def get_feature1(): global faceitem capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cv2.namedWindow('frame', 2) cv2.namedWindow('face', 2) P1 = threading.Thread(target=input_imformation, args=()) P1.start() while True: if not P1.is_alive(): P1 = threading.Thread(target=input_imformation, args=()) P1.start() ret, frame = image = np.array(frame) cv2.imshow('frame', frame) faces = facebounding(image) try: faceitem = faces[0] cv2.imshow('face', faceitem.image) except: cv2.imshow('face', image) if pass_state == 'pass': P3 = threading.Thread(target=get_feature, args=()) P3.start() P3.join() key = cv2.waitKey(1) if key == ord('q'): # 判断是哪一个键按下 cv2.destroyAllWindows() break
def face_rec(num): dataset_path = 'data\\dataset\\test\\test' + str(num) + '.csv' label_ID = [] with open(dataset_path, encoding='utf-8') as f: reader = f.readlines() embedded = np.zeros((len(reader) + 1, 128)) i = 1 for row in reader: label_ID.append(row.split(',')[0]) feature = np.array(list(map(float, row.split(',')[1:]))) embedded[i, :] = feature i += 1 f.close() path = 'data\\dataset\\Yuchao' imganchorpath = [path + '\\' + i for i in os.listdir(path)] for imganchor in imganchorpath: image1 = cv2.imread(imganchor) faces = facebounding(image1) size = [] for i in faces: h, w, c = i.image.shape size.append(h) index = size.index(max(size)) image1 = preprocess_image(faces[index].image) embedded[0] = nn4_small2_pretrained.predict( np.expand_dims(image1, axis=0))[0] imgDistanceList = [] for i in range(len(embedded) - 1): imgDistanceList.append(distance(embedded[0], embedded[i + 1])) minIndex = imgDistanceList.index(min(imgDistanceList)) cv2.rectangle( faces[index].container_image, (faces[index].bounding_box[0], faces[index].bounding_box[1]), (faces[index].bounding_box[2], faces[index].bounding_box[3]), (0, 155, 255), 5) text = label_ID[minIndex] cv2.putText( faces[index].container_image, text, (faces[index].bounding_box[0], faces[index].bounding_box[1] - 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (225, 155, 0), 1) print(label_ID[minIndex]) print(min(imgDistanceList)) # cv2.namedWindow('image', 2) # cv2.namedWindow('result', 2) cv2.imshow(imganchor.split('\\')[-1], faces[0].container_image) cv2.imshow( 'result_' + imganchor.split('\\')[-1], cv2.imread('data\\dataset\\test\\test' + str(num) + '\\' + label_ID[minIndex])) cv2.waitKey()
def Face_Recognition_Interface(image): dataset_path = 'data\\dataset\\FaceDataset50_1.csv' label_ID = [] phone = [] with open(dataset_path, encoding='utf-8') as f: reader = f.readlines() embedded = np.zeros((len(reader) + 1, 128)) i = 1 for row in reader: label_ID.append(row.split(',')[0]) phone.append(row.split(',')[1]) feature = np.array(list(map(float, row.split(',')[2:]))) embedded[i, :] = feature i += 1 f.close() faces = facebounding(image) faceitem = faces[0] faceimage = faceitem.image faceimage = preprocess_image(faceimage) embedded[0] = nn4_small2_pretrained.predict(np.expand_dims(faceimage, axis=0))[0] imgDistanceList = [] for i in range(len(embedded) - 1): imgDistanceList.append(distance(embedded[0], embedded[i + 1])) minIndex = imgDistanceList.index(min(imgDistanceList)) print(label_ID[minIndex]) print(phone[minIndex]) print(min(imgDistanceList)) imageSet_path = dataset_path.split('.')[0] image_path = [imageSet_path + '\\' + i for i in os.listdir(imageSet_path)] for i in image_path: if i.split('\\')[-1].split('_')[0] == label_ID[minIndex]: targret = i print(targret) image_target = cv2.imread(targret) cv2.imshow('1', image_target) cv2.imshow('2', image) cv2.waitKey(10)
def main(): testpath = folderpath + '\\RecognitionDemo\\test1' testimagepath = [testpath + '\\' + i for i in os.listdir(testpath)] datapath = folderpath + '\\data\\dataset\\FaceDataset50_2' metadata = load_metadata(datapath) for imagepath in testimagepath: embedded = np.zeros((metadata.shape[0] + 1, 128)) imagetest = cv2.imread(imagepath) faces = face_detect.facebounding(imagetest) faceitem = faces[0] face = faceitem.image testface = preprocess_image(face) embedded[0] = nn4_small2_pretrained.predict( np.expand_dims(testface, axis=0))[0] for i in range(metadata.shape[0]): imageItem = metadata[i] image = cv2.imread(imageItem.file) imageItem.image = image img = preprocess_image(image) # # scale RGB values to interval [0,1] # img = (img / 255.).astype(np.float32) # # obtain embedding vector for image embedded[i + 1] = nn4_small2_pretrained.predict( np.expand_dims(img, axis=0))[0] imgDistanceList = [] for i in range(len(embedded) - 1): imgDistanceList.append(distance(embedded[0], embedded[i + 1])) # for i in range(len(embedded)-1): # print(metadata[i].file) # print(imgDistanceList[i]) print() minIndex = imgDistanceList.index(min(imgDistanceList)) print(metadata[minIndex].file) print(min(imgDistanceList)) cv2.imshow('1', metadata[minIndex].image) cv2.imshow('2', testface) cv2.waitKey()
def video_test(): capture = cv2.VideoCapture('data\\dataset\\yuchao.mp4') cv2.namedWindow('frame', 2) cv2.namedWindow('face', 2) dataset_path = 'data\\dataset\\test\\test100.csv' label_ID = [] with open(dataset_path, encoding='utf-8') as f: reader = f.readlines() embedded = np.zeros((len(reader) + 1, 128)) i = 1 for row in reader: label_ID.append(row.split(',')[0]) feature = np.array(list(map(float, row.split(',')[1:]))) embedded[i, :] = feature i += 1 f.close() while True: ret, frame = if ret == False: break image = np.array(frame) faces = facebounding(image) text = '' try: faceitem = faces[0] image = faceitem.image cv2.imshow('face', image) image1 = preprocess_image(image) embedded[0] = nn4_small2_pretrained.predict( np.expand_dims(image1, axis=0))[0] imgDistanceList = [] for i in range(len(embedded) - 1): imgDistanceList.append(distance(embedded[0], embedded[i + 1])) minIndex = imgDistanceList.index(min(imgDistanceList)) if float(min(imgDistanceList)) < 0.23: print(label_ID[minIndex]) print(min(imgDistanceList)) text = label_ID[minIndex] cv2.rectangle( frame, (faces[0].bounding_box[0], faces[0].bounding_box[1]), (faces[0].bounding_box[2], faces[0].bounding_box[3]), (0, 155, 255), 2) cv2.putText( frame, text, (faces[0].bounding_box[0], faces[0].bounding_box[1] - 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 155, 255), 2) cv2.imshow('frame', frame) cv2.imshow( 'person', cv2.imread('data\\dataset\\test\\test100\\' + label_ID[minIndex])) cv2.waitKey(5) except: cv2.imshow('face', image) cv2.imshow('frame', frame) key = cv2.waitKey(1) if key == ord('q'): # 判断是哪一个键按下 cv2.destroyAllWindows() break