def libs(lookup_param='prod', pip='install'): with cd(env.home_dir): # pip cache pip_cache_dir = posixpath.join(env.shared, '.pip.cache') with cd(env.root): try: env.pyver = conf[lookup_param]['version'] except: pass env.virt = posixpath.join(env.home_dir, env.virt_home, conf[lookup_param]['venv']) with prefix('pythonbrew use {0}'.format(env.pyver)): run('python -V') with fabtools.python.virtualenv(env.virt): fabtools.python_distribute.install(conf[lookup_param]['distribute']) python.install_requirements(conf[lookup_param]['requirement'], use_mirrors=False, download_cache=pip_cache_dir)
def push(): """ This function for create django site project work flow on remote server. Django site source cloning from remote git repository. NOTE: This function may be used in other fab file. For this need setup global `env` dict. **`env` settings** env.user - deploy user name (use for ssh) env.password - deploy user password (use for ssh) env.hosts - list deploy hosts (use for ssh) env.domain - django site domain (DNS) use for: - nginx settings - uWSGI start user - project dir name env.repository - remote git repository url, use for git clone site source env.no_input_mode - in this variable True use no input deploy mode. If no_input_mode==True using follow strategy: Abort if env.domain (env.repository) value not set or invalid. And using default confirm() value if needed. """ # cwd => ./deploy env.lcwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) require('no_input_mode') #env.no_input_mode = False if env.no_input_mode: def confirm_local(question, default=True): puts(question) puts("Use no_input_mode [default: {0}]".format("Y" if default else "N")) return default confirm = confirm_local else: confirm = confirm_global validate = "^(([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)*([A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$" if not env.get("domain"): if env.no_input_mode: abort("Need set env.domain !") else: prompt("Project DNS url: ", "domain", env.get('domain_default', ''), validate=validate) else: if not re.findall(validate, env.domain): abort("Invalid env.domain !") if not env.get("repository"): if env.no_input_mode: env.repository = env.repository_default else: prompt("Deploy from: ", "repository", env.get('repository_default', '')) require('repository', 'domain') puts("Deploy site: {0} \nFrom: {1}".format(env.domain, env.repository)) DOMAIN_WITHOUT_DOT = env.domain.replace('.', '_') env.project_user = DOMAIN_WITHOUT_DOT env.project_group = DOMAIN_WITHOUT_DOT env.project_dir_name = DOMAIN_WITHOUT_DOT env.root = posixpath.join(PROJECTS_ROOT, env.project_dir_name) env.debug = True deb.packages(['git']), use_sudo=True, owner='root', group='root', mode='755') with cd(PROJECTS_ROOT): # pip cache'.pip.cache', use_sudo=True, owner='deploy', group='deploy', mode='755') pip_cache_dir = posixpath.join(PROJECTS_ROOT, '.pip.cache') # proj dir create if is_dir(env.project_dir_name) and confirm("proj dir exist! abort ?", default=False): return, use_sudo=True, owner='root', group='root', mode='755') # proj user create if not fabtools.user.exists(env.project_user): fabtools.user.create(env.project_user, home=env.root, group=env.project_group, create_home=False, system=True, shell='/bin/false', create_group=True) # proj infrastructure with cd(env.project_dir_name): # proj source if not is_dir('src') or confirm("proj src exist! [rm all and re clone / git pull]?", default=False):'src', use_sudo=True, owner='deploy', group='deploy', mode='755') with cd('src'): sudo('rm -Rf .??* *') sudo('git clone {repository:s} .'.format(env), user='******') else: with cd('src'): sudo('git pull', user='******') # proj virtual env if not is_dir('.virtualenvs') or confirm("proj venv dir exist! [rm all and recreate / repeat install]?", default=False):'.virtualenvs', use_sudo=True, owner='deploy', group='deploy', mode='755') with cd('.virtualenvs'): sudo('rm -Rf .??* *') python.virtualenv('.virtualenvs', use_sudo=True, user='******', clear=True) with fabtools.python.virtualenv('.virtualenvs'): python.install_requirements('src/requirements.txt', use_mirrors=False, use_sudo=True, user='******', download_cache=pip_cache_dir) # ------------------- # # WEB SERVER SETTINGS # # ------------------- # # I`m use nginx <-> uWSGI <-> Django nginx.server() deb.packages(['uwsgi', 'uwsgi-plugin-python']) # proj conf! if not is_dir('conf') or confirm("proj conf dir exist! [backup and update? / skip]", default=False):'conf', use_sudo=True, owner='root', group='root', mode='755') with cd('conf'): local_conf_templates = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'template', 'conf') uwsgi_conf = os.path.join(local_conf_templates, 'uwsgi.ini') nginx_conf = os.path.join(local_conf_templates, 'nginx.conf') sudo("rm -Rf *.back") sudo("ls -d *{.conf,.ini} | sed 's/.*$/mv -fu \"&\" \"\\0.back\"/' | sh") files.template_file('uwsgi.ini', template_source=uwsgi_conf, context=env, use_sudo=True, owner='root', group='root', mode='644') files.file('reload', use_sudo=True, owner='root', group='root') sudo('ln -sf $(pwd)/uwsgi.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/' + env.project_dir_name + '.ini') files.template_file('nginx.conf', template_source=nginx_conf, context=env, use_sudo=True, owner='root', group='root', mode='644') sudo('ln -sf $(pwd)/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/' + env.project_dir_name) sudo('service nginx restart') sudo('service uwsgi restart')