コード例 #1
def test_angle_to_param():
    random_tests_count = 100

    angle = 1.23
    assert math.isclose(angle_to_param(1.0, angle), angle)

    angle = 1.23 + math.pi / 2
    assert math.isclose(angle_to_param(1.0, angle), angle)

    angle = 1.23 + math.pi
    assert math.isclose(angle_to_param(1.0, angle), angle)

    angle = 1.23 + 3 * math.pi / 2
    assert math.isclose(angle_to_param(1.0, angle), angle)

    angle = math.pi / 2 + 1e-15
    assert math.isclose(angle_to_param(1.0, angle), angle)

    for _ in range(random_tests_count):
        ratio = random.uniform(1e-6, 1)
        angle = random.uniform(0, math.tau)
        param = angle_to_param(ratio, angle)
        ellipse = Ellipse.new(
                # avoid (0, 0, 0) as major axis
                'major_axis': (non_zero_random(), non_zero_random(), 0),
                'ratio': ratio,
                'start_param': 0,
                'end_param': param,
                'extrusion': (0, 0, random.choice((1, -1))),
        calculated_angle = ellipse.dxf.extrusion.angle_about(
            ellipse.dxf.major_axis, ellipse.end_point)
        calculated_angle_without_direction = ellipse.dxf.major_axis.angle_between(
        assert math.isclose(calculated_angle, angle, abs_tol=1e-9)
        assert (math.isclose(calculated_angle,
                or math.isclose(math.tau - calculated_angle,
コード例 #2
def test_angle_to_param():
    random_tests_count = 100

    angle = 1.23
    assert math.isclose(angle_to_param(1.0, angle), angle)

    angle = 1.23 + math.pi / 2
    assert math.isclose(angle_to_param(1.0, angle), angle)

    angle = 1.23 + math.pi
    assert math.isclose(angle_to_param(1.0, angle), angle)

    angle = 1.23 + 3 * math.pi / 2
    assert math.isclose(angle_to_param(1.0, angle), angle)

    angle = math.pi / 2 + 1e-15
    assert math.isclose(angle_to_param(1.0, angle), angle)

    for _ in range(random_tests_count):
        ratio = random.uniform(1e-6, 1)
        angle = random.uniform(0, math.tau)
        param = angle_to_param(ratio, angle)
        ellipse = ConstructionEllipse(
            # avoid (0, 0, 0) as major axis
            major_axis=(non_zero_random(), non_zero_random(), 0),
            extrusion=(0, 0, random.choice((1, -1))),
        calculated_angle = ellipse.extrusion.angle_about(
            ellipse.major_axis, ellipse.end_point)
        calculated_angle_without_direction = ellipse.major_axis.angle_between(
        assert math.isclose(calculated_angle, angle, abs_tol=1e-9)
        assert math.isclose(
            calculated_angle_without_direction) or math.isclose(
                math.tau - calculated_angle,
コード例 #3
ファイル: explode.py プロジェクト: vshu3000/ezdxf
def virtual_block_reference_entities(
    block_ref: 'Insert',
    uniform_scaling_factor: float = None,
    skipped_entity_callback: Optional[Callable[['DXFGraphic', str],
                                               None]] = None
) -> Iterable['DXFGraphic']:
    Yields 'virtual' parts of block reference `block_ref`. This method is meant to examine the the block reference
    entities without the need to explode the block reference. The `skipped_entity_callback()` will be called for all
    entities which are not processed, signature: :code:`skipped_entity_callback(entity: DXFEntity, reason: str)`,
    `entity` is the original (untransformed) DXF entity of the block definition, the `reason` string is an
    explanation why the entity was skipped.

    This entities are located at the 'exploded' positions, but are not stored in the entity database, have no handle
    and are not assigned to any layout.

        block_ref: Block reference entity (INSERT)
        uniform_scaling_factor: override uniform scaling factor for text entities (TEXT, ATTRIB, MTEXT)  and
                                HATCH pattern, default is ``max(abs(xscale), abs(yscale),  abs(zscale))``
        skipped_entity_callback: called whenever the transformation of an entity is not supported and so was skipped.

    .. warning::

        **Non uniform scaling** returns incorrect results for text entities (TEXT, MTEXT, ATTRIB) and
        some other entities like ELLIPSE, SHAPE, HATCH with arc or ellipse path segments and
        POLYLINE/LWPOLYLINE with arc segments.

    (internal API)

    assert block_ref.dxftype() == 'INSERT'
    Ellipse = cast('Ellipse', factory.cls('ELLIPSE'))
    if skipped_entity_callback is None:

        def skipped_entity_callback(entity, reason):
                f'(Virtual Block Reference Entities) Ignoring {str(entity)}: "{reason}"'

    def disassemble(layout) -> Generator['DXFGraphic', None, None]:
        for entity in layout:
            dxftype = entity.dxftype()
            if dxftype == 'ATTDEF':  # do not explode ATTDEF entities. Already available in Insert.attribs

            if has_non_uniform_scaling:
                if dxftype in {'ARC', 'CIRCLE'}:
                    # convert ARC to ELLIPSE
                    yield Ellipse.from_arc(entity)
                if dxftype in {'LWPOLYLINE', 'POLYLINE'} and entity.has_arc:
                    # disassemble (LW)POLYLINE into LINE and ARC segments
                    for segment in entity.virtual_entities():
                        # convert ARC to ELLIPSE
                        if segment.dxftype() == 'ARC':
                            yield Ellipse.from_arc(segment)
                            yield segment

            # Copy entity with all DXF attributes
                copy = entity.copy()
            except DXFTypeError:
                skipped_entity_callback(entity, 'non copyable')
                continue  # non copyable entities will be ignored

            if copy.dxftype() == 'HATCH':
                if copy.dxf.associative:
                    # remove associations
                    copy.dxf.associative = 0
                    for path in copy.paths:
                        path.source_boundary_objects = []

                if has_non_uniform_scaling and copy.paths.has_critical_elements(
                    # None uniform scaling produces incorrect results for the arc and ellipse transformations.
                    # This causes an DXF structure error for AutoCAD.
                    # todo: requires testing
                                            'unsupported non-uniform scaling')

                    # For the case that arc and ellipse transformation works correct someday:
                    # copy.paths.arc_edges_to_ellipse_edges()

            yield copy

    brcs = block_ref.brcs()
    block_layout = block_ref.block()
    if block_layout is None:
        raise DXFStructureError(
            f'Required block definition for "{block_ref.dxf.name}" does not exist.'

    has_scaling = block_ref.has_scaling
    if has_scaling:
        # Non uniform scaling will produce incorrect results for some entities!
        # Mirroring about an axis is handled like non uniform scaling! (-1, 1, 1)
        # (-1, -1, -1) is uniform scaling!
        has_non_uniform_scaling = not block_ref.has_uniform_scaling

        xscale = block_ref.dxf.xscale
        yscale = block_ref.dxf.yscale
        zscale = block_ref.dxf.zscale

        if block_ref.has_uniform_scaling and xscale < 0:
            # handle reflection about all three axis -x, -y, -z explicit as non uniform scaling
            has_non_uniform_scaling = True

        if uniform_scaling_factor is not None:
            uniform_scaling_factor = float(uniform_scaling_factor)
            uniform_scaling_factor = block_ref.text_scaling
        xscale, yscale, zscale = (1, 1, 1)
        uniform_scaling_factor = 1
        has_non_uniform_scaling = False

    for entity in disassemble(block_layout):

        dxftype = entity.dxftype()

        original_ellipse: Optional[Ellipse] = None
        if has_non_uniform_scaling and dxftype == 'ELLIPSE':
            original_ellipse = entity.copy()

        # Basic transformation from BRCS to WCS
        except NotImplementedError:  # entities without 'transform_to_wcs' support will be ignored
            skipped_entity_callback(entity, 'non transformable')

        if has_scaling:
            # Apply DXF attribute scaling:
            # Simple entities without properties to scale
            if dxftype in {
                    'LINE', 'POINT', 'LWPOLYLINE', 'POLYLINE', 'MESH',
                    'SPLINE', 'SOLID', '3DFACE', 'TRACE', 'IMAGE', 'WIPEOUT',
                    'XLINE', 'RAY', 'LIGHT', 'HELIX'
                pass  # nothing else to do
            elif dxftype in {'CIRCLE', 'ARC'}:
                # Non uniform scaling: ARC and CIRCLE converted to ELLIPSE
                # TODO: since non uniform scale => ellipse, scaling by (-s, -s, -s) is the only possible reflection here
                # TODO: handle reflections about z
                entity.dxf.radius = entity.dxf.radius * uniform_scaling_factor
            elif dxftype == 'ELLIPSE':
                # TODO: handle reflections about z
                if has_non_uniform_scaling:
                    open_ellipse = not math.isclose(
                    minor_axis = brcs.direction_to_wcs(

                    ellipse = cast('Ellipse', entity)
                    # Transform axis
                    major_axis = ellipse.dxf.major_axis
                    if not math.isclose(
                            major_axis.dot(minor_axis), 0, abs_tol=1e-9):
                            major_axis, _, ratio = rytz_axis_construction(
                                major_axis, minor_axis)
                        except ArithmeticError:  # axis construction error - skip entity
                                'axis construction error - please send a bug report.'
                        ratio = minor_axis.magnitude / major_axis.magnitude

                    ellipse.dxf.major_axis = major_axis
                    # AutoCAD does not accept a ratio < 1e-6 -> invalid DXF file
                    ellipse.dxf.ratio = max(ratio, 1e-6)
                    if open_ellipse:
                        original_start_param = original_ellipse.dxf.start_param
                        original_end_param = original_ellipse.dxf.end_param
                        start_point, end_point = brcs.points_to_wcs(
                                (original_start_param, original_end_param)))

                        # adjusting start- and end parameter
                        center = ellipse.dxf.center  # transformed center point
                        extrusion = ellipse.dxf.extrusion  # transformed extrusion vector, default is (0, 0, 1)

                        start_angle = extrusion.angle_about(
                            major_axis, start_point - center)
                        end_angle = extrusion.angle_about(
                            major_axis, end_point - center)
                        start_param = angle_to_param(ratio, start_angle)
                        end_param = angle_to_param(ratio, end_angle)

                        # if drawing the wrong side of the ellipse
                        if (start_param > end_param) != (original_start_param >
                            start_param, end_param = end_param, start_param

                        ellipse.dxf.start_param = start_param
                        ellipse.dxf.end_param = end_param

                    if ellipse.dxf.ratio > 1:
            elif dxftype == 'MTEXT':
                # TODO: handle reflections. Note that the entity does store enough information to represent being
                #  reflected. This can be seen by reflecting then exploding in Autocad.
                #  The text will no longer be reflected.
                # Scale MTEXT height/width just by uniform_scaling.
                entity.dxf.char_height *= uniform_scaling_factor
                entity.dxf.width *= uniform_scaling_factor
            elif dxftype in {'TEXT', 'ATTRIB'}:
                # TODO: handle reflections. Note that the entity does store enough information to represent being
                #  reflected. This can be seen by reflecting then exploding in Autocad.
                #  The text will no longer be reflected.
                # Scale TEXT height just by uniform_scaling.
                entity.dxf.height *= uniform_scaling_factor
            elif dxftype == 'INSERT':
                # Set scaling of child INSERT to scaling of parent INSERT
                entity.dxf.xscale *= xscale
                entity.dxf.yscale *= yscale
                entity.dxf.zscale *= zscale
                # Scale attached ATTRIB entities:
                for attrib in entity.attribs:
                    attrib.dxf.height *= uniform_scaling_factor
            elif dxftype == 'SHAPE':
                # Scale SHAPE size just by uniform_scaling.
                entity.dxf.size *= uniform_scaling_factor
            elif dxftype == 'HATCH':
                # Non uniform scaling produces incorrect results for boundary paths containing ARC or ELLIPSE segments.
                # Scale HATCH pattern:
                hatch = cast('Hatch', entity)
                if uniform_scaling_factor != 1 and hatch.has_pattern_fill and hatch.pattern is not None:
                    hatch.dxf.pattern_scale *= uniform_scaling_factor
                    # hatch.pattern is already scaled by the stored pattern_scale value
            else:  # unsupported entity will be ignored
                skipped_entity_callback(entity, 'unsupported entity')

        yield entity
コード例 #4
ファイル: boundary_paths.py プロジェクト: Rahulghuge94/ezdxf
 def end_param(self) -> float:
     return angle_to_param(self.ratio, math.radians(self.end_angle))
コード例 #5
ファイル: boundary_paths.py プロジェクト: Rahulghuge94/ezdxf
 def start_param(self) -> float:
     return angle_to_param(self.ratio, math.radians(self.start_angle))