def create_app_imperative(): class SampleController: def __init__(self, x=Depends(get_x)): self.x = x def root( self, id: str = Query( ..., title="itemId", description="The id of the sample object" ), ): id += self.x.create() return SampleObject(id=id) def hello(self, f: Filter, y=Depends(get_y) ): _id = _id += y _id += self.x.create() return SampleObject(id=_id) router = APIRouter() controller = Controller(router, openapi_tag={"name": "sample_controller"}) controller.add_resource(SampleController) controller.route.add_api_route( "/", SampleController.root, tags=["sample_controller"], summary="return a sample object", response_model=SampleObject, methods=["GET"], ) controller.route.add_api_route( "/hello", SampleController.hello, response_model=SampleObject, methods=["POST"] ) app = FastAPI( title="A sample application using fastapi_router_controller", version="0.1.0", openapi_tags=ControllersTags, ) app.include_router(SampleController.router()) return app
def create_app(): app = FastAPI( title="A application using fastapi_router_controller", version="0.1.0", openapi_tags=ControllersTags, ) app.include_router(Controller.router()) return app
def create_app_declerative(): router = APIRouter() controller = Controller(router, openapi_tag={"name": "sample_controller"}) # With the 'resource' decorator define the controller Class linked to the Controller router arguments @controller.resource() class SampleController: def __init__(self, x=Depends(get_x)): self.x = x @controller.route.get( "/", tags=["sample_controller"], summary="return a sample object", response_model=SampleObject, ) def root( self, id: str = Query( ..., title="itemId", description="The id of the sample object" ), ): id += self.x.create() return SampleObject(id=id) "/hello", response_model=SampleObject, ) def hello(self, f: Filter, y=Depends(get_y)): _id = _id += y _id += self.x.create() return SampleObject(id=_id) app = FastAPI( title="A sample application using fastapi_router_controller", version="0.1.0", openapi_tags=ControllersTags, ) app.include_router(SampleController.router()) return app
from fastapi_router_controller import Controller, ControllersTags from utils.config import Config from utils.middleware import LogIncomingRequest, exception_handler, validation_exception_handler ######################################### #### Configure the main application ##### ######################################### app = FastAPI( title='{}'.format('app', 'name')), description='This is a very fancy project, with auto docs for the API and everything', version='0.0.1','app', 'api-docs.path'), openapi_tags=ControllersTags) # configuring handler for validation error in order to format the response app.exception_handler(RequestValidationError)(validation_exception_handler) # configuring handler for generic error in order to format the response app.exception_handler(Exception)(exception_handler) # add middleware to process the request before it is taken by the router func app.add_middleware(LogIncomingRequest) ######################################### #### Configure all the implemented ##### #### controllers in the main app ##### ######################################### for router in Controller.routers(): app.include_router(router)
import unittest from pydantic import BaseModel from fastapi_router_controller import Controller, ControllersTags from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, FastAPI, Query from fastapi.testclient import TestClient parent_router = APIRouter() child_router = APIRouter() parent_controller = Controller(parent_router, openapi_tag={"name": "parent"}) child_controller = Controller(child_router, openapi_tag={"name": "child"}) class Object(BaseModel): id: str def get_x(): class Foo: def create(self): return "XXX" return Foo() class Filter(BaseModel): foo: str @parent_controller.resource()
import unittest from pydantic import BaseModel from fastapi_router_controller import Controller, ControllersTags from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, FastAPI, Query from fastapi.testclient import TestClient router = APIRouter() controller = Controller(router, openapi_tag={'name': 'sample_controller'}) class SampleObject(BaseModel): id: str def get_x(): class Foo: def create(self): return 'XXX' return Foo() def get_y(): try: yield 'get_y_dep' finally: print('get_y done') class Filter(BaseModel):
from fastapi import APIRouter, status from fastapi_router_controller import Controller from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse router = APIRouter() controller = Controller(router) # This is a Sample Controller that can be exteded by another to inherit its routes @controller.resource() class SampleParentController(): @controller.route.get( '/parent_api', summary='A sample API from the extended class, it will inherit the basepat of the child router') def sample_parent_api(_): return JSONResponse(status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK, content={ 'message': 'I\'m the parent'})