コード例 #1
def stage():
    """Update the local staged buildout

    # Pull

    # Update

    # Bootstrap

    # Buildout

    # Restart
    if _env.hostout.options.get('local-restart') == "true":
        local_sudo = _env.hostout.options.get('local-sudo') == "true"
        cmds = filter(bool, _env.hostout.options.get('restart').split('\n'))

        assert cmds, u'No restart commands found for the selected hostout'

        for cmd in cmds:
            if local_sudo:
                cmd = 'sudo {0:s}'.format(cmd)
            if _output.running:
                print('[localhost] restart: {0:s}'.format(cmd))
コード例 #2
def stage_supervisor():
    """Update the local supervisor configuration. Supervisord configuration
    path must be defined by setting a hostout-option ``supervisor-conf``.

    supervisor_conf = _env.hostout.options.get('supervisor-conf')

    assert supervisor_conf, \
        u'No supervisor_conf found for the selected hostout'

    local_sudo = _env.hostout.options.get('local-sudo') == "true"

    # Configure
    annotations = annotate()
    parts_directory = annotations['parts-directory']

    cmd = 'cp {0:s} {1:s}'.format(
        os.path.join(parts_directory, os.path.basename(supervisor_conf)),
    if local_sudo:
        cmd = 'sudo {0:s}'.format(cmd)
    if _output.running:
        print('[localhost] stage_supervisor: {0:s}'.format(cmd))

    # Update
    cmd = 'supervisorctl update'
    if local_sudo:
        cmd = 'sudo {0:s}'.format(cmd)
    if _output.running:
        print('[localhost] stage_supervisor: {0:s}'.format(cmd))
コード例 #3
def update(branch=None):
    """Update the local buildout from its mercurial repository.

    buildout_directory = _env.hostout.options.get('path')
    fallback_user = _env.user or 'root'
    buildout_user = _env.hostout.options.get('buildout-user', fallback_user)
    local_sudo = _env.hostout.options.get('local-sudo') == "true"

    assert buildout_directory, u'No path found for the selected hostout'

    # Pull
    with _lcd(buildout_directory):
        cmd = 'hg pull'
        cmd = 'su {0:s} -c "{1:s}"'.format(buildout_user, cmd)
        if local_sudo:
            cmd = 'sudo {0:s}'.format(cmd)
        if _output.running:
            print('[localhost] update: {0:s}'.format(cmd))

    # Update
    branch = bool(branch) and ' {0:s}'.format(branch) or ''
    with _lcd(buildout_directory):
        cmd = 'hg update -C{0:s}'.format(branch)
        cmd = 'su {0:s} -c "{1:s}"'.format(buildout_user, cmd)
        if _env.hostout.options.get('local-sudo') == 'true':
            cmd = 'sudo {0:s}'.format(cmd)
        if _output.running:
            print('[localhost] update: {0:s}'.format(cmd))
コード例 #4
ファイル: shell.py プロジェクト: GaretJax/pop-analysis-suite
def local(cmd):
    Executes a local command without capturing and returning the output.
    Thin wraper around the fabric.operations.local function
    return _local(cmd, capture=False)
コード例 #5
def bootstrap():
    """Execute bootstrap for the local buildout.

    The default effective python could be overridden by setting
    ``bootstrap-python`` -hostout-option with a path to an another python

    buildout_directory = _env.hostout.options.get('path')
    fallback_user = _env.user or 'root'
    buildout_user = _env.hostout.options.get('buildout-user', fallback_user)
    local_sudo = _env.hostout.options.get('local-sudo') == "true"

    assert buildout_directory, u'No path found for the selected hostout'

    buildout_python = _env.hostout.options.get('executable')
    bootstrap_python = (
        _env.hostout.options.get('bootstrap-python') or buildout_python

    # Bootstrap
    with _lcd(buildout_directory):
        cmd = '{0:s} bootstrap.py --distribute'.format(bootstrap_python)
        cmd = 'su {0:s} -c "{1:s}"'.format(buildout_user, cmd)
        if local_sudo:
            cmd = 'sudo {0:s}'.format(cmd)
        if _output.running:
            print('[localhost] bootstrap: %s' % cmd)

        with _settings(warn_only=True):
            res = _local(cmd)
            if res.failed:
                print('First bootstrap failed: we have a new bootstrap which '
                      'has --distribute option now default. Trying again...')
                cmd = '{0:s} bootstrap.py'.format(bootstrap_python)
                cmd = 'su {0:s} -c "{1:s}"'.format(buildout_user, cmd)
                if local_sudo:
                    cmd = 'sudo {0:s}'.format(cmd)
                if _output.running:
                    print('[localhost] bootstrap: %s' % cmd)
コード例 #6
def clone(repository, branch=None):
    """Clone a new local buildout from a mercurial repository.

    buildout_directory = _env.hostout.options.get('path')
    fallback_user = _env.user or 'root'
    buildout_user = _env.hostout.options.get('buildout-user', fallback_user)
    local_sudo = _env.hostout.options.get('local-sudo') == "true"

    assert buildout_directory, u'No path found for the selected hostout'

    # Clone
    branch = branch and ' -r {0:s}'.format(branch) or ''
    cmd = 'hg clone {0:s}{1:s} {2:s}'.format(repository, branch,
    cmd = 'su {0:s} -c "{1:s}"'.format(buildout_user, cmd)
    if local_sudo:
        cmd = 'sudo {0:s}'.format(cmd)
    if _output.running:
        print('[localhost] clone: {0:s}'.format(cmd))
コード例 #7
def pull():
    """Pull the data from the remote site into the local buildout.

    buildout_directory = _env.hostout.options.get('path')
    fallback_user = _env.user or 'root'
    effective_user = _env.hostout.options.get('effective-user', fallback_user)
    local_sudo = _env.hostout.options.get('local-sudo') == "true"

    assert buildout_directory, u'No path found for the selected hostout'

    var_directory = os.path.join(buildout_directory, 'var')
    filestorage_directory = os.path.join(var_directory, 'filestorage')

    # Ensure filestorage
    if not os.path.exists(var_directory):
        cmd = 'mkdir -p {0:s}'.format(filestorage_directory)
        if local_sudo:
            cmd = 'sudo {0:s}'.format(cmd)
        if _output.running:
            print('[localhost] pull: {0:s}'.format(cmd))

    # Pull filestorage
    _rsync(os.path.join(filestorage_directory, 'Data.fs'),
           os.path.join(filestorage_directory, 'Data.fs'),

    # Pull blobstorage
    _rsync(os.path.join(var_directory, 'blobstorage'), var_directory,

    # Chown var-directory
    var_directory = os.path.join(buildout_directory, 'var')
    cmd = 'chown -R {0:s} {1:s}'.format(effective_user, var_directory)
    if local_sudo:
        cmd = 'sudo {0:s}'.format(cmd)
    if _output.running:
        print('[localhost] pull: {0:s}'.format(cmd))
コード例 #8
def buildout(*args):
    """Execute the local buildout

    buildout_directory = _env.hostout.options.get('path')
    fallback_user = _env.user or 'root'
    buildout_user = _env.hostout.options.get('buildout-user', fallback_user)
    effective_user = _env.hostout.options.get('effective-user', fallback_user)
    local_sudo = _env.hostout.options.get('local-sudo') == "true"

    assert buildout_directory, u'No path found for the selected hostout'

    # Configure
    offline = '-o' in args and ' -o' or ''
    parts = [arg for arg in args if not arg.startswith('-')]
    parts = parts and ' install {0:s}'.format(' '.join(parts)) or ''

    # Chown var-directory
    var_directory = os.path.join(buildout_directory, 'var')
    cmd = 'chown -R {0:s} {1:s}'.format(buildout_user, var_directory)
    if local_sudo:
        cmd = 'sudo {0:s}'.format(cmd)
    if _output.running:
        print('[localhost] pull: {0:s}'.format(cmd))

    # Buildout
    with _lcd(buildout_directory):
        cmd = 'bin/buildout{0:s}{1:s}'.format(parts, offline)
        cmd = 'su {0:s} -c "{1:s}"'.format(buildout_user, cmd)
        if local_sudo:
            cmd = 'sudo {0:s}'.format(cmd)
        if _output.running:
            print('[localhost] buildout: {0:s}'.format(cmd))

    # Chown var-directory
    var_directory = os.path.join(buildout_directory, 'var')
    cmd = 'chown -R {0:s} {1:s}'.format(effective_user, var_directory)
    if local_sudo:
        cmd = 'sudo {0:s}'.format(cmd)
    if _output.running:
        print('[localhost] pull: {0:s}'.format(cmd))
コード例 #9
def local(cmd):
    if hasattr(env, 'capture_default'):
        _local(cmd, env.capture_default)
コード例 #10
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: hbussell/django-fab
def local(cmd):
    if hasattr(env,'capture_default'):
        _local(cmd, env.capture_default)
コード例 #11
def _rsync(from_path, to_path, reverse=False,
           exclude=(), delete=False, extra_opts="",
           ssh_opts="", capture=False):
    """Perform rsync from some remote location to some local location.
    Optionally does exactly the reverse (syncs from some local location
    to some remote location)

    # Adapted from:
    # https://github.com/fabric/fabric/blob/master/fabric/contrib/project.py

    # Create --exclude options from exclude list
    exclude_opts = ' --exclude "%s"' * len(exclude)

    # Double-backslash-escape
    exclusions = tuple([str(s).replace('"', '\\\\"') for s in exclude])

    # Honor SSH key(s)
    key_string = ''
    keys = _key_filenames()
    if keys:
        key_string = '-i ' + ' -i '.join(keys)

    # Port
    user, host, port = _normalize(_env.host_string)
    if host.startswith('@'):
        host = host[1:]
    port_string = '-p {0:s}'.format(port)

    # RSH
    rsh_string = ''
    rsh_parts = [key_string, port_string, ssh_opts]
    if any(rsh_parts):
        rsh_string = '--rsh="ssh {0:s}"'.format(' '.join(rsh_parts))

    # Set remote sudo
    if _env.hostout.options.get('remote-sudo') == 'true':
        remote_sudo = ' --rsync-path="sudo rsync"'
        extra_opts = (extra_opts + remote_sudo).strip()

    # Set up options part of string
    options_map = {
        'delete': '--delete' if delete else '',
        'exclude': exclude_opts % exclusions,
        'rsh': rsh_string,
        'extra': extra_opts

    options = ('%(delete)s%(exclude)s -pthlrz '
               '%(extra)s %(rsh)s') % options_map

    # Interpret direction and define command
    if not reverse:
        cmd = 'rsync {0:s} {1:s}@{2:s}:{3:s} {4:s}'.format(
            options, user, host, from_path, to_path)
        cmd = 'rsync {0:s} {1:s} {2:s}@{3:s}:{4:s}'.format(
            options, to_path, user, host, from_path)

    if _env.hostout.options.get('local-sudo') == 'true':
        cmd = 'sudo {0:s}'.format(cmd)
    if _output.running:
        print('[localhost] rsync: {0:s}'.format(cmd))
    return _local(cmd, capture=capture)