コード例 #1
def sepiaFilter(image):
   width = image.width()
   height = image.height()
   # Create a new image that is the same size as the original.
   newImage = GraphicsImage(width, height)
   for row in range(height) :
      for col in range(width) :

         # Get the color of the pixel in the original image.
         red = image.getRed(row, col)
         green = image.getGreen(row, col)
         blue = image.getBlue(row, col)
         # Filter the pixel.
         newRed = int((0.393*red) + (0.796*green) + (0.198*blue))
         if newRed > 255:
            newRed = 255
         newGreen = int((0.349*red) + (0.686*green) + (0.168*blue))
         if newGreen > 255:
            newGreen = 255         
         newBlue = int((0.272*red) + (0.534*green) + (0.131*blue))
         if newBlue > 255:
            newBlue = 255         
         # Set the pixel in the new image to the new color.
         newImage.setPixel(row, col, newRed, newGreen, newBlue)

   return newImage
コード例 #2
def adjustBrightness(image, amount):
    width = image.width()
    height = image.height()

    # Create a new image that is the same size as the original.
    newImage = GraphicsImage(width, height)
    for row in range(height):
        for col in range(width):

            # Get the color of the pixel in the original image.
            red = image.getRed(row, col)
            green = image.getGreen(row, col)
            blue = image.getBlue(row, col)

            # Adjust the brightness and cap the colors.
            newRed = red + red * amount
            if newRed > 255:
                newRed = 255
            elif newRed < 0:
                newRed = 0
            newGreen = green + green * amount
            if newGreen > 255:
                newGreen = 255
            elif newGreen < 0:
                newGreen = 0
            newBlue = blue + blue * amount
            if newBlue > 255:
                newBlue = 255
            elif newBlue < 0:
                newBlue = 0

            # Set the pixel in the new image to the new color.
            newImage.setPixel(row, col, newRed, newGreen, newBlue)

    return newImage
コード例 #3
def edgeDetection(image):
creates a new image that highlights drastics changes in intensity from one pixel to the next
@params image-image to have the edges shown
@returns new image highlighting the edges
   width = image.width()
   height = image.height()
   # Create a new image that is the same size as the original.
   newImage = GraphicsImage(width, height)
   for row in range(1, height - 1) :
      for col in range(1, width - 1) :  
         reds = [image.getRed(row - 1, col - 1),
                 image.getRed(row, col - 1),
                 image.getRed(row + 1, col - 1),
                 image.getRed(row-1, col),
                 image.getRed(row+1, col),
                 image.getRed(row - 1, col + 1),
                 image.getRed(row, col + 1),
                 image.getRed(row + 1, col + 1)]
         #list of green values around the pixel
         greens = [image.getRed(row - 1, col - 1),
                 image.getGreen(row, col - 1),
                 image.getGreen(row + 1, col - 1),
                 image.getGreen(row-1, col),
                 image.getGreen(row+1, col),
                 image.getGreen(row - 1, col + 1),
                 image.getGreen(row, col + 1),
                 image.getGreen(row + 1, col + 1)]
         #list of blue values around the pixel
         blues = [image.getRed(row - 1, col - 1),
                 image.getBlue(row, col - 1),
                 image.getBlue(row + 1, col - 1),
                 image.getBlue(row-1, col),
                 image.getBlue(row+1, col),
                 image.getBlue(row - 1, col + 1),
                 image.getBlue(row, col + 1),
                 image.getBlue(row + 1, col + 1)]
         aveIntensity = []        
         for x in range(8):
            aveIntensity.append((reds[x] + greens[x] + blues[x]) // 3)
         gX = -1 * (aveIntensity[0] + aveIntensity[2]) + (aveIntensity[5] + aveIntensity[7]) + (2 * aveIntensity[6]) - (2 * aveIntensity[1])
         gY = -1 * (aveIntensity[0] + aveIntensity[5]) + (aveIntensity[2] + aveIntensity[7]) + (2 * aveIntensity[4]) - (2 * aveIntensity[3])
         tG = int((gX**2 + gY**2)**.5)
         if tG >= 128:
            tG = 255
            tG = 0
         newImage.setPixel(row, col, tG, tG, tG)  
   return newImage   
コード例 #4
def smooth(image):
enhances grainy images by setting each pixel to the median value of all the pixels around it
@param image - the image to be enhanced
@return the new enhanced image
   width = image.width()
   height = image.height()
   # Create a new image that is the same size as the original.
   newImage = GraphicsImage(width, height)
   for row in range(1, height - 1) :
      for col in range(1, width - 1) :  
         #list of red values around the pixel
         reds = [image.getRed(row, col -1),
                 image.getRed(row, col+1),
                 image.getRed(row+1, col),
                 image.getRed(row-1, col),
                 image.getRed(row+1, col +1),
                 image.getRed(row+1, col-1),
                 image.getRed(row-1, col-1),
                 image.getRed(row-1, col+1)]
         #list of green values around the pixel
         greens = [image.getGreen(row, col -1),
                   image.getGreen(row, col+1),
                   image.getGreen(row+1, col),
                   image.getGreen(row-1, col),
                   image.getGreen(row+1, col +1),
                   image.getGreen(row+1, col-1),
                   image.getGreen(row-1, col-1),
                   image.getGreen(row-1, col+1)]
         #list of blue values around the pixel
         blues = [image.getBlue(row, col -1),
                  image.getBlue(row, col+1),
                  image.getBlue(row+1, col),
                  image.getBlue(row-1, col),
                  image.getBlue(row+1, col +1),
                  image.getBlue(row+1, col-1),
                  image.getBlue(row-1, col-1),
                  image.getBlue(row-1, col+1)]
         newRed = int(median(reds))#median value of the reds list
         newGreen = int(median(greens))#median value of the greens list
         newBlue = int(median(blues))#median value of the blues list
         # Set the pixel in the new image to the new color.
         newImage.setPixel(row, col, newRed, newGreen, newBlue) 
   return newImage
コード例 #5
def rotateLeft(image) :
   # Create a new image whose dimensions are the opposite of the original.
   width = image.width()
   height = image.height()
   newImage = GraphicsImage(height, width)
   # Rotate the image.
   for row in range(height) :
      newCol = row
      for col in range(width) :
         newRow = col
         pixel = image.getPixel(row, col)
         newImage.setPixel(newRow, newCol, pixel)
   return newImage
コード例 #6
def flipVertically(image) :  
   # Create a new image that is the same size as the original.
   width = image.width()
   height = image.height()
   newImage = GraphicsImage(width, height)
   # Flip the image vertically.
   newRow = height - 1
   for row in range(height) :
      for col in range(width) :
         newCol = col
         pixel = image.getPixel(row, col)
         newImage.setPixel(newRow, newCol, pixel)        
      newRow = newRow - 1      

   return newImage
コード例 #7
def colorHistoEqual(image):
    width = image.width()
    height = image.height()
    newImage = GraphicsImage(width, height)
    redHisto = []
    greenHisto = []
    blueHisto = []
    for i in range(256):
    for row in range(height):
        for col in range(width):
            r, g, b = image.getPixel(row, col)
            redHisto[r] += 1
            greenHisto[g] += 1
            blueHisto[b] += 1
    redCDF = []
    greenCDF = []
    blueCDF = []
    redEQ = []
    greenEQ = []
    blueEQ = []
    for j in range(256):
        if j > 0:
            redCDF.append(redCDF[j-1] + redHisto[j])
            greenCDF.append(greenCDF[j-1] + greenHisto[j])
            blueCDF.append(blueCDF[j-1] + blueHisto[j])
        redEQ.append(255*redCDF[j] // (width * height))
        greenEQ.append(255*greenCDF[j] // (width * height))
        blueEQ.append(255*blueCDF[j] // (width * height))
    for row in range(height) :
       for col in range(width) :
         r, g, b = image.getPixel(row, col)
         newRed = redEQ[r]
         newGreen = greenEQ[g]
         newBlue = blueEQ[b]      
         newImage.setPixel(row, col, newRed, newGreen, newBlue)
    return newImage            
コード例 #8
def greyScale(image):
    width = image.width()
    height = image.height()    
    newImage = GraphicsImage(width, height)
    for row in range(height):
        for col in range(width):
            red = image.getRed(row, col)
            green = image.getGreen(row, col)
            blue = image.getBlue(row, col)
            # Filter the pixel.           
            newRed = int(0.21 * red)
            newGreen = int(0.72 * green)
            newBlue = int(0.07 * blue)            
            grey = newRed + newGreen + newBlue
            # Set the pixel in the new image to the new color.
            newImage.setPixel(row, col, grey, grey, grey)

    return newImage   
コード例 #9
def shrink(image):
   width = image.width()
   height = image.height()  
   # Create a new image that is 1/4 the size as the original.
   newImage = GraphicsImage(width//2, height//2)   
   newRow = 0
   for row in range(0,height-1, 2) :
      newCol = 0
      for col in range(0,width-1, 2) : 
         # _ _    
         #-----This is the manner in which each pixel is evaluated each iteration, then increments by 2 in the col's and row's to evaluate the next grid square

         #list of red values in each grid
         reds = [image.getRed(row, col),
                 image.getRed(row, col+1),
                 image.getRed(row+1, col+1),
                 image.getRed(row+1, col)]
         #list of green values in each grid
         greens = [image.getGreen(row, col),
                   image.getGreen(row, col+1),
                   image.getGreen(row+1, col+1),
                   image.getGreen(row+1, col)]
         #list of blue values in each grid
         blues = [image.getBlue(row, col),
                  image.getBlue(row, col+1),
                  image.getBlue(row+1, col+1),
                  image.getBlue(row+1, col)]
         newRed = int(median(reds))#median value of the reds in each grid
         newGreen = int(median(greens))#median value of the green in each grid
         newBlue = int(median(blues))#median value of the blue in each grid
         # Set the pixel in the new image to the new color.
         newImage.setPixel(newRow, newCol, newRed, newGreen, newBlue)        
         newCol = newCol + 1
      newRow = newRow + 1   
   return newImage  
コード例 #10
def createNegative(image) :
   width = image.width()
   height = image.height()
   # Create a new image that is the same size as the original.
   newImage = GraphicsImage(width, height)
   for row in range(height) :
      for col in range(width) :

         # Get the color of the pixel in the original image.
         red = image.getRed(row, col)
         green = image.getGreen(row, col)
         blue = image.getBlue(row, col)
         # Filter the pixel.
         newRed = 255 - red
         newGreen = 255 - green
         newBlue = 255 - blue
         # Set the pixel in the new image to the new color.
         newImage.setPixel(row, col, newRed, newGreen, newBlue)

   return newImage   
コード例 #11
def warpImage(image):
'''This function in complete'''
    width = image.width()
    height = image.height()
    newImage = GraphicsImage(width, height)
    for row in range(height):
        for col in range(width//6):            
            r,g,b = image.getPixel(row, col)           
            newImage.setPixel(row, col, r, g, b)
    for row in range(height):
        offset = 0
        for col in range(width//6, width//3):            
            if col % 2 == 1:
                r,g,b = image.getPixel(row, col)           
                newImage.setPixel(row, col - offset, r, g, b)                
    for row in range(height):
        offset = 0
        for col in range(width//3, width//2):
            if col % 2 == 1:            
                r,g,b = image.getPixel(row, col)
                newImage.setPixel(row, col - offset, r, g, b)            
    for row in range(height):
        offset = (2*width//3 - width//2)//2
        for col in range(width//2, 2*width//3):
            if col % 2 == 1:            
                r,g,b = image.getPixel(row, col)
                offset -= 2           
                newImage.setPixel(row, col + offset, r, g, b)   
    for row in range(height):
        offset = (5*width//6 - 2*width//3)//2
        for col in range(2*width//3, 5*width//6):
            if col % 2 == 1:
                r,g,b = image.getPixel(row, col)               
            newImage.setPixel(row, col + offset, r, g, b)
    for row in range(height):
        for col in range(5*width//6, width):            
            r,g,b = image.getPixel(row, col)           
            newImage.setPixel(row, col, r, g, b)        
    return newImage
コード例 #12
# Load the original image.
origImage = GraphicsImage(filename)

# Create an empty image that will contain the new flipped image.
width = origImage.width()
height = origImage.height()
newImage = GraphicsImage(width, height)

# Iterate over the image and copy the pixels to the new image to
# produce the flipped image (vertical flip to an upside down image)
newRow = height - 1
for row in range(height):
    for col in range(width):
        newCol = col
        pixel = origImage.getPixel(row, col)
        newImage.setPixel(newRow, newCol, pixel)
    newRow = newRow - 1

# Save the new image with a new name.
newImage.save("flipped-" + filename)

# 5. Textbook R.29
# show only the green component of each pixel of the image to green

# Draw the image
win = GraphicsWindow()
canvas = win.canvas()
コード例 #13
# Load the image from the file.
image = GraphicsImage(filename)

# Process the image.
width = image.width()
height = image.height()
for row in range(height):
    for col in range(width):
        # Get the current pixel color.
        red = image.getRed(row, col)
        green = image.getGreen(row, col)
        blue = image.getBlue(row, col)

        # Filter the pixel.
        newRed = 255 - red
        newGreen = 255 - green
        newBlue = 255 - blue

        # Set the pixel to the new color.
        image.setPixel(row, col, newRed, newGreen, newBlue)

# Display the image on screen.
win = GraphicsWindow()
canvas = win.canvas()

# Save the new image with a new name.
image.save("negative-" + filename)
コード例 #14
    radius = width // 2
#set up the effect color to white(255,255,255)
newRed = 255
newBlue = 255
newGreen = 255
# newRow is row number of new image
newRow = 0
for row in range(height):  #go through every row
    # outer loop is top-down
    for col in range(width):  #go through column
        #inner loop is left-to-right
        newCol = col
        if sqrt((width / 2 - col)**2 + (height / 2 - row)**2) <= radius:
            green = int(0.7152 * origImage.getGreen(row, col))
            red = int(0.2126 * origImage.getRed(row, col))
            blue = int(0.0722 * origImage.getBlue(row, col))
            gray = green + red + blue
            newImage.setPixel(newRow, newCol, gray, gray,
                              gray)  #paste to new image
            newImage.setPixel(newRow, newCol, newRed, newGreen,
                              newBlue)  # paste to new image
    newRow = newRow + 1
# Save the new image with "Black".
newImage.save("black-" + filename)

# Draw the telescoped image
win = GraphicsWindow()
canvas = win.canvas()
コード例 #15
    HEIGHT = picture.height()
    WIDTH = picture.width()
#Find middle point
HeightRow = HEIGHT // 2
WidthCol = WIDTH // 2
newimage = GraphicsImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT)

#For future use
#To do : make a square pic
Main function

print("Processing Images....Please Wait...")
#Find pixel
for row in range(HEIGHT):
    for col in range(WIDTH):
        if sqrt((row - HeightRow)**2 + (col - WidthCol)**2) <= HEIGHT // 2:
            red = round(picture.getRed(row, col) * 0.2126)
            green = round(picture.getGreen(row, col) * 0.07152)
            blue = round(picture.getGreen(row, col) * 0.0722)
            gray = red + green + blue
            newimage.setPixel(row, col, gray, gray, gray)
            newimage.setPixel(row, col, 255, 255, 255)
    __location__, 'queen-mary_lab3.gif'))  #Change if you want another pic
print("Output image has been put into same folder name:'queen-mary_lab3.gif'")
コード例 #16
canvas = win.canvas()
imageWidth = origImage.width()
imageHeight = origImage.height()

# define new image dimensions
newImage = GraphicsImage(imageWidth, imageHeight)

# output the size of image

# edit the image
for row in range(imageHeight):
    for col in range(imageWidth):
        red = origImage.getRed(row, col)
        newRed = int(red * 1.3)
        # if the red exceed the RGB range, it will set to the maximum
        if newRed > 255:
            newRed = 255
        green = origImage.getGreen(row, col)
        blue = origImage.getBlue(row, col)
        # set the colors of the image
        newImage.setPixel(row, col, newRed, green, blue)

# display image

# output image file
newImage.save("Golden Bridge Sunset.gif")