def get_last_value(self,attribute,value=-1): if value == -1: self.debug_stream('load_last_values(%s)' % attribute) value = self.api.load_last_values(attribute) if hasattr(value,'values'): value = value.values()[0] if (fn.isSequence(value) and len(value) and fn.isSequence(value[0]) and len(value[0])>1): value = value[0] if value and isinstance(value[0],fn.datetime.datetime): value = (fn.date2time(value[0]),value[1]) return value
def get_last_value(self, attribute, value=-1): if value == -1: self.debug_stream('load_last_values(%s)' % attribute) value = self.api.load_last_values(attribute) if hasattr(value, 'values'): value = value.values()[0] if (fn.isSequence(value) and len(value) and fn.isSequence(value[0]) and len(value[0]) > 1): value = value[0] if value and isinstance(value[0], fn.datetime.datetime): value = (fn.date2time(value[0]), value[1]) return value
def updateAttributes(self, model=None): print('AttributesPreview.updateAttributes(%s)' % model) if not model and self.source: try: if hasattr(self.source, 'formula'): model = self.source.formula elif hasattr(self.source, '__call__'): model = self.source() else: model = str(self.source or '') except: print(traceback.format_exc()) if not fandango.isSequence(model): ms, model = self.test.parse_variables(model or ''), set() for var in ms: dev, attr = var[0], var[1] if ':' in dev and not dev.startswith('tango://'): dev = 'tango://' + dev model.add(dev + '/' + attr) self.model = sorted(model) print('In AttributesPreview.updateAttributes(%s)' % model) self.taurusForm.setModel(model) [ tvalue.setLabelConfig("<attr_fullname>") for tvalue in self.taurusForm.getItems() ]
def export_attributes_to_pck(filein='ui_exported_devices.txt', fileout='ui_attribute_values.pck'): print('export_attributes:' + str((filein, fileout))) if fandango.isSequence(filein): devs = filein else: devs = map(str.strip, open(filein).readlines()) proxies = dict((d, PyTango.DeviceProxy(d)) for d in devs) devs = defaultdict(Struct) for d, dp in sorted(proxies.items()): print('%s (%d/%d)' % (d, 1 + len(devs), len(proxies))) obj = devs[d] obj.dev_class, obj.attrs, obj.comms = '', defaultdict(Struct), {} obj.props = dict( (k, v if not 'vector' in str(type(v)).lower() else list(v)) for k, v in fandango.tango.get_matching_device_properties( d, '*').items() if 'dynamicattributes' not in k.lower()) if fandango.check_device(d): devs[d].name = d devs[d].dev_class = for c in dp.command_list_query(): if c.cmd_name.lower() not in ('state', 'status', 'init'): obj.comms[c.cmd_name] = (str(c.in_type), str(c.out_type)) for a in dp.get_attribute_list(): if a.lower() == 'status': continue obj.attrs[a] = fandango.tango.export_attribute_to_dict( d, a, as_struct=True) pickle.dump(devs, open(fileout, 'w')) return (fileout)
def setModel(self, model): print '*' * 80'VaccaProfilePlot.setModel(%s)' % model) print '*' * 80 try: #if self._profile_loaded: return if fandango.isSequence( model ) or 'attributename' in fandango.tango.parse_tango_model(model):'setting an attribute model') TaurusPlot.setModel(self, model) # model = model[0]# str( # model).rsplit('/',1)[0] else:'setting a composer model') assert fandango.check_device(model) dev = taurus.Device(model) if all(a in map(str.lower, dev.get_attribute_list()) for a in ('ccgaxxis', 'ccgpressures', 'ipaxxis', 'ippressures', 'thermoaxxis', 'thermocouples', 'axxispositions', 'axxislabels')): TaurusPlot.setModel(self, []) setup_profile_plot(self, model) else: self.warning('%s has not all required attributes' % model) if len(self._positions) and len(self._labels):'Setting CustomXLabels ...') self.setAxisCustomLabels(Qwt5.QwtPlot.xBottom, zip(self._positions, self._labels), 60) except Exception, e: self.warning('VaccaProfilePlot.setModel(%s) failed!: %s' % (model, e))
def add_periodic_attributes(self, attributes, periods, wait=3.): """ attributes must be a list, periods a number, list or dict """ attributes = sorted( parse_tango_model(a, fqdn=True).fullname.lower() for a in attributes) if fn.isNumber(periods): periods = dict((a, periods) for a in attributes) elif fn.isSequence(periods): periods = dict(zip(attributes, periods)) devs = fn.defaultdict(list) [devs[fn.tango.get_dev_name(a)].append(a) for a in attributes] done = [] for dev, attrs in devs.items(): archiver = self.get_next_periodic_archiver(attrexp=dev + '/*') for attribute in attrs: try: period = periods[attribute]'add_periodic_attribute(%s,%s,%s)' % (attribute, period, archiver)) self.add_periodic_attribute(attribute, period=period, archiver=archiver, wait=wait) done.append((attribute, period, archiver)) except: self.warning(fn.except2str()) return done
def extract_array_index(values,array_index,decimate=False,asHistoryBuffer=False): """ Applying array_index to the obtained results, it has to be applied after attribute loading to allow reusing cache in array-indexed attributes decimate is just evaluated as True/False """ last,l0 = (0,None),len(values) # Check if it has been already parsed for r in values: if r[1] is not None: if not fandango.isSequence(r[1]): return values break #print('extract_array_index(%s) to the obtained results'%array_index) array_index = int(array_index) new_values = [] # We create a new list on purpose to not modify the cached values fin = ((lambda v: (v.time,v.value[array_index] if v.value is not None and len(v.value)>array_index else None)) if asHistoryBuffer else (lambda v: (v[0],v[1][array_index] if v[1] is not None and len(v[1])>array_index else None))) fcmp = (lambda l: (l[0].tv_sec,l[1])) if asHistoryBuffer else (lambda l: l) fout = (lambda vv: FakeAttributeHistory(*(vv))) if asHistoryBuffer else (lambda vv: vv) for i,v in enumerate(values): try: if v is None: continue vv = fin(v) nxt = ((values[i+1] and fin(values[i+1]) or None) if i+1<l0 else None) if not decimate or nxt is None or not new_values or data_has_changed(fcmp(vv),fcmp(last),fcmp(nxt)): new_values.append(fout(vv)) last = vv except Exception,e: print('extract_array_index(...,asHistoryBuffer=%s): Unable to parse %d[%s]:(%s); %s'%(asHistoryBuffer,i,array_index,v,traceback.format_exc()))
def do_repair(user,passwd,condition="engine is null",database="information_schema",force=False,days=0,db_host='localhost') : sql = "select CONCAT(table_schema, '.', table_name) from tables where %s" % condition db_con = MySQLdb.connect(db_host, port=3306, user=user,passwd=passwd,db=database) cursor = db_con.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) rset = cursor.fetchall() print '%d tables match condition'%len(rset) now = time.time() days = days or 60 tlimit = fandango.time2str(now-days*24*3600); now = fandango.time2str(now); for item in rset : try: if fandango.isSequence(item): item = item[0] if force: raise Exception,'force=True, all tables to be checked' elif 'att_' in item: q = "select count(*) from %s where time between '%s' and '%s' order by time"%(item,tlimit,now) cursor.execute(q) count = cursor.fetchone()[0] q = "select * from %s where time between '%s' and '%s' order by time"%(item,tlimit,now) print q cursor.execute(q) # desc limit 1'%item); l = len(cursor.fetchall()) if abs(count-l)>5: raise Exception('%d!=%d'%(count,l)) else: raise Exception,'%s is a config table'%item except Exception,e: print e print 'Repairing %s ...' % item cursor.execute('repair table %s' % item) print '[OK]\n' time.sleep(.001)
def trigger_callbacks(self, regs=None): """ regs = list of addresses that changed """ if not self.callbacks: return for key, cb in self.callbacks.items(): try: rs, push, org = regs, False, cb if fn.isSequence(cb): rs = regs and [r for r in regs if r in cb] if not regs or rs or (len(cb) == 1 and fn.isCallable(cb[0])): cb = cb[-1] else: continue msg = ('%s: %s.trigger_callbacks(%s,%s): %s:%s' % (fn.time2str(),, fn.shortstr( regs, 40), rs, key, org)) if self.plc_obj is not None: self.plc_obj.debug(msg) else: print(msg) if fn.isCallable(cb): cb(key) #,push=push) else: cb = getattr(cb, 'push_event', getattr(cb, 'event_received', None)) cb and cb(key) fn.wait(1.e-4) except Exception as e: print(fn.except2str()) print('%s.callback(%s,%s): %s' % (self, key, cb, e))
def getSchema(k,schema,tango='',prop='',logger=None, write=False): if schema.startswith('#') and EXPERT_MODE: schema = schema.strip('#') print('%s is enabled'%schema) if schema in k.SCHEMAS: # Failed schemas should be also returned (to avoid unneeded retries) return k.SCHEMAS[schema] dct = SchemaDict({'schema':schema,'dbname':schema, 'match':clmatch,'clmatch':clmatch}) try: tango = fandango.tango.get_database(tango) props = prop or tango.get_property('PyTangoArchiving',schema)[schema] assert len(props) if fandango.isSequence(props): props = [map(str.strip,t.split('=',1)) for t in props] dct.update(props) dct['logger'] = logger except Exception,e: print('getSchema(%s): failed!'%schema) if logger: exc = traceback.format_exc() try: logger.warning(exc) except: print(exc) dct = None
def test_AlarmDS(device=''): if not device: device = Fn.first((d for d,v in api.devices.items() if is not None),None)'Testing AlarmDS(%s)'%device) if device: device = api.devices.get(device) assert Fn.isSequence(device.get_active_alarms()) return True
def attrs2dict(self, attrs, keep=False, log=False): vals = {} failed = [] devs = fn.dicts.defaultdict(list) [devs[a.rsplit('/', 1)[0]].append(a) for a in attrs] for d, attrs in devs.items(): if not ft.check_device(d): print('%s device is not running!' % d) for t in attrs: vals[t] = EMPTY_ATTR vals[t]['model'] = t vals[t]['label'] = vals[t]['name'] = t.rsplit('/')[-1] vals[t]['device'] = d else: for t in attrs: try: v = ft.export_attribute_to_dict(t) if log: print(v['model'], v['string']) if v['value'] is None: v['color'] = 'Grey' v['string'] = '...' elif fn.isSequence(v['string']): sep = '\n' if v['data_type'] == 'DevString' else ',' v['string'] = sep.join(v['string']) v['string'] = unicode(v['string'], 'latin-1') v['tooltip'] = v['model'] + ':' + v['string'] try: json.dumps(v) except: if log: print('json.dumps(%s) failed' % t) if fn.isSequence(v['value']): v['value'] = list(v['value']) if fn.isBool(v['value']): v['value'] = bool(v['value']) vals[v['model']] = v except: if log: print('export_attribute_to_dict(%s) failed' % t) # vals[t] = None failed.append(t) if failed: print('%d failed attributes!: %s' % (len(failed), ' '.join(failed))) return vals
def setStateBackground(self, child, color): if not isinstance(color, Qt.QColor): if DEVICE_STATE_PALETTE.has(color): qc = Qt.QColor(*DEVICE_STATE_PALETTE.rgb(color)) else: qc = Qt.QColor( color) if not fandango.isSequence(color) else Qt.QColor( *color) child.setBackground(0, Qt.QBrush(qc))
def test_AlarmDS(device=''): if not device: device = Fn.first( (d for d, v in api.devices.items() if is not None), None)'Testing AlarmDS(%s)' % device) if device: device = api.devices.get(device) assert Fn.isSequence(device.get_active_alarms()) return True
def get_periodic_archivers(self): #archs = fn.tango.get_class_devices('PyHdbppPeriodicArchiver') archivers = fn.tango.get_device_property(self.manager, 'PeriodicArchivers') if not fn.isSequence(archivers): archivers = fn.toList(archivers) try: return sorted(archivers) except: return []
def setSeverity(self,tag,severity): tags = tag if fandango.isSequence(tag) else [tag] self.setAllowedUsers(self.api.get_admins_for_alarm(len(tags)==1 and tags[0])) if not self.validate('setSeverity(%s,%s)'%(tags,severity)): return for tag in tags: severity = str(severity).upper().strip() if severity not in panic.ALARM_SEVERITIES: raise Exception(severity) self.AlarmRows[tag].get_alarm_object().setup(severity=severity.upper(),write=True) [f.setAlarmData() for f in WindowManager.WINDOWS if isinstance(f,AlarmForm)]
def get_attributes_values(self,tables='',start_date=None,stop_date=None, desc=False,N=0,unixtime=True,extra_columns='quality', decimate=0,human=False): if not fn.isSequence(tables): tables = self.get_archived_attributes(tables) return dict((t,self.get_attribute_values(t,start_date,stop_date,desc, N,unixtime,extra_columns,decimate,human)) for t in tables)
def getSchema(k, schema, tango='', prop='', logger=None): if schema.startswith('#') and EXPERT_MODE: schema = schema.strip('#') print('%s available only in EXPERT_MODE' % schema) if schema in k.SCHEMAS: # Failed schemas should be also returned (to avoid unneeded retries) return k.SCHEMAS[schema] dct = { 'schema': schema, 'dbname': schema, 'match': clmatch, 'clmatch': clmatch } try: tango = fandango.tango.get_database(tango) props = prop or tango.get_property('PyTangoArchiving', schema)[schema] if fandango.isSequence(props): props = [map(str.strip, t.split('=', 1)) for t in props] dct.update(props) rd = dct.get('reader') if rd: m = rd.split('(')[0].rsplit('.', 1)[0] c = rd[len(m) + 1:] if m not in k.MODULES: fandango.evalX('import %s' % m, modules=k.MODULES) #print('getSchema(%s): load %s reader'%(schema,dct.get('reader'))) dct['logger'] = logger dct['reader'] = rd = fandango.evalX(dct.get('reader'), modules=k.MODULES, _locals=dct) if not hasattr(rd, 'is_attribute_archived'): rd.is_attribute_archived = lambda *a, **k: True if not hasattr(rd, 'get_attributes'): rd.get_attributes = lambda *a, **k: [] if not hasattr(rd, 'get_attribute_values'): if dct['method']: rd.get_attribute_values = getattr(rd, dct['method']) if not hasattr(rd, 'schema'): rd.schema = dct['schema'] except Exception, e: print('Reader.getSchema(%s): failed!' % schema) if logger: try: logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) except: pass dct = None
def initContexts(self, attrlist=[], sid=None): """ This method overrides SnapDialog.initContexts() """ #self.contextComboBox.blockSignals(True) #self.contextComboBox.clear() contexts = None self._Form.setWindowTitle( QtGui.QApplication.translate( "Form", fandango.get_tango_host().split(':', 1)[0] + ' -> Snapshoting', None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) print('SnapForm.initContexts(%s(%s),%s(%s))' % (type(attrlist), attrlist, type(sid), sid)) try: if attrlist: if all(map(fandango.isNumber, (attrlist, sid))): print('SnapForm.initContexts(int(%s),%s)' % (attrlist, sid)) contexts = {attrlist: self.snapapi.get_context(attrlist)} self._Form.setWindowTitle( QtGui.QApplication.translate( "Form", fandango.get_tango_host().split(':', 1)[0] + ' -> Snapshots for Context "' + str( self.snapapi.db.get_id_contexts(attrlist)[0] ['name']) + '"', None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) elif fandango.isSequence(attrlist): contexts = dict( (ID, self.snapapi.get_context(ID)) for ID in self.snapapi.db.find_context_for_attribute( attrlist)) self._Form.setWindowTitle( QtGui.QApplication.translate( "Form", fandango.get_tango_host().split(':', 1)[0] + ' -> Snapshots filtered by window content', None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) else: contexts = self.snapapi.get_contexts() except: Qt.QMessageBox.critical(self,"Tango Archiving Problem", "Could not talk with SnapManager DS.<br>" + \ "Please check if DS is running.") if contexts is not None: ctxs = sorted(contexts.values(), key=lambda s: for context in ctxs: self.contextComboBox.addItem( "%s [%d]" % (, context.ID), Qt.QVariant(context.ID)) #self.contextComboBox.model().sort(0, Qt.Qt.AscendingOrder) if sid >= 0: self.listWidget.setCurrentRow(sid)
def mysqldump(schema,user,password,filename,tables='',where=''): cmd = "mysqldump --single-transaction --force --compact --no-create-db "\ "--skip-lock-tables --complete-insert --quick -u %s -p%s" % (user,password) cmd += " " + schema if where: cmd += ' --where=" %s"' % where if tables: cmd += ' --tables '+(' '.join(tables) if fn.isSequence(tables) else tables) cmd += ' > '+filename print(cmd) fn.linos.shell_command(cmd)
def check_archived_attribute(attribute, value = False, state = CheckState.OK, default = CheckState.LOST, cache = None, tref = None, check_events = True): """ generic method to check the state of an attribute (readability/events) value = AttrValue object returned by check_attribute cache = result from check_db_schema containing archived values this method will not query the database; database values should be given using the chache dictionary argument """ # readable and/or no reason known for archiving failure state = default # do not remove this line # Get current value/timestamp if cache: stored = cache.values[attribute] #evs = cache.evs[attribute] if stored is None or (fn.isSequence(stored) and not len(stored)): return CheckState.UNK else: t,v = stored[0],stored[1] if t>=tref and not isinstance(v,(type(None),Exception)): print('%s should not be in check list! (%s,%s)' % (attribute,t,v)) return CheckState.OK if value is False: value = fn.check_attribute(attribute, brief=False) vv,t = getattr(value,'value',value),getattr(value,'time',0) t = t and fn.ctime2time(t) if isinstance(vv,(type(None),Exception)): # attribute is not readable state = CheckState.NO_READ elif cache and stored and 0 < t <= stored[0]: # attribute timestamp doesnt change state = CheckState.STALL elif cache and stored and fbool(vv == stored[1]): # attribute value doesnt change state = CheckState.STALL elif check_events: # READABLE NOT STORED WILL ARRIVE HERE evs = fn.tango.check_attribute_events(attribute) if cache: cache.evs[attribute] = evs if not evs: # attribute doesnt send events state = CheckState.NO_EVENTS return state
def get_attribute_indexes(self, table): index = None if fn.isSequence(table): aid, tid, table = table else: if '[' in table: try: index = int(fn.clsearch('\[([0-9]+)\]', table).groups()[0]) table = table.split('[')[0] except: pass aid, tid, table = self.get_attr_id_type_table(table) return aid, tid, table, index
def get_panel(i): pargs = EXTRA_PANELS[i] if not fn.isSequence(pargs): return pargs elif len(pargs) == 3: return PanelDescription(pargs[0], classname=pargs[1], model=pargs[2]) else: return PanelDescription(pargs[0], classname=pargs[1], model=pargs[2], sharedDataRead=pargs[3], sharedDataWrite=pargs[4])
def get_archivers_filters(archivers=''): """ Returns the value of AttributeFilters property for each archiver in the list :param archivers: sequence or regular expression for matching archivers :return: dictionary {archiver:regexp} """ archs = archs if fn.isSequence(archivers) else fn.find_devices(archivers) filters = fn.SortedDict( sorted((k, v['AttributeFilters']) for k, v in fn.tango.get_matching_device_properties( archiver, 'AttributeFilters').items())) return filters
def updateAttributes(self,model=None): print('AttributesPreview.updateAttributes(%s)'%model) if not model and self.source: try: if hasattr(self.source,'formula'): model = self.source.formula elif hasattr(self.source,'__call__'): model = self.source() else: model = str(self.source or '') except: print(traceback.format_exc()) print 'In AttributesPreview.updateAttributes(%s)'%model if fandango.isSequence(model): model = sorted(model) else: model = sorted(set('%s/%s'%(var[0],var[1]) for var in self.test.parse_variables(model or ''))) self.model = model self.taurusForm.setModel(model) [tvalue.setLabelConfig("attr_fullname") for tvalue in self.taurusForm.getItems()]
def updateAttributes(self,model=None): print('AttributesPreview.updateAttributes(%s)'%model) if not model and self.source: try: if hasattr(self.source,'formula'): model = self.source.formula elif hasattr(self.source,'__call__'): model = self.source() else: model = str(self.source or '') except: print(traceback.format_exc()) print 'In AttributesPreview.updateAttributes(%s)'%model if fandango.isSequence(model): model = sorted(model) else: model = sorted(set('%s/%s'%(var[0],var[1]) for var in self.test.parse_variables(model or ''))) self.model = model self.taurusForm.setModel(model) [tvalue.setLabelConfig("<attr_fullname>") for tvalue in self.taurusForm.getItems()]
def getSchema(k, schema, tango='', prop='', logger=None, write=False): if schema.startswith('#') and EXPERT_MODE: schema = schema.strip('#') print('%s is enabled' % schema) if schema in k.SCHEMAS: # Failed schemas should be also returned (to avoid unneeded retries) return k.SCHEMAS[schema] dct = { 'schema': schema, 'dbname': schema, 'match': clmatch, 'clmatch': clmatch } try: tango = fandango.tango.get_database(tango) props = prop or tango.get_property('PyTangoArchiving', schema)[schema] assert len(props) if fandango.isSequence(props): props = [map(str.strip, t.split('=', 1)) for t in props] dct.update(props) rd = dct.get('reader', dct.get('api')) if rd: dct['logger'] = logger dct['reader'] = rd = k._load_object(rd, dct) if not hasattr(rd, 'is_attribute_archived'): rd.is_attribute_archived = lambda *a, **k: True if not hasattr(rd, 'get_attributes'): rd.get_attributes = lambda *a, **k: [] if not hasattr(rd, 'get_attribute_values'): if dct['method']: rd.get_attribute_values = getattr(rd, dct['method']) if not hasattr(rd, 'schema'): rd.schema = dct['schema'] except Exception, e: print('getSchema(%s): failed!' % schema) if logger: exc = traceback.format_exc() try: logger.warning(exc) except: print(exc) dct = None
def check_attribute_ok(self, a, v, t=0): """ arguments are attribute name and last value from db, plus ref. time """ r = check_attribute_value(a) rv = getattr(r, 'value', None) if isinstance(rv, (type(None), Exception)): # Attribute not readable self.attr_nok.append(a) elif self.is_hpp and not check_attribute_events(a): self.attr_nevs.append(a) else: if v is None or fn.isSequence(v) and not len(v): # Attribute has no values in DB self.attr_lost.append(a) else: # Time is compared against last update, current or read time t = min((t or, fn.ctime2time(r.time))) v = self.get_last_value(a, v) try: diff = v[1] != rv except: diff = 1 if v[0] < t - 3600: if any(diff) if fn.isSequence(diff) else bool(diff): # Last value much older than current data self.attr_lost.append(a) else: self.attr_stall.append(a) self.attr_ok.append(a) elif v[1] is None: # Value is readable but not from DB self.attr_err.append(a) else: self.attr_ok.append(a) return
def check_attribute_ok(self,a,v,t=0): """ arguments are attribute name and last value from db, plus ref. time """ r = check_attribute_value(a) rv = getattr(r,'value',None) if isinstance(rv,(type(None),Exception)): # Attribute not readable self.attr_nok.append(a) elif self.is_hpp and not check_attribute_events(a): self.attr_nevs.append(a) else: if v is None or fn.isSequence(v) and not len(v): # Attribute has no values in DB self.attr_lost.append(a) else: # Time is compared against last update, current or read time t = min((t or,fn.ctime2time(r.time))) v = self.get_last_value(a,v) try: diff = v[1]!=rv except: diff = 1 if v[0] < t-3600: if any(diff) if fn.isSequence(diff) else bool(diff): # Last value much older than current data self.attr_lost.append(a) else: self.attr_stall.append(a) self.attr_ok.append(a) elif v[1] is None: # Value is readable but not from DB self.attr_err.append(a) else: self.attr_ok.append(a) return
def do_repair(user, passwd, condition="engine is null", database="information_schema", force=False, days=0, db_host='localhost'): sql = "select CONCAT(table_schema, '.', table_name) from tables where %s" % condition db_con = MySQLdb.connect(db_host, port=3306, user=user, passwd=passwd, db=database) cursor = db_con.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) rset = cursor.fetchall() print '%d tables match condition' % len(rset) now = time.time() days = days or 60 tlimit = fandango.time2str(now - days * 24 * 3600) now = fandango.time2str(now) for item in rset: try: if fandango.isSequence(item): item = item[0] if force: raise Exception, 'force=True, all tables to be checked' elif 'att_' in item: q = "select count(*) from %s where time between '%s' and '%s' order by time" % ( item, tlimit, now) cursor.execute(q) count = cursor.fetchone()[0] q = "select * from %s where time between '%s' and '%s' order by time" % ( item, tlimit, now) print q cursor.execute(q) # desc limit 1'%item); l = len(cursor.fetchall()) if abs(count - l) > 5: raise Exception('%d!=%d' % (count, l)) else: raise Exception, '%s is a config table' % item except Exception, e: print e print 'Repairing %s ...' % item cursor.execute('repair table %s' % item) print '[OK]\n' time.sleep(.001)
def getSchema(k, schema, tango='', prop='', logger=None, write=False): """ Get schema specs as defined in Tango.FreePropertis.DbSchemas """ if schema.startswith('#') and EXPERT_MODE: schema = schema.strip('#') #print('%s is enabled'%schema) if schema in k.SCHEMAS: # Failed schemas should be also returned (to avoid unneeded retries) return k.SCHEMAS[schema] dct = {'match': clmatch, 'clmatch': clmatch} if ';' in schema: schema, dct = schema.split(';', 1) dct = dict(d.split('=', 1) for d in dct.split(';')) dct['schema'] = schema dct = SchemaDict(dct) props = [] try: tango = fn.tango.get_database(tango) props = prop or tango.get_property('PyTangoArchiving', schema)[schema] assert len(props) if fn.isSequence(props): props = dict(map(str.strip, t.split('=', 1)) for t in props) if 'check' in dct: props.pop('check') dct.update(props) dct['logger'] = logger except Exception as e: print('getSchema(%s): failed!' % schema) print(dct, props) exc = traceback.format_exc() try: logger.warning(exc) except: print(exc) dct = None if write: k.SCHEMAS[schema] = dct return dct
def setHighlightedItems(self, models=[], """ :param models: List of model to be Highlighted :param color: Color, by default """ if fandango.isSequence(models): models = '(%s)' % ')|('.join(models)'setHighLightedItems(%s)' % models) try: default = self.scene().selectionColor() self.scene().setSelectionColor(color) self.scene().selectGraphicItem(models) self.scene().setSelectionColor(default) except: err = traceback.format_exc() self.error(err) finally: self.scene().setSelectionColor(default)
def test(self, tests=[]): """ Tests would be a list of (name,result,args,kwargs) values """ print('test(', tests, ')') try: tests = tests or self.tests if not fn.isSequence(tests): tests = [tests] passed = 0 if fn.isMapping(tests): tests = [ [k] + list(t if not isMapping(t) else (t.get('result', None), t.get('args', []), t.get('kwargs', []))) for k, t in tests.items() ] for t in tests: t = fn.toList(t) print t t[0] = t[0] t[1] = (t[1:] or [None])[0] t[2] = (t[2:] or [[]])[0] t[3] = (t[3:] or [{}])[0] v = self.test_object(t[0], t[1], *t[2], **t[3]) if v: passed += 1 self.results[t[0]] = v print('-' * 80) for t in tests: v = self.results[fn.toList(t)[0]] print('%s testing: %s : %s' % (self.module, t, ['Failed', 'Ok'][bool(v)])) print('%s : %d / %d tests passed' % (self.module, passed, len(tests))) except: traceback.print_exc() print(tests) return passed
def save(self, device, filename, data, add_timestamp=False, asynch=True): """ FolderDS device, filename WITHOUT PATH!, data to be saved add_timestamp: whether to add or not timestamp at the end of filename asynch: if True, the save() call will not wait for the command to complete """ # Remove device path from filename filename = (filename or device).split('/')[-1] if add_timestamp: t = fn.time2str().replace(' ', '_').replace(':', '').replace('-', '') p, s = (filename.rsplit('.', 1)) if '.' in filename else (filename, '') filename = '.'.join(filter(bool, (p, t, s))) d = self.get_device(device) # assert tango.check_device(d) if fn.isSequence(data): data = '\n'.join(data) if self.char_mode: cmd = 'SaveCharBuffer' argin = filename + '\n' + data #print(argin) argin = map(ord, filename + '\n' + data) #print(argin) else: cmd = 'SaveFile' argin = [filename, data] if asynch: #d.command_inout_asynch('SaveFile',argin,True) d.command_inout_asynch(cmd, argin, True) r = len(data) elif self.char_moode: r = d.SaveCharBuffer(argin).split()[-1] else: r = d.SaveFile(argin) print('%s.%s() : %s)' % (device, cmd, r)) print('mem: %s' % get_memory()) return r
def getSchema(k,schema,tango='',prop='',logger=None, write=False): if schema.startswith('#') and EXPERT_MODE: schema = schema.strip('#') print('%s is enabled'%schema) if schema in k.SCHEMAS: # Failed schemas should be also returned (to avoid unneeded retries) return k.SCHEMAS[schema] dct = {'match':clmatch,'clmatch':clmatch} if ';' in schema: schema,dct = schema.split(';',1) dct = dict(d.split('=',1) for d in dct.split(';')) dct.update({'schema':schema,'dbname':schema}) dct = SchemaDict(dct) props = [] try: tango = fn.tango.get_database(tango) props = prop or tango.get_property('PyTangoArchiving', schema)[schema] assert len(props) if fn.isSequence(props): props = dict(map(str.strip,t.split('=',1)) for t in props) if 'check' in dct: props.pop('check') dct.update(props) dct['logger'] = logger except Exception,e: print('getSchema(%s): failed!'%schema) print(dct,props) exc = traceback.format_exc() try: logger.warning(exc) except: print(exc) dct = None
def setModel(self, model): try: self.model = str(model) print('TaurusSingleValue.setModel(%s)' % self.model) self.setWindowTitle(self.model) self.rvalue = fn.tango.check_attribute(model) if isinstance(self.value, Exception): raise self.rvalue mp = fn.tango.parse_tango_model(model) self.device = mp.devicename self.config = fn.tango.get_attribute_config(model) self.label.setText(self.device + '/' + (self.config.label or mp.attrname)) self.label.setToolTip(self.model) self.units.setText(self.config.unit) svalue = self.config.format or '%s' if fn.isSequence(self.rvalue.value) or '%' not in svalue: svalue = str(self.rvalue.value)[:25] else: svalue = (svalue % self.rvalue.value)[:25] self.value.setText(svalue) self.value.setToolTip(str(self.rvalue.value)) self.setColor({ AttrQuality.ATTR_VALID: 'lightgreen', AttrQuality.ATTR_INVALID: 'lightgrey', AttrQuality.ATTR_ALARM: 'lightred', AttrQuality.ATTR_WARNING: 'lightorange', AttrQuality.ATTR_CHANGING: 'lightblue', }[self.rvalue.quality]) except Exception as e: print(self.model, self.config.format, self.rvalue) traceback.print_exc() self.setColor('grey') self.label.setText(str(model)) self.value.setText(str(e)[:25]) self.value.setToolTip(str(e)) self.units.setText('')
def test(self,tests=[]): """ Tests would be a list of (name,result,args,kwargs) values """ print('test(',tests,')') try: tests = tests or self.tests if not fn.isSequence(tests): tests = [tests] passed = 0 if fn.isMapping(tests): tests = [ [k]+list(t if not isMapping(t) else (t.get('result',None),t.get('args',[]),t.get('kwargs',[])) ) for k,t in tests.items()] for t in tests: t = fn.toList(t) print t t[0] = t[0] t[1] = (t[1:] or [None])[0] t[2] = (t[2:] or [[]])[0] t[3] = (t[3:] or [{}])[0] v = self.test_object(t[0],t[1],*t[2],**t[3]) if v: passed += 1 self.results[t[0]] = v print('-'*80) for t in tests: v = self.results[fn.toList(t)[0]] print('%s testing: %s : %s' % (self.module,t,['Failed','Ok'][bool(v)])) print('%s : %d / %d tests passed'%(self.module,passed,len(tests))) except: traceback.print_exc() print(tests) return passed
def get_attribute_values(self, table, start_date=None, stop_date=None, desc=False, N=0, unixtime=True, extra_columns='quality', decimate=0, human=False, as_double=True, **kwargs): """ This method returns values between dates from a given table. If stop_date is not given, then anything above start_date is returned. desc controls the sorting of values unixtime = True enhances the speed of querying by a 60%!!!! #(due to MySQLdb implementation of datetime) If N is specified: * Query will return last N values if there's no stop_date * If there is, then it will return the first N values (windowing?) * IF N is negative, it will return the last N values instead start_date and stop_date must be in a format valid for SQL """ t0 = time.time() self.warning('HDBpp.get_attribute_values(%s,%s,%s,%s,decimate=%s,%s)' % (table, start_date, stop_date, N, decimate, kwargs)) if fn.isSequence(table): aid, tid, table = table else: aid, tid, table = self.get_attr_id_type_table(table) human = kwargs.get('asHistoryBuffer', human) what = 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(data_time)' if unixtime else 'data_time' if as_double: what = 'CAST(%s as DOUBLE)' % what if 'array' in table: what += ",idx" what += ',value_r' if 'value_r' in self.getTableCols(table) \ else ',value' if extra_columns: what += ',' + extra_columns interval = 'where att_conf_id = %s'%aid if aid is not None \ else 'where att_conf_id >= 0 ' if start_date or stop_date: start_date,start_time,stop_date,stop_time = \ Reader.get_time_interval(start_date,stop_date) if start_date and stop_date: interval += (" and data_time between '%s' and '%s'" % (start_date, stop_date)) elif start_date and fandango.str2epoch(start_date): interval += " and data_time > '%s'" % start_date query = 'select %s from %s %s order by data_time' \ % (what,table,interval) if N == 1: human = 1 if N < 0 or desc: query += " desc" # or (not stop_date and N>0): if N: query += ' limit %s' % abs(N) # if 'array' not in table else 1024) ###################################################################### # QUERY self.debug(query) try: result = self.Query(query) except MySQLdb.ProgrammingError as e: if 'DOUBLE' in str(e) and "as DOUBLE" in query: return self.get_attribute_values((aid, tid, table), start_date, stop_date, desc, N, unixtime, extra_columns, decimate, human, as_double=False, **kwargs) self.debug('read [%d] in %f s' % (len(result), time.time() - t0)) t0 = time.time() if not result or not result[0]: return [] ###################################################################### if 'array' in table: data = fandango.dicts.defaultdict(list) for t in result: data[float(t[0])].append(t[1:]) result = [] for k, v in sorted(data.items()): l = [0] * (1 + max(t[0] for t in v)) for i, t in enumerate(v): if None in t: l = None break l[t[0]] = t[1] #Ignoring extra columns (e.g. quality) result.append((k, l)) if N > 0: #for k,l in result: #print((k,l and len(l))) result = result[-N:] self.warning('array arranged [%d] in %f s' % (len(result), time.time() - t0)) t0 = time.time() # Converting the timestamp from Decimal to float # Weird results may appear in filter_array comparison if not done # Although it is INCREDIBLY SLOW!!! #result = [] #nr = [] #if len(result[0]) == 2: #for i,t in enumerate(result): #result[i] = (float(t[0]),t[1]) #elif len(result[0]) == 3: #for i,t in enumerate(result): #result[i] = (float(t[0]),t[1],t[2]) #elif len(result[0]) == 4: #for i,t in enumerate(result): #result[i] = ((float(t[0]),t[1],t[2],t[3])) #else: #for i,t in enumerate(result): #result[i] = ([float(t[0])]+t[1:]) self.warning('timestamp arranged [%d] in %f s' % (len(result), time.time() - t0)) t0 = time.time() # Decimation to be done in Reader object #if decimate: ## When called from trends, decimate may be the decimation method ## or the maximum sample number #try: #N = int(decimate) ##decimate = data_has_changed #decimate = #result = PyTangoArchiving.reader.decimation( #result,decimate,window=0,N=N) #except: ##N = 1080 #result = PyTangoArchiving.reader.decimation(result,decimate) if human: result = [list(t) + [fn.time2str(t[0])] for t in result] if not desc and ((not stop_date and N > 0) or (N < 0)): #THIS WILL BE APPLIED ONLY WHEN LAST N VALUES ARE ASKED #self.warning('reversing ...' ) result = list(reversed(result)) else: # why? self.getCursor(klass=MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor) self.warning('result arranged [%d]' % len(result)) return result
def setLastArgs(self,model,start=0,stop=None,history=-1,date=None):'ArchivedTrendLogger.setLastArgs(%s)'%str((model,start,stop,history,date))) date = date or time.time() if fn.isSequence(history): history = len(history) self.last_args[model] = [start,stop,history,date] #It must be a list, not tuple
def start_attributes_for_archivers(target,attr_regexp='',event_conf={}, load=False, by_class=False, min_polling = 100, overwrite = False, check = True): """ Target may be an attribute list or a device regular expression if by_class = True, config will be loaded from Tango class properties """ import PyTangoArchiving.hdbpp as ptah if fn.isSequence(target): if attr_regexp: attrs = [a for a in target if fn.clmatch(attr_regexp,a.rsplit('/')[-1])] else: attrs = target else: dev_regexp = target attrs = fn.find_attributes(dev_regexp+'/'+(attr_regexp or '*')) if by_class: classes = fn.defaultdict(dict) devs = fn.defaultdict(list) [devs[a.rsplit('/',1)[0]].append(a) for a in attrs] for d,v in devs.items(): classes[fn.tango.get_device_class(d)][d] = v attrs = {} for c,devs in classes.items(): cfg = get_class_archiving(devs.keys()[0]) for d in devs: raw = devs[d] for a,v in cfg.items(): for aa in raw: if fn.clmatch(a,aa.split('/')[-1],terminate=True): if not attr_regexp or fn.clmatch(attr_regexp,aa): attrs[aa] = v elif event_conf: attrs = dict((a,event_conf) for a in attrs) else: attrs = dict((a,get_current_conf(a)) for a in attrs) print('Starting %d attributes' % (len(attrs))) archs = ptah.multi.match_attributes_and_archivers(attrs.keys()) rd = PyTangoArchiving.Reader() #print(archs) alldbs = ptah.multi.get_hdbpp_databases() dbs = ptah.multi.get_hdbpp_databases(archs,alldbs) #return dbs,archs,attrs for db,rcs in dbs.items(): api = PyTangoArchiving.Schemas.getApi(db) dbs[db] = dict.fromkeys(rcs) for d in rcs: dbs[db][d] = ts = dict.fromkeys(archs[d]) #return ts for a in ts: try: m = fn.parse_tango_model(a,fqdn=True) dbs[db][d][a] = mode = attrs[a] if not overwrite and db in rd.is_attribute_archived(a): print('%s already archived in %s' % (a,db)) continue events = ft.check_attribute_events(a,ft.EventType.ARCHIVE_EVENT) ep = events.get(ft.EventType.ARCHIVE_EVENT,False) if ep is True: if 'polling' in mode: mode.pop('polling') elif isinstance(events.get(ep,(int,float))): mode['polling'] = min((ep,mode.get('polling',10000))) mode['polling'] = max((mode['polling'],min_polling)) if not events.get(ft.EventType.CHANGE_EVENT,False): if mode.get('archive_abs_change',0): mode['abs_event'] = mode['archive_abs_change'] if mode.get('archive_rel_change',0): mode['rel_event'] = mode['archive_rel_change'] if mode.get('arch_per_event',0): mode['per_event'] = mode['archive_per_event'] print('%s.start_archiving(%s,%s,%s): %s' % (db,d,m.fullname,mode,load)) if load: fn.tango.set_attribute_events(a,**mode) r = api.start_archiving(m.fullname,d,code_event=True) assert not check or r except: print('%s failed!'%a) traceback.print_exc() return dbs
def get_attribute_values(self,table,start_date=None,stop_date=None, desc=False,N=0,unixtime=True, extra_columns='quality',decimate=0,human=False, as_double=True,aggregate='MAX',int_time=True, **kwargs): """ This method returns values between dates from a given table. If stop_date is not given, then anything above start_date is returned. desc controls the sorting of values unixtime = True enhances the speed of querying by a 60%!!!! #(due to MySQLdb implementation of datetime) If N is specified: * Query will return last N values if there's no stop_date * If there is, then it will return the first N values (windowing?) * IF N is negative, it will return the last N values instead start_date and stop_date must be in a format valid for SQL """ t0 = time.time() self.debug('HDBpp.get_attribute_values(%s,%s,%s,%s,decimate=%s,%s)' %(table,start_date,stop_date,N,decimate,kwargs)) if fn.isSequence(table): aid,tid,table = table else: aid,tid,table = self.get_attr_id_type_table(table) if not all((aid,tid,table)): self.warning('%s is not archived' % table) return [] human = kwargs.get('asHistoryBuffer',human) what = 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(data_time)' if unixtime else 'data_time' if as_double: what = 'CAST(%s as DOUBLE)' % what if 'array' in table: what+=",idx" value = 'value_r' if 'value_r' in self.getTableCols(table) \ else 'value' if decimate and aggregate in ('AVG','MAX','MIN'): value = '%s(%s)' % (aggregate,value) what += ', ' + value if extra_columns: what+=','+extra_columns interval = 'where att_conf_id = %s'%aid if aid is not None \ else 'where att_conf_id >= 0 ' int_time = int_time and 'int_time' in self.getTableCols(table) if int_time:'Using int_time indexing for %s' % table) if start_date or stop_date: start_date,start_time,stop_date,stop_time = \ Reader.get_time_interval(start_date,stop_date) if int_time: def str2mysqlsecs(date): rt = fn.str2time(date) return int(rt+self.get_mysqlsecsdiff(date)) if start_date and stop_date: interval += (" and int_time between %d and %d" %(str2mysqlsecs(start_date), str2mysqlsecs(stop_date))) elif start_date and fandango.str2epoch(start_date): interval += (" and int_time > %d" % str2mysqlsecs) else: if start_date and stop_date: interval += (" and data_time between '%s' and '%s'" %(start_date,stop_date)) elif start_date and fandango.str2epoch(start_date): interval += " and data_time > '%s'"%start_date query = 'select %s from %s %s' % (what,table,interval) if decimate: if isinstance(decimate,(int,float)): d = int(decimate) or 1 else: d = int((stop_time-start_time)/10800) or 1 # decimation on server side query += ' group by FLOOR(%s/%d)' % ( 'int_time' if int_time else 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(data_time)',d) query += ' order by %s' % ('int_time' if int_time else 'data_time') if N == 1: human = 1 if N < 0 or desc: query+=" desc" # or (not stop_date and N>0): if N: query+=' limit %s'%abs(N if 'array' not in table else N*1024) ###################################################################### # QUERY t0 = time.time() self.warning(query.replace('where','\nwhere').replace( 'group,','\ngroup')) try: result = self.Query(query) self.warning('read [%d] in %f s'%(len(result),time.time()-t0)) except MySQLdb.ProgrammingError as e: result = [] if 'DOUBLE' in str(e) and "as DOUBLE" in query: return self.get_attribute_values((aid,tid,table),start_date, stop_date,desc,N,unixtime,extra_columns,decimate,human, as_double=False,**kwargs) else: traceback.print_exc() if not result or not result[0]: return [] ###################################################################### t0 = time.time() if 'array' in table: data = fandango.dicts.defaultdict(list) for t in result: data[float(t[0])].append(t[1:]) result = [] for k,v in sorted(data.items()): l = [0]*(1+max(t[0] for t in v)) for i,t in enumerate(v): if None in t: l = None break l[t[0]] = t[1] #Ignoring extra columns (e.g. quality) result.append((k,l)) if N > 0: #for k,l in result: #print((k,l and len(l))) result = result[-N:] if N < 0 or desc: result = list(reversed(result)) self.debug('array arranged [%d] in %f s' % (len(result),time.time()-t0)) t0 = time.time() # Converting the timestamp from Decimal to float # Weird results may appear in filter_array comparison if not done # Although it is INCREDIBLY SLOW!!! #result = [] #nr = [] #if len(result[0]) == 2: #for i,t in enumerate(result): #result[i] = (float(t[0]),t[1]) #elif len(result[0]) == 3: #for i,t in enumerate(result): #result[i] = (float(t[0]),t[1],t[2]) #elif len(result[0]) == 4: #for i,t in enumerate(result): #result[i] = ((float(t[0]),t[1],t[2],t[3])) #else: #for i,t in enumerate(result): #result[i] = ([float(t[0])]+t[1:]) self.debug('timestamp arranged [%d] in %f s' % (len(result),time.time()-t0)) t0 = time.time() # Decimation to be done in Reader object #if decimate: ## When called from trends, decimate may be the decimation method ## or the maximum sample number #try: #N = int(decimate) ##decimate = data_has_changed #decimate = #result = PyTangoArchiving.reader.decimation( #result,decimate,window=0,N=N) #except: ##N = 1080 #result = PyTangoArchiving.reader.decimation(result,decimate) if human: result = [list(t)+[fn.time2str(t[0])] for t in result] if not desc and ((not stop_date and N>0) or (N<0)): #THIS WILL BE APPLIED ONLY WHEN LAST N VALUES ARE ASKED self.warning('reversing ...' ) result = list(reversed(result)) #else: ## why #self.getCursor(klass=MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor) self.debug('result arranged [%d]'%len(result)) return result