コード例 #1
def redis():
    r = FakeStrictRedis()
    r.sadd("packages-snapshot", "test1", "test2", "test3")
    r.hmset("profiles-snapshot", {"8devices_carambola": "ramips/rt305x"})
    r.sadd("targets-snapshot", "testtarget/testsubtarget")
    r.hmset("profiles-snapshot", {"testprofile": "testtarget/testsubtarget"})
    yield r
コード例 #2
def redis():
    r = FakeStrictRedis()
    r.sadd("packages-snapshot-testtarget/testsubtarget", "test1", "test2",
    r.hmset("profiles-snapshot", {"testprofile": "testtarget/testsubtarget"})
    r.hmset("mapping-snapshot", {"testvendor,testprofile": "testprofile"})
    r.sadd("targets-snapshot", "testtarget/testsubtarget")
    yield r
コード例 #3
ファイル: redis.py プロジェクト: labrook/dino
class DatabaseRedis(object):
    redis = None

    def __init__(self, env: GNEnvironment, host: str, port: int = 6379, db: int = 0):
        if environ.env.config.get(ConfigKeys.TESTING, False) or host == 'mock':
            from fakeredis import FakeStrictRedis as Redis
            from redis import Redis

        self.env = env
        self.redis = Redis(host=host, port=port, db=db)
        self.acl_validator = AclValidator()
    def get_all_permanent_rooms(self):

    def get_room_acls_for_action(self, action) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]:

    def set_all_rooms(self, all_rooms):

    def get_all_rooms(self) -> Union[List, None]:
        return list()

    def get_rooms_with_sid(self, user_id: str):

    def remove_sid_for_user_in_room(self, user_id, room_id, sid_to_remove):

    def sids_for_user_in_room(self, user_id, room_id):

    def get_rooms_with_sid(self, user_id: str):

    def remove_sid_for_user_in_room(self, user_id, room_id, sid_to_remove):

    def sids_for_user_in_room(self, user_id, room_id) -> set:
        return set()

    def get_user_for_sid(self, sid: str) -> str:
        return None

    def update_spam_config(self, enabled, max_length, min_length, should_delete, should_save) -> None:

    def set_spam_min_length(self, min_length: int) -> None:

    def set_spam_max_length(self, max_length: int) -> None:

    def enable_spam_delete(self) -> None:

    def disable_spam_delete(self) -> None:

    def enable_spam_save(self) -> None:

    def disable_spam_save(self) -> None:

    def mark_spam_deleted_if_exists(self, message_id: str) -> None:

    def mark_spam_not_deleted_if_exists(self, message_id: str) -> None:

    def get_latest_spam(self, limit: int) -> list:
        return list()

    def get_spam(self, spam_id: int) -> dict:
        return dict()

    def get_spam_for_time_slice(self, room_id, user_id, from_time_int, to_time_int) -> list:
        return list()

    def get_spam_from(self, user_id: str) -> list:
        return list()

    def init_config(self) -> None:

    def get_service_config(self, session=None) -> dict:
        return dict()

    def enable_spam_classifier(self) -> None:

    def disable_spam_classifier(self) -> None:

    def set_spam_correct_or_not(self, spam_id: int, correct: bool):
        pass  # not supported

    def save_spam_prediction(self, activity: Activity, message, y_hats: tuple):
        pass  # not supported

    def set_ephemeral_room(self, room_id: str):
        self.redis.srem(RedisKeys.non_ephemeral_rooms(), room_id)

    def unset_ephemeral_room(self, room_id: str):
        self.redis.sadd(RedisKeys.non_ephemeral_rooms(), room_id)

    def is_room_ephemeral(self, room_id: str) -> bool:
        return not self.redis.sismember(RedisKeys.non_ephemeral_rooms(), room_id)

    def add_words_to_blacklist(self, words: list) -> None:
        self.redis.sadd(RedisKeys.black_list(), words)

    def get_users_roles(self, user_ids: list) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError('not available in redis implementation of db interface')

    def get_all_user_ids(self) -> list:
        raise NotImplementedError('not available in redis implementation of db interface')

    def remove_word_from_blacklist(self, word_id) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError('not available in redis implementation of db interface')

    def remove_matching_word_from_blacklist(self, word: str) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError('not available in redis implementation of db interface')

    def get_black_list_with_ids(self, session=None) -> list:
        raise NotImplementedError('not available in redis implementation of db interface')

    def get_black_list(self) -> set:
        values = self.redis.smembers(RedisKeys.black_list())
        return {str(value, 'utf-8') for value in values}

    def search_for_users(self, query: str) -> list:
        raise NotImplementedError('not implemented in redis db backend')

    def get_user_roles_in_room(self, user_id: str, room_id: str) -> list:
        roles = self.get_user_roles(user_id)
        if room_id in roles['room']:
            return roles['room'][room_id]
        return list()

    def get_user_roles(self, user_id: str) -> dict:
        output = {
            'global': list(),
            'channel': dict(),
            'room': dict()

        checked_channels = set()
        rooms = self.redis.hgetall(RedisKeys.rooms_for_user(user_id))

        global_roles = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.global_roles(), user_id)
        if global_roles is not None:
            global_roles = str(global_roles, 'utf-8')
            output['global'] = [a for a in global_roles.split(',')]

        for room_id, _ in rooms.items():
            room_id = str(room_id, 'utf-8')
            channel_id = self.channel_for_room(room_id)
            room_roles = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.room_roles(room_id), user_id)

            if channel_id not in checked_channels:
                channel_roles = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.channel_roles(channel_id), user_id)
                if channel_roles is not None:
                    channel_roles = str(channel_roles, 'utf-8')
                    output['channel'][channel_id] = [a for a in channel_roles.split(',')]

            if room_roles is not None:
                room_roles = str(room_roles, 'utf-8')
                output['room'][room_id] = [a for a in room_roles.split(',')]
        return output

    def get_admins_in_room(self, room_id: str):
        return list()

    def get_online_admins(self) -> list:
        admins = self.get_super_users()
        return [
            user_id for user_id, status in zip(
                    [self.get_user_status(user_id) for user_id in admins.keys()]
            if status in [

    def unset_admin_room(self, room_uuid: str) -> None:

    def set_admin_room(self, room_uuid: str) -> None:
        self.redis.set(RedisKeys.admin_room(), room_uuid)

    def create_admin_room(self) -> str:
        admin_room_id = self.get_admin_room()
        if admin_room_id is not None:
            return admin_room_id

            self.create_user('0', 'Admin')
        except UserExistsException:

        channel_id = str(uuid())
        room_id = str(uuid())

        self.create_channel('Admins', channel_id, '0')

        self.redis.set(RedisKeys.admin_room(), room_id)
        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.room_name_for_id(), room_id, 'Admins')
        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.rooms(channel_id), room_id, 'Admins')
        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.channel_for_rooms(), room_id, channel_id)
        self.redis.sadd(RedisKeys.non_ephemeral_rooms(), room_id)

        acls = {
            RoleKeys.ADMIN: '',
            RoleKeys.SUPER_USER: ''
        samechannel = {
            'samechannel': ''

        self.add_acls_in_channel_for_action(channel_id, ApiActions.LIST, acls)
        self.add_acls_in_channel_for_action(channel_id, ApiActions.JOIN, acls)
        self.add_acls_in_room_for_action(room_id, ApiActions.JOIN, acls)
        self.add_acls_in_room_for_action(room_id, ApiActions.LIST, acls)
        self.add_acls_in_room_for_action(room_id, ApiActions.CROSSROOM, samechannel)
        return room_id

    def get_admin_room(self) -> str:
        room_id = self.redis.get(RedisKeys.admin_room())
        if room_id is None or len(str(room_id, 'utf-8').strip()) == 0:
            return None
        return str(room_id, 'utf-8')

    def get_reason_for_ban_global(self, user_id: str) -> str:
        return ''

    def get_reason_for_ban_channel(self, user_id: str, channel_uuid: str) -> str:
        return ''

    def get_reason_for_ban_room(self, user_id: str, room_uuid: str) -> str:
        return ''

    def _has_role_in_room(self, role: str, room_id: str, user_id: str) -> bool:
        roles = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.room_roles(room_id), user_id)
        if roles is None:
            return False
        return role in str(roles, 'utf-8').split(',')

    def _has_role_in_channel(self, role: str, channel_id: str, user_id: str) -> bool:
        roles = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.channel_roles(channel_id), user_id)
        if roles is None:
            return False
        return role in str(roles, 'utf-8').split(',')

    def _has_global_role(self, user_id: str, role: str) -> bool:
        roles = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.global_roles(), user_id)
        if roles is None:
            return False
        return role in str(roles, 'utf-8').split(',')

    def _add_channel_role(self, role: str, channel_id: str, user_id: str):
        roles = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.channel_roles(channel_id), user_id)
        if roles is None:
            roles = role
            roles = set(str(roles, 'utf-8').split(','))
            roles = ','.join(roles)
        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.channel_roles(channel_id), user_id, roles)

    def _add_room_role(self, role: str, room_id: str, user_id: str):
        roles = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.room_roles(room_id), user_id)
        if roles is None:
            roles = role
            roles = set(str(roles, 'utf-8').split(','))
            roles = ','.join(roles)
        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.room_roles(room_id), user_id, roles)

    def _add_global_role(self, user_id: str, role: str):
        key = RedisKeys.global_roles()
        roles = self.redis.hget(key, user_id)
        if roles is None:
            roles = role
            roles = set(str(roles, 'utf-8').split(','))
            roles = ','.join(roles)
        self.redis.hset(key, user_id, roles)

    def _remove_channel_role(self, role: str, channel_id: str, user_id: str):
        roles = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.channel_roles(channel_id), user_id)
        if roles is None:

        roles = set(str(roles, 'utf-8').split(','))
        if role not in roles:

        roles = ','.join(roles)
        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.channel_roles(channel_id), user_id, roles)

    def _remove_room_role(self, role: str, room_id: str, user_id: str):
        roles = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.room_roles(room_id), user_id)
        if roles is None:

        roles = set(str(roles, 'utf-8').split(','))
        if role not in roles:

        roles = ','.join(roles)
        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.room_roles(room_id), user_id, roles)

    def _remove_global_role(self, user_id: str, role: str):
        key = RedisKeys.global_roles()
        roles = self.redis.hget(key, user_id)
        if roles is None:

        roles = set(str(roles, 'utf-8').split(','))
        if role not in roles:

        roles = ','.join(roles)
        self.redis.hset(key, user_id, roles)

    def get_super_users(self) -> dict:
        users = self.redis.hgetall(RedisKeys.global_roles())
        super_users = dict()
        for user_id in users.keys():
            user_id = str(user_id, 'utf-8')
            super_users[user_id] = self.get_user_name(user_id)
        return super_users

    def set_super_user(self, user_id: str) -> None:
        self._add_global_role(user_id, RoleKeys.SUPER_USER)

    def is_super_user(self, user_id: str) -> bool:
        return self._has_global_role(user_id, RoleKeys.SUPER_USER)

    def is_admin(self, channel_id: str, user_id: str) -> bool:
        return self._has_role_in_channel(RoleKeys.ADMIN, channel_id, user_id)

    def is_moderator(self, room_id: str, user_id: str) -> bool:
        return self._has_role_in_room(RoleKeys.MODERATOR, room_id, user_id)

    def is_global_moderator(self, user_id: str) -> bool:
        return self._has_global_role(RoleKeys.GLOBAL_MODERATOR, user_id)

    def is_owner(self, room_id: str, user_id: str) -> bool:
        return self._has_role_in_room(RoleKeys.OWNER, room_id, user_id)

    def is_owner_channel(self, channel_id: str, user_id: str) -> bool:
        return self._has_role_in_channel(RoleKeys.OWNER, channel_id, user_id)

    def set_admin(self, channel_id: str, user_id: str):
        if not self.channel_exists(channel_id):
            raise NoSuchChannelException(channel_id)
        self._add_channel_role(RoleKeys.ADMIN, channel_id, user_id)

    def set_moderator(self, room_id: str, user_id: str):
        self._add_room_role(RoleKeys.MODERATOR, room_id, user_id)

    def set_global_moderator(self, room_id: str, user_id: str):
        self._add_global_role(user_id, RoleKeys.GLOBAL_MODERATOR)

    def set_owner(self, room_id: str, user_id: str):
        self._add_room_role(RoleKeys.OWNER, room_id, user_id)

    def set_owner_channel(self, channel_id: str, user_id: str):
        self._add_channel_role(RoleKeys.OWNER, channel_id, user_id)

    def remove_admin(self, channel_id: str, user_id: str) -> None:
        if not self.channel_exists(channel_id):
            raise NoSuchChannelException(channel_id)
        self._remove_channel_role(RoleKeys.ADMIN, channel_id, user_id)

    def remove_owner_channel(self, channel_id: str, user_id: str) -> None:
        if not self.channel_exists(channel_id):
            raise NoSuchChannelException(channel_id)
        self._remove_channel_role(RoleKeys.OWNER, channel_id, user_id)

    def remove_moderator(self, room_id: str, user_id: str) -> None:
        if not self.channel_for_room(room_id):
            raise NoChannelFoundException(room_id)
        self._remove_room_role(RoleKeys.MODERATOR, room_id, user_id)

    def remove_super_user(self, user_id: str) -> None:
        self._remove_global_role(user_id, RoleKeys.SUPER_USER)

    def remove_global_moderator(self, user_id: str) -> None:
        self._remove_global_role(user_id, RoleKeys.GLOBAL_MODERATOR)

    def remove_owner(self, room_id: str, user_id: str) -> None:
        if not self.channel_for_room(room_id):
            raise NoSuchRoomException(room_id)
        self._remove_room_role(RoleKeys.OWNER, room_id, user_id)

    def get_channels(self) -> dict:
        all_channels = self.redis.hgetall(RedisKeys.channels())
        clean = dict()

        for channel_id, channel_name in all_channels.items():
            # second argument in tuple is sort order, but it's not supported with redis db
            clean[str(channel_id, 'utf-8')] = (str(channel_name, 'utf-8'), 1, 'normal')
        return clean

    def update_room_sort_order(self, room_uuid: str, sort_order: int) -> None:
        # not supported in redis db

    def update_channel_sort_order(self, channel_uuid: str, sort: int) -> None:
        # not supported in redis db

    def rooms_for_channel_without_info(self, channel_id: str) -> dict:
        rooms = self.rooms_for_channel(channel_id)
        return {
            room_id: {
                'name': room['name'],
                'ephemeral': room['ephemeral']
            } for room_id, room in rooms.items()

    def rooms_for_channel(self, channel_id) -> dict:
        all_rooms = self.redis.hgetall(RedisKeys.rooms(channel_id))
        clean = dict()

        for room_id, room_name in all_rooms.items():
            if room_name is None:
                raise NoRoomNameException(room_id)

            room_id = str(room_id, 'utf-8')
            clean[room_id] = {
                'name': str(room_name, 'utf-8'),
                'sort_order': 1,
                'ephemeral': self.is_room_ephemeral(room_id),
                'users': len(self.users_in_room(room_id))
        return clean

    def room_exists(self, channel_id: str, room_id: str) -> bool:
        return self.redis.hexists(RedisKeys.rooms(channel_id), room_id)

    def get_room_id_for_name(self, room_name: str) -> str:
        raise NotImplementedError('redis db does not support getting room id from name')

    def room_name_exists(self, channel_id, room_name: str) -> bool:
        cleaned = set()
        for existing_room_name in self.redis.hvals(RedisKeys.rooms(channel_id)):
            cleaned.add(str(existing_room_name, 'utf-8').lower())

        if type(room_name) == bytes:
            room_name = str(room_name, 'utf-8')

        return room_name.lower() in cleaned

    def channel_name_exists(self, channel_name: str) -> bool:
        cleaned = set()
        for candidate in self.redis.hvals(RedisKeys.channels()):
            cleaned.add(str(candidate, 'utf-8').lower())

        if type(channel_name) == bytes:
            channel_name = str(channel_name, 'utf-8')

        return channel_name.lower() in cleaned

    def channel_exists(self, channel_id) -> bool:
        if channel_id is None or channel_id == '':
            return False
        return self.redis.hexists(RedisKeys.channels(), channel_id)

    def create_user(self, user_id: str, user_name: str) -> None:
        if user_name is None or len(user_name.strip()) == 0:
            raise EmptyUserNameException(user_id)

        if user_id is None or len(user_id.strip()) == 0:
            raise EmptyUserIdException()

            raise UserExistsException(user_id)
        except NoSuchUserException:

        key = RedisKeys.auth_key(user_id)
        self.redis.hset(key, SessionKeys.user_id.value, user_id)
        self.redis.hset(key, SessionKeys.user_name.value, user_name)
        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.user_names(), user_id, user_name)

    def get_avatars_for(self, user_ids: set) -> dict:
        return dict()

    def room_contains(self, room_id: str, user_id: str) -> bool:
        return self.redis.hexists(RedisKeys.users_in_room(room_id), user_id)

    def users_in_room(self, room_id: str, this_user_id: str=None, skip_cache: bool=False) -> dict:
        except NoSuchRoomException:
            return dict()


        users = self.redis.hgetall(RedisKeys.users_in_room(room_id))
        cleaned_users = dict()
        for user_id, user_name in users.items():
            user_id = str(user_id, 'utf-8')
            cleaned_users[user_id] = str(user_name, 'utf-8')
        return cleaned_users

    def leave_room(self, user_id: str, room_id: str) -> None:
        self.redis.hdel(RedisKeys.users_in_room(room_id), user_id)
        self.redis.hdel(RedisKeys.rooms_for_user(user_id), room_id)

    def delete_acl_in_room_for_action(self, room_id: str, acl_type: str, action: str) -> None:

        if action not in ApiActions.all_api_actions:
            raise InvalidApiActionException(action)

        key = '%s|%s' % (action, acl_type)
        self.redis.hdel(RedisKeys.room_acl(room_id), key)

    def add_default_room(self, room_id: str) -> None:
        self.redis.sadd(RedisKeys.default_rooms(), room_id)

    def remove_default_room(self, room_id: str) -> None:
        self.redis.srem(RedisKeys.default_rooms(), room_id)

    def get_default_rooms(self) -> list:

    def delete_acl_in_channel_for_action(self, channel_id: str, acl_type: str, action: str) -> None:
        if not self.channel_exists(channel_id):
            raise NoSuchChannelException(channel_id)

        if action not in ApiActions.all_api_actions:
            raise InvalidApiActionException(action)

        key = '%s|%s' % (action, acl_type)
        self.redis.hdel(RedisKeys.channel_acl(channel_id), key)

    def get_temp_rooms_user_is_owner_for(self, user_id: str) -> None:
        return list()

    def update_acl_in_room_for_action(self, channel_id: str, room_id: str, action: str, acl_type: str, acl_value: str) -> None:
        if not self.channel_exists(channel_id):
            raise NoSuchChannelException(channel_id)
        if not self.room_exists(channel_id, room_id):
            raise NoSuchRoomException(room_id)

        self.add_acls_in_room_for_action(room_id, action, {acl_type: acl_value})

    def update_acl_in_channel_for_action(self, channel_id: str, action: str, acl_type: str, acl_value: str) -> None:
        self.add_acls_in_channel_for_action(channel_id, action, {acl_type: acl_value})

    def add_acls_in_channel_for_action(self, channel_id: str, action: str, acls: dict) -> None:
        if not self.channel_exists(channel_id):
            raise NoSuchChannelException(channel_id)

        if action not in ApiActions.all_api_actions:
            raise InvalidApiActionException(action)

        new_acls = dict()
        acl_configs = environ.env.config.get(ConfigKeys.ACL)

        for acl_type, acl_value in acls.items():
            if acl_type not in acl_configs['available']['acls']:
                raise InvalidAclTypeException(acl_type)

            key = '%s|%s' % (action, acl_type)
            new_acls[key] = acl_value

        if len(new_acls) == 0:
        self.redis.hmset(RedisKeys.channel_acl(channel_id), new_acls)

    def add_acls_in_room_for_action(self, room_id: str, action: str, acls: dict) -> None:
        if self.channel_for_room(room_id) is None:
            raise NoSuchRoomException(room_id)

        if action not in ApiActions.all_api_actions:
            raise InvalidApiActionException(action)

        acl_configs = environ.env.config.get(ConfigKeys.ACL)

        new_acls = dict()
        for acl_type, acl_value in acls.items():
            if acl_type not in acl_configs['available']['acls']:
                raise InvalidAclTypeException(acl_type)

            key = '%s|%s' % (action, acl_type)
            new_acls[key] = acl_value

        if len(new_acls) == 0:
        self.redis.hmset(RedisKeys.room_acl(room_id), new_acls)

    def _is_banned(self, ban):
        time = None
        if ban is not None:
            ban = str(ban, 'utf-8')
            time = ban.split('|', 2)[1]
        return time is not None, time

    def is_banned_globally(self, user_id: str) -> (bool, Union[str, None]):
        ban = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.banned_users(), user_id)
        is_banned, time = self._is_banned(ban)
        if not is_banned:
            return False, None

        now = datetime.utcnow()
        end = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(time))
        if now > end:
            self.redis.hdel(RedisKeys.banned_users(), user_id)
            return False, None
        return True, time

    def is_banned_from_channel(self, channel_id: str, user_id: str) -> (bool, Union[str, None]):
        ban = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.banned_users_channel(channel_id), user_id)
        is_banned, time = self._is_banned(ban)
        if not is_banned:
            return False, None

        now = datetime.utcnow()
        end = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(time))
        if now > end:
            self.redis.hdel(RedisKeys.banned_users(), user_id)
            return False, None
        return True, time

    def is_banned_from_room(self, room_id: str, user_id: str) -> (bool, Union[str, None]):
        ban = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.banned_users(room_id), user_id)
        is_banned, time = self._is_banned(ban)
        if not is_banned:
            return False, None

        now = datetime.utcnow()
        end = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(time))
        if now > end:
            self.redis.hdel(RedisKeys.banned_users(), user_id)
            return False, None
        return True, time

    def remove_global_ban(self, user_id: str) -> str:
        self.redis.hdel(RedisKeys.banned_users(), user_id)

    def remove_channel_ban(self, channel_id: str, user_id: str) -> str:
        self.redis.hdel(RedisKeys.banned_users_channel(channel_id), user_id)

    def remove_channel(self, channel_id: str) -> None:
        self.redis.hdel(RedisKeys.channels(), channel_id)

    def remove_room_ban(self, room_id: str, user_id: str) -> str:
        self.redis.hdel(RedisKeys.banned_users(room_id), user_id)

    def get_bans_for_user(self, user_id: str, session=None) -> dict:
        def _to_date(_timestamp):
            return datetime.fromtimestamp(int(_timestamp)).strftime(ConfigKeys.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT)

        now = datetime.utcnow()
        all_channels = self.redis.hgetall(RedisKeys.channels())
        channel_ids = list()
        room_ids = list()

        output = {
            'global': dict(),
            'room': dict(),
            'channel': dict()

        for channel_id, _ in all_channels.items():
            channel_ids.append(str(channel_id, 'utf-8'))

        for channel_id in channel_ids:
            all_rooms = self.redis.hgetall(RedisKeys.rooms(channel_id))

            for room_id, _ in all_rooms.items():
                room_ids.append(str(room_id, 'utf-8'))

        for channel_id in channel_ids:
            r_key = RedisKeys.banned_users_channel(channel_id)
            if not self.redis.hexists(r_key, user_id):

            ban_info = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys, r_key)
            ban_duration, ban_timestamp, _ = ban_info.split('|', 2)
            if datetime.fromtimestamp(int(ban_timestamp)) < now:
                self.redis.hdel(r_key, user_id)

            output['channel'][channel_id] = {
                'name': b64e(self.get_channel_name(channel_id)),
                'duration': ban_duration,
                'timestamp': _to_date(ban_timestamp)

        for room_id in room_ids:
            r_key = RedisKeys.banned_users(room_id)
            if not self.redis.hexists(r_key, user_id):

            ban_info = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys, r_key)
            ban_duration, ban_timestamp, _ = ban_info.split('|', 2)
            if datetime.fromtimestamp(int(ban_timestamp)) < now:
                self.redis.hdel(r_key, user_id)

            output['room'][room_id] = {
                'name': b64e(self.get_room_name(room_id)),
                'duration': ban_duration,
                'timestamp': _to_date(ban_timestamp)

        r_key = RedisKeys.banned_users()
        if self.redis.hexists(r_key, user_id):
            ban_info = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.banned_users(), user_id)
            ban_duration, ban_timestamp, _ = ban_info.split('|', 2)
            if datetime.fromtimestamp(int(ban_timestamp)) < now:
                self.redis.hdel(r_key, user_id)
                output['global'] = {
                    'duration': ban_duration,
                    'timestamp': _to_date(ban_timestamp)
        return output

    def get_user_ban_status(self, room_id: str, user_id: str) -> dict:
        channel_id = self.channel_for_room(room_id)
        global_ban = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.banned_users(), user_id)
        channel_ban = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.banned_users_channel(channel_id), user_id)
        room_ban = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.banned_users(room_id), user_id)

        global_timestamp = ''
        channel_timestamp = ''
        room_timestamp = ''

        if global_ban is not None:
            global_ban = str(global_ban, 'utf-8')
            global_timestamp = global_ban.split('|', 2)[1]
        if channel_ban is not None:
            channel_ban = str(channel_ban, 'utf-8')
            channel_timestamp = channel_ban.split('|', 2)[1]
        if room_ban is not None:
            room_ban = str(room_ban, 'utf-8')
            room_timestamp = room_ban.split('|', 2)[1]

        return {
            'global': global_timestamp,
            'channel': channel_timestamp,
            'room': room_timestamp

    def get_banned_users_global(self) -> dict:
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        output = dict()

        def for_global_ban(_user_id, _ban_info):
            ban_duration, ban_timestamp, username = _ban_info.split('|', 2)
            if datetime.fromtimestamp(int(ban_timestamp)) < now:
                self.redis.hdel(RedisKeys.banned_users(), _user_id)

            output[_user_id] = {
                'name': b64e(self.get_user_name(_user_id)),
                'duration': ban_duration,
                'timestamp': datetime.fromtimestamp(int(ban_timestamp)).strftime(ConfigKeys.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT)

        global_bans = self.redis.hgetall(RedisKeys.banned_users())
        for user_id, ban_info in global_bans.items():
            user_id = str(user_id, 'utf-8')
            ban_info = str(ban_info, 'utf-8')
            for_global_ban(user_id, ban_info)

        return output

    # TODO: use @lru_cache?
    def get_banned_users_for_channel(self, channel_id):
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        output = dict()

        def for_local_ban_channel(_user_id, _channel_id, _ban_info):
            ban_duration, ban_timestamp, username = _ban_info.split('|', 2)
            if datetime.fromtimestamp(int(ban_timestamp)) < now:
                self.redis.hdel(RedisKeys.banned_users_channel(_channel_id), _user_id)

            output[_user_id] = {
                'name': b64e(self.get_user_name(_user_id)),
                'duration': ban_duration,
                'timestamp': datetime.fromtimestamp(int(ban_timestamp)).strftime(ConfigKeys.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT)

        channel_bans = self.redis.hgetall(RedisKeys.banned_users_channel(channel_id))
        for user_id, ban_info in channel_bans.items():
            user_id = str(user_id, 'utf-8')
            ban_info = str(ban_info, 'utf-8')
            for_local_ban_channel(user_id, channel_id, ban_info)

        return output

    # TODO: use @lru_cache?
    def get_banned_users_for_room(self, room_id) -> dict:
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        output = dict()

        def for_local_ban(_user_id, _room_id, _ban_info):
            ban_duration, ban_timestamp, username = _ban_info.split('|', 2)
            if datetime.fromtimestamp(int(ban_timestamp)) < now:
                self.redis.hdel(RedisKeys.banned_users(_room_id), _user_id)

            output[_user_id] = {
                'name': b64e(self.get_user_name(_user_id)),
                'duration': ban_duration,
                'timestamp': datetime.fromtimestamp(int(ban_timestamp)).strftime(ConfigKeys.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT)

        local_bans = self.redis.hgetall(RedisKeys.banned_users(room_id))
        for user_id, ban_info in local_bans.items():
            user_id = str(user_id, 'utf-8')
            ban_info = str(ban_info, 'utf-8')
            for_local_ban(user_id, room_id, ban_info)

        return output

    def get_banned_users(self) -> dict:
        all_channels = self.redis.hgetall(RedisKeys.channels())

        def get_banned_users_all_channels() -> dict:
            output = dict()
            for channel_id, _ in all_channels.items():
                channel_id = str(channel_id, 'utf-8')
                bans = {
                    'name': b64e(self.get_channel_name(channel_id)),
                    'users': self.get_banned_users_for_channel(channel_id)
                if len(bans['users']) > 0:
                    output[channel_id] = bans
            return output

        def get_banned_users_all_rooms() -> dict:
            output = dict()
            for channel_id, _ in all_channels.items():
                channel_id = str(channel_id, 'utf-8')
                rooms_for_channel = self.redis.hgetall(RedisKeys.rooms(channel_id))
                for room_id, _ in rooms_for_channel.items():
                    room_id = str(room_id, 'utf-8')
                    bans = {
                        'name': b64e(self.get_room_name(room_id)),
                        'users': self.get_banned_users_for_room(room_id)
                    if len(bans['users']) > 0:
                        output[room_id] = bans
            return output

        return {
            'global': self.get_banned_users_global(),
            'channels': get_banned_users_all_channels(),
            'rooms': get_banned_users_all_rooms()

    def kick_user(self, room_id: str, user_id: str) -> None:
        self.leave_room(user_id, room_id)

    def _get_ban_timestamp(self, ban) -> (str, str, str):
        if ban is None:
            return None, None, None
        ban = str(ban, 'utf-8')
        return ban.split('|', 2)

    def get_global_ban_timestamp(self, user_id: str) -> (str, str, str):
        ban = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.banned_users(), user_id)
        return self._get_ban_timestamp(ban)

    def get_channel_ban_timestamp(self, channel_id: str, user_id: str) -> (str, str, str):
        ban = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.banned_users_channel(channel_id), user_id)
        return self._get_ban_timestamp(ban)

    def get_room_ban_timestamp(self, room_id: str, user_id: str) -> (str, str, str):
        ban = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.banned_users(room_id), user_id)
        return self._get_ban_timestamp(ban)

    def ban_user_global(self, user_id: str, ban_timestamp: str, ban_duration: str, reason: str=None, banner_id: str=None):
        user_name = ''
            user_name = self.get_user_name(user_id)
        except NoSuchUserException:
        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.banned_users(), user_id, '%s|%s|%s' % (ban_duration, ban_timestamp, user_name))

    def ban_user_room(self, user_id: str, ban_timestamp: str, ban_duration: str, room_id: str, reason: str=None, banner_id: str=None):
        except NoChannelFoundException:
            raise NoSuchRoomException(room_id)

        user_name = ''
            user_name = self.get_user_name(user_id)
        except NoSuchUserException:
        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.banned_users(room_id), user_id, '%s|%s|%s' % (ban_duration, ban_timestamp, user_name))

    def ban_user_channel(self, user_id: str, ban_timestamp: str, ban_duration: str, channel_id: str, reason: str=None, banner_id: str=None):
        user_name = ''
            user_name = self.get_user_name(user_id)
        except NoSuchUserException:
        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.banned_users_channel(channel_id), user_id, '%s|%s|%s' % (ban_duration, ban_timestamp, user_name))

    def get_acls_in_room_for_action(self, room_id: str, action: str) -> dict:

        acls = self.redis.hgetall(RedisKeys.room_acl(room_id))
        acls_cleaned = dict()

        for acl_key, acl_value in acls.items():
            acl_action, acl_type = str(acl_key, 'utf-8').split('|', 1)
            if acl_action != action:
            acls_cleaned[acl_type] = str(acl_value, 'utf-8')

        return acls_cleaned

    def get_acls_in_channel_for_action(self, channel_id: str, action: str) -> dict:

        acls = self.redis.hgetall(RedisKeys.channel_acl(channel_id))
        acls_cleaned = dict()

        for acl_key, acl_value in acls.items():
            acl_action, acl_type = str(acl_key, 'utf-8').split('|', 1)
            if acl_action != action:
            acls_cleaned[acl_type] = str(acl_value, 'utf-8')

        return acls_cleaned

    def get_acl_validation_value(self, acl_type: str, validation_method: str) -> str:
        if acl_type is None or len(acl_type.strip()) == 0:
            raise InvalidAclTypeException(acl_type)

        if validation_method is None or len(validation_method.strip()) == 0:
            raise InvalidAclValueException(acl_type, validation_method)

        value = environ.env.redis.hget(RedisKeys.acl_validations(acl_type), validation_method)
        if value is None:
            raise AclValueNotFoundException(acl_type, validation_method)

        value = str(value, 'utf-8')
        if len(value.strip()) == 0:
            raise AclValueNotFoundException(acl_type, validation_method)

        return value

    def get_all_acls_channel(self, channel_id: str) -> dict:

        acls = self.redis.hgetall(RedisKeys.channel_acl(channel_id))
        acls_cleaned = dict()

        for acl_key, acl_value in acls.items():
            acl_action, acl_type = str(acl_key, 'utf-8').split('|', 1)
            if acl_action not in acls_cleaned:
                acls_cleaned[acl_action] = dict()
            acls_cleaned[acl_action][acl_type] = str(acl_value, 'utf-8')

        return acls_cleaned

    def get_all_acls_room(self, room_id: str) -> dict:

        acls = self.redis.hgetall(RedisKeys.room_acl(room_id))
        acls_cleaned = dict()

        for acl_key, acl_value in acls.items():
            acl_action, acl_type = str(acl_key, 'utf-8').split('|', 1)
            if acl_action not in acls_cleaned:
                acls_cleaned[acl_action] = dict()
            acls_cleaned[acl_action][acl_type] = str(acl_value, 'utf-8')

        return acls_cleaned

    def channel_for_room(self, room_id: str) -> str:
        if room_id is None or len(room_id.strip()) == 0:
            raise NoSuchRoomException(room_id)

        value = self.env.cache.get_channel_for_room(room_id)
        if value is not None:
            return value


        channel_id = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.channel_for_rooms(), room_id)
        if channel_id is None:
            raise NoChannelFoundException(room_id)
        channel_id = str(channel_id, 'utf-8')
        self.env.cache.set_channel_for_room(channel_id, room_id)
        return channel_id

    def set_user_name(self, user_id: str, user_name: str) -> None:
        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.auth_key(user_id), SessionKeys.user_name.value, user_name)
        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.user_names(), user_id, user_name)

    def get_user_name(self, user_id: str) -> str:
        key = RedisKeys.user_names()
        name = self.redis.hget(key, user_id)
        if name is None:
            raise NoSuchUserException(user_id)
        return str(name, 'utf-8')

    def _get_users_with_role(self, roles: dict, role_key: str):
        if roles is None or len(roles) == 0:
            return dict()

        cleaned = dict()
        for user_id, user_roles in roles.items():
            user_id = str(user_id, 'utf-8')
            user_roles = str(user_roles, 'utf-8')
            if role_key not in user_roles.split(','):
                cleaned[user_id] = self.get_user_name(user_id)
            except NoSuchUserException:
                logger.error('no username found for user_id %s' % user_id)
        return cleaned

    def add_sid_for_user(self, user_id: str, sid: str) -> None:
        if user_id is None or len(user_id.strip()) == 0:
            raise EmptyUserIdException(user_id)
        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.sid_for_user_id(), user_id, sid)

    def reset_sids_for_user(self, user_id: str) -> None:
        if user_id is None or len(user_id.strip()) == 0:
            raise EmptyUserIdException(user_id)
        self.redis.hdel(RedisKeys.sid_for_user_id(), user_id)

    def remove_sid_for_user(self, user_id: str, sid: str) -> None:

    def get_sids_for_user(self, user_id: str) -> list:
        if user_id is None or len(user_id.strip()) == 0:
            raise EmptyUserIdException(user_id)
        sid = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.sid_for_user_id(), user_id)
        if sid is None:
            return list()
        return [str(sid, 'utf-8')]

    def _get_users_with_role_in_channel(self, channel_id: str, role_key: str):
        roles = self.redis.hgetall(RedisKeys.channel_roles(channel_id))
        return self._get_users_with_role(roles, role_key)

    def _get_users_with_role_in_room(self, room_id: str, role_key: str):
        roles = self.redis.hgetall(RedisKeys.room_roles(room_id))
        return self._get_users_with_role(roles, role_key)

    def get_admins_channel(self, channel_id: str) -> dict:
        return self._get_users_with_role_in_channel(channel_id, RoleKeys.ADMIN)

    def get_owners_channel(self, channel_id: str) -> dict:
        return self._get_users_with_role_in_channel(channel_id, RoleKeys.OWNER)

    def get_owners_room(self, room_id: str) -> dict:
        return self._get_users_with_role_in_room(room_id, RoleKeys.OWNER)

    def get_moderators_room(self, room_id: str) -> dict:
        return self._get_users_with_role_in_room(room_id, RoleKeys.MODERATOR)

    def remove_current_rooms_for_user(self, user_id: str) -> None:

    def get_room_name(self, room_id: str) -> str:
        room_name = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.room_name_for_id(), room_id)
        if room_name is None:
            raise NoSuchRoomException(room_id)
        return room_name.decode('utf-8')

    def get_user_infos(self, user_ids: set) -> dict:
        user_infos = dict()

        for user_id in user_ids:
            user_info = self.env.auth.get_user_info(user_id)
            user_infos[user_id] = user_info

        return user_infos

    def set_user_info(self, user_id: str, user_info: dict) -> None:
        for key, value in user_info.items():
            self.env.auth.update_session_for_key(user_id, key, value)

    def get_channel_name(self, channel_id: str) -> str:
        channel_name = self.env.cache.get_channel_name(channel_id)
        if channel_name is not None:
            return channel_name

        channel_name = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.channels(), channel_id)
        if channel_name is None:
            raise NoSuchChannelException(channel_id)
        channel_name = str(channel_name, 'utf-8')
        self.env.cache.set_channel_name(channel_id, channel_name)
        return channel_name

    def rooms_for_user(self, user_id: str, skip_cache: bool = False) -> dict:
        clean_rooms = dict()

        rooms = self.redis.hgetall(RedisKeys.rooms_for_user(user_id))
        for room_id, room_name in rooms.items():
            room_id, room_name = str(room_id, 'utf-8'), str(room_name, 'utf-8')
            clean_rooms[room_id] = room_name
        return clean_rooms

    def join_room(self, user_id: str, user_name: str, room_id: str, room_name: str) -> None:
        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.rooms_for_user(user_id), room_id, room_name)
        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.users_in_room(room_id), user_id, user_name)

    def create_channel(self, channel_name, channel_id, user_id) -> None:
        if self.channel_exists(channel_id):
            raise ChannelExistsException(channel_id)

        if channel_name is None or len(channel_name.strip()) == 0:
            raise EmptyChannelNameException(channel_id)

        if self.channel_name_exists(channel_name):
            raise ChannelNameExistsException(channel_name)

        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.channels(), channel_id, channel_name)
        self.set_owner_channel(channel_id, user_id)

    def create_room(self, room_name: str, room_id: str, channel_id: str, user_id: str, user_name: str, ephemeral: bool=True, sort_order: int=False) -> None:
        if self.env.cache.get_channel_exists(channel_id) is None:
            if not self.channel_exists(channel_id):
                raise NoSuchChannelException(channel_id)

        if room_name is None or len(room_name.strip()) == 0:
            raise EmptyRoomNameException(room_id)

        if self.room_exists(channel_id, room_id):
            raise RoomExistsException(room_id)

        if self.room_name_exists(channel_id, room_name):
            raise RoomNameExistsForChannelException(channel_id, room_name)

        if ephemeral:
            self.redis.sadd(RedisKeys.non_ephemeral_rooms(), room_id)

        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.room_name_for_id(), room_id, room_name)
        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.rooms(channel_id), room_id, room_name)
        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.channel_for_rooms(), room_id, channel_id)
        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.user_names(), user_id, user_name)
        self.set_owner(room_id, user_id)

    def rename_channel(self, channel_id: str, channel_name: str) -> None:
        if self.channel_name_exists(channel_name):
            raise ChannelNameExistsException(channel_name)

        if channel_name is None or len(channel_name.strip()) == 0:
            raise EmptyChannelNameException(channel_id)

        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.channels(), channel_id, channel_name)
        self.env.cache.set_channel_name(channel_id, channel_name)

    def rename_room(self, channel_id: str, room_id: str, room_name: str) -> None:
        if self.env.cache.get_channel_exists(channel_id) is None:
            if not self.channel_exists(channel_id):
                raise NoSuchChannelException(channel_id)

        if room_name is None or len(room_name.strip()) == 0:
            raise EmptyRoomNameException(channel_id)

        if not self.room_exists(channel_id, room_id):
            raise NoSuchRoomException(room_id)

        if self.room_name_exists(channel_id, room_name):
            raise RoomNameExistsForChannelException(channel_id, room_name)

        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.room_name_for_id(), room_id, room_name)
        self.redis.hset(RedisKeys.rooms(channel_id), room_id, room_name)

    def type_of_rooms_in_channel(self, channel_id: str) -> str:
        return 'mix'

    def remove_room(self, channel_id: str, room_id: str) -> None:
        if self.env.cache.get_channel_exists(channel_id) is None:
            if not self.channel_exists(channel_id):
                raise NoSuchChannelException(channel_id)

        if not self.room_exists(channel_id, room_id):
            raise NoSuchRoomException(room_id)

        self.redis.srem(RedisKeys.non_ephemeral_rooms(), room_id)
        self.redis.hdel(RedisKeys.room_name_for_id(), room_id)
        self.redis.hdel(RedisKeys.rooms(channel_id), room_id)
        self.redis.hdel(RedisKeys.channel_for_rooms(), room_id)

    def get_user_status(self, user_id: str, skip_cache: bool = False) -> str:
        status = self.env.cache.get_user_status(user_id)
        if status is not None:
            return status

        status = self.redis.get(RedisKeys.user_status(user_id))
        if status is None:
            return UserKeys.STATUS_UNAVAILABLE
        return str(status, 'utf-8')

    def set_user_offline(self, user_id: str) -> None:

    def set_user_online(self, user_id: str) -> None:
        self.redis.set(RedisKeys.user_status(user_id), UserKeys.STATUS_AVAILABLE)

    def set_user_invisible(self, user_id: str, is_offline=False) -> None:
        if is_offline:

    def update_last_read_for(self, users: set, room_id: str, time_stamp: int) -> None:
        redis_key = RedisKeys.last_read(room_id)
        for user_id in users:
            self.redis.hset(redis_key, user_id, time_stamp)

    def get_last_read_timestamp(self, room_id: str, user_id: str) -> int:
        timestamp = self.redis.hget(RedisKeys.last_read(room_id), user_id)
        if timestamp is None:
            return None
        return int(str(timestamp, 'utf-8'))