def test_environment_variables(self): """ Checks that paths defined in environment variables are added :return: """ # -- Check that the Tree Frog is not in the zoo by default default_zoo = Zoo() self.assertNotIn( 'Tree Frog', default_zoo.factory.identifiers() ) # -- Now add the environment variable os.environ['FACTORIES_UNITTEST'] = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(factories.examples.zoo.__file__), 'isolated', ) # -- Instance another zoo - defining our environment variable alternate_zoo = Zoo(envvar='FACTORIES_UNITTEST') self.assertIn( 'Tree Frog', alternate_zoo.factory.identifiers() )
def test_direct_plugin_registration(self): # -- Create a zoo factory zoo = Zoo() # -- Remove all the plugin paths zoo.factory.clear() # -- Ensure there are no plugins in the zoo self.assertEqual( len(zoo.factory.plugins()), 0, ) # -- Now register an animal in the zoo directly from factories.examples.zoo.animals import carnivores zoo.factory.register(carnivores.ArticFox) # -- Test that we have one animal type in the zoo self.assertEqual(len(zoo.factory.plugins()), 1) # -- Test that we can instance our directly registered animal artic_fox = zoo.factory.request('artic fox')() self.assertEqual(, 'rabbits!', )
def test_registering_from_single_file(self): """ Ensures we can load a plugin from a pyc file :return: """ # -- Define our non_package location non_package_location = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_plugins', 'non_package', ) # -- Add the folder to our sys path sys.path.append(non_package_location) # -- Instance our factory try: zoo = Zoo() zoo.factory.add_path(non_package_location, ) self.assertIsNotNone(zoo.factory.versions('koala'), ) finally: # -- Make sure we clean up if non_package_location in sys.path: sys.path.remove(non_package_location)
def test_identifier_as_method(self): """ Checks to ensure that we can correctly call an identifier when it is a method rather than a property :return: """ zoo = Zoo() # -- Add our test animals zoo.factory.add_path( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_plugins', )) # -- Check that goat is available self.assertIn( 'goat', zoo.factory.identifiers(), ) # -- Check that we can access the plugin goat = zoo.factory.request('goat') # -- Ensure the tiger is valid self.assertIsNotNone(goat, )
def test_accessing_versions_for_non_versioned_factory(self): """ Checks to see if we can access the available versions of a plugin type. :return: """ zoo = Zoo() self.assertEqual( zoo.factory.versions('tiger'), [], )
def test_version_request_on_non_versioned_factory(self): """ When requesting a version on a non-version factory we should just get the highest available version :return: """ zoo = Zoo() # -- Request a tiger of version 2 tiger = zoo.factory.request('tiger', version=2) # -- Ensure the tiger is valid self.assertIsNotNone(tiger, )
def test_loading_from_non_package(self): """ Ensures we can load a plugin from a pyc file :return: """ zoo = Zoo() zoo.factory.add_path( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_plugins', )) self.assertIsNotNone(zoo.factory.versions('koala'), )
def test_direct_load_of_pyc(self): """ Ensures we can load a plugin from a pyc file when registering directly :return: """ zoo = Zoo() zoo.factory.add_path( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_plugins', ), mechanism=zoo.factory.LOAD_SOURCE, ) self.assertIsNotNone(zoo.factory.versions('koala'), )