def setup_task(cls, args, **kwargs): """Setup the task (e.g., load dictionaries). Args: args (argparse.Namespace): parsed command-line arguments """ args.left_pad_source = options.eval_bool(args.left_pad_source) args.left_pad_target = options.eval_bool(args.left_pad_target) # find language pair automatically if args.source_lang is None or args.target_lang is None: args.source_lang, args.target_lang = data_utils.infer_language_pair([0]) if args.source_lang is None or args.target_lang is None: raise Exception('Could not infer language pair, please provide it explicitly') # load dictionaries src_dict = BertDictionary.load(os.path.join([0], 'dict.{}.txt'.format(args.source_lang))) src_eos_idx = src_dict.add_special_token('[END_OF_SENT]') print('src_dict:[END_OF_SENT] id = {}, token = {}'.format(src_eos_idx, src_dict[src_eos_idx])) tgt_dict = BertDictionary.load(os.path.join([0], 'dict.{}.txt'.format(args.target_lang))) tgt_eos_idx = tgt_dict.add_special_token('[END_OF_SENT]') print('tgt_dict:[END_OF_SENT] id = {}, token = {}'.format(tgt_eos_idx, tgt_dict[tgt_eos_idx])) assert src_dict.pad() == tgt_dict.pad() assert src_dict.eos() == tgt_dict.eos() assert src_dict.unk() == tgt_dict.unk() assert src_dict.sep() == tgt_dict.sep() print('| [{}] dictionary: {} types'.format(args.source_lang, len(src_dict))) print('| [{}] dictionary: {} types'.format(args.target_lang, len(tgt_dict))) return cls(args, src_dict, tgt_dict)
def setup_task(cls, args, **kwargs): """Setup the task (e.g., load google bert dictionaries).""" dict_path = os.path.join(, "vocab.txt") if not os.path.isfile(dict_path): raise FileNotFoundError("Dict not found: {}".format(dict_path)) from transformers import BertTokenizer tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(args.bert_name) tgt_dict = BertDictionary.load(dict_path, tokenizer) print("| dictionary: {} types".format(len(tgt_dict))) return cls(args, tgt_dict)
def setup_task(cls, args, **kwargs): paths =':') assert len(paths) > 0 if 'bert' in args and args.bert: print('| bert dictionary') dictionary = BertDictionary() else: dictionary = Dictionary.load(os.path.join(paths[0],'dict.txt')) print('| dictionary: {} types'.format(len(dictionary))) if args.freq_weighted_replacement: print('| freq weighted mask replacement') return cls(args, dictionary)
def setup_task(cls, args, **kwargs): #assert args.criterion == 'relation_extraction', 'Must set --criterion=relation_extraction' # load data and label dictionaries if getattr(args, 'bert', False): print('| bert dictionary') vocab = BertDictionary() else: vocab = cls.load_dictionary(os.path.join(, 'dict.txt')) print('| dictionary: {} types'.format(len(vocab))) return cls(args, vocab)
def setup_task(cls, args, **kwargs): """Setup the task (e.g., load dictionaries). Args: args (argparse.Namespace): parsed command-line arguments """ args.left_pad = options.eval_bool(args.left_pad) # load dictionaries dictionary = BertDictionary.load(os.path.join([0], 'dict.txt')) print('| dictionary: {} types'.format(len(dictionary))) return cls(args, dictionary)
def main(args): utils.import_user_module(args) print(args) os.makedirs(args.destdir, exist_ok=True) target = not args.only_source task = tasks.get_task(args.task) def train_path(lang): return "{}{}".format(args.trainpref, ("." + lang) if lang else "") def file_name(prefix, lang): fname = prefix if lang is not None: fname += ".{lang}".format(lang=lang) return fname def dest_path(prefix, lang): return os.path.join(args.destdir, file_name(prefix, lang)) def dict_path(lang): return dest_path("dict", lang) + ".txt" def build_dictionary(filenames, src=False, tgt=False): assert src ^ tgt return task.build_dictionary( filenames, workers=args.workers, threshold=args.thresholdsrc if src else args.thresholdtgt, nwords=args.nwordssrc if src else args.nwordstgt, padding_factor=args.padding_factor, ) if not args.srcdict and os.path.exists(dict_path(args.source_lang)): raise FileExistsError(dict_path(args.source_lang)) if target and not args.tgtdict and os.path.exists( dict_path(args.target_lang)): raise FileExistsError(dict_path(args.target_lang)) if args.joined_dictionary: assert not args.srcdict or not args.tgtdict, \ "cannot use both --srcdict and --tgtdict with --joined-dictionary" if args.srcdict: src_dict = task.load_dictionary(args.srcdict) elif args.tgtdict: src_dict = task.load_dictionary(args.tgtdict) else: assert args.trainpref, "--trainpref must be set if --srcdict is not specified" src_dict = build_dictionary( { train_path(lang) for lang in [args.source_lang, args.target_lang] }, src=True) tgt_dict = src_dict else: if args.srcdict: src_dict = task.load_dictionary(args.srcdict) else: assert args.trainpref, "--trainpref must be set if --srcdict is not specified" if args.bert: print("| Warning: Use BERT dictionary!") src_dict = BertDictionary() else: src_dict = build_dictionary([train_path(args.source_lang)], src=True) if target: if args.tgtdict: tgt_dict = task.load_dictionary(args.tgtdict) else: assert args.trainpref, "--trainpref must be set if --tgtdict is not specified" tgt_dict = build_dictionary([train_path(args.target_lang)], tgt=True) else: tgt_dict = None if not args.bert: if target and tgt_dict is not None: def make_binary_dataset(vocab, input_prefix, output_prefix, lang, num_workers): print("| [{}] Dictionary: {} types".format(lang, len(vocab) - 1)) n_seq_tok = [0, 0] replaced = Counter() def merge_result(worker_result): replaced.update(worker_result["replaced"]) n_seq_tok[0] += worker_result["nseq"] n_seq_tok[1] += worker_result["ntok"] input_file = "{}{}".format(input_prefix, ("." + lang) if lang is not None else "") offsets = Binarizer.find_offsets(input_file, num_workers) pool = None if num_workers > 1: pool = Pool(processes=num_workers - 1) for worker_id in range(1, num_workers): prefix = "{}{}".format(output_prefix, worker_id) pool.apply_async(binarize, (args, input_file, vocab, prefix, lang, offsets[worker_id], offsets[worker_id + 1]), callback=merge_result) pool.close() ds = indexed_dataset.make_builder(dataset_dest_file( args, output_prefix, lang, "bin"), impl=args.dataset_impl, vocab_size=len(vocab)) merge_result( Binarizer.binarize(input_file, vocab, lambda t: ds.add_item(t), offset=0, end=offsets[1])) if num_workers > 1: pool.join() for worker_id in range(1, num_workers): prefix = "{}{}".format(output_prefix, worker_id) temp_file_path = dataset_dest_prefix(args, prefix, lang) ds.merge_file_(temp_file_path) os.remove(indexed_dataset.data_file_path(temp_file_path)) os.remove(indexed_dataset.index_file_path(temp_file_path)) ds.finalize(dataset_dest_file(args, output_prefix, lang, "idx")) print("| [{}] {}: {} sents, {} tokens, {:.3}% replaced by {}".format( lang, input_file, n_seq_tok[0], n_seq_tok[1], 100 * sum(replaced.values()) / n_seq_tok[1], vocab.unk_word, )) def make_dataset(vocab, input_prefix, output_prefix, lang, num_workers=1): if args.dataset_impl == "raw": # Copy original text file to destination folder output_text_file = dest_path( output_prefix + ".{}-{}".format(args.source_lang, args.target_lang), lang, ) shutil.copyfile(file_name(input_prefix, lang), output_text_file) else: make_binary_dataset(vocab, input_prefix, output_prefix, lang, num_workers) def make_all(lang, vocab): if args.trainpref: make_dataset(vocab, args.trainpref, "train", lang, num_workers=args.workers) if args.validpref: for k, validpref in enumerate(args.validpref.split(",")): outprefix = "valid{}".format(k) if k > 0 else "valid" make_dataset(vocab, validpref, outprefix, lang, num_workers=args.workers) if args.testpref: for k, testpref in enumerate(args.testpref.split(",")): outprefix = "test{}".format(k) if k > 0 else "test" make_dataset(vocab, testpref, outprefix, lang, num_workers=args.workers) make_all(args.source_lang, src_dict) if target: make_all(args.target_lang, tgt_dict) print("| Wrote preprocessed data to {}".format(args.destdir)) if args.alignfile: assert args.trainpref, "--trainpref must be set if --alignfile is specified" src_file_name = train_path(args.source_lang) tgt_file_name = train_path(args.target_lang) freq_map = {} with open(args.alignfile, "r", encoding='utf-8') as align_file: with open(src_file_name, "r", encoding='utf-8') as src_file: with open(tgt_file_name, "r", encoding='utf-8') as tgt_file: for a, s, t in zip_longest(align_file, src_file, tgt_file): si = src_dict.encode_line(s, add_if_not_exist=False) ti = tgt_dict.encode_line(t, add_if_not_exist=False) ai = list(map(lambda x: tuple(x.split("-")), a.split())) for sai, tai in ai: srcidx = si[int(sai)] tgtidx = ti[int(tai)] if srcidx != src_dict.unk( ) and tgtidx != tgt_dict.unk(): assert srcidx != src_dict.pad() assert srcidx != src_dict.eos() assert tgtidx != tgt_dict.pad() assert tgtidx != tgt_dict.eos() if srcidx not in freq_map: freq_map[srcidx] = {} if tgtidx not in freq_map[srcidx]: freq_map[srcidx][tgtidx] = 1 else: freq_map[srcidx][tgtidx] += 1 align_dict = {} for srcidx in freq_map.keys(): align_dict[srcidx] = max(freq_map[srcidx], key=freq_map[srcidx].get) with open(os.path.join( args.destdir, "alignment.{}-{}.txt".format(args.source_lang, args.target_lang), ), "w", encoding='utf-8') as f: for k, v in align_dict.items(): print("{} {}".format(src_dict[k], tgt_dict[v]), file=f)