def env_base(): """ Install base system """ pkgs = [ 'mc', 'tmux', 'dnsutils', 'alsa-utils', 'pulseaudio', 'mc-solarized-git', 'dircolors-solarized-git', ] # Check if a custom package for computer env_section = inspect.stack()[0][3] if 'pkgs' in env and env_section in env.pkgs: pkgs = list(set(pkgs + env.pkgs[env_section])) # Install required packages env_base_requirement() require.arch.packages(pkgs, options=["--noconfirm"]) # Synchronize user dotfiles sync_dotfiles = 'fabrecipes/autoinstall/%(env_section)s' % locals() dotfiles.sync('%(sync_dotfiles)s/user/' % locals(), '$HOME/') dotfiles.sync('%(sync_dotfiles)s/sys/' % locals(), '/', use_sudo='true') # Configure base configure_base()
def install(): """ Install zfs system (kernel + utils) from archzfs (demizerone repository) """ # Add archzfs repository config_file = '/etc/pacman.conf' append(config_file, '[demz-repo-core]', use_sudo=True) append(config_file, 'Server =$repo/$arch', use_sudo=True) # Add key sudo('pacman-key -r 0EE7A126') sudo('pacman-key --lsign-key 0EE7A126') # Update the package database arch.update_index() # Install package require.arch.package('archzfs') # Synchronize user dotfiles.sync('fabrecipes/zfs/user/', '$HOME/') dotfiles.sync('fabrecipes/zfs/sys/', '/', use_sudo='true')
def sync_dotfiles(env_section, sync_dotfiles='fabrecipes'): """ Synchronize the computer configuration from a dotfiles project """ # Fetch the dotfiles dotfiles.fetch() # Sync the default dotfiles for specific environment findex = -1 if env_section in EXECTREE: findex = EXECTREE.index(env_section) for cindex in range(0, findex + 1): csection = EXECTREE[cindex] print "Synchronize from '%(csection)s'" % locals() sync_dotfiles = 'fabrecipes/autoinstall/%(csection)s' % locals() dotfiles.sync('%(sync_dotfiles)s/user/' % locals(), '$HOME/', force_sync=False) dotfiles.sync('%(sync_dotfiles)s/sys/' % locals(), '/', use_sudo='true', force_sync=False) # Sync computer dotfiles computer_hostname = env.hostname print "Synchronize from '%(computer_hostname)s' computer" % locals() sync_dotfiles = 'fabrecipes/autoinstall/computers/%(computer_hostname)s' % locals() print "#### %(sync_dotfiles)s" % locals() dotfiles.sync('%(sync_dotfiles)s/user/' % locals(), '$HOME/', force_sync=False) dotfiles.sync('%(sync_dotfiles)s/sys/' % locals(), '/', use_sudo='true', force_sync=False)
def install_p2k(): """ Install emacs with some features in python 2.7 environement """ if 'pkgs' not in env: env.pkgs = [] pkgs = [ 'python2', 'git', 'mercurial', 'emacs', # For flymake 'xmlstarlet', #'csslint-git', ] require.arch.packages(pkgs) python_cmd = 'python2.7' virtualenv = '.virtualenvs/emacs_p2k' require.python.pip(python_cmd=python_cmd) require.python.package( 'virtualenv', python_cmd=python_cmd, use_sudo=True, ) require.python.package( 'virtualenvwrapper', python_cmd=python_cmd, use_sudo=True, ) require.python.virtualenv( virtualenv, python_cmd=python_cmd, venv_python='python2.7', ) with python.virtualenv(virtualenv): here = os.path.dirname(__file__) requirements = '%(here)s/requirements.txt' % locals() put(requirements, '/tmp/requirements.txt') require.python.requirements( '/tmp/requirements.txt', ) # Synchronize user dotfiles.sync('fabrecipes/emacs/emacs_p2k/user/', '$HOME/') dotfiles.sync('fabrecipes/emacs/emacs_p2k/sys/', '/', use_sudo='true')
def env_base_requirement(direct=True, sync_dotfiles='fabrecipes'): """ Install requirement base system """ pkgs = [ 'zsh', 'wget', 'netctl', 'dialog', 'yaourt', 'python2', 'ifplugd', 'net-tools', 'wpa_actiond', 'wpa_supplicant', ] # Check if a custom package for computer env_section = inspect.stack()[0][3] if 'pkgs' in env and env_section in env.pkgs: pkgs = list(set(pkgs + env.pkgs[env_section])) # Install required packages run_as_root('dirmngr </dev/null') run_as_root('pacman-key --init') run_as_root('pacman-key --populate archlinux') run_as_root('pacman-key --refresh-keys') run_as_root('pacman --noconfirm -Syyu') run_as_root('pacman-db-upgrade') require.arch.packages(pkgs, options=["--noconfirm"]) # Install oh-my-zsh ohmyzsh = '$HOME/.oh-my-zsh' if not is_dir(ohmyzsh): run( 'git clone git:// %(ohmyzsh)s' % locals() ) # Set default ZSH shell for user if user.exists(env.useraccount): user.modify(env.useraccount, shell='/usr/bin/zsh') # Synchronize user dotfiles sync_dotfiles = 'fabrecipes/autoinstall/%(env_section)s' % locals() dotfiles.sync('%(sync_dotfiles)s/user/' % locals(), '$HOME/') dotfiles.sync('%(sync_dotfiles)s/sys/' % locals(), '/', use_sudo='true')
def install_p2k(): """ Install emacs with some features in python 2.7 environement """ if 'pkgs' not in env: env.pkgs = [] pkgs = [ 'python2', 'git', 'mercurial', 'emacs', # For flymake 'xmlstarlet', #'csslint-git', ] require.arch.packages(pkgs) python_cmd = 'python2.7' virtualenv = '.virtualenvs/emacs_p2k' require.python.pip(python_cmd=python_cmd) require.python.package( 'virtualenv', python_cmd=python_cmd, use_sudo=True, ) require.python.package( 'virtualenvwrapper', python_cmd=python_cmd, use_sudo=True, ) require.python.virtualenv( virtualenv, python_cmd=python_cmd, venv_python='python2.7', ) with python.virtualenv(virtualenv): here = os.path.dirname(__file__) requirements = '%(here)s/requirements.txt' % locals() put(requirements, '/tmp/requirements.txt') require.python.requirements('/tmp/requirements.txt', ) # Synchronize user dotfiles.sync('fabrecipes/emacs/emacs_p2k/user/', '$HOME/') dotfiles.sync('fabrecipes/emacs/emacs_p2k/sys/', '/', use_sudo='true')
def env_xorg(): """ Install base Xorg system """ pkgs = [ 'gksu', 'xterm', 'arandr', 'xdotool', 'xorg-xev', 'xorg-xrdb', 'xorg-xkill', 'xorg-xinit', 'xorg-xprop', 'xorg-server', 'xorg-server-utils', 'xf86-input-synaptics', 'alsa-utils', 'wicd-gtk', 'xournal', 'evince', ] # Check if a custom package for computer env_section = inspect.stack()[0][3] if 'pkgs' in env and env_section in env.pkgs: pkgs = list(set(pkgs + env.pkgs[env_section])) # Install required packages env_base() require.arch.packages(pkgs, options=["--noconfirm"]) # Synchronize user dotfiles sync_dotfiles = 'fabrecipes/autoinstall/%(env_section)s' % locals() dotfiles.sync('%(sync_dotfiles)s/user/' % locals(), '$HOME/') dotfiles.sync('%(sync_dotfiles)s/sys/' % locals(), '/', use_sudo='true') # Configure_xorg configure_xorg()
def install(): """ Install virtualbox and use dkms virtual host modules """ pkgs = [ 'virtualbox', 'virtualbox-host-dkms', 'linux-headers', ] # Install packages require.arch.packages(pkgs) # active startup virtualbox module compilation systemd.start('dkms') systemd.enable('dkms') # Synchronize user dotfiles.sync('fabrecipes/virtualbox/user/', '$HOME/') dotfiles.sync('fabrecipes/virtualbox/sys/', '/', use_sudo='true') print(red('Please reboot your system for use new kernel'))
def env_xorg_misc(direct=True): """ Full Xorg installation (Xorg + i3 + lighweight + misc software) """ pkgs = [ 'sox', 'vlc', 'slop', 'maim', 'docker', 'openvpn', 'firefox', 'remmina', 'freerdp', 'keepassx', 'flashplugin', 'pavucontrol', # Google Chrome 'google-chrome', 'ttf-liberation' ] # Check if a custom package for computer env_section = inspect.stack()[0][3] if 'pkgs' in env and env_section in env.pkgs: pkgs = list(set(pkgs + env.pkgs[env_section])) env_xorg() require.arch.packages(pkgs, options=["--noconfirm"]) # Synchronize user dotfiles sync_dotfiles = 'fabrecipes/autoinstall/%(env_section)s' % locals() dotfiles.sync('%(sync_dotfiles)s/user/' % locals(), '$HOME/') dotfiles.sync('%(sync_dotfiles)s/sys/' % locals(), '/', use_sudo='true')
def env_xorg_xfce_i3(): """ Install Xorg Xfce + I3 feature """ # if not arch.is_installed('xfce4-power-manager') and \ # not arch.is_installed('xfce4-wavelan-plugin'): pkgs = [ # I3 'i3-wm', 'dmenu', 'i3lock', 'i3status', 'xautolock', # XFCE4 'xfwm4', 'xfconf', 'xfce4-mixer', 'xfce4-panel', 'xfwm4-themes', 'xfce4-session', 'xfce4-settings', 'xfce4-terminal', 'xfce4-appfinder', 'xfce4-screenshooter', 'xfce4-power-manager', 'xfce-theme-albatross', 'xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin', # Thunar 'unzip', 'thunar', 'xarchiver', 'thunar-volman', 'thunar-archive-plugin', # Misc 'feh', 'exo', 'gvfs', 'tumbler', 'gvfs-smb', 'ristretto', 'xfdesktop', 'rxvt-unicode', 'gtk2-xfce-engine', 'shimmer-wallpapers', ##'xfce4-goodies', ##'xfce-theme-manager', ##'gtk-engine-unico', #'elementary-xfce-icons', ] # Check if a custom package for computer env_section = inspect.stack()[0][3] if 'pkgs' in env and env_section in env.pkgs: pkgs = list(set(pkgs + env.pkgs[env_section])) # Install required packages env_xorg() require.arch.packages(pkgs, options=["--noconfirm"]) # Synchronize user dotfiles sync_dotfiles = 'fabrecipes/autoinstall/%(env_section)s' % locals() dotfiles.sync('%(sync_dotfiles)s/user/' % locals(), '$HOME/') dotfiles.sync('%(sync_dotfiles)s/sys/' % locals(), '/', use_sudo='true') configure_xfce_i3()
def env_xorg_xfce_i3(): """ Install Xorg Xfce + I3 feature """ # if not arch.is_installed('xfce4-power-manager') and \ # not arch.is_installed('xfce4-wavelan-plugin'): pkgs = [ # I3 'i3-wm', 'dmenu', 'i3lock', 'i3status', 'xautolock', # XFCE4 'xfwm4', 'xfconf', 'xfce4-mixer', 'xfce4-panel', 'xfwm4-themes', 'xfce4-session', 'xfce4-settings', 'xfce4-terminal', 'xfce4-appfinder', 'xfce4-power-manager', 'xfce-theme-albatross', 'xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin', # Thunar 'unzip', 'thunar', 'xarchiver', 'thunar-volman', 'thunar-archive-plugin', # Misc 'feh', 'exo', 'gvfs', 'tumbler', 'gvfs-smb', 'ristretto', 'xfdesktop', 'rxvt-unicode', 'gtk2-xfce-engine', 'shimmer-wallpapers', ##'xfce4-goodies', ##'xfce-theme-manager', ##'gtk-engine-unico', #'elementary-xfce-icons', ] # Check if a custom package for computer env_section = inspect.stack()[0][3] if 'pkgs' in env and env_section in env.pkgs: pkgs = list(set(pkgs + env.pkgs[env_section])) # Install required packages env_xorg() require.arch.packages(pkgs, options=["--noconfirm"]) # Synchronize user dotfiles sync_dotfiles = 'fabrecipes/autoinstall/%(env_section)s' % locals() dotfiles.sync('%(sync_dotfiles)s/user/' % locals(), '$HOME/') dotfiles.sync('%(sync_dotfiles)s/sys/' % locals(), '/', use_sudo='true') configure_xfce_i3()