def build(): # we install required npm packages with increased number of retries and if it fails we use backup mirror local("npm install --fetch-retries 3 -g gulp || npm install --fetch-retries 3 --registry -g gulp") local("npm install --fetch-retries 3 || npm install --fetch-retries 3 --registry") if branch == "master" or branch == "staging": with shell_env(API_URI=api_uri, TLD=tld): local("gulp production") elif branch == "develop": with shell_env(API_URI=api_uri, TLD=tld): local("gulp develop") else: local("gulp develop")
def run(commands, prefix=None, cd=None, shell_env=None): """ This is a shell around the fabric run command that allows for conditional use of the prefix, cd & shell_env context managers. :param commands: A list of commands to run :param prefix: An optional prefix to use :param cd: An optional working directory :param shell_env: An optional dict of shell env variables :return: """ def _run(): "closure to make running the commands reusable" for command in commands: # this is so ugly, but I couldn't come up with a better way to do it # without making things terribly complicated # TODO make this better somehow # XXX maybe this can help: if prefix is not None and cd is not None and shell_env is not None: with with fab.prefix(prefix): with fab.shell_env(**shell_env): _run() elif prefix is not None and shell_env is not None: with fab.prefix(prefix): with fab.shell_env(**shell_env): _run() elif cd is not None and shell_env is not None: with with fab.shell_env(**shell_env): _run() elif cd is not None and prefix is not None: with with fab.prefix(prefix): _run() elif cd is not None: with _run() elif prefix is not None: with fab.prefix(prefix): _run() elif shell_env is not None: with fab.shell_env(**shell_env): _run() else: _run()
def gene_sqlite(): """生成sqlite文件,并通过邮件发送""" env.host_string = config.HOST_STRING with cd('/var/www/xichuangzhu'): with shell_env(MODE='PRODUCTION'): with prefix('source venv/bin/activate'): run('python gene_sqlite')
def do(): with open(config, 'r') as ip: config_data = json.load(ip) dag_class = config_data['dag'] # push the toast config to the remote machine toast_config_worker_path = os.path.join( eggo_config.get('worker_env', 'work_path'), build_dest_filename(config)) put(local_path=config, remote_path=toast_config_worker_path) # TODO: run on central scheduler instead toast_cmd = (' --local-scheduler {clazz} ' '--ToastConfig-config {toast_config}'.format( clazz=dag_class, toast_config=toast_config_worker_path)) hadoop_bin = os.path.join(eggo_config.get('worker_env', 'hadoop_home'), 'bin') toast_env = {'EGGO_HOME': eggo_config.get('worker_env', 'eggo_home'), # imports eggo_config, which needs EGGO_HOME on worker 'EGGO_CONFIG': eggo_config.get('worker_env', 'eggo_config_path'), # bc imports eggo_config which must be init on the worker 'LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH': eggo_config.get('worker_env', 'luigi_config_path'), 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID': eggo_config.get('aws', 'aws_access_key_id'), # bc dataset dnload pushes data to S3 TODO: should only be added if the dfs is S3 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY': eggo_config.get('aws', 'aws_secret_access_key'), # TODO: should only be added if the dfs is S3 'SPARK_HOME': eggo_config.get('worker_env', 'spark_home')} if exec_ctx == 'local': # this should copy vars that maintain venv info env_copy = os.environ.copy() env_copy.update(toast_env) toast_env = env_copy with path(hadoop_bin): with shell_env(**toast_env): wrun(toast_cmd)
def pbuilder_env(os_release, name=None): dist = dist_from_release(os_release) dist_release = "{0}-{1}".format(dist, os_release) if name: dist_release = "{0}-{1}".format(dist_release, name) output_dir = os.path.join(package_export_dir(), dist_release) return shell_env(ARCH=ARCH, DIST=dist_release, GIT_PBUILDER_OUTPUT_DIR=output_dir)
def create(os_release=None): """Create an environment for building packages.""" if os_release is None: os_release = get_os_release_from_current_branch() dist = dist_from_release(os_release) path = '/var/cache/pbuilder/base-{dist}-{os_release}-{arch}.cow'.format( arch=ARCH, dist=dist, os_release=os_release) if os.path.exists(path): raise Exception('PBuilder base image already exists at %s' % path) build_trusted() keyring = expanduser("~/.trusted.gpg") mirror = ubuntu_mirrors[dist] other_mirrors = mirrors[os_release] components = "main universe" with shell_env(ARCH=ARCH, DIST=dist): local('git-pbuilder create --basepath {basepath}' ' --mirror {mirror}' ' --components "{components}"' ' --othermirror "{mirrors}"' ' --keyring {keyring}' ' --debootstrapopts' ' --keyring={keyring}'.format( mirror=mirror, components=components, mirrors="|".join(other_mirrors), keyring=keyring, basepath=path))
def run_standalone_test(): run("service couchbase-server stop", warn_only=True) with shell_env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH="{}/forestdb/build".format(args.remote_workdir)): with cd(args.remote_workdir): run("rm -rf data/") run("mkdir data") run("ldd ./{}".format(prog_name)) run("./{}".format(prog_name)) run("cat incrementalsecondary.txt") # Now for internal processing and posting to showfast output_text = run("cat incrementalsecondary.txt") groups = r"initial index build time[^\d]*(\d*).*?seconds", output_text) initial_time = int( groups = r"incrmental index build time[^\d]*(\d*).*?seconds", output_text) incremental_time = int("Grepped intial build time {}".format(initial_time))"Grepped incremental build time {}".format( incremental_time)) if initial_time: post_initial(initial_time) if incremental_time: post_incremental(incremental_time)
def install_adam(work_path, adam_home, maven_version, fork, branch): # dnload mvn mvn_path = os.path.join(work_path, 'apache-maven') wrun('mkdir -p {0}'.format(mvn_path)) with wcd(mvn_path): wrun('wget{version}/binaries/' 'apache-maven-{version}-bin.tar.gz'.format(version=maven_version)) wrun('tar -xzf apache-maven-{0}-bin.tar.gz'.format(maven_version)) # checkout adam if not exists(adam_home): adam_parent = os.path.dirname(adam_home) wrun('mkdir -p {0}'.format(adam_parent)) with wcd(adam_parent): wrun('git clone{0}/adam.git'.format(fork)) if branch != 'master': with wcd('adam'): wrun('git checkout origin/{branch}'.format(branch=branch)) # build adam shell_vars = {} shell_vars['M2_HOME'] = os.path.join( mvn_path, 'apache-maven-{0}'.format(maven_version)) shell_vars['M2'] = os.path.join(shell_vars['M2_HOME'], 'bin') shell_vars['MAVEN_OPTS'] = '-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m' if exec_ctx == 'director': shell_vars['JAVA_HOME'] = '/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_67-cloudera' with wcd(adam_home): with shell_env(**shell_vars): wrun('$M2/mvn clean package -DskipTests')
def run(self, resource, *args, **kwargs): log.debug('SSH: %s', args) executor = if kwargs.get('use_sudo', False): executor = fabric_api.sudo managers = [ fabric_api.settings(**self._fabric_settings(resource)), ] cwd = kwargs.get('cwd') if cwd: managers.append(['cwd'])) env = kwargs.get('env') if env: managers.append(fabric_api.shell_env(**kwargs['env'])) if kwargs.get('warn_only', False): managers.append(fabric_api.warn_only()) with nested(*managers): res = executor(' '.join(args)) return self.get_result(res)
def deploy_web(): """ Installs the output of the build on the web instances. """ require("configuration") if exists(env.deploy_dir): run("rm -rf %s" % env.deploy_dir) run("tar -xvzf %s" % env.build_archive) run("mv %s deploy" % env.git_tag) run("source /usr/local/bin/ && mkvirtualenv venv") env.SHELL_ENV = dict( DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=env.django_settings_module, DJANGO_CONFIGURATION=env.django_configuration, CONFIG_HTTP_PORT=env.config_http_port, CONFIG_SERVER_NAME=env.config_server_name, ) print env.SHELL_ENV with cd(env.deploy_dir): with prefix("source /usr/local/bin/ && workon venv"), shell_env(**env.SHELL_ENV): requirements_path = "/".join(["codalab", "requirements", "dev_azure_nix.txt"]) pip_cmd = "pip install -r {0}".format(requirements_path) run(pip_cmd) # additional requirements for bundle service run("pip install SQLAlchemy simplejson") with cd("codalab"): run("python config_gen") run("mkdir -p ~/.codalab && cp ./config/generated/bundle_server_config.json ~/.codalab/config.json") run("python syncdb --migrate") run("python scripts/") run("python collectstatic --noinput") sudo("ln -sf `pwd`/config/generated/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/codalab.conf") sudo("ln -sf `pwd`/config/generated/supervisor.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/codalab.conf")
def sudorun(self, servername, commands, runas, passwd=""): # generic function to run one or more commands # as a specific remote user. returns the results # of the last command run. aborts when any # command fails env.key_filename = self.servers[servername]["ssh_key"] env.user = self.servers[servername]["ssh_user"] env.disable_known_hosts = True env.host_string = self.servers[servername]["hostname"] rundict = return_dict(True, "no commands provided", {"return_code" : None }) if passwd is None: pgpasswd = "" else: pgpasswd = passwd for command in commands: try: with shell_env(PGPASSWORD=pgpasswd): runit = sudo(command, user=runas, warn_only=True,pty=False) rundict.update({ "details" : runit , "return_code" : runit.return_code }) if runit.succeeded: rundict.update({"result":"SUCCESS"}) else: rundict.update({"result":"FAIL"}) break except Exception as ex: rundict = { "result" : "FAIL", "details" : "connection failure: %s" % self.exstr(ex), "return_code" : None } break disconnect_all() return rundict
def pull(): """更新代码""" env.host_string = config.HOST_STRING with cd('/var/www/blogbar'): with shell_env(MODE='PRODUCTION'): run('git reset --hard HEAD') run('git pull')
def runvis(): "Run the development server" with lcd(PROJ_ROOT), \ shell_env(NLTK_DATA=env['nltk_data'], PYTHONPATH=env['pythonpath'], DDT_HOME=PROJ_ROOT): local('{python} vis/'.format(**env))
def build(self): # if we're running a virtualenv the we need to reload the defaults virtualenv_name = env.get("virtualenv", None) if (virtualenv_name is not None): # make a place for the virtualenv to exist local("{} -p {}".format(['mkdir'], env.python_virtualenv_root_dir)) # remember where the default python installation went system_python_virtualenv = env.python_virtualenv # create the virtualenv with lcd(env.python_virtualenv_root_dir): local("{} --python={} {}".format(system_python_virtualenv, env.python, virtualenv_name)) with settings(path("{}/{}/bin".format(env.python_virtualenv_root_dir, virtualenv_name), behavior="prepend"), shell_env(VIRTUAL_ENV="{}/{}".format(env.python_virtualenv_root_dir, virtualenv_name))): # re-load the default paths to make it uses the virtualenv python load_defaults() # load requirements into virtualenv if (os.path.isfile("{}/requirements.txt".format(env.build_dir))): local("{} install -r {}/requirements.txt".format(env.python_pip, env.build_dir)) # really build self._build() # make it so that we can move the virtualenv with lcd(env.python_virtualenv_root_dir): local("{} --relocatable {}".format(system_python_virtualenv, virtualenv_name)) else: # really build self._build()
def run_standalone_test(): run("service couchbase-server stop", warn_only=True) with shell_env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH="{}/forestdb/build".format(args.remote_workdir)): with cd(args.remote_workdir): run("mkdir data") run("ldd ./{}".format(prog_name)) run("./{}".format(prog_name))
def sr(*cmd): """ Sudo Run - Wraps a given command around sudo and runs it as the www-data user """ with shell_env(HOME='/srv/ifttt'): return sudo(' '.join(cmd), user='******')
def locales(names): """ Require the list of locales to be available. """ config_file = '/var/lib/locales/supported.d/local' if not is_file(config_file): config_file = '/etc/locale.gen' # Regenerate locales if config file changes with watch(config_file, use_sudo=True) as config: # Add valid locale names to the config file supported = dict(supported_locales()) for name in names: if name in supported: charset = supported[name] locale = "%s %s" % (name, charset) with shell_env(): uncomment(config_file, escape(locale), use_sudo=True) append(config_file, locale, use_sudo=True) else: warn('Unsupported locale name "%s"' % name) if config.changed: run_as_root('dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive locales')
def deploy_web(): """ Installs the output of the build on the web instances. """ require('configuration') if exists(env.deploy_dir): run('rm -rf %s' % env.deploy_dir) run('tar -xvzf %s' % env.build_archive) run('mv %s deploy' % env.git_tag) run('source /usr/local/bin/ && mkvirtualenv venv') env.SHELL_ENV = dict( DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=env.django_settings_module, DJANGO_CONFIGURATION=env.django_configuration, CONFIG_HTTP_PORT=env.config_http_port, CONFIG_SERVER_NAME=env.config_server_name) print env.SHELL_ENV with cd(env.deploy_dir): with prefix('source /usr/local/bin/ && workon venv'), shell_env(**env.SHELL_ENV): requirements_path = "/".join(['codalab', 'requirements', 'dev_azure_nix.txt']) #pip_cmd = 'pip install --use-wheel --no-index --find-links=wheel_packages -r {0}'.format(requirements_path) pip_cmd = 'pip install -r {0}'.format(requirements_path) run(pip_cmd) with cd('codalab'): run('python config_gen') run('python syncdb --migrate') run('python scripts/') run('python collectstatic --noinput') sudo('ln -sf `pwd`/config/generated/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/codalab.conf')
def setup_environment(): """Setup users, groups, supervisor, etc.""" # FIXME: When `fabtools v0.21.0` gets released, remove this... with shell_env(SYSTEMD_PAGER=''): require.users.user( name=env.app_user, group=env.app_user, system=True, shell='/bin/bash', ) for path in (env.app_path, env.etc_path): path=path, owner=env.app_user, group=env.app_user, use_sudo=True, ) require.python.virtualenv( directory=env.venv_path, venv_python='python3', user=env.app_user, use_sudo=True, ) require.supervisor.process( name=env.app_name, command='{} stream --verbose'.format(env.hadroid_botctl), user=env.app_user, directory=env.app_path, stdout_logfile='/var/log/hadroid.log', stderr_logfile='/var/log/hadroid-err.log', environment='HADROID_CONFIG={}'.format(env.hadroid_config), )
def deploy(): """Deploy to production.""" _require_root() if not confirm("This will apply any available migrations to the database. Has the database been backed up?"): abort("Aborted.") if not confirm("Are you sure you want to deploy?"): abort("Aborted.") with lcd(PRODUCTION_DOCUMENT_ROOT): with shell_env(PRODUCTION="TRUE"): local("git pull") with open("requirements.txt", "r") as req_file: requirements = try: pkg_resources.require(requirements) except: local("pip install -U -r requirements.txt") else: puts("Python requirements already satisfied.") with prefix("source /usr/local/virtualenvs/ion/bin/activate"): local("./ collectstatic --noinput") local("./ migrate") restart_production_gunicorn(True) puts("Deploy complete.")
def deploy(refspec): """ A Git refspec such as a commit code or branch. Branches names need to start with `origin/` (e.g. origin/1.x instead of 1.x). """ p = env.app_path if not files.exists(p + '/repo'): run('cd %s && git clone -q %s repo' % (p, env.repo)) # clone else: run('cd %s/repo && git fetch' % p) # or fetch with(cd(p)): refspec = run('cd %s/repo && git rev-parse %s' % (p, refspec)) run('cd repo && git reset --hard %s && git submodule -q update ' % refspec + '--init --recursive') run('rm -rf current') run('cp -r repo/redmine current') files.upload_template('private/database.yml', p + '/current/config/database.yml', env) files.upload_template('private/configuration.yml', p + '/current/config/configuration.yml', env) with shell_env(GEM_HOME=env.gem_home, RAILS_ENV='production'): with(cd(p + '/current')): execute(install_plugins) env.bundle_bin = "%s/bin/bundle" % env.gem_home run('%(bundle_bin)s install --path %(gem_home)s ' '--without="development test"' % env) run('%(bundle_bin)s exec rake db:migrate' % env) run('%(bundle_bin)s exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate' % env) run('%(bundle_bin)s exec rake tmp:cache:clear' % env) run('%(bundle_bin)s exec rake tmp:sessions:clear' % env) run('%(bundle_bin)s exec rake generate_secret_token' % env) run('sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart')
def find_authors_wiki(): """寻找作者wiki url""" env.host_string = config.HOST_STRING with cd('/var/www/xichuangzhu'): with shell_env(MODE='PRODUCTION'): with prefix('source venv/bin/activate'): run('python find_authors_wiki')
def restart(): env.host_string = HOST_STRING with cd('/home/flask/source/codingpy'): with shell_env(MODE='PRODUCTION'): run('git reset --hard HEAD') run('git pull') run('supervisorctl restart codingpy')
def convert_title(): """转换标题""" env.host_string = config.HOST_STRING with cd('/var/www/xichuangzhu'): with shell_env(MODE='PRODUCTION'): with prefix('source venv/bin/activate'): run('python convert_title')
def run(solard_context, cmd, **kwargs): # return check_output(shlex.split(cmd)) executor = fabric_api.local # if kwargs.get('use_sudo', False): # cmd = 'sudo ' + cmd managers = [] cwd = kwargs.get('cwd') if cwd: managers.append(['cwd'])) env = kwargs.get('env') if env: managers.append(fabric_api.shell_env(**kwargs['env'])) # we just warn, don't exit on solard # correct data is returned managers.append(fabric_api.warn_only()) with nested(*managers): out = executor(cmd, capture=True) result = {} for name in ('failed', 'return_code', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'succeeded', 'command', 'real_command'): result[name] = getattr(out, name) return result
def _ssh_command(resource, *args, **kwargs): log.debug('SSH: %s', args) executor = if kwargs.get('use_sudo', False): executor = fabric_api.sudo managers = [ fabric_api.settings(**ResourceSSHMixin._fabric_settings(resource)), ] if 'cwd' in kwargs: managers.append(['cwd']) ) if 'env' in kwargs: managers.append( fabric_api.shell_env(**kwargs['env']) ) if 'warn_only' in kwargs: managers.append( fabric_api.warn_only()) with nested(*managers): return executor(' '.join(args))
def pbuilder_env(os_release, name=None, ubuntu_release=None): dist_release = get_build_env(os_release, ubuntu_release) if name: dist_release = '{0}-{1}'.format(dist_release, name) output_dir = os.path.join(package_export_dir(), dist_release) return shell_env(ARCH=ARCH, DIST=dist_release, GIT_PBUILDER_OUTPUT_DIR=output_dir)
def deploy(): """with quiet(): rv = local('git status', capture=True).stdout.strip() if 'nothing to commit' not in rv: _abort('Commit all changes before deployment.') print blue('* Updating git branch `deploy`...'), branch = local('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', capture=True).stdout local('git checkout deploy') local('git rebase %s' % branch) local('git push') local('git checkout %s' % branch) print blue('Done')""" run('git config --global credential.helper "cache --timeout=3600"') rv = run('[ -d myimagebot ] && (cd myimagebot && git checkout master && ' 'git stash save --keep-index && git pull --ff) || ' 'git clone') if rv.failed: _abort(rv.stderr) # check `venv` directory exists run('[ -d venv ] || virtualenv venv') run('. venv/bin/activate') # check `var` directory exists run('[ -d var ]|| mkdir var var/log var/log/nginx var/run var/upload') # Path for Booost. with shell_env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/opt/local/lib'): with cd('myimagebot'): #run('pip install -r requirements.txt') rv = run('fab conf nginx stop start') if rv.failed: _abort(rv.stderr)
def runserver(): "Run the development server" with lcd(PROJ_ROOT), \ shell_env(NLTK_DATA=env['nltk_data'], PYTHONPATH=env['pythonpath'], MEMEX_HOME=MEMEX_ROOT): local('{python} models/'.format(**env))
def dump(backup_path, database_name, user='******', host=None, password=None): """ Backs up the given database to the given file as a PostgreSQL archive. If host is set to None, a local connection will be used, so you'll need to be able to sudo to the given user. Otherwise, a standard password connection will be used and the user will be asked for a password. """ if host is None: api.sudo('pg_dump -Fc {database_name} > {backup_path}' .format( database_name=database_name, backup_path=backup_path, ), user=user) else: if password is None: password = getpass('Enter database password for {user}: ' .format(user=user)) with api.shell_env(PGPASSWORD=password):'pg_dump -Fc -U {user} -h {host} {database_name} >' ' {backup_path}' .format( user=user, host=host, database_name=database_name, backup_path=backup_path, ))
def runapiworker(): manage_py = project_relative("") with shell_env(HELTOUR_APP="API_WORKER"): local("python %s runserver" % manage_py)
def handle(self, *args, **options): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements # Load server config from project config, remote = load_config(env, options.get('remote', ''), debug=options.get('debug', False)) # Set remote server name self.remote = config.get('remote_name') # Set local project path local_project_path = django_settings.SITE_ROOT # Get our python version - we'll need this while rebuilding the # virtualenv. python_version = remote['server'].get('python_version', '3') # Change into the local project folder with hide('output', 'running', 'warnings'), lcd(local_project_path): project_folder = local( f"basename $( find {local_project_path} -name '' -not -path '*/.venv/*' -not -path '*/venv/*' | xargs -0 -n1 dirname )", capture=True) with settings( sudo_user=project_folder), cd(f'/var/www/{project_folder}'): initial_git_hash = run('git rev-parse --short HEAD') old_venv = f'/var/www/{project_folder}/.venv-{initial_git_hash}' settings_module = '{}.settings.{}'.format( project_folder, remote['server'].get('settings_file', 'production'), ) sudo( 'git config --global "*****@*****.**"' ) sudo('git config --global "Onespacemedia Developers"') sudo('git config --global rebase.autoStash true') sudo('git fetch') if options.get('commit', False): print('Pulling to specific commit.') sudo('git reset --hard {}'.format(options.get('commit', False), )) else: print('Pulling to HEAD') sudo('git reset --hard HEAD') new_git_hash = run('git rev-parse --short HEAD') new_venv = f'/var/www/{project_folder}/.venv-{new_git_hash}' if initial_git_hash == new_git_hash and not options['force_update']: print('Server is already up to date.') exit() # Does the new venv folder already exist? with settings(warn_only=True): venv_folder = run(f'test -d {new_venv}') # Build the virtualenv. if venv_folder.return_code == 0: print('Using existing venv for this commit hash') if venv_folder.return_code > 0: print('Creating venv for this commit hash') # Check if we have PyPy with settings(warn_only=True): pypy = run('test -x /usr/bin/pypy') if pypy.return_code == 0: sudo(f'virtualenv -p /usr/bin/pypy {new_venv}') else: sudo(f'virtualenv -p python{python_version} {new_venv}') with virtualenv(new_venv), shell_env( DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings_module): sudo( '[[ -e requirements.txt ]] && pip install -r requirements.txt' ) sudo('pip install gunicorn') # Things which need to happen regardless of whether there was a venv already. with virtualenv(new_venv), shell_env( DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings_module): if remote['server'].get('build_system', 'npm') == 'npm': sudo('. ~/.nvm/ && yarn', shell='/bin/bash') sudo('. ~/.nvm/ && yarn run build', shell='/bin/bash') sudo('python collectstatic --noinput -l') sudo('yes yes | python migrate') requirements = sudo('pip freeze') for line in requirements.split('\n'): if line.startswith('django-watson'): sudo('python buildwatson') # Point the application to the new venv sudo(f'rm -rf /var/www/{project_folder}/.venv') sudo(f'ln -sf {new_venv} /var/www/{project_folder}/.venv') sudo(f'rm -rf {old_venv}') sudo(f'supervisorctl signal HUP {project_folder}') # Register the release with Opbeat. if 'opbeat' in config and config['opbeat']['app_id'] and config[ 'opbeat']['secret_token']: with (lcd(local_project_path)): local( 'curl{}/apps/{}/releases/' ' -H "Authorization: Bearer {}"' ' -d rev=`git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%H`' ' -d branch=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`' ' -d status=completed'.format( config['opbeat']['organization_id'], config['opbeat']['app_id'], config['opbeat']['secret_token'], ))
def buildRpms(env, htmItSha, releaseVersion, artifactsDir, logger, config, htmitRemote): """ Builds an rpm for htm-it Takes the sha according to htm-it and checks that the sha.json file is present (also checks if the rpm is present on rpmbuild and in S3), if not it creates the rpm. :param env: The environment variables which is set. :param htmItSha: The htm-it sha. :param releaseVersion: The product version which will be used in the name of RPM :param artifactsDir: In this directory the artifacts will be stored. :param config: This is a dict of configuration data here we are using AWS secret and access. :returns: syncRpmStatus(It is list which will help recongnize if RPM's rpm should be synced) and rpmNameDetails(It is a dict which contains the RPM name of HTM-IT) :raises: infrastructure.utilities.exceptions.MissingRPMError, when RPM is not found. infrastructure.utilities.exceptions.FailedToMoveRPM, if there is some error while moving RPM's to """ rpmNameDetails = {} rpmName = "htm-it" try: syncRpm = False sha = htmItSha rpmExists = checkRpmExists(rpmName, sha, rpmNameDetails, config, logger) with shell_env(**env): if not rpmExists:"Creating %s rpm.", rpmName) # Clean stale rpms with changeToWorkingDir(OPERATIONS_SCRIPTS): try: # Delete any previously created rpm for name in glob.glob("nta-products-htm-it-*.rpm"): os.remove(name) log.printEnv(env, logger) infrastuctureCommonPath = os.path.join(PRODUCTS_PATH, "infrastructure", "infrastructure") command = ("%s/create-numenta-rpm" % infrastuctureCommonPath + " --rpm-flavor htm-it" + " --debug" + " --cleanup-script" + "/clean-htm-it-tree-for-packaging" + " --whitelist htm-it" + " --whitelist nta.utils" + " --whitelist htmengine" + " --whitelist infrastructure" + " --whitelist" + " --base-version " + releaseVersion + " --description HTM-IT-installed-from-products-repo" + " --rpm-name nta-products-htm-it" + " --tempdir /tmp/htm-itbuild" + " --setup-py-arguments develop" + " --log-level debug" + " --setup-py-dir nta.utils" + " --setup-py-dir htmengine" + " --setup-py-dir infrastructure" + " --extend-pythonpath htm-it/lib/python2.7/site-packages" + " --sha " + htmItSha + " --artifact opt" + " --git-url " + htmitRemote) # Due to some environment issue's I have used local here, # we can change this later. # fixme from fabric.api import local local(command) # getting name of the RPM created nameOfRpmCreated = glob.glob("nta-products-htm-it-*.rpm").pop() if not nameOfRpmCreated: raise exceptions.MissingRPMError("%s rpm name not found exiting" % rpmName) # Creating artifact with open("%s.txt" % rpmName, "w") as fp: fp.write(nameOfRpmCreated)"\n\n######### %s RPM created #########\n\n" % rpmName) except: raise exceptions.RPMBuildingError("Failed while creating %s RPM." % rpmName) else: syncRpm = True filename = os.path.join(OPERATIONS_SCRIPTS, "%s.txt" % rpmName) # updating rpm details rpmNameDetails.update({rpmName:nameOfRpmCreated}) # moving the rpms name to artifacts directory move(filename, artifactsDir) shaFileName = createShaFile(nameOfRpmCreated, sha) # move rpmname to rpmbuild status = moveRpmsToRpmbuild(nameOfRpmCreated, config, logger) if status: uploadShaFiletoBucket(rpmName, shaFileName, logger) # deleting the rpm after copying to rpmbuild os.remove("%s/%s" % (OPERATIONS_SCRIPTS, nameOfRpmCreated)) else: raise exceptions.FailedToMoveRPM("Failed to move rpms to " "rpmbuilder machine") else:"RPM for %s with %s sha already exists," "skipping creation of rpm!!", rpmName, sha) return syncRpm, rpmNameDetails except Exception: logger.exception("RPM building failed.") raise
def _remote_bake(recipe): with prefix('source ~/bdg-recipes/'), shell_env(ACCESS_KEY=os.environ["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"], SECRET_KEY=os.environ["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"]): run('. ~/bdg-recipes/%s/' % recipe)
def apt_update(): with shell_env(DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive'): sudo('apt-get update -y -qq') sudo('apt-get upgrade -y -qq')
def deploy(): ''' Zero-Downtime deployment for the web. ''' stage = shell.get_stage() user = get_stage_config(stage)['user'] # Get the current branch and commit (locally). branch = git.current_branch(remote=False) commit = git.last_commit(remote=False, short=True) info('Deploying <{branch}:{commit}> to the {stage} server'.format( branch=branch, commit=commit, stage=stage)) tmp_path = fs.get_temp_filename() build_dir = buildman.resolve_local_build_dir() deploy_dir = buildman.get_deploy_dir() deployer_user = shell.get_user() notif.send(notif.DEPLOYMENT_STARTED, { 'user': deployer_user, 'branch': branch, 'stage': stage }) (release_dir, current_path) = buildman.setup_remote() timestamp = datetime.utcnow() build_id = timestamp.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') build_name = buildman.get_build_name(build_id) build_compressed = build_name + '.tar.gz' release_path = release_dir + '/' + build_name info('Getting the build ready for deployment') # Trigger the install script runner.run_script(constants.SCRIPT_INSTALL, remote=False) # Trigger the build script. # # The stage for which the build script is being run is passed # via an environment variable STAGE. # This could be useful for creating specific builds for # different environments. with shell_env(STAGE=stage): runner.run_script(constants.SCRIPT_BUILD, remote=False) info('Compressing the build') fs.tar_archive(build_compressed, build_dir, remote=False) info('Uploading the build {} to {}'.format(build_compressed, tmp_path)) fs.upload(build_compressed, tmp_path) # Remove the compressed build from the local directory. fs.rm(build_compressed, remote=False) # Once, the build is uploaded to the remote, # set things up in the remote server. with cd(release_dir): remote_info('Extracting the build {}'.format(build_compressed)) # Create a new directory for the build in the remote. fs.mkdir(build_name) # Extract the build. fs.tar_extract(tmp_path, build_name) # Remove the uploaded archived from the temp path. fs.rm_rf(tmp_path) remote_info('Changing ownership of {} to user {}'.format( deploy_dir, user)) fs.chown(release_path, user, user) remote_info('Pointing the current symlink to the latest build') fs.update_symlink(release_path, current_path) # Save build history buildman.record_history({ 'id': build_id, 'path': release_path, 'branch': branch, 'commit': commit, 'stage': stage, 'createdBy': deployer_user, 'timestamp': timestamp.strftime(buildman.TS_FORMAT) }) # Send deployment finished notification. notif.send(notif.DEPLOYMENT_FINISHED, {'branch': branch, 'stage': stage}) remote_info('Deployment Completed')
def start(): with cd(DIR): with shell_env( PATH='/home/felipe/.nvm/versions/node/v6.10.3/bin:$PATH'): with prefix(VENV): run('pm2 start backend.js > start.log')
def deploy(app, with_blog=None, with_alembic=False): """deploy the app""" assert system.distrib_id() == 'Ubuntu' lsb_codename = system.distrib_codename() if lsb_codename != 'xenial': raise ValueError('unsupported platform: %s' % lsb_codename) # See whether the local appconfig clone is up-to-date with the remot master: remote_repo = local('git ls-remote [email protected]:shh-dlce/appconfig.git HEAD | awk \'{ print $1}\'') local_clone = local('git rev-parse HEAD') if remote_repo != local_clone: if confirm('Local appconfig clone is not up-to-date ' 'with remote master, continue?', default=False): print("Continuing deployment.") else: print("Deployment aborted.") return require.deb.packages(getattr(app, 'require_deb_%s' % lsb_codename) + app.require_deb) require.users.user(, create_home=True, shell='/bin/bash'), use_sudo=True) / 'files'), use_sudo=True) require_logging(app.log_dir, logrotate=app.logrotate, access_log=app.access_log, error_log=app.error_log) workers = 3 if app.workers > 3 and env.environment == 'test' else app.workers with_blog = with_blog if with_blog is not None else app.with_blog if env.environment != 'staging': # Test and production instances are publicly accessible over HTTPS. letsencrypt.require_certbot() letsencrypt.require_cert( if env.environment == 'production': letsencrypt.require_cert(app) ctx = template_context(app, workers=workers, with_blog=with_blog) if app.stack == 'soundcomparisons': # pragma: no cover require.git.working_copy( '{0}/{1}.git'.format(app.github_org, app.github_repos), path=str(app.home_dir /, use_sudo=True, require_bower(app, d=app.home_dir / / 'site' / 'js') require_grunt(app, d=app.home_dir / / 'site' / 'js') require_php(app) require_mysql(app) with shell_env(SYSTEMD_PAGER=''): require.nginx.server() sudo_upload_template('nginx-php-fpm-app.conf', str(app.nginx_site), app=app, env=env) nginx.enable( if env.environment == 'production': # We only enable systemd services when deploying to production, because we don't want # to start and run things like backup to CDSTAR from non-production systems. systemd.enable(app, pathlib.Path(os.getcwd()) / 'systemd') service.reload('nginx') return # # Create a virtualenv for the app and install the app package in development mode, i.e. with # repository working copy in /usr/venvs/<APP>/src # require_venv( app.venv_dir, require_packages=[app.app_pkg] + app.require_pip, if app.stack == 'clld' else None) # # If some of the static assets are managed via bower, update them. # require_bower(app) require_grunt(app) require_nginx(ctx) if app.stack == 'clld': require_bibutils() require_postgres(app) require_config(app.config, app, ctx) # if gunicorn runs, make it gracefully reload the app by sending HUP # TODO: consider 'supervisorctl signal HUP $name' instead (xenial+) sudo('( [ -f {0} ] && kill -0 $(cat {0}) 2> /dev/null ' '&& kill -HUP $(cat {0}) ) || echo no reload '.format(app.gunicorn_pid)) if not with_alembic and confirm('Recreate database?', default=False): stop.execute_inner(app) upload_sqldump(app) elif exists(str(app.src_dir / 'alembic.ini')) and confirm('Upgrade database?', default=False): # Note: stopping the app is not strictly necessary, because # the alembic revisions run in separate transactions! stop.execute_inner(app, maintenance_hours=app.deploy_duration) alembic_upgrade_head(app, ctx) pip_freeze(app) start.execute_inner(app) check(app) if env.environment == 'production': systemd.enable(app, pathlib.Path(os.getcwd()) / 'systemd')
def start(): with cd(DIR): with shell_env( PATH='/home/tanweer/.nvm/versions/node/v6.10.3/bin:$PATH'): with prefix(VENV): run('pm2 start todo.js > start.log')
def update_conf_file(self): self.environment_id.server_id.get_env() self.stop_service() # TODO: chequear si el servicio esta levantado y bajarlo, # si estaba levantado volver a iniciarlo # self.stop_service() if not exists(self.environment_id.path, use_sudo=True): raise except_orm( _('No Environment Path!'), _("Environment path '%s' does not exists. \ Please create it first!") % (self.environment_id.path)) command = self.environment_id.path + '/bin/' + self.run_server_command command += ' --stop-after-init -s -c ' + self.conf_file_path # Remove file if it already exists, we do it so we can put back some # booelan values as unaccent if exists(self.conf_file_path, use_sudo=True): sudo('rm ' + self.conf_file_path) addons_path = False for addon_path in literal_eval(self.addons_path): if not exists(addon_path, use_sudo=True): raise except_orm( _('Addons path does not exist!'), _("Addons path '%s' does not exists. \ Please create it first!") % (addon_path)) if not addons_path: addons_path = addon_path addons_path += ',' + addon_path if addons_path: command += ' --addons-path=' + addons_path command += ' --db-filter=' + self.db_filter.rule command += ' --xmlrpc-port=' + str(self.xml_rpc_port) command += ' --logfile=' + self.logfile command += ' --limit-time-real=' + str(self.limit_time_real) command += ' --db_maxconn=' + str(self.db_maxconn) if in ('8.0', 'master'): if self.data_dir: command += ' --data-dir=' + self.data_dir if self.longpolling_port: command += ' --longpolling-port=' + str(self.longpolling_port) if self.module_load: command += ' --load=' + self.module_load if self.unaccent: command += ' --unaccent' if self.proxy_mode: command += ' --proxy-mode' if self.workers: command += ' --workers=' + str(self.workers) if self.type == 'secure': command += ' --xmlrpcs-port=' + str(self.xml_rpcs_port) else: command += ' --no-xmlrpcs' # TODO --cert-file and --pkey-file # TODO ver de agregar --log-db=LOG_DB # TODO check that user exists # TODO tal vez -r -w para database data try: sudo('chown ' + self.user + ':odoo -R ' + self.environment_id.path) # TODO cambiar estos print por cosas en el log print print command print eggs_dir = '/home/%s/.python-eggs' % self.user if not exists(eggs_dir, use_sudo=True): sudo('mkdir %s' % eggs_dir, user=self.user) with shell_env(PYTHON_EGG_CACHE=eggs_dir): sudo('chmod g+rw -R ' + self.environment_id.path) sudo(command, user=self.user) except Exception, e: raise Warning( _("Can not create/update configuration file, this is what we get: \n %s" ) % (e))
def build_interface(): """ have grunt perform a deployment build for us """ with cd(CONFIG['interface_dir']), \ shell_env(PHANTOMJS_BIN='/usr/local/bin/phantomjs'), \ prefix('source {0}/bin/activate'.format(CONFIG['virt_env'])): run('grunt --force')
def start_celery_worker(queue: str): with shell_env(PYTHONOPTIMIZE='1', PYTHONWARNINGS='ignore', C_FORCE_ROOT='1'): local('nohup env/bin/celery worker ' '-A perfrunner.helpers.worker -Q {} > worker.log &'.format(queue))
def deploy(): require('environment') yell( magenta( "Create a directory on a remote server, if it doesn't already exists" )) if not exists(env.code_root): sudo('mkdir -p %(code_root)s' % env) if not exists(env.logs_root): sudo('mkdir -p %(logs_root)s' % env) if not exists(env.run_root): sudo('mkdir -p %(run_root)s' % env) yell(magenta("Create a virtualenv, if it doesn't already exists...")) if not exists(env.virtualenv_root): with cd(env.root): sudo('mkdir env') sudo('virtualenv -p python3 env') local('git archive --format=tar %(branch)s | gzip > release.tar.gz' % env) put('release.tar.gz', env.code_root, use_sudo=True) with cd(env.code_root): sudo('tar zxf release.tar.gz', pty=True) local('rm release.tar.gz') yell(magenta("Activate the environment and install requirements...")) # run('source %(remote_env_path)s/bin/activate' % env) sudo( 'source %(virtualenv_root)s/bin/activate && pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt' % env) with shell_env( DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='config.settings.production', DATABASE_URL= 'postgres://%(db_user)s:%(db_pass)s@localhost:5432/%(db_name)s' % env, DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=env.django_secret_key, DJANGO_ADMIN_URL='admin', PYTHONPATH='.', DJANGO_DEBUG=str(env.django_debug)): yell(magenta("Collect all the static files...")) sudo( '%(virtualenv_root)s/bin/python collectstatic --noinput' % env) yell(magenta("Compiling translations...")) sudo( '%(virtualenv_root)s/bin/python compilemessages --use-fuzzy' % env) yell(magenta("Give deploy access to logs and run directories...")) sudo('chown -R deploy:deploy %(logs_root)s' % env) sudo('chown -R deploy:deploy %(run_root)s' % env) yell(magenta("Migrate and Update the database...")) run('%(virtualenv_root)s/bin/python migrate --noinput' % env) yell(magenta("bootstrap environment...")) put(get_and_render_template('template.env', env), os.path.join(env.run_root, '.env'), use_sudo=True) yell(magenta("gunicorn entry script...")) put(get_and_render_template('', env), os.path.join(env.run_root, ''), use_sudo=True) sudo('chmod u+x %(run_root)s/' % env) yell(magenta("put supervisor conf...")) put(get_and_render_template('pycon2017.conf', env), '/etc/supervisor/conf.d/pycon2017_%(environment)s.conf' % env, use_sudo=True) yell(magenta("restart supervisor...")) sudo('supervisorctl reread && supervisorctl update') sudo('supervisorctl restart pycon2017_%(environment)s' % env) yell(magenta("Draw a ship...")) yell(white(" | | | ")) # NOQA yell(white(" )_) )_) )_) ")) # NOQA yell(white(" )___))___))___)\ ")) # NOQA yell(white(" )____)____)_____)\\ ")) # NOQA yell(magenta(" _____|____|____|____\\\__ ")) yell(magenta(" ---------\ /--------- ")) yell(blue(" ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ")) # NOQA yell(blue(" ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ")) # NOQA yell(blue(" ^^^^ ^^^ ")) # NOQA
def docker_compose(command): with cd(PATH): with shell_env(CI_BUILD_REF_NAME=os.getenv( 'CI_BUILD_REF_NAME', 'master')): run('set -o pipefail; docker-compose %s | tee' % command)
def django(command): with shell_env(DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=env.django_settings_module): with cd(os.path.join(env.project_dir, 'django')): run(os.path.join(env.env_path, 'bin/python') + ' ' + command, pty=False)
def checkout_branch(branch_name, cwd): with (shell_env(GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL='travis@travis', GIT_COMMITTER_NAME='Travis CI')): print('checkout branch: {}'.format(branch_name)) run_command('git checkout {}'.format(branch_name), cwd)