コード例 #1
 def histo(variable, hname):
     h = None
     mtBinEdges = fakeu.mtBinEdges()
     ptBinEdges = fakeu.ptBinEdges()
     etaBinEdges = fakeu.etaBinEdges()
     if variable == 'mt0':
         h = r.TH1F(hname, ';m_{T}(tag,MET) [GeV]; entries/bin',
                    len(mtBinEdges) - 1, mtBinEdges)
     elif variable == 'mt1':
         h = r.TH1F(hname, ';m_{T}(probe,MET) [GeV]; entries/bin',
                    len(mtBinEdges) - 1, mtBinEdges)
     elif variable == 'pt0':
         h = r.TH1F(hname, ';p_{T,l0} [GeV]; entries/bin',
                    len(ptBinEdges) - 1, ptBinEdges)
     elif variable == 'pt1':
         h = r.TH1F(hname, ';p_{T,l1} [GeV]; entries/bin',
                    len(ptBinEdges) - 1, ptBinEdges)
     elif variable == 'eta1':
         h = r.TH1F(hname, ';#eta_{l1}; entries/bin',
                    len(etaBinEdges) - 1, etaBinEdges)
     elif v == 'pt1_eta1':
         h = r.TH2F(hname, ';p_{T} [GeV]; #eta',
                    len(ptBinEdges) - 1, ptBinEdges,
                    len(etaBinEdges) - 1, etaBinEdges)
         print "unknown variable %s" % v
     return h
コード例 #2
def shiftWithinRange(pt, eta, mt, epsilon=1.0e-3):
    ptBins, etaBins, mtBins = fakeu.ptBinEdges(), fakeu.etaBinEdges(), fakeu.mtBinEdges()
    minPt, maxPt = min(ptBins), max(ptBins)
    minEta, maxEta = min(etaBins), max(etaBins)
    minMt, maxMt = min(mtBins), max(mtBins)
    pt  = minPt*(1.0+epsilon)  if pt<minPt   else maxPt*(1.0-epsilon)  if pt > maxPt   else pt
    eta = minEta*(1.0+epsilon) if eta<minEta else maxEta*(1.0-epsilon) if eta > maxEta else eta
    mt  = minMt*(1.0+epsilon)  if mt<minMt   else maxMt*(1.0-epsilon)  if mt > maxMt   else mt
    return pt, eta, mt
コード例 #3
 def histo(var, hname):
     h = None
     ptBinEdges = fakeu.ptBinEdges()
     etaBinEdges = fakeu.etaBinEdges()
     if   var=='pt'     : h = r.TH1F(hname, ';p_{T} [GeV]',       len(ptBinEdges)-1,  ptBinEdges)
     elif var=='pt_eta' : h = r.TH2F(hname, ';p_{T} [GeV]; #eta', len(ptBinEdges)-1,  ptBinEdges, len(etaBinEdges)-1, etaBinEdges)
     else : print "unknown variable %s"%v
     return h
コード例 #4
 def histo(variable, hname):
     h = None
     mtBinEdges = fakeu.mtBinEdges()
     ptBinEdges = fakeu.ptBinEdges()
     etaBinEdges = fakeu.etaBinEdges()
     if   variable=='mt0'     : h = r.TH1F(hname, ';m_{T}(tag,MET) [GeV]; entries/bin', len(mtBinEdges)-1,  mtBinEdges)
     elif variable=='mt1'     : h = r.TH1F(hname, ';m_{T}(probe,MET) [GeV]; entries/bin', len(mtBinEdges)-1,  mtBinEdges)
     elif variable=='pt0'     : h = r.TH1F(hname, ';p_{T,l0} [GeV]; entries/bin',   len(ptBinEdges)-1,  ptBinEdges)
     elif variable=='pt1'     : h = r.TH1F(hname, ';p_{T,l1} [GeV]; entries/bin',   len(ptBinEdges)-1,  ptBinEdges)
     elif variable=='eta1'    : h = r.TH1F(hname, ';#eta_{l1}; entries/bin',        len(etaBinEdges)-1, etaBinEdges)
     else : print "unknown variable %s"%v
     return h
コード例 #5
 def histo(variable, hname):
     h = None
     mtBinEdges = fakeu.mtBinEdges()
     ptBinEdges = fakeu.ptBinEdges()
     etaBinEdges = fakeu.etaBinEdges()
     mdrBinEdges = fakeu.mdeltarBinEdges()
     if   variable=='pt'  : h = r.TH1F(hname, ';p_{T,l} [GeV]; entries/bin',   len(ptBinEdges)-1,  ptBinEdges)
     elif variable=='eta' : h = r.TH1F(hname, ';|#eta_{l}|; entries/bin',        len(etaBinEdges)-1, etaBinEdges)
     elif variable=='mt'  : h = r.TH1F(hname, ';m_{T}(l,MET) [GeV]; entries/bin', len(mtBinEdges)-1, mtBinEdges)
     elif variable=='mdeltar': h = r.TH1F(hname, ';m_{T}(l,MET) [GeV]; entries/bin', len(mdrBinEdges)-1, mdrBinEdges)
     elif variable=='pt_eta' : h = r.TH2F(hname, ';p_{T,l} [GeV]; #eta_{l};',  len(ptBinEdges)-1,  ptBinEdges, len(etaBinEdges)-1, etaBinEdges)
     else : print "unknown variable %s"%v
     return h
コード例 #6
 def histo(variable, hname):
     h = None
     ptBinEdges = np.array([10.0, 20.0, 35.0, 60.0, 100.0]) # add a bin to see the denom effect above 60.0
     etaBinEdges = fakeu.etaBinEdges()
     if   v=='pt'          : h = r.TH1F(hname, ';p_{T}%s [GeV]; entries/bin'%lepLabel,      len(ptBinEdges)-1, ptBinEdges)
     elif v=='eta'         : h = r.TH1F(hname, ';#eta%s; entries/bin'%lepLabel,             len(etaBinEdges)-1, etaBinEdges)
     elif v=='d0sig'       : h = r.TH1F(hname, ';d_{0 sig}%s; entries/bin'%lepLabel,        50, -50.0, +50.0)
     elif v=='z0SinTheta'  : h = r.TH1F(hname, ';z_{0}sin#theta%s; entries/bin'%lepLabel,   50, -50.0, +50.0)
     elif v=='etCone'      : h = r.TH1F(hname, ';E_{T,cone}%s [GeV]; entries/bin'%lepLabel, 60, -10.0, +50.0)
     elif v=='ptCone'      : h = r.TH1F(hname, ';p_{T,cone}%s [GeV]; entries/bin'%lepLabel, 50,   0.0, +50.0)
     elif v=='etConeCorr'  : h = r.TH1F(hname, ';E_{T, cone, corr}%s; entries/bin'%lepLabel,60, -10.0, +50.0)
     elif v=='ptConeCorr'  : h = r.TH1F(hname, ';p_{T, cone, corr}%s; entries/bin'%lepLabel,50,   0.0, +50.0)
     elif v=='relEtConeStd': h = r.TH1F(hname, ';E_{T, cone, corr}/p_{T}%s; entries/bin'%lepLabel,        42, -0.02, +0.40)
     elif v=='relPtConeStd': h = r.TH1F(hname, ';p_{T, cone, corr}/p_{T}%s; entries/bin'%lepLabel,        42, -0.02, +0.40)
     elif v=='relEtConeMod': h = r.TH1F(hname, ';E_{T, cone, corr}/min(p_{T},60)%s; entries/bin'%lepLabel,42, -0.02, +0.40)
     elif v=='relPtConeMod': h = r.TH1F(hname, ';p_{T, cone, corr}/min(p_{T},60)%s; entries/bin'%lepLabel,42, -0.02, +0.40)
     else : print "unknown variable %s"%v
     return h
コード例 #7
def histogram(variable,
    twopi = +2.0 * math.pi
    mpi = -math.pi
    ppi = +math.pi
    h = None
    attrs_1d = {
        'onebin': {
            'title': ';; entries',
            'nx': 1,
            'xmin': 0.5,
            'xmax': 1.5
        'njets': {
            'title': ';N_{jets}; entries',
            'nx': 10,
            'xmin': -0.5,
            'xmax': 9.5
        'pt0': {
            'title': ';p_{T,l0} [GeV]; entries/bin',
            'nx': 48,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': 240.0
        'pt1': {
            'title': ';p_{T,l1} [GeV]; entries/bin',
            'nx': 48,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': 240.0
        'd_pt0_pt1': {
            'title': ';p_{T,l0}-p_{T,l1} [GeV]; entries/bin',
            'nx': 24,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': 120.0
        'eta0': {
            'title': ';#eta_{l0}; entries/bin',
            'nx': 26,
            'xmin': -2.6,
            'xmax': +2.6
        'eta1': {
            'title': ';#eta_{l1}; entries/bin',
            'nx': 26,
            'xmin': -2.6,
            'xmax': +2.6
        'phi0': {
            'title': ';#phi_{l0} [rad]; entries/bin',
            'nx': 20,
            'xmin': mpi,
            'xmax': ppi
        'phi1': {
            'title': ';#phi_{l1} [rad]; entries/bin',
            'nx': 20,
            'xmin': mpi,
            'xmax': ppi
        'mcoll': {
            'title': ';m_{coll,l0,l1} [GeV]; entries/bin',
            'nx': 80,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': 400.0
        'mcollcoarse': {
            'title': ';m_{coll,l0,l1} [GeV]; entries/bin',
            'nx': 40,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': 400.0
        'mll': {
            'title': ';m_{l0,l1} [GeV]; entries/bin',
            'nx': 24,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': 240.0
        'ptll': {
            'title': ';p_{T,l0+l1} [GeV]; entries/bin',
            'nx': 24,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': 240.0
        'met': {
            'title': ';MET [GeV]; entries/bin',
            'nx': 24,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': 240.0
        'dphil0met': {
            'title': ';|#Delta#phi(l0, met)| [rad]; entries/bin',
            'nx': 10,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': ppi
        'dphil1met': {
            'title': ';|#Delta#phi(l1, met)| [rad]; entries/bin',
            'nx': 10,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': ppi
        'nsj': {
            'title': ';N_{jets,20<pt<30};entries/bin',
            'nx': 10,
            'xmin': -0.5,
            'xmax': 9.5
        'drl0csj': {
            'title': ';#DeltaR(l0, j_{close,soft});entries/bin',
            'nx': 10,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': 2.0
        'drl1csj': {
            'title': ';#DeltaR(l1, j_{close,soft});entries/bin',
            'nx': 10,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': 2.0
        'l0_d0Sig': {
            'title': ';d_{0 sig, l0}; entries/bin',
            'nx': 40,
            'xmin': -10.0,
            'xmax': +10.0
        'l0_z0Sin': {
            'title': ';z_{0, l0}sin#theta; entries/bin',
            'nx': 40,
            'xmin': -10.0,
            'xmax': +10.0
        'l0_etCone': {
            'title': ';E_{T,cone, l0} [GeV]; entries/bin',
            'nx': 40,
            'xmin': -10.0,
            'xmax': +30.0
        'l0_ptCone': {
            'title': ';p_{T,cone, l0} [GeV]; entries/bin',
            'nx': 50,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': +25.0
        'l0_etConeCorr': {
            'title': ';E_{T, cone, corr, l0}; entries/bin',
            'nx': 60,
            'xmin': -10.0,
            'xmax': +20.0
        'l0_ptConeCorr': {
            'title': ';p_{T, cone, corr, l0}; entries/bin',
            'nx': 50,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': +25.0
        'l1_d0Sig': {
            'title': ';d_{0 sig, l1}; entries/bin',
            'nx': 40,
            'xmin': -10.0,
            'xmax': +10.0
        'l1_z0Sin': {
            'title': ';z_{0, l1}sin#theta; entries/bin',
            'nx': 40,
            'xmin': -10.0,
            'xmax': +10.0
        'l1_etCone': {
            'title': ';E_{T,cone, l1} [GeV]; entries/bin',
            'nx': 40,
            'xmin': -10.0,
            'xmax': +30.0
        'l1_ptCone': {
            'title': ';p_{T,cone, l1} [GeV]; entries/bin',
            'nx': 50,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': +25.0
        'l1_etConeCorr': {
            'title': ';E_{T, cone, corr, l1}; entries/bin',
            'nx': 60,
            'xmin': -10.0,
            'xmax': +20.0
        'l1_ptConeCorr': {
            'title': ';p_{T, cone, corr, l1}; entries/bin',
            'nx': 50,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': +25.0
        'deta_jj': {
            'title': ';|#Delta#eta_{jj}|; entries/bin',
            'nx': 50,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': +5.2
        'm_jj': {
            'title': ';m_{jj} [GeV]; entries/bin',
            'nx': 50,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': +1000
    attrs_2d = {
        'mcoll_vs_pt1': {
            'title': '; p_{T,l1} [GeV]; m_{coll,l0,l1} [GeV]',
            'nx': 240,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': 240.0,
            'ny': 400,
            'ymin': 0.0,
            'ymax': 400.0
        'pt0_vs_pt1': {
            'title': '; p_{T,l1} [GeV]; p_{T,l0} [GeV]',
            'nx': 240,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': 240.0,
            'ny': 240,
            'ymin': 0.0,
            'ymax': 240.0
        'met_vs_pt1': {
            'title': '; p_{T,l1} [GeV]; MET [GeV]',
            'nx': 240,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': 240.0,
            'ny': 24,
            'ymin': 0.0,
            'ymax': 240.0
        'dphil0l1_vs_pt1': {
            'title': '; p_{T,l1} [GeV]; #Delta#phi(l0, l1) [rad]',
            'nx': 240,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': 240.0,
            'ny': 40,
            'ymin': 0.0,
            'ymax': 4.0
        'dphil0met_vs_pt1': {
            'title': '; p_{T,l1} [GeV]; #Delta#phi(l0, met) [rad]',
            'nx': 240,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': 240.0,
            'ny': 40,
            'ymin': 0.0,
            'ymax': 4.0
        'dphil1met_vs_pt1': {
            'title': '; p_{T,l1} [GeV]; #Delta#phi(l1, met) [rad]',
            'nx': 240,
            'xmin': 0.0,
            'xmax': 240.0,
            'ny': 40,
            'ymin': 0.0,
            'ymax': 4.0
        'pt_eta': {
            'title': ';p_{T} [GeV]; #eta',
            'nx': len(fakeu.ptBinEdges()) - 1,
            'binsx': fakeu.ptBinEdges(),
            'ny': len(fakeu.etaBinEdges()) - 1,
            'binsy': fakeu.etaBinEdges(),

    if variable in attrs_1d:
        attrs = attrs_1d[variable]
        title = title if title else attrs['title']
        nx = nx if nx else attrs['nx']
        xmin = xmin if xmin else attrs['xmin']
        xmax = xmax if xmax else attrs['xmax']
        h = r.TH1F(histoname, title, nx, xmin, xmax)
    elif variable in attrs_2d:
        attrs = attrs_2d[variable]
        title = title if title else attrs['title']
        nx = nx if nx else attrs['nx']
        ny = ny if ny else attrs['ny']
        xmin = xmin if xmin else attrs['xmin'] if 'xmin' in attrs else None
        xmax = xmax if xmax else attrs['xmax'] if 'xmax' in attrs else None
        ymin = ymin if ymin else attrs['ymin'] if 'ymin' in attrs else None
        ymax = ymax if ymax else attrs['ymax'] if 'ymax' in attrs else None
        binsx = binsx if binsx else attrs['binsx'] if 'binsx' in attrs else None
        binsy = binsy if binsy else attrs['binsy'] if 'binsy' in attrs else None
        h = (r.TH2F(histoname, title, nx, binsx, ny, binsy)
             if binsx != None and binsy != None else r.TH2F(
                 histoname, title, nx, xmin, xmax, ny, ymin, ymax))
        print "settings.histogram: unknown variable, cannot book histogram"
    return h
コード例 #8
ファイル: settings.py プロジェクト: gerbaudo/susynt-ss3l
def histogram(variable, histoname, title=None, nx=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, ny=None, ymin=None, ymax=None,
              binsx=None, binsy=None) :
    twopi = +2.0*math.pi
    mpi = -math.pi
    ppi = +math.pi
    h = None
    attrs_1d = {
        'onebin'         :{'title':';; entries',                               'nx': 1, 'xmin':  0.5, 'xmax':  1.5},
        'njets'          :{'title':';N_{jets}; entries',                       'nx':10, 'xmin': -0.5, 'xmax':  9.5},
        'pt0'            :{'title':';p_{T,l0} [GeV]; entries/bin',             'nx':48, 'xmin':  0.0, 'xmax':240.0},
        'pt1'            :{'title':';p_{T,l1} [GeV]; entries/bin',             'nx':48, 'xmin':  0.0, 'xmax':240.0},
        'd_pt0_pt1'      :{'title':';p_{T,l0}-p_{T,l1} [GeV]; entries/bin',    'nx':24, 'xmin':  0.0, 'xmax':120.0},
        'eta0'           :{'title':';#eta_{l0}; entries/bin',                  'nx':26, 'xmin': -2.6, 'xmax': +2.6},
        'eta1'           :{'title':';#eta_{l1}; entries/bin',                  'nx':26, 'xmin': -2.6, 'xmax': +2.6},
        'phi0'           :{'title':';#phi_{l0} [rad]; entries/bin',            'nx':20, 'xmin':  mpi, 'xmax':  ppi},
        'phi1'           :{'title':';#phi_{l1} [rad]; entries/bin',            'nx':20, 'xmin':  mpi, 'xmax':  ppi},
        'mcoll'          :{'title':';m_{coll,l0,l1} [GeV]; entries/bin',       'nx':80, 'xmin':  0.0, 'xmax':400.0},
        'mcollcoarse'    :{'title':';m_{coll,l0,l1} [GeV]; entries/bin',       'nx':40, 'xmin':  0.0, 'xmax':400.0},
        'mll'            :{'title':';m_{l0,l1} [GeV]; entries/bin',            'nx':24, 'xmin':  0.0, 'xmax':240.0},
        'ptll'           :{'title':';p_{T,l0+l1} [GeV]; entries/bin',          'nx':24, 'xmin':  0.0, 'xmax':240.0},
        'met'            :{'title':';MET [GeV]; entries/bin',                  'nx':24, 'xmin':  0.0, 'xmax':240.0},
        'dphil0met'      :{'title':';|#Delta#phi(l0, met)| [rad]; entries/bin','nx':10, 'xmin':  0.0, 'xmax':  ppi},
        'dphil1met'      :{'title':';|#Delta#phi(l1, met)| [rad]; entries/bin','nx':10, 'xmin':  0.0, 'xmax':  ppi},
        'nsj'            :{'title':';N_{jets,20<pt<30};entries/bin',           'nx':10, 'xmin': -0.5, 'xmax':  9.5},
        'drl0csj'        :{'title':';#DeltaR(l0, j_{close,soft});entries/bin', 'nx':10, 'xmin':  0.0, 'xmax':  2.0},
        'drl1csj'        :{'title':';#DeltaR(l1, j_{close,soft});entries/bin', 'nx':10, 'xmin':  0.0, 'xmax':  2.0},
        'l0_d0Sig'       :{'title':';d_{0 sig, l0}; entries/bin',              'nx':40, 'xmin':-10.0, 'xmax':+10.0},
        'l0_z0Sin'       :{'title':';z_{0, l0}sin#theta; entries/bin',         'nx':40, 'xmin':-10.0, 'xmax':+10.0},
        'l0_etCone'      :{'title':';E_{T,cone, l0} [GeV]; entries/bin',       'nx':40, 'xmin':-10.0, 'xmax':+30.0},
        'l0_ptCone'      :{'title':';p_{T,cone, l0} [GeV]; entries/bin',       'nx':50, 'xmin':  0.0, 'xmax':+25.0},
        'l0_etConeCorr'  :{'title':';E_{T, cone, corr, l0}; entries/bin',      'nx':60, 'xmin':-10.0, 'xmax':+20.0},
        'l0_ptConeCorr'  :{'title':';p_{T, cone, corr, l0}; entries/bin',      'nx':50, 'xmin':  0.0, 'xmax':+25.0},
        'l1_d0Sig'       :{'title':';d_{0 sig, l1}; entries/bin',              'nx':40, 'xmin':-10.0, 'xmax':+10.0},
        'l1_z0Sin'       :{'title':';z_{0, l1}sin#theta; entries/bin',         'nx':40, 'xmin':-10.0, 'xmax':+10.0},
        'l1_etCone'      :{'title':';E_{T,cone, l1} [GeV]; entries/bin',       'nx':40, 'xmin':-10.0, 'xmax':+30.0},
        'l1_ptCone'      :{'title':';p_{T,cone, l1} [GeV]; entries/bin',       'nx':50, 'xmin':  0.0, 'xmax':+25.0},
        'l1_etConeCorr'  :{'title':';E_{T, cone, corr, l1}; entries/bin',      'nx':60, 'xmin':-10.0, 'xmax':+20.0},
        'l1_ptConeCorr'  :{'title':';p_{T, cone, corr, l1}; entries/bin',      'nx':50, 'xmin':  0.0, 'xmax':+25.0},
        'deta_jj'        :{'title':';|#Delta#eta_{jj}|; entries/bin',          'nx':50, 'xmin':  0.0, 'xmax':+5.2},
        'm_jj'           :{'title':';m_{jj} [GeV]; entries/bin',               'nx':50, 'xmin':  0.0, 'xmax':+1000},
    attrs_2d = {
        'mcoll_vs_pt1'     :{'title':'; p_{T,l1} [GeV]; m_{coll,l0,l1} [GeV]',      'nx':240, 'xmin':0.0, 'xmax':240.0, 'ny':400, 'ymin':0.0, 'ymax':400.0},
        'pt0_vs_pt1'       :{'title':'; p_{T,l1} [GeV]; p_{T,l0} [GeV]',            'nx':240, 'xmin':0.0, 'xmax':240.0, 'ny':240, 'ymin':0.0, 'ymax':240.0},
        'met_vs_pt1'       :{'title':'; p_{T,l1} [GeV]; MET [GeV]',                 'nx':240, 'xmin':0.0, 'xmax':240.0, 'ny':24, 'ymin':0.0, 'ymax':240.0},
        'dphil0l1_vs_pt1'  :{'title':'; p_{T,l1} [GeV]; #Delta#phi(l0, l1) [rad]',  'nx':240, 'xmin':0.0, 'xmax':240.0, 'ny':40, 'ymin':0.0, 'ymax':4.0},
        'dphil0met_vs_pt1' :{'title':'; p_{T,l1} [GeV]; #Delta#phi(l0, met) [rad]', 'nx':240, 'xmin':0.0, 'xmax':240.0, 'ny':40, 'ymin':0.0, 'ymax':4.0},
        'dphil1met_vs_pt1' :{'title':'; p_{T,l1} [GeV]; #Delta#phi(l1, met) [rad]', 'nx':240, 'xmin':0.0, 'xmax':240.0, 'ny':40, 'ymin':0.0, 'ymax':4.0},
        'pt_eta' : {'title':';p_{T} [GeV]; #eta',
                    'nx':len(fakeu.ptBinEdges())-1,  'binsx':fakeu.ptBinEdges(),
                    'ny':len(fakeu.etaBinEdges())-1, 'binsy':fakeu.etaBinEdges(),}

    if variable in attrs_1d:
        attrs = attrs_1d[variable]
        title = title if title else attrs['title']
        nx    = nx    if nx    else attrs['nx']
        xmin  = xmin  if xmin  else attrs['xmin']
        xmax  = xmax  if xmax  else attrs['xmax']
        h = r.TH1F(histoname, title, nx, xmin, xmax)
    elif variable in attrs_2d:
        attrs = attrs_2d[variable]
        title = title if title else attrs['title']
        nx    = nx    if nx    else attrs['nx'   ]
        ny    = ny    if ny    else attrs['ny'   ]
        xmin  = xmin  if xmin  else attrs['xmin' ] if 'xmin' in attrs else None
        xmax  = xmax  if xmax  else attrs['xmax' ] if 'xmax' in attrs else None
        ymin  = ymin  if ymin  else attrs['ymin' ] if 'ymin' in attrs else None
        ymax  = ymax  if ymax  else attrs['ymax' ] if 'ymax' in attrs else None
        binsx = binsx if binsx else attrs['binsx'] if 'binsx' in attrs else None
        binsy = binsy if binsy else attrs['binsy'] if 'binsy' in attrs else None
        h = (r.TH2F(histoname, title, nx, binsx, ny, binsy) if binsx!=None and binsy!=None else
             r.TH2F(histoname, title, nx, xmin, xmax, ny, ymin, ymax))
        print "settings.histogram: unknown variable, cannot book histogram"
    return h