コード例 #1
ファイル: network.py プロジェクト: stringfellow/fabric
def prompt_for_password(prompt=None, no_colon=False, stream=None, notify_=True):
    Prompts for and returns a new password if required; otherwise, returns None.

    A trailing colon is appended unless ``no_colon`` is True.

    If the user supplies an empty password, the user will be re-prompted until
    they enter a non-empty password.

    ``prompt_for_password`` autogenerates the user prompt based on the current
    host being connected to. To override this, specify a string value for

    ``stream`` is the stream the prompt will be printed to; if not given,
    defaults to ``sys.stderr``.
    from fabric.state import env
    stream = stream or sys.stderr
    # Construct prompt
    default = "[%s] Login password" % env.host_string
    password_prompt = prompt if (prompt is not None) else default
    if not no_colon:
        password_prompt += ": "
    if notify_:
    # Get new password value
    new_password = getpass.getpass(password_prompt, stream)
    # Otherwise, loop until user gives us a non-empty password (to prevent
    # returning the empty string, and to avoid unnecessary network overhead.)
    while not new_password:
        print("Sorry, you can't enter an empty password. Please try again.")
        new_password = getpass.getpass(password_prompt, stream)
    return new_password
コード例 #2
ファイル: network.py プロジェクト: stringfellow/fabric
def disconnect_all():
    Disconnect from all currently connected servers.

    Used at the end of ``fab``'s main loop, and also intended for use by
    library users.
    from fabric.state import connections, output
    # Explicitly disconnect from all servers
    for key in connections.keys():
        if output.status:
            message =  "Disconnecting from %s..." % denormalize(key)
            print message
            notify(message, output=True)
        del connections[key]
        if output.status:
            print "done."
コード例 #3
def disconnect_all():
    Disconnect from all currently connected servers.

    Used at the end of ``fab``'s main loop, and also intended for use by
    library users.
    from fabric.state import connections, output
    # Explicitly disconnect from all servers
    for key in connections.keys():
        if output.status:
            message = "Disconnecting from %s..." % denormalize(key)
            print message
            notify(message, output=True)
        del connections[key]
        if output.status:
            print "done."
コード例 #4
def prompt_for_password(prompt=None,
    Prompts for and returns a new password if required; otherwise, returns None.

    A trailing colon is appended unless ``no_colon`` is True.

    If the user supplies an empty password, the user will be re-prompted until
    they enter a non-empty password.

    ``prompt_for_password`` autogenerates the user prompt based on the current
    host being connected to. To override this, specify a string value for

    ``stream`` is the stream the prompt will be printed to; if not given,
    defaults to ``sys.stderr``.
    from fabric.state import env
    stream = stream or sys.stderr
    # Construct prompt
    default = "[%s] Login password" % env.host_string
    password_prompt = prompt if (prompt is not None) else default
    if not no_colon:
        password_prompt += ": "
    if notify_:
    # Get new password value
    new_password = getpass.getpass(password_prompt, stream)
    # Otherwise, loop until user gives us a non-empty password (to prevent
    # returning the empty string, and to avoid unnecessary network overhead.)
    while not new_password:
        print("Sorry, you can't enter an empty password. Please try again.")
        new_password = getpass.getpass(password_prompt, stream)
    return new_password
コード例 #5
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: stringfellow/fabric
def main():
    Main command-line execution loop.
        # Parse command line options
        parser, options, arguments = parse_options()

        # Handle regular args vs -- args
        arguments = parser.largs
        remainder_arguments = parser.rargs

        # Update env with any overridden option values
        # NOTE: This needs to remain the first thing that occurs
        # post-parsing, since so many things hinge on the values in env.
        for option in env_options:
            state.env[option.dest] = getattr(options, option.dest)

        # Handle --hosts, --roles (comma separated string => list)
        for key in ['hosts', 'roles']:
            if key in state.env and isinstance(state.env[key], str):
                state.env[key] = state.env[key].split(',')

        # Handle output control level show/hide
        update_output_levels(show=options.show, hide=options.hide)

        # Handle version number option
        if options.show_version:
            print("Fabric %s" % state.env.version)

        # Handle case where we were called bare, i.e. just "fab", and print
        # a help message.
        actions = (options.list_commands, options.shortlist, options.display,
            arguments, remainder_arguments)
        if not any(actions):

        # Load settings from user settings file, into shared env dict.

        # Find local fabfile path or abort
        fabfile = find_fabfile()
        if not fabfile and not remainder_arguments:
            abort("Couldn't find any fabfiles!")

        # Store absolute path to fabfile in case anyone needs it
        state.env.real_fabfile = fabfile

        # Load fabfile (which calls its module-level code, including
        # tweaks to env values) and put its commands in the shared commands
        # dict
        if fabfile:
            docstring, callables = load_fabfile(fabfile)

        # Abort if no commands found
        if not commands and not remainder_arguments:
            abort("Fabfile didn't contain any commands!")

        # Now that we're settled on a fabfile, inform user.
        if state.output.debug:
            if fabfile:
                print("Using fabfile '%s'" % fabfile)
                print("No fabfile loaded -- remainder command only")

        # Non-verbose command list
        if options.shortlist:

        # Handle list-commands option (now that commands are loaded)
        if options.list_commands:

        # Handle show (command-specific help) option
        if options.display:

        # If user didn't specify any commands to run, show help
        if not (arguments or remainder_arguments):
            sys.exit(0) # Or should it exit with error (1)?

        # Parse arguments into commands to run (plus args/kwargs/hosts)
        commands_to_run = parse_arguments(arguments)

        # Parse remainders into a faux "command" to execute
        remainder_command = parse_remainder(remainder_arguments)

        # Figure out if any specified task names are invalid
        unknown_commands = []
        for tup in commands_to_run:
            if tup[0] not in commands:

        # Abort if any unknown commands were specified
        if unknown_commands:
            abort("Command(s) not found:\n%s" \
                % indent(unknown_commands))

        # Generate remainder command and insert into commands, commands_to_run
        if remainder_command:
            r = '<remainder>'
            commands[r] = lambda: api.run(remainder_command)
            commands_to_run.append((r, [], {}, [], []))

        if state.output.debug:
            names = ", ".join(x[0] for x in commands_to_run)
            print("Commands to run: %s" % names)

        # At this point all commands must exist, so execute them in order.
        for name, args, kwargs, cli_hosts, cli_roles in commands_to_run:
            # Get callable by itself
            command = commands[name]
            # Set current command name (used for some error messages)
            state.env.command = name
            # Set host list (also copy to env)
            state.env.all_hosts = hosts = get_hosts(
                command, cli_hosts, cli_roles)
            # If hosts found, execute the function on each host in turn
            for host in hosts:
                # Preserve user
                prev_user = state.env.user
                # Split host string and apply to env dict
                username, hostname, port = interpret_host_string(host)
                # Log to stdout
                if state.output.running:
                    print("[%s] Executing task '%s'" % (host, name))
                # Actually run command
                commands[name](*args, **kwargs)
                # Put old user back
                state.env.user = prev_user
            # If no hosts found, assume local-only and run once
            if not hosts:
                commands[name](*args, **kwargs)
            notify("Done: %s" % (command), output=True)
        # If we got here, no errors occurred, so print a final note.
        if state.output.status:
            notify("Done", output=True)
    except SystemExit:
        # a number of internal functions might raise this one.
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        if state.output.status:
            print >> sys.stderr, "\nStopped."
        # we might leave stale threads if we don't explicitly exit()
コード例 #6
ファイル: operations.py プロジェクト: stringfellow/fabric
def prompt(text, key=None, default='', validate=None, notify_=True):
    Prompt user with ``text`` and return the input (like ``raw_input``).

    A single space character will be appended for convenience, but nothing
    else. Thus, you may want to end your prompt text with a question mark or a
    colon, e.g. ``prompt("What hostname?")``.

    If ``key`` is given, the user's input will be stored as ``env.<key>`` in
    addition to being returned by `prompt`. If the key already existed in
    ``env``, its value will be overwritten and a warning printed to the user.

    If ``default`` is given, it is displayed in square brackets and used if the
    user enters nothing (i.e. presses Enter without entering any text).
    ``default`` defaults to the empty string. If non-empty, a space will be
    appended, so that a call such as ``prompt("What hostname?",
    default="foo")`` would result in a prompt of ``What hostname? [foo]`` (with
    a trailing space after the ``[foo]``.)

    The optional keyword argument ``validate`` may be a callable or a string:

    * If a callable, it is called with the user's input, and should return the
      value to be stored on success. On failure, it should raise an exception
      with an exception message, which will be printed to the user.
    * If a string, the value passed to ``validate`` is used as a regular
      expression. It is thus recommended to use raw strings in this case. Note
      that the regular expression, if it is not fully matching (bounded by
      ``^`` and ``$``) it will be made so. In other words, the input must fully
      match the regex.

    Either way, `prompt` will re-prompt until validation passes (or the user
    hits ``Ctrl-C``).


        # Simplest form:
        environment = prompt('Please specify target environment: ')

        # With default, and storing as env.dish:
        prompt('Specify favorite dish: ', 'dish', default='spam & eggs')

        # With validation, i.e. requiring integer input:
        prompt('Please specify process nice level: ', key='nice', validate=int)

        # With validation against a regular expression:
        release = prompt('Please supply a release name',

    # Store previous env value for later display, if necessary
    if key:
        previous_value = env.get(key)
    # Set up default display
    default_str = ""
    if default != '':
        default_str = " [%s] " % str(default).strip()
        default_str = " "
    # Construct full prompt string
    prompt_str = text.strip() + default_str
    # Loop until we pass validation
    value = None
    if notify_:
        except:  # should really handle this better...

    while value is None:
        # Get input
        value = raw_input(prompt_str) or default
        # Handle validation
        if validate:
            # Callable
            if callable(validate):
                # Callable validate() must raise an exception if validation
                # fails.
                    value = validate(value)
                except Exception, e:
                    # Reset value so we stay in the loop
                    value = None
                    print("Validation failed for the following reason:")
                    print(indent(e.message) + "\n")
            # String / regex must match and will be empty if validation fails.
                # Need to transform regex into full-matching one if it's not.
                if not validate.startswith('^'):
                    validate = r'^' + validate
                if not validate.endswith('$'):
                    validate += r'$'
                result = re.findall(validate, value)
                if not result:
                    print("Regular expression validation failed: '%s' does not match '%s'\n" % (value, validate))
                    # Reset value so we stay in the loop
                    value = None
コード例 #7
def prompt(text, key=None, default='', validate=None, notify_=True):
    Prompt user with ``text`` and return the input (like ``raw_input``).

    A single space character will be appended for convenience, but nothing
    else. Thus, you may want to end your prompt text with a question mark or a
    colon, e.g. ``prompt("What hostname?")``.

    If ``key`` is given, the user's input will be stored as ``env.<key>`` in
    addition to being returned by `prompt`. If the key already existed in
    ``env``, its value will be overwritten and a warning printed to the user.

    If ``default`` is given, it is displayed in square brackets and used if the
    user enters nothing (i.e. presses Enter without entering any text).
    ``default`` defaults to the empty string. If non-empty, a space will be
    appended, so that a call such as ``prompt("What hostname?",
    default="foo")`` would result in a prompt of ``What hostname? [foo]`` (with
    a trailing space after the ``[foo]``.)

    The optional keyword argument ``validate`` may be a callable or a string:

    * If a callable, it is called with the user's input, and should return the
      value to be stored on success. On failure, it should raise an exception
      with an exception message, which will be printed to the user.
    * If a string, the value passed to ``validate`` is used as a regular
      expression. It is thus recommended to use raw strings in this case. Note
      that the regular expression, if it is not fully matching (bounded by
      ``^`` and ``$``) it will be made so. In other words, the input must fully
      match the regex.

    Either way, `prompt` will re-prompt until validation passes (or the user
    hits ``Ctrl-C``).


        # Simplest form:
        environment = prompt('Please specify target environment: ')

        # With default, and storing as env.dish:
        prompt('Specify favorite dish: ', 'dish', default='spam & eggs')

        # With validation, i.e. requiring integer input:
        prompt('Please specify process nice level: ', key='nice', validate=int)

        # With validation against a regular expression:
        release = prompt('Please supply a release name',

    # Store previous env value for later display, if necessary
    if key:
        previous_value = env.get(key)
    # Set up default display
    default_str = ""
    if default != '':
        default_str = " [%s] " % str(default).strip()
        default_str = " "
    # Construct full prompt string
    prompt_str = text.strip() + default_str
    # Loop until we pass validation
    value = None
    if notify_:
        except:  # should really handle this better...

    while value is None:
        # Get input
        value = raw_input(prompt_str) or default
        # Handle validation
        if validate:
            # Callable
            if callable(validate):
                # Callable validate() must raise an exception if validation
                # fails.
                    value = validate(value)
                except Exception, e:
                    # Reset value so we stay in the loop
                    value = None
                    print("Validation failed for the following reason:")
                    print(indent(e.message) + "\n")
            # String / regex must match and will be empty if validation fails.
                # Need to transform regex into full-matching one if it's not.
                if not validate.startswith('^'):
                    validate = r'^' + validate
                if not validate.endswith('$'):
                    validate += r'$'
                result = re.findall(validate, value)
                if not result:
                        "Regular expression validation failed: '%s' does not match '%s'\n"
                        % (value, validate))
                    # Reset value so we stay in the loop
                    value = None
コード例 #8
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: stringfellow/fabric
def main():
    Main command-line execution loop.
        # Parse command line options
        parser, options, arguments = parse_options()

        # Handle regular args vs -- args
        arguments = parser.largs
        remainder_arguments = parser.rargs

        # Update env with any overridden option values
        # NOTE: This needs to remain the first thing that occurs
        # post-parsing, since so many things hinge on the values in env.
        for option in env_options:
            state.env[option.dest] = getattr(options, option.dest)

        # Handle --hosts, --roles (comma separated string => list)
        for key in ['hosts', 'roles']:
            if key in state.env and isinstance(state.env[key], str):
                state.env[key] = state.env[key].split(',')

        # Handle output control level show/hide
        update_output_levels(show=options.show, hide=options.hide)

        # Handle version number option
        if options.show_version:
            print("Fabric %s" % state.env.version)

        # Handle case where we were called bare, i.e. just "fab", and print
        # a help message.
        actions = (options.list_commands, options.shortlist, options.display,
                   arguments, remainder_arguments)
        if not any(actions):

        # Load settings from user settings file, into shared env dict.

        # Find local fabfile path or abort
        fabfile = find_fabfile()
        if not fabfile and not remainder_arguments:
            abort("Couldn't find any fabfiles!")

        # Store absolute path to fabfile in case anyone needs it
        state.env.real_fabfile = fabfile

        # Load fabfile (which calls its module-level code, including
        # tweaks to env values) and put its commands in the shared commands
        # dict
        if fabfile:
            docstring, callables = load_fabfile(fabfile)

        # Abort if no commands found
        if not commands and not remainder_arguments:
            abort("Fabfile didn't contain any commands!")

        # Now that we're settled on a fabfile, inform user.
        if state.output.debug:
            if fabfile:
                print("Using fabfile '%s'" % fabfile)
                print("No fabfile loaded -- remainder command only")

        # Non-verbose command list
        if options.shortlist:

        # Handle list-commands option (now that commands are loaded)
        if options.list_commands:

        # Handle show (command-specific help) option
        if options.display:

        # If user didn't specify any commands to run, show help
        if not (arguments or remainder_arguments):
            sys.exit(0)  # Or should it exit with error (1)?

        # Parse arguments into commands to run (plus args/kwargs/hosts)
        commands_to_run = parse_arguments(arguments)

        # Parse remainders into a faux "command" to execute
        remainder_command = parse_remainder(remainder_arguments)

        # Figure out if any specified task names are invalid
        unknown_commands = []
        for tup in commands_to_run:
            if tup[0] not in commands:

        # Abort if any unknown commands were specified
        if unknown_commands:
            abort("Command(s) not found:\n%s" \
                % indent(unknown_commands))

        # Generate remainder command and insert into commands, commands_to_run
        if remainder_command:
            r = '<remainder>'
            commands[r] = lambda: api.run(remainder_command)
            commands_to_run.append((r, [], {}, [], []))

        if state.output.debug:
            names = ", ".join(x[0] for x in commands_to_run)
            print("Commands to run: %s" % names)

        # At this point all commands must exist, so execute them in order.
        for name, args, kwargs, cli_hosts, cli_roles in commands_to_run:
            # Get callable by itself
            command = commands[name]
            # Set current command name (used for some error messages)
            state.env.command = name
            # Set host list (also copy to env)
            state.env.all_hosts = hosts = get_hosts(command, cli_hosts,
            # If hosts found, execute the function on each host in turn
            for host in hosts:
                # Preserve user
                prev_user = state.env.user
                # Split host string and apply to env dict
                username, hostname, port = interpret_host_string(host)
                # Log to stdout
                if state.output.running:
                    print("[%s] Executing task '%s'" % (host, name))
                # Actually run command
                commands[name](*args, **kwargs)
                # Put old user back
                state.env.user = prev_user
            # If no hosts found, assume local-only and run once
            if not hosts:
                commands[name](*args, **kwargs)
            notify("Done: %s" % (command), output=True)
        # If we got here, no errors occurred, so print a final note.
        if state.output.status:
            notify("Done", output=True)
    except SystemExit:
        # a number of internal functions might raise this one.
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        if state.output.status:
            print >> sys.stderr, "\nStopped."
        # we might leave stale threads if we don't explicitly exit()