def onRefreshPressed(self): fkey = str(self.filterComboBox.currentText()) fvalue = str(self.filterComboBox2.currentText()) print 'onRefreshPressed(%s,%s)'%(fkey,fvalue) try: self.listWidget.blockSignals(True) self.listWidget.clear() self.listWidget.blockSignals(False) all_ctx = self.snapapi.get_contexts().values() if fkey!='Attributes': ctxs = [c for c in all_ctx if fandango.searchCl(fvalue, str( if fkey=='Name' else str(c.reason))] else: ctxs = [c for c in all_ctx if any(fandango.functional.searchCl(fvalue,a) \ for a in [,c.reason,c.description]+[av['full_name'] for av in c.attributes.values()])] if not len(ctxs): msg = QExceptionMessage(self,'Warning','No context in SnapDB is named like "%s"'%(fvalue)) ctxs = all_ctx self.contextComboBox.blockSignals(True) self.contextComboBox.clear() current = self.getCurrentContext() if current in ctxs: ctxs.remove(current) ctxs.insert(0,current) for c in ctxs: self.contextComboBox.addItem("%s [%d]" % (, c.ID), Qt.QVariant(c.ID)) self.contextComboBox.blockSignals(False) if current is not None or len(ctxs)==1: self.onContextChanged() except: msg = QExceptionMessage(self,"Error(%s,%s)"%( self.filterComboBox.currentText(),self.filterComboBox2.currentText()),traceback.format_exc())
def regExFiltering(self, source): alarms,regexp=[],str(self.regEx).lower().strip() exclude = regexp.startswith('!') if exclude: regexp = regexp.replace('!','').strip() for a in source: match = fandango.searchCl(regexp, a.receivers.lower()+' '+a.severity.lower()+' '+a.description.lower()+' '+a.tag.lower()+' '+a.formula.lower()+' '+a.device.lower()) if (exclude and not match) or (not exclude and match): alarms.append(a) trace('\tregExFiltering(%d): %d alarms returned'%(len(source),len(alarms))) return alarms
def filterMatching(a,dct=AttributeFilters,p=printf): match = False if a.lower().endswith('/state'): return True elif a.lower().endswith('/status'): return False for k,l in dct.items(): if fn.searchCl(k,a.rsplit('/',1)[0]): for t in l: #T is every declared Tab for panel (TabName,[attrlist]); or just attrname when not using tabs p((k,t)) f = t[-1] if all(map(fn.isSequence,(t,t[-1]))) else [t] if any(fn.matchCl(v,a.rsplit('/',1)[-1]) for v in f): match =True return match
def regExFiltering(self, source): msg = 'regExFiltering DEPRECATED by AlarmView' print(msg) raise Exception(msg) alarms, regexp = [], str(self.regEx).lower().strip().replace(' ', '*') exclude = regexp.startswith('!') or regexp.startswith('~') if exclude: regexp = regexp.replace('!', '').replace('~').strip() for a in source: match = fn.searchCl( regexp, a.receivers.lower() + ' ' + a.severity.lower() + ' ' + a.description.lower() + ' ' + a.tag.lower() + ' ' + a.formula.lower() + ' ' + a.device.lower()) if (exclude and not match) or (not exclude and match): alarms.append(a) trace('\tregExFiltering(%d): %d alarms returned' % (len(source), len(alarms))) return alarms
def load_attributes(self, servfilter, devfilter, attrfilter, warn=True, exclude=('dserver', 'tango*admin', 'sys*database', 'tmp', 'archiving')): tracer('In load_attributes(%s,%s,%s)' % (servfilter, devfilter, attrfilter)) servfilter, devfilter, attrfilter = servfilter.replace( ' ', '*').strip(), devfilter.replace(' ', '*'), attrfilter.replace(' ', '*') attrfilter = attrfilter or 'state' devfilter = devfilter or attrfilter archive = self.archivecheck.isChecked() all_devs = self.all_devices if not archive else self.archdevs all_devs = [ d for d in all_devs if not any(d.startswith(e) for e in exclude) or any( d.startswith(e) and fun.matchCl(e, devfilter) for e in exclude) ] if servfilter.strip('.*'): sdevs = map(str.lower, fandango.Astor(servfilter).get_all_devices()) all_devs = [d for d in all_devs if d in sdevs] #print('In load_attributes(%s,%s,%s): Searching through %d %s names' #%(servfilter,devfilter,attrfilter,len(all_devs), #'server' if servfilter else 'device')) if devfilter.strip().strip('.*'): devs = [ d for d in all_devs if (fandango.searchCl(devfilter, d, extend=True)) ] print('\tFound %d devs, Checking alias ...' % (len(devs))) alias, alias_devs = [], [] if '&' in devfilter: alias = self.all_alias else: for df in devfilter.split('|'): alias.extend( self.tango.get_device_alias_list('*%s*' % df.strip())) if alias: print('\t%d alias found' % len(alias)) alias_devs.extend(self.alias_devs[a] for a in alias if fun.searchCl(devfilter, a, extend=True)) print('\t%d alias_devs found' % len(alias_devs)) #if not self.alias_devs: #self.alias_devs = dict((str(self.tango.get_device_alias(a)).lower(),a) for a in self.all_alias) #devs.extend(d for d,a in self.alias_devs.items() if fandango.searchCl(devfilter,a) and (not servfilter or d in all_devs)) devs.extend(d for d in alias_devs if not servfilter.strip('.*') or d in all_devs) else: devs = all_devs devs = sorted(set(devs)) self.matching_devs = devs print('In load_attributes(%s,%s,%s): %d devices found' % (servfilter, devfilter, attrfilter, len(devs))) if False and not len(devs) and not archive: #Devices do not actually exist, but may exist in archiving ... #Option disabled, was mostly useless self.archivecheck.setChecked(True) return self.load_attributes(servfilter, devfilter, attrfilter, warn=False) if len(devs) > self.MAX_DEVICES and warn: Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Warning", "Your search (%s,%s) matches too many devices!!! (%d); please refine your search\n\n%s\n..." % (devfilter, attrfilter, len(devs), '\n'.join(devs[:30]))) return {} elif warn and len(devs) > 15: r = Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Message", "Your search (%s,%s) matches %d devices." % (devfilter, attrfilter, len(devs)), Qt.QMessageBox.Ok | Qt.QMessageBox.Cancel) if r == Qt.QMessageBox.Cancel: return {} self.matching_attributes = { } #{attribute: (device,alias,attribute,label)} failed_devs = [] for d in sorted(devs): try: dp = taurus.Device(d) if not archive: tcs = [t for t in dp.get_attribute_list()] else: tcs = [ a.split('/')[-1] for a in self.archattrs if a.startswith(d + '/') ] matches = [ t for t in tcs if fandango.searchCl(attrfilter, t, extend=True) ] for t in sorted(tcs): if not self.archivecheck.isChecked() or not matches: label = dp.get_attribute_config(t).label else: label = t if t in matches or fandango.searchCl( attrfilter, label, extend=True): if d in self.alias_devs: alias = self.alias_devs[d] else: try: alias = str(self.tango.get_alias(d)) except: alias = '' self.matching_attributes['%s/%s' % (d, t)] = (d, alias, t, label) if warn and len(self.matching_attributes ) > self.MAX_ATTRIBUTES: Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Warning", "Your search (%s,%s) matches too many attributes!!! (%d); please refine your search\n\n%s\n..." % (devfilter, attrfilter, len(self.matching_attributes), '\n'.join( sorted(self.matching_attributes.keys()) [:30]))) return {} except: print('load_attributes(%s,%s,%s => %s) failed!' % (servfilter, devfilter, attrfilter, d)) failed_devs.append(d) if attrfilter in ('state', '', '*', '**'): self.matching_attributes[d + '/state'] = ( d, d, 'state', None ) #A None label means device-not-readable if warn and len(self.matching_attributes) > 30: r = Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Message", "(%s) matches %d attributes." % (attrfilter, len(self.matching_attributes)), Qt.QMessageBox.Ok | Qt.QMessageBox.Cancel) if r == Qt.QMessageBox.Cancel: return {} if not len(self.matching_attributes): Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Warning", "No matching attribute has been found in %s." % ('Archiving DB' if archive else 'Tango DB (try Archiving option)')) if failed_devs: print('\t%d failed devs!!!: %s' % (len(failed_devs), failed_devs)) if warn: Qt.QMessageBox.warning( self, "Warning", "%d devices were not running:\n" % len(failed_devs) + '\n'.join(failed_devs[:10] + (['...'] if len(failed_devs) > 10 else []))) tracer('\t%d attributes found' % len(self.matching_attributes)) return self.matching_attributes
def load_attributes(self,servfilter,devfilter,attrfilter,warn=True, exclude = ('dserver','tango*admin','sys*database','tmp','archiving')): servfilter = servfilter.replace(' ','*').strip() attrfilter = (attrfilter or 'state').replace(' ','*') devfilter = (devfilter or attrfilter).replace(' ','*') #Solve fqdn issues devfilter = devfilter.replace('tango://','') if ':' in devfilter: tracer('ArchivingBrowser ignores tango host filters') devfilter = fn.clsub(fn.tango.rehost,'',devfilter) tracer('In load_attributes(%s,%s,%s)'%(servfilter,devfilter,attrfilter)) archive = self.dbcheck.isChecked() all_devs = self.all_devices if not archive else self.archdevs all_devs = [d for d in all_devs if not any(d.startswith(e) for e in exclude) or any(d.startswith(e) and fn.matchCl(e,devfilter) for e in exclude)] if servfilter.strip('.*'): sdevs = map(str.lower,fn.Astor(servfilter).get_all_devices()) all_devs = [d for d in all_devs if d in sdevs] #print('In load_attributes(%s,%s,%s): Searching through %d %s names' #%(servfilter,devfilter,attrfilter,len(all_devs), #'server' if servfilter else 'device')) if devfilter.strip().strip('.*'): devs = [d for d in all_devs if (fn.searchCl(devfilter,d,extend=True))] print('\tFound %d devs, Checking alias ...'%(len(devs))) alias,alias_devs = [],[] if '&' in devfilter: alias = self.all_alias else: for df in devfilter.split('|'): alias.extend(self.tango.get_device_alias_list('*%s*'%df.strip())) if alias: print('\t%d alias found'%len(alias)) alias_devs.extend(self.alias_devs[a] for a in alias if fn.searchCl(devfilter,a,extend=True)) print('\t%d alias_devs found'%len(alias_devs)) #if not self.alias_devs: #self.alias_devs = dict((str(self.tango.get_device_alias(a)).lower(),a) for a in self.all_alias) #devs.extend(d for d,a in self.alias_devs.items() if fn.searchCl(devfilter,a) and (not servfilter or d in all_devs)) devs.extend(d for d in alias_devs if not servfilter.strip('.*') or d in all_devs) else: devs = all_devs devs = sorted(set(devs)) self.matching_devs = devs print('In load_attributes(%s,%s,%s): %d devices found'%(servfilter,devfilter,attrfilter,len(devs))) if False and not len(devs) and not archive: #Devices do not actually exist, but may exist in archiving ... #Option disabled, was mostly useless self.dbcheck.setChecked(True) return self.load_attributes(servfilter,devfilter,attrfilter,warn=False) if len(devs)>self.MAX_DEVICES and warn: Qt.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Warning" , "Your search (%s,%s) matches too many devices!!! (%d); please refine your search\n\n%s\n..."%(devfilter,attrfilter,len(devs),'\n'.join(devs[:30]))) return {} elif warn and len(devs)>15: r = Qt.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Message" , "Your search (%s,%s) matches %d devices."%(devfilter,attrfilter,len(devs)),Qt.QMessageBox.Ok|Qt.QMessageBox.Cancel) if r==Qt.QMessageBox.Cancel: return {} self.matching_attributes = {} #{attribute: (device,alias,attribute,label)} failed_devs = [] for d in sorted(devs): try: dp = taurus.Device(d) if not archive: tcs = [t for t in dp.get_attribute_list()] else: tcs = [a.split('/')[-1] for a in self.archattrs if a.startswith(d+'/')] matches = [t for t in tcs if fn.searchCl(attrfilter,t,extend=True)] for t in sorted(tcs): if not self.dbcheck.isChecked() or not matches: label = dp.get_attribute_config(t).label else: label = t if t in matches or fn.searchCl(attrfilter,label,extend=True): if self.archivecheck.isChecked() \ and not self.reader.is_attribute_archived(d+'/'+t): continue if d in self.alias_devs: alias = self.alias_devs[d] else: try: alias = str(self.tango.get_alias(d)) except: alias = '' self.matching_attributes['%s/%s'%(d,t)] = (d,alias,t,label) if warn and len(self.matching_attributes)>self.MAX_ATTRIBUTES: Qt.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Warning" , "Your search (%s,%s) matches too many attributes!!! (%d); please refine your search\n\n%s\n..."%( devfilter,attrfilter,len(self.matching_attributes),'\n'.join(sorted(self.matching_attributes.keys())[:30]))) return {} except: print('load_attributes(%s,%s,%s => %s) failed!'%(servfilter,devfilter,attrfilter,d)) failed_devs.append(d) if attrfilter in ('state','','*','**'): self.matching_attributes[d+'/state'] = (d,d,'state',None) #A None label means device-not-readable if warn and len(self.matching_attributes)>30: r = Qt.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Message" , "(%s) matches %d attributes."%(attrfilter,len(self.matching_attributes)),Qt.QMessageBox.Ok|Qt.QMessageBox.Cancel) if r==Qt.QMessageBox.Cancel: return {} if not len(self.matching_attributes): Qt.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Warning", "No matching attribute has been found in %s." % ('Archiving DB' if archive else 'Tango DB (try Archiving option)')) if failed_devs: print('\t%d failed devs!!!: %s'%(len(failed_devs),failed_devs)) if warn: Qt.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Warning" , "%d devices were not running:\n"%len(failed_devs) +'\n'.join(failed_devs[:10]+(['...'] if len(failed_devs)>10 else []) )) tracer('\t%d attributes found'%len(self.matching_attributes)) return self.matching_attributes