def review(**kw): global counter counter += 1 version = None if rand_bool(): version = { 'name': random.randint(1, 3), 'latest': False, } return dict({ 'rating': random.randint(1, 5), 'body': rand_text(n=20), 'created': rand_datetime(), 'is_flagged': False, 'is_author': False, 'modified': rand_datetime(), 'report_spam': '/api/v1/apps/rating/%d/flag/' % counter, 'resource_uri': '/api/v1/apps/rating/%d/' % counter, 'user': { 'display_name': text(random.choice(USER_NAMES)), 'id': counter, }, 'version': version, }, **kw)
def review(slug=None, **kw): global counter counter += 1 version = None if rand_bool(): version = {"name": random.randint(1, 3), "latest": False} data = dict( { "rating": random.randint(1, 5), "body": rand_text(n=20), "created": rand_datetime(), "has_flagged": False, "is_author": False, "modified": rand_datetime(), "report_spam": "/api/v1/apps/rating/%d/flag/" % counter, "resource_uri": "/api/v1/apps/rating/%d/" % counter, "user": {"display_name": text(random.choice(USER_NAMES)), "id": counter}, "version": version, }, **kw ) if slug == "has_flagged": data["has_flagged"] = True return data
def review(slug=None, **kw): global review_counter review_counter += 1 version = None if rand_bool(): version = { 'name': random.randint(1, 3), 'latest': False, } data = dict({ 'rating': random.randint(1, 5), 'body': rand_text(n=20), 'created': rand_datetime(), 'has_flagged': False, 'is_author': False, 'modified': rand_datetime(), 'report_spam': '/api/v1/apps/rating/%d/flag/' % review_counter, 'resource_uri': '/api/v1/apps/rating/%d/' % review_counter, 'user': { 'display_name': text(random.choice(USER_NAMES)), 'id': review_counter, }, 'version': version, }, **kw) if slug == 'has_flagged': data['has_flagged'] = True return data
def app_user_data(slug=None): data = {"user": {"developed": rand_bool()}} # Conditional slugs for great debugging. if slug == "developed": data["user"]["developed"] = True elif slug == "user": data["user"]["developed"] = False return data
def app_user_data(slug=None): data = { 'user': { 'developed': rand_bool(), } } # Conditional slugs for great debugging. if slug == 'developed': data['user']['developed'] = True elif slug == 'user': data['user']['developed'] = False return data
def app(**kw): """ In the API everything here except `user` should be serialized and keyed off counter:region:locale. """ global counter counter += 1 slug = kw.get('slug', 'app-%d' % counter) data = { 'id': SPECIAL_SLUGS_TO_IDS.get(slug, counter), 'author': random.choice(AUTHORS), 'categories': ['social', 'games'], 'content_ratings': { 'body': 'generic', 'rating': '12', 'descriptors': ['scary', 'lang', 'drugs'], 'interactives': ['users-interact', 'shares-info'] }, 'current_version': text('%d.0' % int(random.random() * 20)), 'description': {'en-US': escape(kw.get('description', rand_text(100)))}, 'device_types': ['desktop', 'firefoxos', 'android-mobile', 'android-tablet'], 'file_size': 12345, 'homepage': '', 'icons': { 64: '/media/img/logos/64.png' }, 'is_packaged': slug == 'packaged' or rand_bool(), 'manifest_url': '' % (rand_text(1), random.randint(1, 50000)), # Minifest if packaged 'name': text('App %d' % counter), 'notices': random.choice(MESSAGES), 'previews': [_app_preview() for i in range(4)], 'privacy_policy': kw.get('privacy_policy', rand_text()), 'public_stats': False, 'slug': slug, 'ratings': { 'average': random.random() * 4 + 1, 'count': int(random.random() * 500), }, 'release_notes': kw.get('release_notes', rand_text(100)), 'support_email': text('' % slug), 'support_url': text('' % slug), 'upsell': False, } has_price = rand_bool() price = '%.2f' % (random.random() * 10) if slug == 'free': has_price = False elif slug == 'paid': has_price = True price = '0.99' if slug == 'upsell': data['upsell'] = { 'id': random.randint(1, 10000), 'name': rand_text(), 'icon_url': '/media/img/logos/firefox-256.png', 'app_slug': 'upsold', 'resource_uri': '/api/v1/fireplace/app/%s/' % 'upsold', } if has_price: data.update(price=price, price_locale='$%s' % price) else: data.update(price=None, price_locale='$0.00') data['payment_required'] = has_price if slug == 'packaged': data['current_version'] = '1.0' if slug in SPECIAL_APP_SLUGS: data['name'] = string.capwords(slug.replace('_', ' ')) data.update(app_user_data(slug)) return dict(data, **kw)
def app(**kw): """ In the API everything here except `user` should be serialized and keyed off counter:region:locale. """ global counter counter += 1 num_previews = kw.get('num_previews', 4) slug = kw.get('slug', 'app-%d' % counter) data = { 'id': SPECIAL_SLUGS_TO_IDS.get(slug, counter), 'author': random.choice(AUTHORS), 'categories': ['social', 'games'], 'content_ratings': { 'body': 'generic', 'rating': '12', 'descriptors': ['scary', 'lang', 'drugs'], 'interactives': ['users-interact', 'shares-info'] }, 'current_version': text('%d.0' % int(random.random() * 20)), 'description': {'en-US': escape(kw.get('description', rand_text(100)))}, 'device_types': ['desktop', 'firefoxos', 'android-mobile', 'android-tablet', 'firefoxos-tv'], 'file_size': 12345, 'homepage': '', 'icons': { 64: '/media/img/logos/64.png' }, 'is_packaged': slug == 'packaged' or rand_bool(), 'last_updated': rand_datetime(), 'manifest_url': # Minifest if packaged '' % slug, 'name': text('App %d' % counter), 'notices': random.choice(MESSAGES), 'premium_type': 'free', 'previews': [_app_preview() for i in range(num_previews)], 'price': None, 'price_locale': '$0.00', 'promo_images': { 'small': random.choice(PROMO_IMAGES), 'large': random.choice(PROMO_IMAGES), }, 'privacy_policy': kw.get('privacy_policy', rand_text()), 'public_stats': False, 'slug': slug, 'ratings': { 'average': random.random() * 4 + 1, 'count': int(random.random() * 500), }, 'release_notes': kw.get('release_notes', rand_text(100)), 'support_email': text('' % slug), 'support_url': text('' % slug), 'tv_featured': random.choice([True, False]), 'upsell': False, } data.update(app_user_data(slug)) data = dict(data, **kw) # Special apps. if slug == 'paid': data.update( price=3.50, price_locale='$3.50', payment_required=True ) elif slug == 'upsell': data['upsell'] = { 'id': random.randint(1, 10000), 'name': rand_text(), 'icon_url': '/media/img/logos/firefox-256.png', 'app_slug': 'upsold', 'resource_uri': '/api/v1/fireplace/app/%s/' % 'upsold', } elif slug == 'packaged': data['current_version'] = '1.0' elif slug == 'unrated': data['ratings'] = { 'average': 0, 'count': 0, } elif slug == 'tracking': data['id'] = 1234 data['author'] = 'Tracking' data['name'] = 'Tracking' elif slug.startswith('num-previews-'): data['previews'] = [_app_preview() for x in range(int(slug.split('num-previews-')[1]))] if slug in SPECIAL_APP_SLUGS or slug.startswith('num-previews-'): data['name'] = string.capwords( slug.replace('_', ' ').replace('-', ' ')) return data
def app(**kw): """ In the API everything here except `user` should be serialized and keyed off counter:region:locale. """ global counter counter += 1 num_previews = kw.get("num_previews", 4) slug = kw.get("slug", "app-%d" % counter) data = { "id": SPECIAL_SLUGS_TO_IDS.get(slug, counter), "author": random.choice(AUTHORS), "categories": ["social", "games"], "content_ratings": { "body": "generic", "rating": "12", "descriptors": ["scary", "lang", "drugs"], "interactives": ["users-interact", "shares-info"], }, "current_version": text("%d.0" % int(random.random() * 20)), "description": {"en-US": escape(kw.get("description", rand_text(100)))}, "device_types": ["desktop", "firefoxos", "android-mobile", "android-tablet"], "file_size": 12345, "homepage": "", "icons": {64: "/media/img/logos/64.png"}, "is_packaged": slug == "packaged" or rand_bool(), "last_updated": rand_datetime(), "manifest_url": # Minifest if packaged "" % slug, "name": text("App %d" % counter), "notices": random.choice(MESSAGES), "premium_type": "free", "previews": [_app_preview() for i in range(num_previews)], "price": None, "price_locale": "$0.00", "privacy_policy": kw.get("privacy_policy", rand_text()), "public_stats": False, "slug": slug, "ratings": {"average": random.random() * 4 + 1, "count": int(random.random() * 500)}, "release_notes": kw.get("release_notes", rand_text(100)), "support_email": text("" % slug), "support_url": text("" % slug), "upsell": False, } data.update(app_user_data(slug)) data = dict(data, **kw) # Special apps. if slug == "paid": data.update(price=3.50, price_locale="$3.50", payment_required=True) elif slug == "upsell": data["upsell"] = { "id": random.randint(1, 10000), "name": rand_text(), "icon_url": "/media/img/logos/firefox-256.png", "app_slug": "upsold", "resource_uri": "/api/v1/fireplace/app/%s/" % "upsold", } elif slug == "packaged": data["current_version"] = "1.0" elif slug == "unrated": data["ratings"] = {"average": 0, "count": 0} elif slug == "tracking": data["id"] = 1234 data["author"] = "Tracking" data["name"] = "Tracking" elif slug.startswith("num-previews-"): data["previews"] = [_app_preview() for x in range(int(slug.split("num-previews-")[1]))] if slug in SPECIAL_APP_SLUGS or slug.startswith("num-previews-"): data["name"] = string.capwords(slug.replace("_", " ").replace("-", " ")) return data
def collection(**kw): global counter counter += 1 slug = 'collection-%s' % counter rand_color = random.choice(COLLECTION_COLORS) app_count = kw.get('app_count', 6) data = { 'name': text('Collection %s' % counter), 'id': counter, 'slug': slug, 'app_count': app_count, 'type': 'listing', 'description': random.choice([rand_text(n=20), '']), 'apps': [app() for i in xrange(app_count)], 'background_color': rand_color[1], 'color': rand_color[0], 'icon': '' 'mkt-collection-logo.png', 'url': '/api/v2/feed/collections/%d/' % counter } if rand_bool(): data['background_image'] = SAMPLE_BG, data['type'] = 'promo' data = dict(data, **kw) if data['slug'] == 'grouped': # Divide into three groups for mega collections. data.update({ 'background_image': SAMPLE_BG, 'description': rand_text(), 'name': 'Mega Collection', 'type': 'promo' }) for i, _app in enumerate(data['apps']): if i < data['app_count'] / 3: _app['group'] = 'Group 1' elif i < data['app_count'] * 2 / 3: _app['group'] = 'Group 2' else: _app['group'] = 'Group 3' elif data['slug'] == 'coll-promo': data.update({ 'name': 'Coll Promo', 'type': 'promo', }) elif data['slug'] == 'coll-promo-desc': data.update({ 'description': rand_text(), 'name': 'Coll Promo Desc', 'type': 'promo', }) elif data['slug'] == 'coll-promo-bg': data.update({ 'background_image': SAMPLE_BG, 'name': 'Coll Promo Background', 'type': 'promo', }) elif data['slug'] == 'coll-promo-bg-desc': data.update({ 'background_image': SAMPLE_BG, 'description': rand_text(), 'name': 'Coll Promo Background Desc', 'type': 'promo', }) elif data['slug'] == 'coll-listing': data.update({ 'name': 'Coll Listing', 'type': 'listing', }) elif data['slug'] == 'coll-listing-desc': data.update({ 'description': rand_text(), 'name': 'Coll Listing Desc', 'type': 'listing', }) return data
def collection(**kw): global counter counter += 1 slug = 'collection-%s' % counter rand_color = random.choice(COLLECTION_COLORS) app_count = kw.get('app_count', 6) data = { 'name': text('Collection %s' % counter), 'id': counter, 'slug': slug, 'app_count': app_count, 'type': 'listing', 'description': '', 'apps': [app() for i in xrange(app_count)], 'background_color': rand_color[1], 'color': rand_color[0], 'icon': '' 'mkt-collection-logo.png', 'url': '/api/v2/feed/collections/%d/' % counter } if rand_bool(): data['background_image'] = SAMPLE_BG, data['type'] = 'promo' data = dict(data, **kw) if data['slug'] == 'grouped': # Divide into three groups for mega collections. data.update({ 'background_image': SAMPLE_BG, 'description': rand_text(n=100), 'name': 'Mega Collection', 'type': 'promo' }) for i, _app in enumerate(data['apps']): if i < data['app_count'] / 3: _app['group'] = 'Group 1' elif i < data['app_count'] * 2 / 3: _app['group'] = 'Group 2' else: _app['group'] = 'Group 3' elif data['slug'] == 'coll-promo': data.update({ 'name': 'Coll Promo', 'type': 'promo', }) elif data['slug'] == 'coll-promo-desc': data.update({ 'background_image': '', 'description': rand_text(n=100), 'name': 'Coll Promo Desc', 'type': 'promo', }) elif data['slug'] == 'coll-promo-bg': data.update({ 'background_image': SAMPLE_BG, 'description': '', 'name': 'Coll Promo Background', 'type': 'promo', }) elif data['slug'] == 'coll-promo-bg-desc': data.update({ 'background_image': SAMPLE_BG, 'description': rand_text(n=100), 'name': 'Coll Promo Background Desc', 'type': 'promo', }) elif data['slug'] == 'coll-listing': data.update({ 'name': 'Coll Listing', 'type': 'listing', }) elif data['slug'] == 'coll-listing-desc': data.update({ 'description': rand_text(n=100), 'name': 'Coll Listing Desc', 'type': 'listing', }) return data