コード例 #1
    def test_biased_high_only(self):
        fake_uniform = lambda low, high: low + high

        fuzz = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(8.0)

        with mock.patch('factory.random.randgen.uniform', fake_uniform):
            res = utils.evaluate_declaration(fuzz)

        self.assertEqual(8.0, res)
コード例 #2
    def test_default_precision(self):
        fake_uniform = lambda low, high: low + high + 0.000000000000011

        fuzz = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(8.0)

        with mock.patch('factory.random.randgen.uniform', fake_uniform):
            res = utils.evaluate_declaration(fuzz)

        self.assertEqual(8.00000000000001, res)
コード例 #3
class AssetStateFactory(Factory):
    class Meta:
        model = AssetState

    id = Sequence(lambda x: x)
    asset = SubFactory(AssetFactory)
    start = fuzzy.FuzzyDate(START_DATE, END_DATE)
    end = LazyAttribute(lambda x: x.start + timedelta(minutes=DEFAULT_MIN_DURATION))
    available = True
    charge = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(MIN, MAX)
コード例 #4
class InvoiceItemFactory(factory.DjangoModelFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = InvoiceItem

    invoice = factory.SubFactory('invoices.test.factories.InvoiceFactory')
    name = factory.Faker('job', locale='bg_BG')
    measure = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(["hours", "weeks"])
    quantity = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(1, 164)
    unit_price = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(5.5, 1000.4)
    discount = 0
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_fuzzy.py プロジェクト: jameysharp/factory_boy
    def test_definition(self):
        """Tests all ways of defining a FuzzyFloat."""
        fuzz = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(2.0, 3.0)
        for _i in range(20):
            res = utils.evaluate_declaration(fuzz)
            self.assertTrue(2.0 <= res <= 3.0,
                            "value %d is not between 2.0 and 3.0" % res)

        fuzz = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(4.0)
        for _i in range(20):
            res = utils.evaluate_declaration(fuzz)
            self.assertTrue(0.0 <= res <= 4.0,
                            "value %d is not between 0.0 and 4.0" % res)

        fuzz = fuzzy.FuzzyDecimal(1.0, 4.0, precision=5)
        for _i in range(20):
            res = utils.evaluate_declaration(fuzz)
            self.assertTrue(1.0 <= res <= 4.0,
                            "value %d is not between 1.0 and 4.0" % res)
            self.assertTrue(res.as_tuple().exponent, -5)
コード例 #6
class ContentTypeFactory(factory.DjangoModelFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = EnevoContentType

    id = factory.Sequence(lambda n: n)
    category = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 50)
    category_name = fuzzy.FuzzyText(length=30)
    name = fuzzy.FuzzyText(length=30)
    state = fuzzy.FuzzyText(length=30)
    weight_to_volume_ratio = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(0.5, 100.0)
    last_modified = fuzzy.FuzzyDateTime(start_dt=timezone.now())
コード例 #7
class PayloadVersion1(factory.DictFactory):
    id = factory.Faker('uuid4')
    passageAt = factory.LazyFunction(timezone.now)
    version = "passage-v1"
    straat = factory.Faker('name')
    rijstrook = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(1, 10)
    rijrichting = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice((-1, 1))
    cameraId = factory.Faker('uuid4')
    cameraNaam = factory.Faker('first_name')
    cameraKijkrichting = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(0, 360)
    cameraLocatie = factory.LazyFunction(get_point_in_amsterdam_as_json)
    kentekenLand = fuzzy.FuzzyText(length=2)
    kentekenNummerBetrouwbaarheid = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(1, 1000)
    kentekenLandBetrouwbaarheid = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(1, 1000)
    kentekenKaraktersBetrouwbaarheid = factory.LazyFunction(
    indicatieSnelheid = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(0, 500)
    automatischVerwerkbaar = factory.Faker('boolean', chance_of_getting_true=50)
    voertuigSoort = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(VOERTUIG_SOORTEN)
    merk = factory.Faker('first_name')
    inrichting = factory.Faker('first_name')
    datumEersteToelating = fuzzy.FuzzyDate(datetime.date(2008, 1, 1))
    datumTenaamstelling = fuzzy.FuzzyDate(datetime.date(2008, 1, 1))
    toegestaneMaximumMassaVoertuig = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(1, 32000)
    europeseVoertuigcategorie = fuzzy.FuzzyText(length=2)
    europeseVoertuigcategorieToevoeging = fuzzy.FuzzyText(length=1)
    taxiIndicator = factory.Faker('boolean', chance_of_getting_true=50)
    maximaleConstructieSnelheidBromsnorfiets = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 500)
    brandstoffen = factory.LazyFunction(get_brandstoffen_v1)
    extraData = {}
    diesel = factory.LazyAttribute(
        lambda self: int('Diesel' in {x['brandstof'] for x in self.brandstoffen})
    gasoline = factory.LazyAttribute(
        lambda self: int('Benzine' in {x['brandstof'] for x in self.brandstoffen})
    electric = factory.LazyAttribute(
        lambda self: int('Elektriciteit' in {x['brandstof'] for x in self.brandstoffen})
    versitKlasse = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
コード例 #8
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: jwnelson/satnogs-network
class StationFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
    """Station model factory."""
    owner = factory.SubFactory(UserFactory)
    name = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    image = factory.django.ImageField()
    alt = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 800)
    lat = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(-20, 70)
    lng = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(-180, 180)
    featured = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(choices=[True, False])

    def antennas(self, create, extracted, **kwargs):
        if not create:

        if extracted:
            for antenna in extracted:

    class Meta:
        model = Station
コード例 #9
ファイル: factories.py プロジェクト: moas/peaksLocation
class PeakFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = Peak
        exclude = ("lat", "lon", "alt", "srid")

    lat = float(fake.latitude())
    lon = float(fake.longitude())
    alt = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(1000, 5000)
    srid = 4326

    name = fake.name()
    coordinates = factory.LazyAttribute(
        lambda o: Point(o.lon, o.lat, o.alt, srid=o.srid))
コード例 #10
class CountryWeeklyStatusFactory(django_factory.DjangoModelFactory):
    country = SubFactory(CountryFactory)
    year = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(1900, 2200)
    week = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(1, 53)
    schools_connected = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 1000)
    schools_connectivity_unknown = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 1000)
    schools_connectivity_no = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 1000)
    schools_connectivity_moderate = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 1000)
    schools_connectivity_good = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 1000)
    connectivity_speed = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(1, 1000000)
    integration_status = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(dict(CountryWeeklyStatus.INTEGRATION_STATUS_TYPES).keys())
    avg_distance_school = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(0.0, 1000.0)

    class Meta:
        model = CountryWeeklyStatus
コード例 #11
class DrukteindexFactory(factory.DjangoModelFactory):

    class Meta:
        model = models.Drukteindex

    index = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(low=10000000000000, high=19000009999999)
    timestamp = fuzzy.FuzzyDateTime(
        datetime(2016, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
        datetime(2017, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc))
    vollcode = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    weekday = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 6)
    hour = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(0, 23)

    google_live = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(0, 1)
    google_week = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(0, 1)
    gvb_buurt = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(0, 1)
    gvb_stad = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(0, 1)
    verblijversindex = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(0, 1)
    google = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(0, 1)
    gvb = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(0, 1)
    drukte_index = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(0, 1)
コード例 #12
class AssetFactory(Factory):
    class Meta:
        model = Asset

    id = Sequence(lambda x: x)
    name = LazyAttribute(lambda x: f"Asset {x.id}")
    capacity = 100
    running_cost_per_mw_hr = 0
    min_required_profit = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(MIN, MAX)
    max_import_mw_hr = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(MIN, MAX)
    max_export_mw_hr = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(MIN, MAX)
    single_import_mw_hr = None
    single_export_mw_hr = None
    min_zero_time = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(MIN, MAX)
    min_non_zero_time = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(MIN, MAX)
    notice_to_deviate_from_zero = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(MIN, MAX)
    notice_to_deliver_bid = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(MIN, MAX)
    max_delivery_period = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(MIN, MAX)
コード例 #13
class MeteoFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = 'testapp.Meteo'

    date = factory.Faker('date')
    provider = factory.SubFactory(ProviderFactory)
    city = factory.Faker('city')
    temperature = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(-10, 50)
    humidity = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 100)

    def create_batch_provider(self, count, provider_count, **kwargs):
        meteos = []
        for _ in range(provider_count):
            provider = ProviderFactory.create()
            meteos.extend(self.create_batch(count, provider=provider,
        return meteos
コード例 #14
class SubmissionAttemptFactory(factory.DjangoModelFactory):
    class Meta:
        model = SubmissionAttempt

    class Params:
        our_tz = get_current_timezone()
        VISITS_START = datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 26, 8, 0, 10, tzinfo=our_tz)
        VISITS_END = datetime.datetime(2016, 6, 16, 17, 35, 9, tzinfo=our_tz)

    attempt_key = factory.Sequence(lambda n: "key %d" % n)
    page = factory.SubFactory(PageFactory)
    lms_user = factory.SubFactory(LMSUserFactory)
    attempted_at = faker.Faker('date_time_between_dates',
    grade = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(10.0)

    def _setup_next_sequence(cls):
        return 1000000
コード例 #15
class Voertuig(factory.DictFactory):
    kenteken = factory.SubFactory(Kenteken)
    jaarEersteToelating = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(1990, 2020)
    toegestaneMaximumMassaVoertuig = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 1000)
    europeseVoertuigcategorie = fuzzy.FuzzyText(length=2)
    europeseVoertuigcategorieToevoeging = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(string.ascii_uppercase)
    taxiIndicator = factory.Faker('boolean', chance_of_getting_true=50)
    maximaleConstructiesnelheidBromSnorfiets = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 500)
    versitKlasse = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    massaLedigVoertuig = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 500)
    aantalAssen = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 10)
    aantalStaanplaatsen = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 100)
    aantalWielen = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 12)
    aantalZitplaatsen = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 100)
    handelsbenaming = factory.Faker('first_name')
    lengte = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 500)
    breedte = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 500)
    maximumMassaTrekkenOngeremd = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 5000)
    maximumMassaTrekkenGeremd = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 5000)
    voertuigSoort = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(VOERTUIG_SOORTEN)
    merk = factory.Faker('first_name')
    inrichting = factory.Faker('first_name')
    brandstoffen = factory.LazyFunction(get_brandstoffen_v2)
    indicatieSnelheid = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(0, 150)
コード例 #16
class Locatie(factory.DictFactory):
    longitude = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(*AMSTERDAM_LONGITUDE)
    latitude = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(*AMSTERDAM_LATITUDE)
コード例 #17
class Camera(factory.DictFactory):
    id = factory.Faker('uuid4')
    kijkrichting = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(0, 360)
    locatie = factory.SubFactory(Locatie)
    naam = factory.Faker('name')
    straat = factory.Faker('name')
コード例 #18
class CarFactory(MakeFactoryMixin, DjangoModelFactory):

    COLORS = ("white", "black", "silver", "gray", "brown", "red", "blue", "green")
    MODELS = {
        "Peugeot": (
        "Citroen": (
            "DS 3",
            "DS 4",
            "DS 4S",
            "DS 5",
        "Suzuki": (
        "Fiat": (
        "Honda": (
        "Ford": (
            "Super Duty",
        "Hyundai": (
            "Visto" "Elantra",
            "Cargo Truck",
        "Kia": (
        "Renault": (
        "Dacia": ("Logan", "Sandero", "Lodgy", "Duster", "Lodgy", "Dokker"),
        "Nissan": (
        "Toyota": (
            "Land Cruiser",
        "SEAT": ("Toledo", "Ibiza", "León", "Mii", "Alhambra", "Arona", "Ateca"),
        "Škoda": ("Citigo", "Fabia", "Octavia", "Rapid", "Superb", "Kodiaq", "Karoq"),
        "Volkswagen": (

    fuel_consumption = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(3, 10)
    country = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(COUNTRIES)

    class Meta:
        model = Car
        exclude = ("REGIONAL_PREFIXES", "COLORS", "MODELS")

    def plates(self):
        return "{regional_prefix}{four_digits}{two_letters}".format(
            four_digits="".join(random.choices(string.digits, k=4)),
            two_letters="".join(random.choices("ABEIKMHOPCTX", k=2)),

    def description(self):
        manufacturer = random.choice(list(self.MODELS.keys()))
        return "{color} {manufacturer} {model} {year}".format(
            year=random.randrange(1990, now().year),
コード例 #19
class ApartmentFactory(factory.Factory):
    class Meta:
        model = ApartmentTest

    _language = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(["en", "fi", "sv"])
    project_id = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 9999999999)
    project_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())

    project_housing_company = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    project_holding_type = "RIGHT_OF_RESIDENCE_APARTMENT"
    project_street_address = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    project_postal_code = fuzzy.FuzzyText(length=6, chars=string.digits)
    project_city = "Helsinki"
    project_district = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    project_realty_id = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    project_construction_year = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(2000, 3000)
    project_new_development_status = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(
    project_new_housing = True
    project_apartment_count = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 9999999999)
    project_parkingplace_count = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 9999999999)

    project_has_elevator = True
    project_has_sauna = True
    project_construction_materials = factory.List(
        [fuzzy.FuzzyText() for _ in range(2)])
    project_roof_material = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    project_heating_options = factory.List(
        [fuzzy.FuzzyText() for _ in range(2)])
    project_energy_class = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    project_site_area = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(0, 9999999999)
    project_site_owner = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(["Oma", "Vuokra"])
    project_site_renter = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    project_sanitation = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    project_zoning_info = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    project_zoning_status = fuzzy.FuzzyText()

    project_building_type = "BLOCK_OF_FLATS"
    project_description = fuzzy.FuzzyText(length=200)
    url = fuzzy.FuzzyText(length=20)
    project_accessibility = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    project_smoke_free = fuzzy.FuzzyText()

    project_publication_start_time = (fuzzy.FuzzyDateTime(
    project_publication_end_time = (fuzzy.FuzzyDateTime(
    project_premarketing_start_time = fuzzy.FuzzyDateTime(timezone.now())
    project_premarketing_end_time = fuzzy.FuzzyDateTime(timezone.now())
    project_application_start_time = fuzzy.FuzzyDateTime(timezone.now())
    project_application_end_time = fuzzy.FuzzyDateTime(timezone.now())
    project_material_choice_dl = fuzzy.FuzzyDate(date.today())
    project_shareholder_meeting_date = fuzzy.FuzzyDate(date.today())
    project_estimated_completion = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    project_estimated_completion_date = fuzzy.FuzzyDate(date.today())
    project_completion_date = fuzzy.FuzzyDate(date.today())
    project_posession_transfer_date = fuzzy.FuzzyDate(date.today())

    project_attachment_urls = factory.List(
        [fuzzy.FuzzyText() for _ in range(2)])
    project_main_image_url = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    project_image_urls = factory.List([fuzzy.FuzzyText() for _ in range(2)])
    project_virtual_presentation_url = fuzzy.FuzzyText()

    project_acc_salesperson = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    project_acc_financeofficer = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    project_project_manager = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    project_constructor = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    project_housing_manager = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    project_estate_agent = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    project_estate_agent_email = Faker("email")
    project_estate_agent_phone = fuzzy.FuzzyText()

    project_coordinate_lat = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(-90, 90)
    project_coordinate_lon = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(-180, 180)

    project_state_of_sale = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(ProjectStateOfSale)
    apartment_state_of_sale = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(ApartmentStateOfSale)

    uuid = fuzzy.FuzzyAttribute(get_uuid)

    apartment_address = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    apartment_number = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 99)
    housing_shares = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    living_area = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(0, 9999999999)
    floor = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 9999999999)
    floor_max = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 9999999999)
    showing_times = factory.List([
        for _ in range(2)
    apartment_structure = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    room_count = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 9999999999)
    condition = "Uusi"
    kitchen_appliances = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    has_yard = True
    has_terrace = True
    has_balcony = True
    balcony_description = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    bathroom_appliances = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    storage_description = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    has_apartment_sauna = True
    apartment_holding_type = "RIGHT_OF_RESIDENCE_APARTMENT"
    view_description = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    sales_price = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 9999999999)
    debt_free_sales_price = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 9999999999)
    loan_share = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 9999999999)
    price_m2 = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 9999999999)
    housing_company_fee = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 9999999999)
    financing_fee = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 9999999999)
    financing_fee_m2 = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 9999999999)
    maintenance_fee = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 9999999999)
    maintenance_fee_m2 = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 9999999999)
    water_fee = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 9999999999)
    water_fee_explanation = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    parking_fee = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 9999999999)
    parking_fee_explanation = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    other_fees = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    services_description = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    additional_information = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    application_url = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
    image_urls = factory.List([fuzzy.FuzzyText() for _ in range(2)])
コード例 #20
def get_point_in_amsterdam():
    lat = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(*AMSTERDAM_LATITUDE).fuzz()
    lon = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(*AMSTERDAM_LONGITUDE).fuzz()
    return Point(float(lat), float(lon))
コード例 #21
def get_puntje():
    lat = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(BBOX[0], BBOX[2]).fuzz()
    lon = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(BBOX[1], BBOX[3]).fuzz()
    return Point(float(lat), float(lon))
コード例 #22
ファイル: factories.py プロジェクト: yellowee/pah-fm
class CarFactory(factory.DjangoModelFactory):

    REGIONAL_PREFIXES = ('AA', 'KA', 'AB', 'KB', 'AC', 'KC', 'AE', 'KE', 'AH',
                         'KH', 'AI', 'KI', 'AK', 'KK', 'AM', 'KM', 'AO', 'KO',
                         'AP', 'KP', 'AT', 'KT', 'AX', 'KX', 'BA', 'HA', 'BB',
                         'HB', 'BC', 'HC', 'BE', 'HE', 'BH', 'HH', 'BI', 'HI',
                         'BK', 'HK', 'BM', 'HM', 'BO', 'HO', 'BP', 'HP', 'BT',
                         'HT', 'BX', 'HX', 'CA', 'IA', 'CB', 'IB', 'CC', 'IC',
                         'CE', 'IE', 'CH', 'IH', 'II')
    COLORS = ('white', 'black', 'silver', 'gray', 'brown', 'red', 'blue',
    MODELS = {
        'Peugeot': ('108', '208', '301', '308', '408', '508', 'Bipper',
                    'Partner', 'Expert', 'Boxer'),
        'Citroen': ('C1', 'C3', 'C4', 'C5', 'DS 3', 'DS 4', 'DS 4S', 'DS 5',
                    'Berlingo', 'Jumper', 'Jumpy', 'Nemo'),
        'Suzuki': ('Alto', 'Baleno', 'Celerio', 'Lapin', 'Spacia', 'Swift',
                   'Carry', 'Jimny', 'Vitara', 'Every', 'Landy'),
        'Fiat': ('Panda', '500', 'Uno', 'Linea', 'Tipo', 'Doblò', 'Ducato',
                 'Fiorino', 'Qubo', 'Talento'),
        'Honda': ('Accord', 'Civic', 'Jazz', 'Insight', 'Inspire', 'Legend',
                  'Acty', 'Ridgeline', 'CR-V', 'HR-V', 'Acty', 'Freed',
        'Ford': ('C-Max', 'Fiesta', 'Figo', 'Fusion', 'Mondeo', 'Focus', 'Ka',
                 'Ranger', 'Super Duty', 'Galaxy', 'S-Max', 'Transit'),
        'Hyundai': ('i10', 'i20', 'i30', 'Elantra', 'i40', 'Accent', 'Atos',
                    'Visto' 'Elantra', 'Eon', 'ix20', 'Cargo Truck', 'Porter',
        'Kia': ('Ceed', 'Cerato', 'Optima', 'Picanto', 'Quoris', 'Ray',
                'Stinger', 'Carens', 'Carnival', 'Venga', 'Besta', 'Bongo'),
        'Renault': ('Clio', 'Fluence', 'Mégane', 'Talisman', 'Twingo',
                    'Scénic', 'Captur', 'Espace', 'Kadjar', 'Kangoo',
        'Dacia': ('Logan', 'Sandero', 'Lodgy', 'Duster', 'Lodgy', 'Dokker'),
        'Nissan': ('Altima', 'Cima', 'Fuga', 'Almera', 'Leaf', 'Micra',
                   'Navara', 'Patrol', 'Juke', 'Murano', 'Pathfinder',
                   'Clipper', 'Cabstar', 'Atlas'),
        'Toyota': ('Auris', 'Aygo', 'Camry', 'Corolla', 'Prius', 'Yaris',
                   'Hilux', 'Land Cruiser', 'C-HR', 'RAV4', 'Avanza',
                   'Esquire', 'Estima', 'Innova', 'Pixis', 'Sienna', 'Dyna',
        'SEAT': ('Toledo', 'Ibiza', 'León', 'Mii', 'Alhambra', 'Arona',
        'Škoda': ('Citigo', 'Fabia', 'Octavia', 'Rapid', 'Superb', 'Kodiaq',
        'Volkswagen': ('Bora', 'Fox', 'Golf', 'Jetta', 'Passat', 'Polo', 'Up',
                       'Vento', 'Voyage', 'T-Roc', 'Tiguan', 'Touareg',
                       'Caddy', 'Sharan', 'Suran', 'Touran', 'Amarok',
                       'Saveiro', 'Transporter', 'Crafter'),

    mileage_unit = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(k for k, _ in Car.UNITS)
    fuel_consumption = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(3, 10)

    class Meta:
        model = Car
        exclude = ('REGIONAL_PREFIXES', 'COLORS', 'MODELS')

    def plates(self):
        return '{regional_prefix}{four_digits}{two_letters}'.format(
            four_digits=''.join(random.choices(string.digits, k=4)),
            two_letters=''.join(random.choices('ABEIKMHOPCTX', k=2)),

    def description(self):
        manufacturer = random.choice(list(self.MODELS.keys()))
        return '{color} {manufacturer} {model} {year}'.format(
            year=random.randrange(1990, now().year),
コード例 #23
def get_random_coordinates():
    coord_generator = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(-180.0, 180.0)
    return [coord_generator.fuzz(), coord_generator.fuzz()]