 300 dpi = 1800 px
        # height = 3 inch x 300 dpi = 900 px
        fig.set_size_inches(6, 3, forward=True)

        filename = f"tile-{tile:02d}.png"
        print(f'saving tile #{tile} to "{filename}"')
        fig.savefig(DIR / filename, dpi=DPI)
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_417_bbox.py プロジェクト: yening2020/ezdxf
def test_cache_usage_for_reused_virtual_entities(msp_solids, func):
    cache = bbox.Cache()
    # Create flat entity structure by yourself, so that virtual entities are
    # only created once:
    entities = list(disassemble.recursive_decompose(msp_solids))
    for _ in range(10):
        list(func(entities, cache=cache))

    # This does not work well by "handle only" usage, because 'entities' contains
    # virtual entities which have no handle and therefore are not cached:
    # multi_flat and extents, have a second access stage and triggers 2x20 cache
    # misses but this is just a cache access issue, this does not trigger 40
    # bounding box calculations!
    # multi_recursive is the lowest level and has only 20 cache misses.
    assert cache.misses in (20, 40)  # virtual entities do not have handles
    assert cache.hits == 0  # parent INSERT bbox is not calculated and cached
コード例 #6
def merge_dxfs(listname, seplayer=False, shifth=0, shiftv=0):
    n = -1
    tx = 10
    ty = 0
    for filename in listname:
        n = n + 1
        merge_dxf = ezdxf.readfile(filename)
        print("file : " + filename)
        #print("header : ", merge_dxf.header)
        #print("EXTMAX ", merge_dxf.header['$EXTMAX'])
        #print("EXTMIN ", merge_dxf.header['$EXTMIN'])
        #print("LIMMAX ", merge_dxf.header['$LIMMAX'])
        #print("LIMMIN ", merge_dxf.header['$LIMMIN'])

        if seplayer:
            nl = 'L' + chr(ord('A') + n)
            np = 'P' + chr(ord('A') + n)
            rename_layer(merge_dxf, '0', nl)
            rename_layer(merge_dxf, 'Defpoints', np)
        if shifth > 0 or shiftv > 0:
            msp = merge_dxf.modelspace()
            cache = bbox.Cache()
            bounds = bbox.extends(msp, cache)
            minpt = bounds.extmin
            s = bounds.size
            print("bbox : ", bounds)
            print("  min : ", minpt)
            print("  s   : ", s)
            dx = tx - minpt[0]
            dy = ty - minpt[1]
            print("dx = ", dx, " dy = ", dy)

            #translation_x_y(merge_dxf, n*500, n*100)
            translation_x_y(merge_dxf, dx, dy)
            if shifth > 0:
                tx = tx + s[0] + shifth
            if shiftv > 0:
                ty = ty + s[1] + shiftv
        if n > 0:
            merge(merge_dxf, base_dxf)
            base_dxf = merge_dxf
    return base_dxf
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_417_bbox.py プロジェクト: yening2020/ezdxf
def test_cache_usage_with_uuids(points1):
    # Entities in VirtualLayouts have no handles:
    cache = bbox.Cache(uuid=True)
    for _ in range(10):
        bbox.extents(points1, cache=cache)
    assert cache.hits == 18
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_417_bbox.py プロジェクト: mhenr18/ezdxf
def test_cache_usage_without_handles(points1):
    # Entities in VirtualLayouts have no handles:
    cache = bbox.Cache()
    for _ in range(10):
        bbox.extends(points1, cache)
    assert cache.hits == 0