コード例 #1
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: eofs/aws
def ec2_fab(service, args):
    Run Fabric commands against EC2 instances
    instance_ids = args.instances
    instances = service.list(elb=args.elb, instance_ids=instance_ids)
    hosts = service.resolve_hosts(instances)

    fab.env.hosts = hosts
    fab.env.key_filename = settings.get('SSH', 'KEY_FILE')
    fab.env.user = settings.get('SSH', 'USER', getpass.getuser())
    fab.env.parallel = True

    fabfile = find_fabfile(args.file)
    if not fabfile:
        print 'Couldn\'t find any fabfiles!'

    fab.env.real_fabile = fabfile
    docstring, callables, default = load_fabfile(fabfile)

    commands_to_run = parse_arguments(args.methods)
    for name, args, kwargs, arg_hosts, arg_roles, arg_exclude_hosts in commands_to_run:
                    *args, **kwargs)
コード例 #2
ファイル: visitor.py プロジェクト: coderanger/fabric-rundeck
def visit_fabfile(path=None):
    """Load and process a fabfile from the current working directory."""
    path = path or find_fabfile()
    if not path:
        raise ValueError('No fabfile detected')
    callables = load_fabfile(path)[1]
    return visit(callables)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_main.py プロジェクト: cmattoon/fabric
 def test_find_fabfile_can_discovery_package_with_pyc_only(self):
     Fabric should be capable of loading a package with __init__.pyc only.
     path = self.mkfile("__init__.pyc", "")
     name = os.path.dirname(path)
     assert find_fabfile([name,]) is not None
コード例 #4
 def test_find_fabfile_can_discovery_package(self):
     """Fabric should be capable of loading a normal package."""
     path = self.mkfile("__init__.py", "")
     name = os.path.dirname(path)
     assert find_fabfile([
     ]) is not None
コード例 #5
def ec2_fab(service, args):
    Run Fabric commands against EC2 instances
    instance_ids = args.instances
    instances = service.list(elb=args.elb, instance_ids=instance_ids)
    hosts = service.resolve_hosts(instances)

    fab.env.hosts = hosts
    fab.env.key_filename = settings.get('SSH', 'KEY_FILE')
    fab.env.user = settings.get('SSH', 'USER', getpass.getuser())
    fab.env.parallel = True

    fabfile = find_fabfile(args.file)
    if not fabfile:
        print 'Couldn\'t find any fabfiles!'

    fab.env.real_fabile = fabfile
    docstring, callables, default = load_fabfile(fabfile)

    commands_to_run = parse_arguments(args.methods)
    for name, args, kwargs, arg_hosts, arg_roles, arg_exclude_hosts in commands_to_run:
コード例 #6
 def test_find_fabfile_should_refuse_fake_package(self):
     """Fabric should refuse to load a non-package directory."""
     path = self.mkfile("foo.py", "")
     name = os.path.dirname(path)
     assert find_fabfile([
     ]) is None
コード例 #7
ファイル: fab.py プロジェクト: abjarnason/bifrost
def display_fabric_tasks():
    paths = find_fabfile()
    docstring, callables, default = load_fabfile(paths)
    callables.pop('setup', None)

    commands = list_commands(docstring, 'normal')
コード例 #8
ファイル: pavement.py プロジェクト: centrumholdings/citools
def import_fabfile(fabfile='fabfile.py'):
    """ you have to call this first to enable fabric tasks"""
    from fabric.main import find_fabfile, load_fabfile
    from fabric.network import normalize
    from fabric import state

    state.env.fabfile = fabfile
    _, fabfile = load_fabfile(find_fabfile())
    return fabfile
コード例 #9
 def test_find_fabfile_can_discovery_package_with_pyc_only(self):
     Fabric should be capable of loading a package with __init__.pyc only.
     path = self.mkfile("__init__.pyc", "")
     name = os.path.dirname(path)
     assert find_fabfile([
     ]) is not None
コード例 #10
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: ajufrancis/scripts
def get_fabric_tasks(request):
    Generate a list of fabric tasks that are available
        docstring, callables, default = load_fabfile(find_fabfile(None))
        all_tasks = _task_names(callables)
        dict_with_docs = {task: callables[task].__doc__ for task in all_tasks}
    except Exception as e:
        messages.error(request, 'Error loading fabfile: ' + e.message)
        dict_with_docs = {}
    return dict_with_docs
コード例 #11
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: AlexSnet/FabricDeployer
def get_fabric_tasks(request):
    Generate a list of fabric tasks that are available
        docstring, callables, default = load_fabfile(find_fabfile(None))
        all_tasks = _task_names(callables)
        dict_with_docs = {task: callables[task].__doc__ for task in all_tasks}
    except Exception as e:
        messages.error(request, 'Error loading fabfile: ' + e.message)
        dict_with_docs = {}
    return dict_with_docs
コード例 #12
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: cynduja/deploy-tools
def deploy():
    Deploy local copy of repository to target environment.
    require('branch', provided_by=[master, stable, branch, ])
    with context_managers.lcd(os.path.dirname(find_fabfile())): # Allows you to run deploy from any child directory of the project
        ret = wp.deploy()

    if ret.return_code and ret.return_code > 0:
        if ret.return_code in [4, ]:
            print(colors.red("Try running ") + colors.white("fab wp.verify_prerequisites"))
コード例 #13
ファイル: cli.py プロジェクト: piston/farmboy
def main():
    """Load our default fabfile, then attempt to load any local fabfiles."""
    our_fab = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'default_tasks.py')
    docstring, callables, default = fab.load_fabfile(our_fab)

    fabfiles = []
    other_fab = fab.find_fabfile()
    if other_fab:


コード例 #14
def deploy():
    Deploy local copy of repository to target environment.
    require('branch', provided_by=[
    with context_managers.lcd(os.path.dirname(find_fabfile(
    ))):  # Allows you to run deploy from any child directory of the project
        ret = wp.deploy()

    if ret.return_code and ret.return_code > 0:
        if ret.return_code in [
                colors.red("Try running ") +
                colors.white("fab wp.verify_prerequisites"))
コード例 #15
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Addvilz/hemp
def main(fabfile_locations=None, file_paths=None):
    # type: (list, list) -> None
    fabfile_local = find_fabfile()
    if fabfile_locations is None and fabfile_local is None:
        fabfile_locations = ['~/fabfile.py']
        print_info('Added $HOME to fabfile locations')

    docstring, new_style, classic, default = load_tasks_from_module(api)
    tasks = new_style if state.env.new_style_tasks else classic

    print_info('Forwarding execution to Fabric')

    _load_settings_original = fabric_main.load_settings

    def hemp_load_settings(path):
        print_info('Loading hempfiles')
        return _load_settings_original(path)

    fabric_main.load_settings = hemp_load_settings
コード例 #16
def set_env(settings=None, setup_dir=''):
    Used in management commands or at the module level of a fabfile to
    integrate woven project django.conf settings into fabric, and set the local current
    working directory to the distribution root (where setup.py lives).
    ``settings`` is your django settings module to pass in
    if you want to call this from a fabric script.
    ``setup_dir`` is an optional path to the directory containing setup.py
    This would be used in instances where setup.py was not above the cwd
    This function is used to set the environment for all hosts

    #switch the working directory to the distribution root where setup.py is
    if hasattr(env, 'setup_path') and env.setup_path:
        setup_path = env.setup_path
        with fab_settings(fabfile='setup.py'):
            if setup_dir:
                setup_path = os.path.join(setup_dir, 'setup.py')
                setup_path = find_fabfile()
            if not setup_path:
                print 'Error: You must have a setup.py file in the current or a parent folder'

    local_working_dir = os.path.split(setup_path)[0]

    setup = run_setup('setup.py', stop_after="init")

    if setup.get_name() == 'UNKNOWN' or setup.get_version(
    ) == '0.0.0' or not setup.packages:
        print "ERROR: You must define a minimum of name, version and packages in your setup.py"

    #project env variables for deployment
    env.project_name = setup.get_name()  #project_name()
    env.project_full_version = setup.get_version(
    )  #local('python setup.py --version').rstrip()
    env.project_version = _parse_project_version(env.project_full_version)
    env.project_fullname = '-'.join([env.project_name, env.project_version])
    env.project_package_name = setup.packages[0]
    env.patch = False

    #django settings are passed in by the command
    #We'll assume that if the settings aren't passed in we're running from a fabfile
    if not settings:
        sys.path.insert(0, local_working_dir)

        #import global settings
        project_settings = import_module(env.project_name + '.settings')

        project_settings = settings
    #If sqlite is used we can manage the database on first deployment
    env.DEFAULT_DATABASE_ENGINE = project_settings.DATABASES['default'][
    env.DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME = project_settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME']

    #overwrite with main sitesettings module
    #if this settings file exists
        site_settings = import_module('.'.join(
            [env.project_name, 'sitesettings.settings']))
        project_settings.MEDIA_URL = site_settings.MEDIA_URL
        project_settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = site_settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
        project_settings.DATABASES = site_settings.DATABASES
        if hasattr(site_settings, 'STATIC_URL'):
            project_settings.STATIC_URL = site_settings.STATIC_URL
            project_settings.STATIC_URL = project_settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
    except ImportError:

    #update woven_env from project_settings
    local_settings = dir(project_settings)
    #only get settings that woven uses
    for setting in local_settings:
        if setting.isupper() and hasattr(woven_env, setting):
            s = getattr(project_settings, setting, '')
            woven_env[setting] = s

    #upate the fabric env with all the woven settings

    #set any user/password defaults if they are not supplied
    #Fabric would get the user from the options by default as the system user
    #We will overwrite that
    if woven_env.HOST_USER:
        env.user = woven_env.HOST_USER
    env.password = woven_env.HOST_PASSWORD

    #set the hosts if they aren't already
    if not env.hosts: env.hosts = woven_env.HOSTS
    if not env.roledefs: env.roledefs = woven_env.ROLEDEFS

    #reverse_lookup hosts to roles
    role_lookup = {}
    for role in env.roles:
        r_hosts = env.roledefs[role]
        for host in r_hosts:
            #since port is not handled by fabric.main.normalize we'll do it ourselves
            role_lookup['%s:%s' % (host, str(woven_env.HOST_SSH_PORT))] = role
    #now add any hosts that aren't already defined in roles
    for host in env.hosts:
        host_string = '%s:%s' % (host, str(woven_env.HOST_SSH_PORT))
        if host_string not in role_lookup.keys():
            role_lookup[host_string] = ''
    env.role_lookup = role_lookup
    env.hosts = role_lookup.keys()

    #remove any unneeded db adaptors - except sqlite
    remove_backends = ['postgresql_psycopg2', 'mysql']
    for db in project_settings.DATABASES:
        engine = project_settings.DATABASES[db]['ENGINE'].split('.')[-1]
        if engine in remove_backends: remove_backends.remove(engine)
    for backend in remove_backends:
        if backend == 'postgresql_psycopg2': rm = 'python-psycopg2'
        elif backend == 'mysql': rm = 'python-mysqldb'

    #packages can be just the base + extra packages
    #or role dependent we need to just map out the packages to hosts and roles here
    packages = {}
    all_packages = set([])
    for role in env.roles:
        packages[role] = env.ROLE_PACKAGES.get(role, [])
        if not packages[role]:
            packages[role] = env.HOST_BASE_PACKAGES + env.HOST_EXTRA_PACKAGES
        all_packages = set(packages[role]) | all_packages

    #no role
    packages[''] = env.HOST_BASE_PACKAGES + env.HOST_EXTRA_PACKAGES
    all_packages = set(packages['']) | all_packages

    #conveniently add gunicorn ppa
    if 'gunicorn' in all_packages:
        if 'ppa:bchesneau/gunicorn' not in env.LINUX_PACKAGE_REPOSITORIES:

    env.packages = packages

    #sanity check for unwanted combinations in the empty role
    u = set(packages[''])
    wsgi = u & set(['gunicorn', 'uwsgi'])
    if wsgi and 'apache2' in u:
        u = u - set(['apache2', 'libapache2-mod-wsgi'])

    #Used to detect certain apps eg South, static_builder
    env.INSTALLED_APPS = project_settings.INSTALLED_APPS

    env.packages[''] = list(u)

    #per host
    env.installed_packages = {}
    env.uninstalled_packages = {}

    #UFW firewall rules
    firewall_rules = {}
    for role in env.roles:
        firewall_rules[role] = env.ROLE_UFW_RULES.get(role, [])
    firewall_rules[''] = env.UFW_RULES
    env.firewall_rules = firewall_rules

    #Now update the env with any settings that are not defined by woven but may
    #be used by woven or fabric
    env.MEDIA_ROOT = project_settings.MEDIA_ROOT
    env.MEDIA_URL = project_settings.MEDIA_URL
    env.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = project_settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
    if not env.STATIC_URL: env.STATIC_URL = project_settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
    env.TEMPLATE_DIRS = project_settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS

    #Set the server /etc/timezone
    env.TIME_ZONE = project_settings.TIME_ZONE
    #Used to detect certain apps eg South, static_builder
    env.INSTALLED_APPS = project_settings.INSTALLED_APPS

    #SSH key
    else: env.KEY_FILENAME = ''

    if not hasattr(env, 'INTERACTIVE'): env.INTERACTIVE = True
    if not hasattr(env, 'verbosity'): env.verbosity = 1

    #overwrite existing settings
    if not hasattr(env, 'overwrite'): env.overwrite = False

    #South integration defaults
    env.nomigration = False
    env.manualmigration = False
    env.migration = ''

    env.root_disabled = False

    env.sites = {}
    env.shell = '/bin/bash --noprofile -l -c'
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_main.py プロジェクト: cmattoon/fabric
 def test_find_fabfile_should_refuse_fake_package(self):
     """Fabric should refuse to load a non-package directory."""
     path = self.mkfile("foo.py", "")
     name = os.path.dirname(path)
     assert find_fabfile([name,]) is None
コード例 #18
ファイル: fab.py プロジェクト: kvbik/paver
def import_fabfile(fabfile='fabfile.py'):
    "you have to call this first to enable fabric tasks"
    state.env.fabfile = fabfile
    _, fabfile = load_fabfile(find_fabfile())
    return fabfile
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_main.py プロジェクト: cmattoon/fabric
 def test_find_fabfile_can_discovery_package(self):
     """Fabric should be capable of loading a normal package."""
     path = self.mkfile("__init__.py", "")
     name = os.path.dirname(path)
     assert find_fabfile([name,]) is not None
コード例 #20
ファイル: environment.py プロジェクト: depleater/woven
def set_env(settings=None, setup_dir=''):
    Used in management commands or at the module level of a fabfile to
    integrate woven project django.conf settings into fabric, and set
    the local current working directory to the distribution root
    (where setup.py lives).

    ``settings`` is your django settings module to pass in if you want
    to call this from a fabric script.

    ``setup_dir`` is an optional path to the directory containing
    setup.py This would be used in instances where setup.py was not
    above the CWD.

    This function is used to set the environment for all hosts.

    # Switch the working directory to the distribution root where
    # setup.py is.
    if hasattr(env, 'setup_path') and env.setup_path:
        setup_path = env.setup_path
        with fab_settings(fabfile='setup.py'):
            if setup_dir:
                setup_path = os.path.join(setup_dir, 'setup.py')
                setup_path = find_fabfile()
            if not setup_path:
                print 'Error: You must have a setup.py file in ' \
                    'the current or a parent folder'

    local_working_dir = os.path.split(setup_path)[0]

    setup = run_setup('setup.py', stop_after="init")

    if (setup.get_name() == 'UNKNOWN' or
            setup.get_version() == '0.0.0' or
            not setup.packages):
        print "ERROR: You must define a minimum of name, version " \
            "and packages in your setup.py"

    # Project env variables for deployment.
    # Project_name().
    env.project_name = setup.get_name()
    #local('python setup.py --version').rstrip()
    env.project_full_version = setup.get_version()
    env.project_version = _parse_project_version(env.project_full_version)
    env.project_fullname = '-'.join([env.project_name, env.project_version])
    env.project_package_name = setup.packages[0]
    env.patch = False

    # Django settings are passed in by the command. We'll assume that
    # if the settings aren't passed in we're running from a fabfile.
    if not settings:
        sys.path.insert(0, local_working_dir)

        # Import global settings.
        project_settings = import_module(env.project_name + '.settings')

        project_settings = settings
    # If SQLite is used we can manage the database on first
    # deployment.

    # Overwrite with main sitesettings module just for MEDIA_URL,
    # ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX, and STATIC_URL if this settings file exists.
        site_settings = import_module(
                '.'.join([env.project_name, 'sitesettings.settings']))
        project_settings.MEDIA_URL = site_settings.MEDIA_URL
        project_settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = site_settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
        project_settings.DATABASES = site_settings.DATABASES
        if hasattr(site_settings, 'STATIC_URL'):
            project_settings.STATIC_URL = site_settings.STATIC_URL
            project_settings.STATIC_URL = project_settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
    except ImportError:

    # Update woven_env from project_settings.
    local_settings = dir(project_settings)
    # Only get settings that woven uses.
    for setting in local_settings:
        if setting.isupper() and hasattr(woven_env, setting):
            s = getattr(project_settings, setting, '')
            woven_env[setting] = s

    # Upate the fabric env with all the woven settings.

    # Set any user/password defaults if they are not supplied.
    # Fabric would get the user from the options by default as the
    # system user. We will overwrite that.
    if woven_env.HOST_USER:
        env.user = woven_env.HOST_USER
    env.password = woven_env.HOST_PASSWORD

    # Set the hosts if they aren't already.
    if not env.hosts:
        env.hosts = woven_env.HOSTS
    if not env.roledefs:
        env.roledefs = woven_env.ROLEDEFS

    # Reverse_lookup hosts to roles.
    role_lookup = {}
    for role in env.roles:
        r_hosts = env.roledefs[role]
        for host in r_hosts:
            # Since port is not handled by fabric.main.normalize we'll
            # do it ourselves.
            role_lookup['%s:%s' % (host, str(woven_env.HOST_SSH_PORT))] = role
    # Now add any hosts that aren't already defined in roles.
    for host in env.hosts:
        host_string = '%s:%s' % (host, str(woven_env.HOST_SSH_PORT))
        if host_string not in role_lookup.keys():
            role_lookup[host_string] = ''
    env.role_lookup = role_lookup
    env.hosts = role_lookup.keys()

    # Remove any unneeded db adaptors - except sqlite.
    remove_backends = ['postgresql_psycopg2', 'mysql']
    for db in project_settings.DATABASES:
        engine = project_settings.DATABASES[db]['ENGINE'].split('.')[-1]
        if engine in remove_backends:
    for backend in remove_backends:
        if backend == 'postgresql_psycopg2':
            rm = 'python-psycopg2'
        elif backend == 'mysql':
            rm = 'python-mysqldb'

    # Packages can be just the base + extra packages or role-
    # dependent. We need to just map out the packages to hosts and
    # roles here.
    packages = {}
    all_packages = set([])
    for role in env.roles:
        packages[role] = env.ROLE_PACKAGES.get(role, [])
        if not packages[role]:
            packages[role] = env.HOST_BASE_PACKAGES + env.HOST_EXTRA_PACKAGES
        all_packages = set(packages[role]) | all_packages

    # No role.
    packages[''] = env.HOST_BASE_PACKAGES + env.HOST_EXTRA_PACKAGES
    all_packages = set(packages['']) | all_packages

    # Conveniently add gunicorn ppa.
    if 'gunicorn' in all_packages:
        if 'ppa:bchesneau/gunicorn' not in env.LINUX_PACKAGE_REPOSITORIES:

    env.packages = packages

    # Sanity-check for unwanted combinations in the empty role.
    u = set(packages[''])
    wsgi = u & set(['gunicorn', 'uwsgi'])
    if wsgi and 'apache2' in u:
        u = u - set(['apache2', 'libapache2-mod-wsgi'])

    # Used to detect certain apps eg. South, static_builder.
    env.INSTALLED_APPS = project_settings.INSTALLED_APPS

    env.packages[''] = list(u)

    # Per host.
    env.installed_packages = {}
    env.uninstalled_packages = {}

    # UFW firewall rules.
    firewall_rules = {}
    for role in env.roles:
        firewall_rules[role] = env.ROLE_UFW_RULES.get(role, [])
    firewall_rules[''] = env.UFW_RULES
    env.firewall_rules = firewall_rules

    # Now update the env with any settings that are not defined by
    # woven but may be used by woven or fabric.
    env.MEDIA_ROOT = project_settings.MEDIA_ROOT
    env.MEDIA_URL = project_settings.MEDIA_URL
        env.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = project_settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
    except AttributeError:
        env.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = ''
    if not env.STATIC_URL:
        env.STATIC_URL = project_settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
    env.TEMPLATE_DIRS = project_settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS

    # Set the server /etc/timezone.
    env.TIME_ZONE = project_settings.TIME_ZONE
    # Used to detect certain apps eg. South, static_builder.
    env.INSTALLED_APPS = project_settings.INSTALLED_APPS

    # SSH key.
    if (not hasattr(env, 'key_filename') and
            not env.key_filename and
        env.key_filename = env.SSH_KEY_FILENAME
    elif not hasattr(env, 'key_filename'):
        env.key_filename = None

    # Noinput.
    if not hasattr(env, 'INTERACTIVE'):
        env.INTERACTIVE = True
    if not hasattr(env, 'verbosity'):
        env.verbosity = 1

    # Overwrite existing settings.
    if not hasattr(env, 'overwrite'):
        env.overwrite = False

    # South integration defaults.
    env.nomigration = False
    env.manualmigration = False
    env.migration = ''

    env.root_disabled = False

    # Sites.
    env.sites = {}
    env.shell = '/bin/bash --noprofile -l -c'
コード例 #21
ファイル: launcher.py プロジェクト: NElias/satellite
def run():
        # Parse command line options
        parser, options, arguments = parse_options()

        # Handle regular args vs -- args
        arguments = parser.largs

        if len(arguments) > 1:
            abort("You can call only one command!")

        if arguments:
            tmp_parts = arguments[0].split(':')
            parts = tmp_parts[0].split('.')
            if not command_exists(parts):
                print 'Warning: command not found!'
            fabfile_locations = ['%s.py' % os.path.join(satellite.commands.__path__[0], *parts[:-1])]
            arguments[0] = parts[-1] + ''.join(":%s" % i for i in tmp_parts[1:])
            print "Command tree:"

        # Update env with any overridden option values
        # NOTE: This needs to remain the first thing that occurs
        # post-parsing, since so many things hinge on the values in env.
        for option in env_options:
            state.env[option.dest] = option.default

        # Handle --hosts, --roles, --exclude-hosts (comma separated string =>
        # list)
        for key in ['hosts', 'roles', 'exclude_hosts']:
            if key in state.env and isinstance(state.env[key], basestring):
                state.env[key] = state.env[key].split(',')

        # Load settings from user settings file, into shared env dict.

        # Find local fabfile path or abort
        fabfile = find_fabfile(fabfile_locations)
        if not fabfile:
            abort("""Couldn't find any fabfiles!

Use -h for help.""")

        # Store absolute path to fabfile in case anyone needs it
        state.env.real_fabfile = fabfile

        # Load fabfile (which calls its module-level code, including
        # tweaks to env values) and put its commands in the shared commands
        # dict
        default = None
        if fabfile:
            docstring, callables, default = load_fabfile(fabfile)

        # Abort if no commands found
        if not state.commands:
            abort("Fabfile didn't contain any commands!")

        # Now that we're settled on a fabfile, inform user.
        if state.output.debug:
            if fabfile:
                print("Using fabfile '%s'" % fabfile)
                print("No fabfile loaded -- remainder command only")

        # Parse arguments into commands to run (plus args/kwargs/hosts)
        commands_to_run = parse_arguments(arguments)

        if state.output.debug:
            names = ", ".join(x[0] for x in commands_to_run)
            print("Commands to run: %s" % names)

        # At this point all commands must exist, so execute them in order.
        for name, args, kwargs, arg_hosts, arg_roles, arg_exclude_hosts in commands_to_run:
                *args, **kwargs
            # If we got here, no errors occurred, so print a final note.
        if state.output.status:
    except SystemExit:
        # a number of internal functions might raise this one.
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        if state.output.status:
        # we might leave stale threads if we don't explicitly exit()
コード例 #22
            project_name = args[1]
                email = args[2]
            except IndexError:
                email = ''

            start_distribution(project_name,options.src_dir, dist, noadmin = options.noadmin)

    #get the name of the settings from setup.py if DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is not set
    if not os.environ.get('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE') and not settings_mod:
        if startproject:
        elif not 'setup.py' in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
            #switch the working directory to the distribution root where setup.py is
            with settings(fabfile='setup.py'):
                env.setup_path = find_fabfile()
            if not env.setup_path:
                print 'Error: You must have a setup.py file in the current or a parent folder'
            local_working_dir = os.path.split(env.setup_path)[0]
        woven_admin = sys.argv[0]
        setup = run_setup('setup.py',stop_after="init")
        settings_mod = '.'.join([setup.packages[0],'settings'])
        os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] =  settings_mod
        sys.argv.insert(0, woven_admin)
        #be path friendly like manage.py
コード例 #23
ファイル: fab.py プロジェクト: kvbik/paver
def import_fabfile(fabfile='fabfile.py'):
    "you have to call this first to enable fabric tasks"
    state.env.fabfile = fabfile
    _, fabfile = load_fabfile(find_fabfile())
    return fabfile
コード例 #24
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: JoeHill/arbitrage
from os.path import abspath, join
from fabric.main import find_fabfile

ROOT = abspath(join(find_fabfile(), '..'))

import test
コード例 #25
ファイル: environment.py プロジェクト: wil/woven
def set_env(settings=None, setup_dir=""):
    Used in management commands or at the module level of a fabfile to
    integrate woven project django.conf settings into fabric, and set the local current
    working directory to the distribution root (where setup.py lives).
    ``settings`` is your django settings module to pass in
    if you want to call this from a fabric script.
    ``setup_dir`` is an optional path to the directory containing setup.py
    This would be used in instances where setup.py was not above the cwd
    This function is used to set the environment for all hosts

    # switch the working directory to the distribution root where setup.py is
    original_fabfile = env.fabfile
    env.fabfile = "setup.py"
    if setup_dir:
        fabfile_path = os.path.join(setup_dir, "setup.py")
        fabfile_path = find_fabfile()
    if not fabfile_path:
        print "Error: You must create a setup.py file in your distribution"

    local_working_dir = os.path.split(fabfile_path)[0]
    env.fabfile = original_fabfile

    setup = run_setup("setup.py", stop_after="init")

    if setup.get_name() == "UNKNOWN" or setup.get_version() == "0.0.0" or not setup.packages:
        print "ERROR: You must define a minimum of name, version and packages in your setup.py"

    # project env variables for deployment
    env.project_name = setup.get_name()  # project_name()
    env.project_full_version = setup.get_version()  # local('python setup.py --version').rstrip()
    env.project_version = _parse_project_version(env.project_full_version)
    env.project_fullname = "-".join([env.project_name, env.project_version])
    env.project_package_name = setup.packages[0]
    env.patch = False

    # django settings are passed in by the command
    # We'll assume that if the settings aren't passed in we're running from a fabfile
    if not settings:
        sys.path.insert(0, local_working_dir)

        # import global settings
        project_settings = import_module(env.project_name + ".settings")

        project_settings = settings
    # If sqlite is used we can manage the database on first deployment
    env.DEFAULT_DATABASE_ENGINE = project_settings.DATABASES["default"]["ENGINE"]
    env.DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME = project_settings.DATABASES["default"]["NAME"]

    # overwrite with main sitesettings module
    # if this settings file exists
        site_settings = import_module(".".join([env.project_name, "sitesettings.settings"]))
        project_settings.MEDIA_URL = site_settings.MEDIA_URL
        project_settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = site_settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
        project_settings.DATABASES = site_settings.DATABASES
        if hasattr(site_settings, "STATIC_URL"):
            project_settings.STATIC_URL = site_settings.STATIC_URL
            project_settings.STATIC_URL = project_settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
    except ImportError:

    # update woven_env from project_settings
    local_settings = dir(project_settings)
    # only get settings that woven uses
    for setting in local_settings:
        if setting.isupper() and hasattr(woven_env, setting):
            s = getattr(project_settings, setting, "")
            woven_env[setting] = s

    # upate the fabric env with all the woven settings

    # set any user/password defaults if they are not supplied
    # Fabric would get the user from the options by default as the system user
    # We will overwrite that
    if woven_env.HOST_USER:
        env.user = woven_env.HOST_USER
    env.password = woven_env.HOST_PASSWORD

    # set the hosts if they aren't already
    if not env.hosts:
        env.hosts = woven_env.HOSTS
    if not env.roledefs:
        env.roledefs = woven_env.ROLEDEFS

    # reverse_lookup hosts to roles
    role_lookup = {}
    for role in env.roles:
        r_hosts = env.roledefs[role]
        for host in r_hosts:
            # since port is not handled by fabric.main.normalize we'll do it ourselves
            role_lookup["%s:%s" % (host, str(woven_env.HOST_SSH_PORT))] = role
    # now add any hosts that aren't already defined in roles
    for host in env.hosts:
        host_string = "%s:%s" % (host, str(woven_env.HOST_SSH_PORT))
        if host_string not in role_lookup.keys():
            role_lookup[host_string] = ""
    env.role_lookup = role_lookup
    env.hosts = role_lookup.keys()

    # remove any unneeded db adaptors - except sqlite
    remove_backends = ["postgresql_psycopg2", "mysql"]
    for db in project_settings.DATABASES:
        engine = project_settings.DATABASES[db]["ENGINE"].split(".")[-1]
        if engine in remove_backends:
    for backend in remove_backends:
        if backend == "postgresql_psycopg2":
            rm = "python-psycopg2"
        elif backend == "mysql":
            rm = "python-mysqldb"

    # packages can be just the base + extra packages
    # or role dependent we need to just map out the packages to hosts and roles here
    packages = {}
    all_packages = set([])
    for role in env.roles:
        packages[role] = env.ROLE_PACKAGES.get(role, [])
        if not packages[role]:
            packages[role] = env.HOST_BASE_PACKAGES + env.HOST_EXTRA_PACKAGES
        all_packages = set(packages[role]) | all_packages

    # no role
    packages[""] = env.HOST_BASE_PACKAGES + env.HOST_EXTRA_PACKAGES
    all_packages = set(packages[""]) | all_packages

    # conveniently add gunicorn ppa
    if "gunicorn" in all_packages:
        if "ppa:bchesneau/gunicorn" not in env.LINUX_PACKAGE_REPOSITORIES:

    env.packages = packages

    # sanity check for unwanted combinations in the empty role
    u = set(packages[""])
    wsgi = u & set(["gunicorn", "uwsgi"])
    if wsgi and "apache2" in u:
        u = u - set(["apache2", "libapache2-mod-wsgi"])
    env.packages[""] = list(u)

    # per host
    env.installed_packages = {}
    env.uninstalled_packages = {}

    # UFW firewall rules
    firewall_rules = {}
    for role in env.roles:
        firewall_rules[role] = env.ROLE_UFW_RULES.get(role, [])
    firewall_rules[""] = env.UFW_RULES
    env.firewall_rules = firewall_rules

    # Now update the env with any settings that are not defined by woven but may
    # be used by woven or fabric
    env.MEDIA_ROOT = project_settings.MEDIA_ROOT
    env.MEDIA_URL = project_settings.MEDIA_URL
    env.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = project_settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
    if not env.STATIC_URL:
        env.STATIC_URL = project_settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
    env.TEMPLATE_DIRS = project_settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS

    # Set the server /etc/timezone
    env.TIME_ZONE = project_settings.TIME_ZONE
    # Used to detect certain apps eg South, static_builder
    env.INSTALLED_APPS = project_settings.INSTALLED_APPS

    # SSH key
    if env.SSH_KEY_FILENAME:
        env.KEY_FILENAME = ""

    # noinput
    if not hasattr(env, "INTERACTIVE"):
        env.INTERACTIVE = True
    if not hasattr(env, "verbosity"):
        env.verbosity = 1

    # overwrite existing settings
    if not hasattr(env, "overwrite"):
        env.overwrite = False

    # South integration defaults
    env.nomigration = False
    env.manualmigration = False
    env.migration = ""

    env.root_disabled = False

    # Sites
    env.sites = {}
    env.shell = "/bin/bash --noprofile -l -c"
コード例 #26
ファイル: environment.py プロジェクト: aweakley/woven
def set_env(settings=None, setup_dir=""):
    Used in management commands or at the module level of a fabfile to
    integrate woven project django.conf settings into fabric, and set the local current
    working directory to the distribution root (where setup.py lives).
    ``settings`` is your optional django.conf imported settings.
    ``setup_dir`` is an optional path to the directory containing setup.py
    This would be used in instances where setup.py was not above the cwd
    This function is used to set the environment for all hosts

    # switch the working directory to the distribution root where setup.py is
    original_fabfile = env.fabfile
    env.fabfile = "setup.py"
    if setup_dir:
        fabfile_path = os.path.join(setup_dir, "setup.py")
        fabfile_path = find_fabfile()
    if not fabfile_path:
        print "Error: You must have a setup.py file above your project directory"

    local_working_dir = os.path.split(fabfile_path)[0]
    env.fabfile = original_fabfile

    # project env variables for deployment
    env.project_name = project_name()
    env.project_full_version = local("python setup.py --version").rstrip()
    env.project_version = _parse_project_version(env.project_full_version)
    env.project_fullname = "-".join([env.project_name, env.project_version])
    env.patch = False

    # We'll assume that if the settings aren't passed in we're running from a fabfile
    if not settings:
        sys.path.insert(0, local_working_dir)

        # import global settings
        project_settings = import_module(env.project_name + ".settings")
        project_settings = settings

    # overwrite with main sitesettings module
    # if this settings file exists
        site_settings = import_module(".".join([env.project_name, "sitesettings.settings"]))
        project_settings.MEDIA_URL = site_settings.MEDIA_URL
        project_settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = site_settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
        if hasattr(site_settings, "STATIC_URL"):
            project_settings.STATIC_URL = site_settings.STATIC_URL
    except ImportError:

    # update woven_env from project_settings
    local_settings = dir(project_settings)
    # only get settings that woven uses
    for setting in local_settings:
        if setting.isupper() and hasattr(woven_env, setting):
            s = getattr(project_settings, setting, "")
            woven_env[setting] = s

    # upate the fabric env with all the woven settings

    # set any user/password defaults if they are not supplied
    # Fabric would get the user from the options by default as the system user
    # We will overwrite that
    if woven_env.HOST_USER:
        env.user = woven_env.HOST_USER
    env.password = woven_env.HOST_PASSWORD

    # set the hosts
    if not env.hosts:
        env.hosts = woven_env.HOSTS
    if not env.roledefs:
        env.roledefs = woven_env.ROLEDEFS

    # since port is not handled by fabric.main.normalize we'll do it ourselves
    host_list = []
    if "hosts" in env and isinstance(env["hosts"], list):
        for host_string in env.hosts:
            if not ":" in host_string:
                host_string += ":%s" % str(woven_env.HOST_SSH_PORT)
            # not sure that this is necessary but it seems clearer to make full
            # hoststrings with the correct user
            if not "@" in host_string:
                host_string = env.user + "@" + host_string
            env.hosts = host_list

    # Now update the env with any settings that are not defined by woven but may
    # be used by woven or fabric
    env.MEDIA_ROOT = project_settings.MEDIA_ROOT
    env.MEDIA_URL = project_settings.MEDIA_URL
    env.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = project_settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
    env.TEMPLATE_DIRS = project_settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS

    # If sqlite is used we can manage the database on deployment
    env.DEFAULT_DATABASE_ENGINE = project_settings.DATABASES["default"]["ENGINE"]
    env.DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME = project_settings.DATABASES["default"]["NAME"]

    # Set the server /etc/timezone
    env.TIME_ZONE = project_settings.TIME_ZONE
    # Used to detect certain apps eg South, static_builder
    env.INSTALLED_APPS = project_settings.INSTALLED_APPS

    # noinput
    if not hasattr(env, "INTERACTIVE"):
        env.INTERACTIVE = True

    # South integration defaults
    env.nomigration = False
    env.manualmigration = False
    env.migration = ""

    # Sites
    env.sites = {}
    env.shell = "/bin/bash --noprofile -l -c"