コード例 #1
async def test_run__passes_correct_blocklists_to_subscriptions(mock_client):
    submission = MockSubmission("12322")
    api = MockExportAPI().with_submission(submission)
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    method_called = MockMethod([submission])
    watcher._get_new_results = method_called.async_call
    watcher.BACK_OFF = 1
    watcher.blocklists = {156: {"test", "ych"}, -200: {"example"}}
    sub1 = MockSubscription("deer", 156)
    sub2 = MockSubscription("dog", -232)
    watcher.subscriptions = [sub1, sub2]

    task = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(watcher_killer(watcher))
    # Run watcher
    await watcher.run()
    await task

    assert submission in sub1.submissions_checked
    assert len(sub1.blocklists) == 1
    assert sub1.blocklists[0] in [
    assert submission in sub2.submissions_checked
    assert len(sub2.blocklists) == 1
    assert sub2.blocklists[0] == AndQuery([])
    assert method_called.called
コード例 #2
async def test_run__is_stopped_by_running_false(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    s = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    # Shorten the wait
    s.BACK_OFF = 1

    task = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(watcher_killer(s))

    # Run watcher
    await s.run()

    assert True
    await task
コード例 #3
async def test_run__calls_get_new_results(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    method_called = MockMethod([])
    watcher._get_new_results = method_called.async_call
    # Shorten the wait
    watcher.BACK_OFF = 1

    task = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(watcher_killer(watcher))
    # Run watcher
    await watcher.run()
    await task

    assert method_called.called
コード例 #4
async def test_run__sleeps_backoff_time(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    # Shorten the wait
    watcher.BACK_OFF = 3

    api.call_after_x_browse = (lambda: watcher.stop(), 2)

    # Run watcher
    start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    await watcher.run()
    end_time = datetime.datetime.now()

    time_waited = end_time - start_time
    assert 3 <= time_waited.seconds <= 5
コード例 #5
async def test_run__can_exit_fast(mock_client):
    api = MockExportAPI()
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    # Shorten the wait
    watcher.BACK_OFF = 3

    task = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(watcher_killer(watcher))

    # Run watcher
    start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    await watcher.run()
    end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    await task

    time_waited = end_time - start_time
    assert time_waited.seconds <= 1
コード例 #6
async def test_run__failed_to_send_doesnt_kill_watcher(mock_client):
    submission = MockSubmission("12322")
    api = MockExportAPI().with_browse_results([submission], 1)
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    submission.send_message = lambda *args: (_ for _ in ()).throw(Exception)
    watcher.BACK_OFF = 3
    sub1 = MockSubscription("deer", 0)
    watcher.subscriptions = [sub1]

    api.call_after_x_browse = (lambda: watcher.stop(), 2)
    # Run watcher
    start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    await watcher.run()
    end_time = datetime.datetime.now()

    time_waited = end_time - start_time
    assert 3 <= time_waited.seconds <= 5
コード例 #7
async def test_run__calls_update_latest_ids(mock_client):
    submission1 = MockSubmission("12322")
    submission2 = MockSubmission("12324")
    api = MockExportAPI().with_submissions([submission1, submission2])
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    mock_new_results = MockMethod([submission1, submission2])
    watcher._get_new_results = mock_new_results.async_call
    mock_update_latest = MockMethod()
    watcher._update_latest_ids = mock_update_latest.call
    # Shorten the wait
    watcher.BACK_OFF = 1

    task = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(watcher_killer(watcher))
    # Run watcher
    await watcher.run()
    await task

    assert mock_update_latest.called
    assert mock_update_latest.args[0] == [submission2]
コード例 #8
async def test_run__checks_all_new_results(mock_client):
    submission1 = MockSubmission("12322")
    submission2 = MockSubmission("12324")
    api = MockExportAPI().with_submissions([submission1, submission2])
    watcher = SubscriptionWatcher(api, mock_client)
    method_called = MockMethod([submission1, submission2])
    watcher._get_new_results = method_called.async_call
    watcher.BACK_OFF = 1
    sub = MockSubscription("deer", 0)
    watcher.subscriptions = [sub]

    task = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(watcher_killer(watcher))
    # Run watcher
    await watcher.run()
    await task

    assert submission1 in sub.submissions_checked
    assert submission2 in sub.submissions_checked
    assert method_called.called