コード例 #1
ファイル: storages.py プロジェクト: olivier-m/django-facets
    def url(self, name, use_cache=True):
        if not settings.FACETS_ENABLED:
            return super(FacetsFilesMixin, self).url(name)

        # Is file compilable? then get generated name
        compiler = default_handlers.get_compiler(None, self, name)
        if compiler:
            name = compiler.new_name

        # Is file in cache?
        cached_file = use_cache and self.file_cache.get(self.cache_key(name)) or None
        if not cached_file:
            return super(FacetsFilesMixin, self).url(name)

        return urljoin(self.base_url, filepath_to_uri(cached_file))
コード例 #2
ファイル: finders.py プロジェクト: olivier-m/django-facets
    def find(self, path, all=False):
        if settings.FACETS_ENABLED:
            return []  # Production

        original = find_in_base_finders(path, False)
        if not original:
            return []

        compiler = default_handlers.get_compiler(original, self.storage, path)
        if compiler is None:
            return all and [original] or original

        if not compiler.should_compile():
            return self.storage.path(compiler.new_name)

        full_path = compiler.storage.path(compiler.compile())
        return all and [full_path] or full_path
コード例 #3
ファイル: storages.py プロジェクト: olivier-m/django-facets
    def post_process(self, paths, dry_run=False, **options):
        # Dry-run, stop it now
        if dry_run:

        # Compile files
        for prefixed_path, (storage, path) in paths.items():
            compiler = default_handlers.get_compiler(storage.path(path), self, path)

            if compiler is None:

            if compiler.should_compile():
                yield path, compiler.new_name, True

            # Add this new file to paths
            if getattr(self, 'prefix', None):
                new_prefixed = os.path.join(self.prefix, compiler.new_name)
                new_prefixed = compiler.new_name

            paths[new_prefixed] = (self, compiler.new_name)

            # Remove original file when needed
            if compiler.remove_original:
                del paths[prefixed_path]
                sys.stdout.write("Deleting '{0}'\n".format(path))

        # Post process
        media_store = self.file_cache
        processed_list = {}

        # First, create dependencies tree on CSS files
        dependencies = self.get_linked_files(paths)

        # Iterate on files and process them if not already cached
        for prefixed_path in sorted(paths.keys()):
            storage, path = paths[prefixed_path]
            key_name, hashed_name, processed = self.copy_file(storage, path)
            media_store[key_name] = hashed_name

            if processed:
                processed_list[key_name] = hashed_name

            yield path, hashed_name, processed

        # Iterate on processed files in case we need to update linked files
        keys = processed_list.keys()
        for key_name in keys:
            if key_name not in dependencies:
                # File has no dependencies

            for _name in dependencies[key_name]:
                if _name in keys:
                    # Dependency has already been processed

                # Dependency forced update
                storage, path = paths[_name]
                key_name, hashed_name, processed = self.copy_file(storage, path, True)
                media_store[key_name] = hashed_name

                if processed:
                    processed_list[key_name] = hashed_name

                yield _name, hashed_name, processed

        # Get collection list (to be processed later)
        with override_settings(FACETS_ENABLED=False):
            collection_list = MediaCollectionList()
            for _collections in parse_templates():
                if isinstance(_collections, Exception):
                    raise _collections

        # Apply processors on processed files
        for key_name in processed_list.keys():
            self.apply_processors(media_store, key_name)

        for collection in collection_list:
            if collection.path in [x[1] for x in paths.values()]:
                raise ValueError('(Collection) File {0} already exists.'.format(collection.path))

            # Get original media keys
            media_keys = []
            for url in collection.media:
                name = url[len(self.base_url):]

                # Has been compiled?
                compiler = default_handlers.get_compiler(None, self, name)
                if compiler is not None:
                    name = compiler.new_name


            # Is there processed files in collection?
            has_changes = len(set(processed_list.keys()) & set(media_keys)) > 0

            key_name = self.cache_key(collection.path)
            hashed_name = self.file_cache.get(key_name)

            file_exists = self.exists(collection.path) \
                and hashed_name is not None \
                and self.exists(hashed_name)

            if not has_changes and file_exists:
                media_store[key_name] = hashed_name

            # Fix collection media list (get compiled named)
            collection.media = [self.url(x, False) for x in media_keys]
            contents = ContentFile(smart_str(collection.get_data()))

            # Create "unprocessed" collection file
            self.exists(collection.path) and self.delete(collection.path)
            self.save(collection.path, contents)
            sys.stdout.write("Wrote collection '{0}'\n".format(collection.path))

            # Process file and apply handlers
            key_name, hashed_name, processed = self.copy_file(self, collection.path, True)

            media_store[key_name] = hashed_name
            yield key_name, hashed_name, processed

            self.apply_processors(media_store, key_name)

        # Save file cache
        self.file_cache = media_store