コード例 #1
ファイル: hi.py プロジェクト: joeking11829/fast-rcnn
class Ludan():
    img = None # keep image data from C langauge
    _fast_rcnn = None
    C invokes the sendImge() to send a image from C to Python
    def sendImg(self, frame, height, width, channels):
        self.img = np.frombuffer(frame, np.uint8)
        self.img = np.reshape(self.img, (height, width, channels))
        print self.img.shape
        return 110, 50, 600, 50

    C invokes the showImge() to show a image which has been sent by sendImg 
    def showImg(self):
        print self.img.shape
        cv2.imshow('ShowImg', self.img)

        while True:
            cv2.imshow('showImg', self.img)
            k = 0xFF & cv2.waitKey(30) 
            # key bindings
            if k == 27:         # esc to exit

        return 'Hi Ludan'

    def call_fast_rcnn_frame(self, frame, height, width, channels):
        #print 'Call Fast-RCNN Frame -> height: {}  width:  {}  channels:  {}'.format(height, width, channels)
        #print type(frame)
        #img = np.frombuffer(frame, np.uint8)
        img = np.reshape(frame, (height, width, channels))
        print 'Detect object from C -> reshape: {}'.format(img.shape)
        #Create Fast_RCNN C Interface
        if self._fast_rcnn is None:
            self._fast_rcnn = Fast_RCNN_C_Interface()

        # Run Fast-RCNN
        hand5_max_detection = self._fast_rcnn.detect_object(img)
        print 'HAND5 MAX DETECTION IS: {}'.format(hand5_max_detection)
        return hand5_max_detection
コード例 #2
    if cap is None or not cap.isOpened():
        print 'Warning: unable to open video source: video0'
    #Create Fast_RCNN C Interface
    fast_rcnn = Fast_RCNN_C_Interface()

    #Get Camera Image
    while True:
        #Read Image
        ret, img = cap.read()
        #Detect Object and Show FPS
        timer = Timer()
        # Run Fast-RCNN
        hand5_max_detection = fast_rcnn.detect_object(img)
        print 'HAND5 MAX DETECTION IS: {}'.format(hand5_max_detection)
        print 'Detection took {:.3f}s for ONE IMAGE !! '.format(timer.total_time)

        #Draw the Biggest Rectangle
        if not (hand5_max_detection[0] is 0 and hand5_max_detection[1] is 0 
                and hand5_max_detection[2] is 0 and hand5_max_detection[3] is 0):
            #Draw the Rectangle
            cv2.rectangle(img, (hand5_max_detection[0], hand5_max_detection[1]), (hand5_max_detection[2], hand5_max_detection[3]), (0, 255, 0), 3)
        #Show Image
        cv2.imshow('Detect Result', img)

    #Release OpenCV reSource