コード例 #1
ファイル: pulse.py プロジェクト: wydzilla/pulse
    def __init__(self, frames=None):
        if frames is None:
            frames = []
        self.frames = frames
        self.facedetector = FaceDetector()

        self.color = (0, 255, 0)
コード例 #2
def main(args):

    # Multiple Modes of Control
    ##  0 = No Control
    ##  1 = Gaze Angle Control
    ##  2 = Head Pose Control
    ##  3 = Sound Control
    controlMode = 0
    modes = ['No Control', 'Gaze Control', 'Head Pose', 'Sound Control']

    # Control Commands #
    # Left Click = Yawn
    # Right Click = Looking up
    # Increment Control Modes = Right Wink
    # Left Eye Wink and Smile are left unassigned
    # You can dictate text in Sound mode (Control mode = 3)

    # Initializing the Speech Recognition Thread

    # You can add more controls as you deem fit.
    numbers = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', \
                'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine']

    controls = ['left', 'right', 'up', 'down']

    control_syn = {}
    for control in controls:
        control_syn.setdefault(control, [])

    # Need to account for similar sounding words as speech recog is on the edge!
    control_syn['left'].extend(['let', 'left', 'light', 'live', 'laugh'])
        ['right', 'write', 'great', 'fight', 'might', 'ride'])
    control_syn['up'].extend(['up', 'hop', 'hope', 'out'])
    control_syn['down'].extend(['down', 'doubt', 'though'])

    device_list = load_device()

    stream_reader = audio_helper.StreamReader(device_list[1][0],

    if not stream_reader.initialize():
        print("Failed to initialize Stream Reader")
        speech = None

    speech = SpeechManager()
    print('speech config = ' + str(SPEECH_CONFIG))
    if not speech.initialize(SPEECH_CONFIG, infer_device='CPU', batch_size=8):
        print("Failed to initialize ASR recognizer")
        speech = None

    stt = Queue()
    prevUtterance = ''

    reading_thread = Thread(target=stream_reader.read_stream, \
                        args=(speech, stt), daemon=True)


    # Fixing 60x60 box as yaw and pitch boundaries to
    # correspond to head turning left and right (yaw)
    # and also moving up and down (pitch)
    headYawPitchBounds = [-30, 30]

    lastGaze = [0, 0]
    lastPose = [0, 0]

    # Set the stickiness value
    stickinessHead = 5
    stickinessGaze = 10

    eventText = "No Event"

    # init the logger
    logger = logging.getLogger()

    feeder = None
    feeder = InputFeeder(args.input_type, args.input)

    mc = MouseController("medium", "fast")

    # Loading all the gesture control models viz. face, head and gaze
    face_model = FaceDetector(args.face, args.device, args.cpu_extension)
    # face_model.check_model()
    logger.info("Face Detection Model Loaded...")

    head_model = HeadPoseDetect(args.headpose, args.device, args.cpu_extension)
    # head_model.check_model()
    logger.info("Head Pose Detection Model Loaded...")

    landmarks_model = LandmarksDetect(args.landmarks, args.device,
    # landmarks_model.check_model()
    logger.info("Landmarks Detection Model Loaded...")

    gaze_model = GazeDetect(args.gazeestimation, args.device,
    # gaze_model.check_model()
    logger.info("Gaze Detection Model Loaded...")

    visualizeHeadPose = bool(distutils.util.strtobool(args.visualizeHeadPose))
    visualizeGaze = bool(distutils.util.strtobool(args.visualizeGaze))
    visualizeFace = bool(distutils.util.strtobool(args.visualizeFace))

    pixelCount_leye = []
    isEyeOpen_leye = []
    pixelCount_reye = []
    isEyeOpen_reye = []

    isCalibrated = False
    isSmiling = False
    isMouthOpen = False
    moveEnabled = False
    islookingUp = False

    lastPoses = collections.deque(maxlen=20)
    lastGazes = collections.deque(maxlen=20)

        frame_count = 0

        for ret, frame in feeder.next_batch():

            # if any sound is deciphered from the spunned off thread then
            # check the last 3 words of the utterance for matching control word
            if (stt.qsize() > 0 and controlMode == 3):

                utterance = stt.get()
                print("From Parent: " + utterance)

                # need to process again only if change in utterance
                if (prevUtterance != utterance):
                    control, lastWord = detectSoundEvent(
                        utterance, controls, control_syn)

                    if control is not None:

                        direction = controls.index(control)


                        if lastWord in numbers:
                            lastWord = str(numbers.index(lastWord))


                    prevUtterance = utterance


            k = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
            # press 'q' to exit
            if k == ord('q'):

            if not ret:

            frame_count += 1
            crop_face = None

            # inferenceBegin = time.time()
            crop_face, box = face_model.predict(frame.copy())

            if crop_face is None:
                logger.error("Unable to detect the face.")

            # Draw the face box
            xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = box
            if visualizeFace:
                cv2.rectangle(frame, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (255, 0, 255),

            orientation = head_model.predict(crop_face)

            box_left, box_right, \
            left_eye, right_eye, \
            p0, p1, p12, p13, p14, \
            p2, p3, p15, p16, p17, \
            p8, p9, p10, p11 = landmarks_model.predict(crop_face)

            # if any of the eye is not detected eye gesture and
            # gaze estimation are not executed
            if (left_eye.size * right_eye.size == 0):
                logger.error("Unable to detect eyes.")

            pad = 10
            # Compute Right Eye: Close Snap
            right_eye_ball = frame[ymin + p1[1] - pad:ymin + p0[1] + pad,
                                   xmin + p1[0] - pad:xmin + p0[0] + pad]

            # Compute Left Eye: Close Snap
            left_eye_ball = frame[ymin + p3[1] - pad:ymin + p2[1] + pad,
                                  xmin + p2[0] - pad:xmin + p3[0] + pad]

            # pixelCount_leye_bk = pixelCount_leye #can delete this line
            pixelCount_reye, Rtrigger, probR = findClosurebyStats(
                'Right', right_eye_ball, pixelCount_reye, frame_count)
            pixelCount_leye, Ltrigger, probL = findClosurebyStats(
                'Left', left_eye_ball, pixelCount_leye, frame_count)

            print("probL: " + str(probL))
            if probL < -30 and islookingUp is False:
                print('Click Right')
                controlMode = hikeControlMode(controlMode)  ## to change
                # mc.clickRight()
                islookingUp = True
                eventText = 'Increment Control Mode'
            elif probL > 0:
                islookingUp = False
                if (eventText == 'Increment Control Mode'):
                    eventText = 'No Event'

            # If both eyes are detected as pressed (as one eye
            # can shrink when the other eye is winked) then check
            # which eye has higher probability of closure.
            # Note: To close both eyes is not a gesture.
            if Ltrigger and Rtrigger:
                # print("probR = " + str(probR) + "probL = " + str(probL))
                if probR > probL:
                    Ltrigger = False
                    Rtrigger = False

            # If you want to enable left and right wink actions,
            # then call corresponding functions here.
            if Ltrigger:
                print('left eye pressed')
                # controlMode = dipControlMode(controlMode)
                # writeList(pixelCount_leye_bk) # Dumping list for debugging purpose
                # mc.scroll(20) # you can pass the head pose up/down as param
                # mc.drag()

            if Rtrigger:
                print('right eye pressed')
                # controlMode = hikeControlMode(controlMode)
                # mc.clickRight()

            gaze, (x, y) = gaze_model.predict(left_eye, right_eye, orientation)

            # inferenceEnd = time.time()
            # inferenceTime = inferenceEnd - inferenceBegin
            # print("Inference Time of 4 models = " + str(inferenceTime))

            yaw = orientation[0]
            pitch = orientation[1]
            roll = orientation[2]

            sinY = math.sin(yaw * math.pi / 180.0)
            sinP = math.sin(pitch * math.pi / 180.0)
            sinR = math.sin(roll * math.pi / 180.0)

            cosY = math.cos(yaw * math.pi / 180.0)
            cosP = math.cos(pitch * math.pi / 180.0)
            cosR = math.cos(roll * math.pi / 180.0)

            cH, cW = crop_face.shape[:2]
            arrowLength = 0.5 * max(cH, cW)

            # Drawing Eye Boxes
            (p0_x, p0_y) = box_left[:2]
            (p12_x, p12_y) = box_left[2:4]
            cv2.rectangle(frame, (p0_x + xmin, p0_y + ymin),
                          (p12_x + xmin, p12_y + ymin - 5), (255, 0, 0), 3)

            (p2_x, p2_y) = box_right[:2]
            (p17_x, p17_y) = box_right[2:4]
            cv2.rectangle(frame, (p2_x + xmin, p2_y + ymin),
                          (p17_x + xmin, p17_y + ymin - 5), (255, 0, 0), 3)

            # to draw the eye points as circles
            cv2.circle(frame, tuple(map(operator.add, p0, (xmin, ymin))), 1,
                       (255, 0, 0), 2)
            cv2.circle(frame, tuple(map(operator.add, p1, (xmin, ymin))), 1,
                       (255, 0, 0), 2)
            cv2.circle(frame, tuple(map(operator.add, p12, (xmin, ymin))), 1,
                       (255, 0, 0), 2)
            cv2.circle(frame, tuple(map(operator.add, p13, (xmin, ymin))), 1,
                       (255, 0, 0), 2)
            cv2.circle(frame, tuple(map(operator.add, p14, (xmin, ymin))), 1,
                       (255, 0, 0), 2)

            # to draw the eye points as circles
            cv2.circle(frame, tuple(map(operator.add, p2, (xmin, ymin))), 1,
                       (255, 0, 0), 2)
            cv2.circle(frame, tuple(map(operator.add, p3, (xmin, ymin))), 1,
                       (255, 0, 0), 2)
            cv2.circle(frame, tuple(map(operator.add, p15, (xmin, ymin))), 1,
                       (255, 0, 0), 2)
            cv2.circle(frame, tuple(map(operator.add, p16, (xmin, ymin))), 1,
                       (255, 0, 0), 2)
            cv2.circle(frame, tuple(map(operator.add, p17, (xmin, ymin))), 1,
                       (255, 0, 0), 2)

            # to draw mouth points
            cv2.circle(frame, tuple(map(operator.add, p8, (xmin, ymin))), 1,
                       (255, 0, 0), 2)
            cv2.circle(frame, tuple(map(operator.add, p9, (xmin, ymin))), 1,
                       (255, 0, 0), 2)
            cv2.circle(frame, tuple(map(operator.add, p10, (xmin, ymin))), 1,
                       (255, 0, 0), 2)
            cv2.circle(frame, tuple(map(operator.add, p11, (xmin, ymin))), 1,
                       (255, 0, 0), 2)

            # Finding Eye Center
            xCenter_left = int((p0_x + p12_x) / 2) + xmin
            yCenter_left = int((p0_y + p12_y) / 2) + ymin
            leftEye_Center = (xCenter_left, yCenter_left)

            # Finding Eye Center
            xCenter_right = int((p2_x + p17_x) / 2) + xmin
            yCenter_right = int((p2_y + p17_y) / 2) + ymin
            rightEye_Center = (xCenter_right, yCenter_right)

            ############# DRAWING DIRECTION ARROWS BASED ON HEAD POSITION ############
            ## Euler angles to cartesian coordinates#
            # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1568568/how-to-convert-euler-angles-to-directional-vector

            # Total rotation matrix is: (See correct matrix in blog)

            # | cos(yaw)cos(pitch) -cos(yaw)sin(pitch)sin(roll)-sin(yaw)cos(roll) -cos(yaw)sin(pitch)cos(roll)+sin(yaw)sin(roll)|
            # | sin(yaw)cos(pitch) -sin(yaw)sin(pitch)sin(roll)+cos(yaw)cos(roll) -sin(yaw)sin(pitch)cos(roll)-cos(yaw)sin(roll)|
            # | sin(pitch)          cos(pitch)sin(roll)                            cos(pitch)sin(roll)|

            if visualizeHeadPose or controlMode == 2 or isCalibrated is False:

                # yaw and pitch are important for mouse control
                poseArrowX = orientation[0]  #* arrowLength
                poseArrowY = orientation[1]  #* arrowLength

                # Taking 2nd and 3rd row for 2D Projection
                ##############################LEFT EYE ###################################
                # cv2.arrowedLine(frame, leftEye_Center,
                #          (int((xCenter_left + arrowLength * (cosR * cosY + sinY * sinP * sinR))),
                #           int((yCenter_left + arrowLength * cosP * sinR))), (255, 0, 0), 4)

                # # center to top
                # cv2.arrowedLine(frame, leftEye_Center,
                #          (int(((xCenter_left + arrowLength * (sinY * sinP * cosR - cosY * sinR)))),
                #           int((yCenter_left + arrowLength * cosP * cosR))), (0, 0, 255), 4)

                # center to forward
                # cv2.arrowedLine(frame, leftEye_Center, \
                #          (int(((xCenter_left + arrowLength * sinY * cosP))), \
                #           int((yCenter_left - arrowLength * sinP))), (0, 255, 0), 4)

                ##############################RIGHT EYE ###################################
                # cv2.arrowedLine(frame, rightEye_Center,
                #          (int((xCenter_right + arrowLength * (cosR * cosY + sinY * sinP * sinR))),
                #           int((yCenter_right + arrowLength * cosP * sinR))), (255, 0, 0), 4)

                # # center to top
                # cv2.arrowedLine(frame, rightEye_Center,
                #          (int(((xCenter_right + arrowLength * (sinY * sinP * cosR - cosY * sinR)))),
                #           int((yCenter_right + arrowLength * cosP * cosR))), (0, 0, 255), 4)

                # center to forward
                # cv2.arrowedLine(frame, rightEye_Center,
                #          (int(((xCenter_right + arrowLength * sinY * cosP))),
                #           int((yCenter_right - arrowLength * sinP))), (0, 255, 0), 4)

            # gaze is required for calibration
            if visualizeGaze or controlMode == 1 or isCalibrated is False:

                gazeArrowX = gaze[0] * arrowLength
                gazeArrowY = -gaze[1] * arrowLength

                cv2.arrowedLine(frame, leftEye_Center,
                                (int(leftEye_Center[0] + gazeArrowX),
                                 int(leftEye_Center[1] + gazeArrowY)),
                                (0, 255, 0), 4)
                cv2.arrowedLine(frame, rightEye_Center,
                                (int(rightEye_Center[0] + gazeArrowX),
                                 int(rightEye_Center[1] + gazeArrowY)),
                                (0, 255, 0), 4)

            # Compute Mouth Aspect Ratio  #
            mouthWidth = p9[0] - p8[0]
            mouthHeight = p11[1] - p10[1]

            if (mouthWidth != 0):
                mAspRatio = mouthHeight / mouthWidth
                mAspRatio = 0
            # print('MAR RATIO = ' + str(mAspRatio))

            # To validate face is properly facing the camera.
            # To avoid erroneous control mode switches coz of face turns.
            if (isFaceInBounds(yaw, pitch) and mAspRatio > 0):

                # These threshold constants need to either modified or made dynamic.
                # when mouth is open
                if mAspRatio > 0.4 and isMouthOpen is False:

                    # mouthHeights.clear()
                    # isSoundControl = False
                    print('clicking left')
                    isMouthOpen = True
                    eventText = 'Click Left'

                elif mAspRatio < 0.35:
                    isMouthOpen = False
                    if (eventText == 'Click Left'):
                        eventText = 'No Event'

                # when mouth is wide, i.e. smiling
                if mAspRatio < 0.26 and isSmiling == False:

                    print('You are smiling...')
                    eventText = 'Smiling'
                    isSmiling = True

                elif mAspRatio > 0.3:
                    # Reset the click flag once smile is over.
                    isSmiling = False
                    if (eventText == 'Smiling'):
                        eventText = 'No Event'

            # controlMode = 3 # To debug a specific control mode.

                if frame_count % 5 == 0:

                    if (mc.calibrated is False):

                        isCalibrated = mc.captureCorners(
                            gazeArrowX, gazeArrowY)

                        # Face should be forward facing inorder to take comamnds.
                        # if (isFaceInBounds(headYawPitchBounds, yaw, pitch)):

                        if controlMode == 1:

                            moveEnabled, lastGazes =  \
                                isMoveEnabled(lastGaze, stickinessGaze, gazeArrowX, gazeArrowY, lastGazes)

                            if moveEnabled:
                                print('moving mouse with gaze')
                                mc.moveWithGaze(gazeArrowX, gazeArrowY)
                                lastGaze = [gazeArrowX, gazeArrowY
                                            ]  #saving pos for stickiness
                        elif controlMode == 2:

                            moveEnabled, lastPoses =  \
                                isMoveEnabled(lastPose, stickinessHead, poseArrowX, poseArrowY, lastPoses)

                            if moveEnabled:
                                print('moving mouse with head. Yaw: ' +
                                      str(poseArrowX) + " Pitch: " +
                                      str(poseArrowY) + " Roll: " +
                                mc.moveWithHead(poseArrowX, poseArrowY,
                                lastPose = [poseArrowX, poseArrowY
                                            ]  #saving pos for stickiness

            except Exception as err:
                logger.error("Exception occurred while moving cursor!")

            # Display calibration status on video
            if isCalibrated:
                frame = cv2.putText(frame, 'Calibration is done.', (20, 30),
                                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 255),
                                    1, cv2.LINE_AA)

            frame = cv2.putText(frame, 'Control Mode: ' + modes[controlMode],
                                (20, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,
                                (0, 0, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)

            frame = cv2.putText(frame, 'Event: ' + eventText, (20, 70),
                                cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 0), 1,

            frame = cv2.putText(frame, 'MAR: ' + str(round(mAspRatio, 2)),
                                (20, 90), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,
                                (0, 255, 0), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)

            frame = cv2.putText(frame, 'Mouse Loc: ' + str(mc.getLocation()),
                                (20, 110), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5,
                                (0, 255, 0), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)

            imshow('frame', frame, width=800)
            # frameEnd = time.time()
            # frameTime = frameEnd - frameBegin
            # print("FPS = " + str(1/frameTime))

    except Exception as err:

コード例 #3
ファイル: pulse.py プロジェクト: wydzilla/pulse
class Magnification:
    def __init__(self, frames=None):
        if frames is None:
            frames = []
        self.frames = frames
        self.facedetector = FaceDetector()

        self.color = (0, 255, 0)

    def real_time_process(self, frame):
        rects = self.facedetector.detect_face(frame.data)
        cpy = frame.data.copy()
        for x1, y1, x2, y2 in rects:
            width = abs(x2 - x1)
            height = abs(y1 - y2)
            cv2.rectangle(cpy, (x1 + int(width * 0.2), y1 ) , 
                               (x2 - int(width * 0.2), y2- int(height * 0.2)), 
                               self.color, 2)

        img = cv.fromarray(cpy)
        cv.ShowImage('face', img)

        frame = frame.data
        X,Y, channels = frame.shape
        for x in range(X):
            for y in range(Y):
                frame[x,y,1] = 0
                frame[x,y,2] = 0
        img = cv.fromarray(frame)
        cv.ShowImage('red channel', img)

    def get_face(self, frame, rects):
        for x1, y1, x2, y2 in rects:
            width = abs(x1 - x2)
            height = abs(y1 - y2)
            rect = ( x1 + int(width * 0.2), y1 , x2 - int(width * 0.2), y2- int(height * 0.2))

            return rect

    def process_frame(self, frame):
        rects = self.facedetector.detect_face(frame)
        if rects is None or len(rects) == 0:
            raise AttributeError()
        x1, y1, x2, y2= self.get_face(frame, rects)

        subframe = frame[x1:x2, y1:y2, :]

        pyramid = Pyramid(subframe, laplacian=False)
        pyramid.reds = []
        for level in pyramid.levels:
            red = 0
            X, Y, channels = level.shape

            red = 0

            for x in range(x1, x2):
                for y in range(y1, y2):
                    red += frame[x, y, 2]

            red /= float(X*Y)

        return pyramid

    def process_frames(self):
        frames = self.frames
        processed = []
        for frame in progress.bar(frames):
                p = self.process_frame(frame.data)
            except AttributeError:
                puts(colored.red('face not detected'))

        self.processed = processed

    def sample_expected(self, freq_step, length):
        return [expected_pulse_spectrum(freq_step * i) for i in range(length)] 

    def show(self, tps):
        sampling_rate = len(self.frames) / (float(self.frames[-1].ticks - self.frames[0].ticks) /tps)
        print 'sampling_rate', sampling_rate
        max_fq = 0.5 * sampling_rate

        def filtr(data):
            hz_step = max_fq / len(data)
            self.step = hz_step
            fi = self.sample_expected(hz_step, len(data))
            return apply_filter(data, fi)

        plt.plot(fft([item.reds[0] for item in self.processed], filtr), 'r')
        plt.plot(fft([item.reds[1] for item in self.processed], filtr), 'y')
        plt.plot(fft([item.reds[2] for item in self.processed], filtr), 'b')
        plt.plot(fft([item.reds[3] for item in self.processed], filtr), 'g')

        print 'freq step', self.step
        #plt.plot(self.sample_expected(self.step, 10))

    def sampling_rate(self, tps):
        return len(self.frames) / (float(self.frames[-1].ticks - self.frames[0].ticks) /tps)

    def get_result(self, tps):
        sampling_rate = self.sampling_rate(tps)
        max_fq = 0.5 * sampling_rate

        def filtr(data):
            hz_step = max_fq / len(data)
            self.step = hz_step
            fi = self.sample_expected(hz_step, len(data))
            return apply_filter(data, fi)

        results = []
        for i in range(4):
            results.append(fft([item.reds[i] for item in self.processed], filtr))
        indexes = map(max_on_index, results)
        print 'indexes', indexes
        avg = sum(indexes) / len(indexes)
        value = int(avg * self.step * 60)

        puts(colored.red(u' \u2764 '), newline=False) 
        puts(colored.yellow('%d BPM' % value ))