def test_submodular(net, epoch, sample_instance, dataset, device='cpu', evaluate=True): net.eval() # loss_fn = torch.nn.BCELoss() loss_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss() test_losses, test_objs = [], [] n, m, d, f, budget = sample_instance.n, sample_instance.m, torch.Tensor( sample_instance.d), torch.Tensor( sample_instance.f), sample_instance.budget A, b, G, h = createConstraintMatrix(m, n, budget) with tqdm.tqdm(dataset) as tqdm_loader: for batch_idx, (features, labels) in enumerate(tqdm_loader): features, labels =, if epoch >= 0: outputs = net(features) else: outputs = labels # two-stage loss loss = loss_fn(outputs, labels) # decision-focused loss objective_value_list = [] batch_size = len(labels) for (label, output) in zip(labels, outputs): if evaluate: optimize_result = getOptimalDecision(n, m, output, d, f, budget=budget) optimal_x = torch.Tensor(optimize_result.x) obj = getObjective(optimal_x, n, m, label, d, f) else: obj = torch.Tensor([0]) objective_value_list.append(obj) objective = sum(objective_value_list) / batch_size test_losses.append(loss.item()) test_objs.append(objective.item()) average_loss = np.mean(test_losses) average_obj = np.mean(test_objs) tqdm_loader.set_postfix(loss=f'{average_loss:.3f}', obj=f'{average_obj:.3f}') average_loss = np.mean(test_losses) average_obj = np.mean(test_objs) return average_loss, average_obj
T_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([T], lr=T_lr) optimize_result = getOptimalDecision(n, m, torch.Tensor(sample_instance.c), sample_instance.d, sample_instance.f, budget=budget) optimal_x = torch.Tensor(optimize_result.x) xx = torch.autograd.Variable(optimal_x, requires_grad=True) d, f = sample_instance.d, sample_instance.f c = torch.Tensor( sample_instance.c ) # torch.autograd.Variable(torch.Tensor(sample_instance.c), requires_grad=True) obj = getObjective(xx, n, m, c, d, f) jac_torch = torch.autograd.grad(obj, xx) jac_manual = getManualDerivative(xx.detach(), n, m, c, d, f) print('torch grad:', jac_torch) print('hand grad:', jac_manual) hessian = getHessian(optimal_x, n, m, torch.Tensor(c), d, f) num_epochs = 20 train_loss_list, train_obj_list, train_opt_list = [], [], [] test_loss_list, test_obj_list, test_opt_list = [], [], [] for epoch in range(-1, num_epochs): if training_method == 'surrogate': if epoch == -1: print('Not training in the first epoch...') train_loss, train_obj, train_opt = surrogate_train_submodular( net,
def train_submodular(net, optimizer, epoch, sample_instance, dataset, lr=0.1, training_method='two-stage', device='cpu', evaluate=True): net.train() # loss_fn = torch.nn.BCELoss() loss_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss() train_losses, train_objs = [], [] n, m, d, f, budget = sample_instance.n, sample_instance.m, torch.Tensor( sample_instance.d), torch.Tensor( sample_instance.f), sample_instance.budget A, b, G, h = createConstraintMatrix(m, n, budget) forward_time, inference_time, qp_time, backward_time = 0, 0, 0, 0 REG = 0.0 with tqdm.tqdm(dataset) as tqdm_loader: for batch_idx, (features, labels) in enumerate(tqdm_loader): net_start_time = time.time() features, labels =, if epoch >= 0: outputs = net(features) else: outputs = labels # two-stage loss loss = loss_fn(outputs, labels) forward_time += time.time() - net_start_time # decision-focused loss objective_value_list = [] batch_size = len(labels) for (label, output) in zip(labels, outputs): forward_start_time = time.time() if training_method == 'decision-focused': inference_start_time = time.time() min_fun = -np.inf for _ in range(1): tmp_result = getOptimalDecision(n, m, output, d, f, budget=budget, REG=REG) if > min_fun: optimize_result = tmp_result min_fun = inference_time += time.time() - inference_start_time optimal_x = torch.Tensor(optimize_result.x) if optimize_result.success: qp_start_time = time.time() newA, newb = torch.Tensor(), torch.Tensor() newG =, G)) newh =, h)) Q = getHessian(optimal_x, n, m, output, d, f, REG=REG) + torch.eye(n) * 10 L = torch.cholesky(Q) jac = -getDerivative(optimal_x, n, m, output, d, f, create_graph=True, REG=REG) p = jac - Q @ optimal_x qp_solver = qpth.qp.QPFunction() x = qp_solver(Q, p, G, h, A, b)[0] # if True: # # =============== solving QP using CVXPY =============== # x_default = cp.Variable(n) # G_default, h_default = cp.Parameter(newG.shape), cp.Parameter(newh.shape) # L_default = cp.Parameter((n,n)) # p_default = cp.Parameter(n) # constraints = [G_default @ x_default <= h_default] # objective = cp.Minimize(0.5 * cp.sum_squares(L_default @ x_default) + p_default.T @ x_default) # problem = cp.Problem(objective, constraints) # cvxpylayer = CvxpyLayer(problem, parameters=[G_default, h_default, L_default, p_default], variables=[x_default]) # coverage_qp_solution, = cvxpylayer(newG, newh, L, p) # x = coverage_qp_solution # except: # print("CVXPY solver fails... Usually because Q is not PSD") # x = optimal_x else: print('Optimization failed...') x = optimal_x obj = getObjective(x, n, m, label, d, f, REG=0) qp_time += time.time() - qp_start_time elif training_method == 'two-stage': if evaluate: inference_start_time = time.time() optimize_result = getOptimalDecision(n, m, output, d, f, budget=budget, REG=REG) x = torch.Tensor(optimize_result.x) obj = getObjective(x, n, m, label, d, f, REG=0) inference_time += time.time() - inference_start_time qp_time = 0 else: obj = torch.Tensor([0]) qp_time = 0 else: raise ValueError('Not implemented method!') objective_value_list.append(obj) objective = sum(objective_value_list) / batch_size optimizer.zero_grad() backward_start_time = time.time() try: if training_method == 'two-stage': loss.backward() elif training_method == 'decision-focused': # (-objective).backward() (-objective * 0.5 + loss * 0.5).backward() # TODO for parameter in net.parameters(): parameter.grad = torch.clamp(parameter.grad, min=-MAX_NORM, max=MAX_NORM) else: raise ValueError('Not implemented method') except: print("no grad is backpropagated...") pass optimizer.step() backward_time += time.time() - backward_start_time train_losses.append(loss.item()) train_objs.append(objective.item()) average_loss = np.mean(train_losses) average_obj = np.mean(train_objs) # Print status tqdm_loader.set_postfix(loss=f'{average_loss:.6f}', obj=f'{average_obj:.6f}') average_loss = np.mean(train_losses) average_obj = np.mean(train_objs) return average_loss, average_obj, (forward_time, inference_time, qp_time, backward_time)
def surrogate_train_submodular(net, init_T, optimizer, T_optimizer, epoch, sample_instance, dataset, lr=0.1, training_method='two-stage', device='cpu'): net.train() # loss_fn = torch.nn.BCELoss() loss_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss() train_losses, train_objs, train_T_losses = [], [], [] x_size, variable_size = init_T.shape n, m, d, f, budget = sample_instance.n, sample_instance.m, torch.Tensor( sample_instance.d), torch.Tensor( sample_instance.f), sample_instance.budget A, b, G, h = createSurrogateConstraintMatrix(m, n, budget) forward_time, inference_time, qp_time, backward_time = 0, 0, 0, 0 with tqdm.tqdm(dataset) as tqdm_loader: for batch_idx, (features, labels) in enumerate(tqdm_loader): forward_start_time = time.time() features, labels =, if epoch >= 0: outputs = net(features) else: outputs = labels # two-stage loss loss = loss_fn(outputs, labels) forward_time += time.time() - forward_start_time # decision-focused loss objective_value_list, T_loss_list = [], [] batch_size = len(labels) # randomly select column to update T = init_T # T = init_T.detach().clone() # random_column = torch.randint(init_T.shape[1], [1]) # T[:,random_column] = init_T[:,random_column] # if batch_idx == 0: # plot_graph(labels.detach().numpy(), T.detach().numpy(), epoch) for (label, output) in zip(labels, outputs): if training_method == 'surrogate': # output = label # for debug only # TODO inference_start_time = time.time() optimize_result = getSurrogateOptimalDecision( T, n, m, output, d, f, budget=budget) # end-to-end for both T and net inference_time += time.time() - inference_start_time optimal_y = torch.Tensor(optimize_result.x) qp_start_time = time.time() if optimize_result.success: optimal_y = torch.Tensor(optimize_result.x) newA, newb = torch.Tensor(), torch.Tensor() newG = (A @ T, G @ T, -torch.eye(variable_size))) newh =, h, torch.zeros(variable_size))) # newG = @ T, G @ T, -torch.eye(variable_size), torch.eye(variable_size))) # newh =, h, torch.zeros(variable_size), torch.ones(variable_size))) Q = getSurrogateHessian( T, optimal_y, n, m, output, d, f).detach() + torch.eye(len(optimal_y)) * 10 L = torch.cholesky(Q) jac = -getSurrogateDerivative(T, optimal_y, n, m, output, d, f, create_graph=True) p = jac - Q @ optimal_y qp_solver = qpth.qp.QPFunction() # TODO unknown bug try: y = qp_solver(Q, p, newG, newh, newA, newb)[0] x = T @ y except: y = optimal_y x = T.detach() @ optimal_y print('qp error! no gradient!') # if True: # # =============== solving QP using CVXPY =============== # y_default = cp.Variable(variable_size) # G_default, h_default = cp.Parameter(newG.shape), cp.Parameter(newh.shape) # L_default = cp.Parameter((variable_size, variable_size)) # p_default = cp.Parameter(variable_size) # constraints = [G_default @ y_default <= h_default] # objective = cp.Minimize(0.5 * cp.sum_squares(L_default @ y_default) + p_default.T @ y_default) # problem = cp.Problem(objective, constraints) # cvxpylayer = CvxpyLayer(problem, parameters=[G_default, h_default, L_default, p_default], variables=[y_default]) # coverage_qp_solution, = cvxpylayer(newG, newh, L, p) # y = coverage_qp_solution # x = T @ y # time test... # time_test_start = time.time() # for i in range(20): # _ = getDerivative(x, n, m, output, d, f) # print('original gradient time:', time.time() - time_test_start) # time_test_start = time.time() # for i in range(20): # _ = getSurrogateDerivative(T, y, n, m, output, d, f, create_graph=False) # print('surrogate gradient time:', time.time() - time_test_start) # except: # print("CVXPY solver fails... Usually because Q is not PSD") # y = optimal_y # x = T.detach() @ optimal_y else: # torch.norm(y.detach() - optimal_y) > 0.05: # TODO print('Optimization failed...') y = optimal_y x = T.detach() @ optimal_y qp_time += time.time() - qp_start_time else: raise ValueError('Not implemented method!') obj = getObjective(x, n, m, label, d, f) tmp_T_loss = 0 # torch.sum((projected_real_optimal_x - real_optimal_x) ** 2).item() objective_value_list.append(obj) T_loss_list.append(tmp_T_loss) # print(pairwise_distances(T.t().detach().numpy())) objective = sum(objective_value_list) / batch_size T_loss = torch.Tensor([0]) # print('objective', objective) optimizer.zero_grad() backward_start_time = time.time() try: if training_method == 'two-stage': loss.backward() optimizer.step() elif training_method == 'decision-focused': (-objective).backward() for parameter in net.parameters(): parameter.grad = torch.clamp(parameter.grad, min=-MAX_NORM, max=MAX_NORM) optimizer.step() elif training_method == 'surrogate': covariance = computeCovariance(T.t()) T_loss = torch.sum(covariance) - torch.sum( torch.diag(covariance)) T_optimizer.zero_grad() (-objective).backward() # T_loss.backward() # TODO: minimizing reparameterization loss for parameter in net.parameters(): parameter.grad = torch.clamp(parameter.grad, min=-MAX_NORM, max=MAX_NORM) init_T.grad = torch.clamp(init_T.grad, min=-MAX_NORM, max=MAX_NORM) optimizer.step() T_optimizer.step() = normalize_matrix_positive( else: raise ValueError('Not implemented method') except: print("Error! No grad is backpropagated...") pass backward_time += time.time() - backward_start_time train_losses.append(loss.item()) train_objs.append(objective.item()) train_T_losses.append(T_loss.item()) average_loss = np.mean(train_losses) average_obj = np.mean(train_objs) average_T_loss = np.mean(train_T_losses) # Print status # tqdm_loader.set_postfix(loss=f'{average_loss:.3f}', obj=f'{average_obj:.3f}') tqdm_loader.set_postfix(loss=f'{average_loss:.3f}', obj=f'{average_obj:.3f}', T_loss=f'{average_T_loss:.3f}') average_loss = np.mean(train_losses) average_obj = np.mean(train_objs) return average_loss, average_obj, (forward_time, inference_time, qp_time, backward_time)
def getSurrogateObjective(T, y, n, m, c, d, f, REG=0): start_time = time.time() x = T @ y p_value = getObjective(x, n, m, c, d, f, REG=REG) return p_value