コード例 #1
ファイル: file_editor.py プロジェクト: davidmorrill/facets
    def init ( self, parent ):
        """ Finishes initializing the editor by creating the underlying toolkit
        tk              = toolkit()
        self.adapter    = control = tk.create_panel( parent )
        control.layout  = layout  = tk.create_box_layout( False )
        factory         = self.factory
        if factory.entries > 0:
            from facets.ui.controls.history_control import HistoryControl
            from facets.ui.controls.themed_button   import ThemedButton

            pad          = 3
            self.history = HistoryControl(
                entries  = factory.entries,
                auto_set = factory.auto_set
            file_name          = self.history.create_control( control )
            self.themed_button = ThemedButton( image  = '@icons2:Folder',
                                               parent = control )
            button             = self.themed_button()
            pad       = 8
            file_name = tk.create_text_input( control )
            if factory.auto_set:
                file_name.set_event_handler( text_change = self.update_object )
                # Assume 'enter_set' is set, otherwise the value will never get
                # updated:
                file_name.set_event_handler( text_enter = self.update_object )

            button = tk.create_button( control, 'Browse...' )
            button.set_event_handler( clicked = self.show_file_dialog )

        self._file_name       = file_name
        file_name.size_policy = ( 'expanding', 'fixed' )
        layout.add( file_name )

        self._button = button
        layout.add( button, left = pad )

        self.set_tooltip( file_name )
        self.set_tooltip( button )
コード例 #2
ファイル: file_editor.py プロジェクト: davidmorrill/facets
    def init ( self, parent ):
        """ Finishes initializing the editor by creating the underlying toolkit
        self.control = panel = FacetsUIPanel( parent, -1 )
        sizer        = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL )
        factory      = self.factory

        if factory.entries > 0:
            from facets.ui.controls.history_control import HistoryControl

            self.history = HistoryControl( entries  = factory.entries,
                                           auto_set = factory.auto_set )
            control      = self.history.create_control( panel )()
            pad          = 3
            button       = wx.Button( panel, -1, '...',
                                      size = wx.Size( 28, -1 ) )
            if factory.enter_set:
                control = wx.TextCtrl( panel, -1, '',
                                       style = wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER )
                wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER( panel, control.GetId(), self.update_object )
                control = wx.TextCtrl( panel, -1, '' )

            wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS( control, self.update_object )

            if factory.auto_set:
                wx.EVT_TEXT( panel, control.GetId(), self.update_object )

            button = wx.Button( panel, -1, 'Browse...' )
            pad    = 8

        self._file_name = control
        sizer.Add( control, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_CENTER )
        sizer.Add( button,  0, wx.LEFT   | wx.ALIGN_CENTER, pad )
        wx.EVT_BUTTON( panel, button.GetId(), self.show_file_dialog )
        panel.SetDropTarget( FileDropTarget( self ) )
        panel.SetSizerAndFit( sizer )
        self._button = button

        self.set_tooltip( control )
コード例 #3
ファイル: file_editor.py プロジェクト: davidmorrill/facets
class SimpleEditor ( SimpleTextEditor ):
    """ Simple style of file editor, consisting of a text field and a **Browse**
        button that opens a file-selection dialog box. The user can also drag
        and drop a file onto this control.

    #-- Class Constants --------------------------------------------------------

    # Is the editor implementation GUI toolkit neutral?
    is_toolkit_neutral = False

    #-- Facet Definitions ------------------------------------------------------

    # The history control (used if the factory 'entries' > 0):
    history = Any

    # The popup file control (an Instance( PopupFile )):
    popup = Any

    #-- Public Methods ---------------------------------------------------------

    def init ( self, parent ):
        """ Finishes initializing the editor by creating the underlying toolkit
        self.control = panel = FacetsUIPanel( parent, -1 )
        sizer        = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL )
        factory      = self.factory

        if factory.entries > 0:
            from facets.ui.controls.history_control import HistoryControl

            self.history = HistoryControl( entries  = factory.entries,
                                           auto_set = factory.auto_set )
            control      = self.history.create_control( panel )()
            pad          = 3
            button       = wx.Button( panel, -1, '...',
                                      size = wx.Size( 28, -1 ) )
            if factory.enter_set:
                control = wx.TextCtrl( panel, -1, '',
                                       style = wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER )
                wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER( panel, control.GetId(), self.update_object )
                control = wx.TextCtrl( panel, -1, '' )

            wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS( control, self.update_object )

            if factory.auto_set:
                wx.EVT_TEXT( panel, control.GetId(), self.update_object )

            button = wx.Button( panel, -1, 'Browse...' )
            pad    = 8

        self._file_name = control
        sizer.Add( control, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALIGN_CENTER )
        sizer.Add( button,  0, wx.LEFT   | wx.ALIGN_CENTER, pad )
        wx.EVT_BUTTON( panel, button.GetId(), self.show_file_dialog )
        panel.SetDropTarget( FileDropTarget( self ) )
        panel.SetSizerAndFit( sizer )
        self._button = button

        self.set_tooltip( control )

    def dispose ( self ):
        """ Disposes of the contents of an editor.
        panel = self.control
        wx.EVT_BUTTON( panel, self._button.GetId(), None )
        self._button = None

        if self.history is not None:
            self.history = None
            factory = self.factory
            control, self._file_name = self._file_name, None
            wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS( control,                None )
            wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER( panel, control.GetId(), None )
            wx.EVT_TEXT(       panel, control.GetId(), None )

        super( SimpleEditor, self ).dispose()

    def update_object ( self, event ):
        """ Handles the user changing the contents of the edit control.
        self._update( self._file_name.GetValue() )

    def update_editor ( self ):
        """ Updates the editor when the object facet changes externally to the
        if self.history is not None:
            self._no_update    = True
            self.history.value = self.str_value
            self._no_update    = False
            self._file_name.SetValue( self.str_value )

    def show_file_dialog ( self, event ):
        """ Displays the pop-up file dialog.
        if self.history is not None:
            self.popup = self._create_file_popup()
            dlg       = self._create_file_dialog()
            rc        = ( dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK )
            file_name = abspath( dlg.GetPath() )
            if rc:
                if self.factory.truncate_ext:
                    file_name = splitext( file_name )[ 0 ]

                self.value = file_name

    def get_error_control ( self ):
        """ Returns the editor's control for indicating error status.
        return self._file_name

    #-- Facet Event Handlers ---------------------------------------------------

    @on_facet_set( 'history:value' )
    def _history_value_modified ( self, value ):
        """ Handles the history 'value' facet being changed.
        if not self._no_update:
            self._update( value )

    @on_facet_set( 'popup:value' )
    def _popup_value_modified ( self, file_name ):
        """ Handles the popup value being changed.
        if self.factory.truncate_ext:
            file_name = splitext( file_name )[ 0 ]

        self.value      = file_name
        self._no_update = True
        self.history.set_value( self.str_value )
        self._no_update = False

    @on_facet_set( 'popup:closed' )
    def _popup_closed_modified ( self ):
        """ Handles the popup control being closed.
        self.popup = None

    #-- UI preference save/restore interface -----------------------------------

    def restore_prefs ( self, prefs ):
        """ Restores any saved user preference information associated with the
        if self.history is not None:
            self.history.history = \
                prefs.get( 'history', [] )[ : self.factory.entries ]

    def save_prefs ( self ):
        """ Returns any user preference information associated with the editor.
        if self.history is not None:
            return { 'history': self.history.history[:] }

        return None

    #-- Private Methods --------------------------------------------------------

    def _create_file_dialog ( self ):
        """ Creates the correct type of file dialog.
        if len( self.factory.filter ) > 0:
            wildcard = '|'.join( self.factory.filter[ : ] )
            wildcard = 'All Files (*.*)|*.*'

        dlg = wx.FileDialog( self.control,
                             message  = 'Select a File',
                             wildcard = wildcard )

        dlg.SetFilename( self._get_value() )

        return dlg

    def _create_file_popup ( self ):
        """ Creates the correct type of file popup.
        return PopupFile( control   = self.control,
                          file_name = self.str_value,
                          filter    = self.factory.filter,
                          height    = 300 )

    def _update ( self, file_name ):
        """ Updates the editor value with a specified file name.
            if self.factory.truncate_ext:
                file_name = splitext( file_name )[ 0 ]

            self.value = file_name
        except FacetError, excp:
コード例 #4
ファイル: file_editor.py プロジェクト: davidmorrill/facets
class SimpleEditor ( SimpleTextEditor ):
    """ Simple style of file editor, consisting of a text field and a **Browse**
        button that opens a file-selection dialog box. The user can also drag
        and drop a file onto this control.

    #-- Facet Definitions ------------------------------------------------------

    # The history control (used if the factory 'entries' > 0):
    history = Any

    # The popup file control (an Instance( PopupFile )):
    popup = Any

    # The value assigned using the popup file control:
    popup_file_name = Str

    # The ThemedButton control used when history entries are used:
    themed_button = Any

    #-- Public Methods ---------------------------------------------------------

    def init ( self, parent ):
        """ Finishes initializing the editor by creating the underlying toolkit
        tk              = toolkit()
        self.adapter    = control = tk.create_panel( parent )
        control.layout  = layout  = tk.create_box_layout( False )
        factory         = self.factory
        if factory.entries > 0:
            from facets.ui.controls.history_control import HistoryControl
            from facets.ui.controls.themed_button   import ThemedButton

            pad          = 3
            self.history = HistoryControl(
                entries  = factory.entries,
                auto_set = factory.auto_set
            file_name          = self.history.create_control( control )
            self.themed_button = ThemedButton( image  = '@icons2:Folder',
                                               parent = control )
            button             = self.themed_button()
            pad       = 8
            file_name = tk.create_text_input( control )
            if factory.auto_set:
                file_name.set_event_handler( text_change = self.update_object )
                # Assume 'enter_set' is set, otherwise the value will never get
                # updated:
                file_name.set_event_handler( text_enter = self.update_object )

            button = tk.create_button( control, 'Browse...' )
            button.set_event_handler( clicked = self.show_file_dialog )

        self._file_name       = file_name
        file_name.size_policy = ( 'expanding', 'fixed' )
        layout.add( file_name )

        self._button = button
        layout.add( button, left = pad )

        self.set_tooltip( file_name )
        self.set_tooltip( button )

    def update_object ( self, event ):
        """ Handles the user changing the contents of the edit control.
        self._update( self._file_name.value )

    def update_editor ( self ):
        """ Updates the editor when the object facet changes externally to the
        self._file_name.value = self.str_value

    def dispose ( self ):
        """ Disposes of the editor.
        factory = self.factory
        if factory.entries == 0:
            self._button.unset_event_handler( clicked = self.show_file_dialog )
            if factory.auto_set:
                    text_change = self.update_object )
                    text_enter = self.update_object )

        # Skip our parent class 'dispose', since we use an incompatible
        # implementation:
        super( SimpleTextEditor, self ).dispose()

    @on_facet_set( 'themed_button:clicked' )
    def show_file_dialog ( self, event ):
        """ Displays the pop-up file dialog.
        if self.history is not None:
            self.popup_file_name = self.str_value
                parent = self._file_name,
                view   = View(
                    Item( 'popup_file_name',
                          style      = 'custom',
                          show_label = False,
                          editor     = self._popup_editor()
                    kind   = 'popup',
                    height = 300
            # We don't used the canned functions because we don't know how the
            # file name is to be used (i.e. an existing one to be opened or a
            # new one to be created):
            dlg = self._create_file_dialog()

            if dlg.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted:
                files = dlg.selectedFiles()

                if len( files ) > 0:
                    file_name = normpath( unicode( files[0] ) )

                    if self.factory.truncate_ext:
                        file_name = splitext( file_name )[0]

                    self.value = file_name

    def get_error_control ( self ):
        """ Returns the editor's control for indicating error status.
        return self._file_name

    #-- Facet Event Handlers ---------------------------------------------------

    @on_facet_set( 'history:value' )
    def _history_modified ( self ):
        self._update( self.history.value )

    def _popup_file_name_set ( self, file_name ):
        """ Handles the 'popup_file_name' facet being changed.
        self.history.set_value( file_name )

    #-- UI preference save/restore interface -----------------------------------

    def restore_prefs ( self, prefs ):
        """ Restores any saved user preference information associated with the
        if self.history is not None:
            self.history.history = \
                prefs.get( 'history', [] )[ : self.factory.entries ]

    def save_prefs ( self ):
        """ Returns any user preference information associated with the editor.
        if self.history is not None:
            return { 'history': self.history.history[:] }

        return None

    #-- Private Methods --------------------------------------------------------

    def _create_file_dialog ( self ):
        """ Creates the correct type of file dialog.
        dlg = QFileDialog( self.control.parentWidget() )
        dlg.selectFile( self._file_name.value )

        if len( self.factory.filter ) > 0:
            dlg.setFilters( self.factory.filter )

        return dlg

    def _popup_editor ( self ):
        """ Returns the editor to use when creating a pop-up editor.
        return FileEditor()

    def _update ( self, file_name ):
        """ Updates the editor value with a specified file name.
        if self.factory is not None:
                file_name = unicode( file_name )
                if self.factory.truncate_ext:
                    file_name = splitext( file_name )[0]

                self.value = file_name
            except FacetError: