コード例 #1
ファイル: lib_shaw.py プロジェクト: ShawK91/sha-256-emulator
    def crossover_inplace(self, gene1, gene2):
        keys = list(gene1.param_dict.keys())

        # References to the variable tensors
        W1 = gene1.param_dict
        W2 = gene2.param_dict
        num_variables = len(W1)
        if num_variables != len(W2):
            print 'Warning: Genes for crossover might be incompatible'

        # Crossover opertation [Indexed by column, not rows]
        num_cross_overs = fastrand.pcg32bounded(
            num_variables * 2)  # Lower bounded on full swaps
        for i in range(num_cross_overs):
            tensor_choice = fastrand.pcg32bounded(
                num_variables)  # Choose which tensor to perturb
            receiver_choice = random.random(
            )  # Choose which gene to receive the perturbation
            if receiver_choice < 0.5:
                ind_cr = fastrand.pcg32bounded(
                    W1[keys[tensor_choice]].shape[-1])  #
                W1[keys[tensor_choice]][:, ind_cr] = W2[
                    keys[tensor_choice]][:, ind_cr]
                #W1[keys[tensor_choice]][ind_cr, :] = W2[keys[tensor_choice]][ind_cr, :]
                ind_cr = fastrand.pcg32bounded(
                    W2[keys[tensor_choice]].shape[-1])  #
                W2[keys[tensor_choice]][:, ind_cr] = W1[
                    keys[tensor_choice]][:, ind_cr]
コード例 #2
    def mutate(self, actor):

        num_mutation_frac = 0.1
        super_mut_prob = 0.05
        reset_prob = super_mut_prob + 0.05
        super_mut_strength = 10
        mut_strength = 0.1

        ori_weights = actor.get_parameters_weights()

        for weight in ori_weights:
            if len(weight.shape) == 2:
                num_weights = weight.shape[0] * weight.shape[1]
                num_mutations = fastrand.pcg32bounded(int(math.ceil(num_mutation_frac * num_weights)))

                for _ in range(num_weights):
                    ind_dim1 = fastrand.pcg32bounded(weight.shape[0])
                    ind_dim2 = fastrand.pcg32bounded(weight.shape[1])
                    random_num = random.random()

                    if random_num < super_mut_prob:  # Super Mutation probability
                        weight[ind_dim1, ind_dim2] += random.gauss(0, super_mut_strength * weight[ind_dim1, ind_dim2])
                    elif random_num < reset_prob:
                        weight[ind_dim1, ind_dim2] = random.gauss(0, 1)
                    else:  # mutauion even normal
                        weight[ind_dim1, ind_dim2] += random.gauss(0, mut_strength * weight[ind_dim1, ind_dim2])

                    weight[ind_dim1, ind_dim2] = self.regularize_weight(weight[ind_dim1, ind_dim2], 100000)

コード例 #3
    def mutate_inplace(self, gene):
        mut_strength = 0.1
        num_mutation_frac = 0.1
        super_mut_strength = 10
        super_mut_prob = 0.05
        reset_prob = super_mut_prob + 0.05

        # References to the variable keys
        keys = list(gene.param_dict.keys())
        W = gene.param_dict
        num_structures = len(keys)
        ssne_probabilities = np.random.uniform(0,1,num_structures)*2

        for ssne_prob, key in zip(ssne_probabilities, keys): #For each structure apart from poly
            if random.random()<ssne_prob:
                num_mutations = fastrand.pcg32bounded(int(math.ceil(num_mutation_frac * W[key].size)))  # Number of mutation instances
                for _ in range(num_mutations):
                    ind_dim1 = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W[key].shape[0])
                    ind_dim2 = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W[key].shape[-1])
                    random_num = random.random()

                    if random_num < super_mut_prob:  # Super Mutation probability
                        W[key][ind_dim1, ind_dim2] += random.gauss(0, super_mut_strength * W[key][ind_dim1, ind_dim2])
                    elif random_num < reset_prob:  # Reset probability
                        W[key][ind_dim1, ind_dim2] = random.gauss(0, 1)

                    else:  # mutauion even normal
                        W[key][ind_dim1, ind_dim2] += random.gauss(0, mut_strength *W[key][ind_dim1, ind_dim2])

                    # Regularization hard limit
                    W[key][ind_dim1, ind_dim2] = self.regularize_weight(W[key][ind_dim1, ind_dim2], self.parameters.weight_magnitude_limit)
コード例 #4
    def getTrainInstances(self):
        totalData = []
        for s in range(self.numUsers * self.num_negatives):
            while True:
                u = fastrand.pcg32bounded(self.numUsers)
                cu = self.userCache[u]
                if len(cu) == 0:

                t = fastrand.pcg32bounded(len(cu))

                #i = list(cu)[t]
                i = cu[t]
                j = fastrand.pcg32bounded(self.numItems)

                while j in cu:
                    j = fastrand.pcg32bounded(self.numItems)


            totalData.append([u, i, j])

        totalData = np.array(totalData)

        return totalData
コード例 #5
def updateWithVibe (img, sampleArray, distanceThreshold, sampleCount):
    segmentationMap =np.copy (segTemplate)
    # print (img.shape)
    # print (img.shape)

    start = time.time()
    for i in range (0,(img.shape[0]-1)):
        start = time.time()
        for j in range (0,(img.shape[1]-1)):

            start6=time.time ()
            while ( ( count < minMatches ) and ( index < sampleCount ) ):
                # print (img[i][j])

                # if len (img[i][j])==3:
                #     distance = math.sqrt ((img[i][j][0]-sampleArray[i][j][index][0])**2+(img[i][j][1]-sampleArray[i][j][index][1])**2+(img[i][j][2]-sampleArray[i][j][index][2])**2)
                # else:
                start2 = time.time()
                distance =  ((img[i][j] - sampleArray[i][j][index]))** 2
                end2= time.time ()
                # print ("\t\tTime for each distane calc " + str (end2 - start2))

                # print (distance)
                if (distance < threshold_squared ):

            end6=time.time ()
            # print ("Time for each while loop " + str (end6-start6))
            if count < minMatches:
                segmentationMap [i][j]= 255
        #         segmentationMap[i]=BACKGROUND_PIXEL
                start3 = time.time()
                randNum= fastrand.pcg32bounded(subSamplingFactor) 
                end3= time.time ()
                # print ("\t\tTime for each random generation " + str (end3 - start3))

                if randNum==0:
                randNum= fastrand.pcg32bounded(subSamplingFactor)
                if randNum==0:
                    randNum=random.choice ([-1,1])
        end= time.time ()
        # print ("\tTime for each height loop " + str (end - start))

    return segmentationMap, sampleArray
コード例 #6
    def crossover_inplace(self, gene1, gene2):
        """Conduct one point crossover in place

                  gene1 (object): A pytorch model
                  gene2 (object): A pytorch model



        keys1 = list(gene1.state_dict())
        keys2 = list(gene2.state_dict())

        for key in keys1:
            if key not in keys2: continue

            # References to the variable tensors
            W1 = gene1.state_dict()[key]
            W2 = gene2.state_dict()[key]

            if len(W1.shape) == 2:  #Weights no bias
                num_variables = W1.shape[0]
                # Crossover opertation [Indexed by row]
                    num_cross_overs = fastrand.pcg32bounded(
                        int(num_variables * 0.3))  # Number of Cross overs
                    num_cross_overs = 1
                for i in range(num_cross_overs):
                    receiver_choice = random.random(
                    )  # Choose which gene to receive the perturbation
                    if receiver_choice < 0.5:
                        ind_cr = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W1.shape[0])  #
                        W1[ind_cr, :] = W2[ind_cr, :]
                        ind_cr = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W1.shape[0])  #
                        W2[ind_cr, :] = W1[ind_cr, :]

            elif len(W1.shape) == 1:  #Bias or LayerNorm
                if random.random() < 0.8:
                    continue  #Crossover here with low frequency
                num_variables = W1.shape[0]
                # Crossover opertation [Indexed by row]
                #num_cross_overs = fastrand.pcg32bounded(int(num_variables * 0.05))  # Crossover number
                for i in range(1):
                    receiver_choice = random.random(
                    )  # Choose which gene to receive the perturbation
                    if receiver_choice < 0.5:
                        ind_cr = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W1.shape[0])  #
                        W1[ind_cr] = W2[ind_cr]
                        ind_cr = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W1.shape[0])  #
                        W2[ind_cr] = W1[ind_cr]
コード例 #7
ファイル: SeqRecall.py プロジェクト: copoer/python-lgp
 def reset(self):
     self.initCount = fastrand.pcg32bounded(self.count_n) + 1
     self.count = self.initCount
     seq_len = fastrand.pcg32bounded(self.seq_n) + 1
     self.input = []
     for i in range(seq_len):
         # https://stackoverflow.com/a/46820635
         self.input += [1 if random.random() < 0.5 else -1]
     self.input_len = len(self.input)
     self.num_steps = self.seq_n * 2 + self.count
     self.curr_step = 1
     return np.array([self.input[0], 0])
コード例 #8
ファイル: ccea.py プロジェクト: tuladhay/ccea
        def mutate_inplace(gene):
            Mutates a neural network policy (in place)
            todo: what are the parameters

            mut_strength = 0.1
            num_mutation_frac = 0.1
            super_mut_strength = 10
            super_mut_prob = 0.05
            reset_prob = super_mut_prob + 0.05

            num_params = len(list(gene.parameters()))
            # ssne_probabilities = np.random.uniform(0, 1, num_params) * 2
            model_params = gene.state_dict()

            for i, key in enumerate(model_params):  # Mutate each param

                if key == 'lnorm1.gamma' or key == 'lnorm1.beta' or key == 'lnorm2.gamma' or key == 'lnorm2.beta' or key == 'lnorm3.gamma' or key == 'lnorm3.beta':

                # References to the variable keys
                W = model_params[key]
                if len(W.shape) == 2:  # Weights, no bias

                    num_weights = W.shape[0] * W.shape[1]
                    ssne_prob = 1  # ssne_probabilities[i]

                    if random.random() < ssne_prob:
                        num_mutations = fastrand.pcg32bounded(
                                num_mutation_frac *
                                num_weights)))  # Number of mutation instances
                        for _ in range(num_mutations):
                            ind_dim1 = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W.shape[0])
                            ind_dim2 = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W.shape[-1])
                            random_num = random.random()

                            if random_num < super_mut_prob:  # Super Mutation probability
                                W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2] += random.gauss(
                                    super_mut_strength * W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2])
                            elif random_num < reset_prob:  # Reset probability
                                W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2] = random.gauss(0, 1)
                            else:  # mutauion even normal
                                W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2] += random.gauss(
                                    0, mut_strength * W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2])

                            # Regularization hard limit
                            W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2] = regularize_weight(
                                W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2], 1000000)
コード例 #9
 def pcgchoice(data, size=1):
     if size == 1:
         if isinstance(data, int):
             return pcg32bounded(data)
         return data[pcg32bounded(len(data))]
         d = list(range(len(data))) if not isinstance(data, int) else list(range(data))
         idx = [ d.pop(pcg32bounded(len(d))) for i in range(size) ]
         if isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, np.matrix)):
             return data[idx]
         elif isinstance(data, int):
             return idx
             return [ data[i] for i in idx ]
コード例 #10
    def mutate_inplace(self, gene):
        # gene.setflags(write=1)
        mut_strength = 0.1
        num_mutation_frac = 0.1
        super_mut_strength = 10
        super_mut_prob = 0.05
        reset_prob = super_mut_prob + 0.05

        num_params = len(list(gene))
        ssne_probabilities = np.random.uniform(0, 1, num_params) * 2
        # model_params = copy.deepcopy(gene)# gene
        model_params = gene

        for i, key in enumerate(model_params):  #Mutate each param

            if key == 'lnorm1.gamma' or key == 'lnorm1.beta' or key == 'lnorm2.gamma' or key == 'lnorm2.beta' or key == 'lnorm3.gamma' or key == 'lnorm3.beta':

            # References to the variable keys
            W = model_params[key]
            # W.setflags(write=1)

            if len(W.shape) == 2:  #Weights, no bias

                num_weights = W.shape[0] * W.shape[1]
                ssne_prob = ssne_probabilities[i]

                if random.random() < ssne_prob:
                    num_mutations = fastrand.pcg32bounded(
                            num_mutation_frac *
                            num_weights)))  # Number of mutation instances
                    for _ in range(num_mutations):
                        ind_dim1 = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W.shape[0])
                        ind_dim2 = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W.shape[-1])
                        random_num = random.random()
                        if random_num < super_mut_prob:  # Super Mutation probability
                            W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2] += random.gauss(
                                0, super_mut_strength * W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2])
                        elif random_num < reset_prob:  # Reset probability
                            W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2] = random.gauss(0, 1)
                        else:  # mutauion even normal
                            W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2] += random.gauss(
                                0, mut_strength * W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2])

                        # Regularization hard limit
                        W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2] = self.regularize_weight(
                            W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2], 1000000)
コード例 #11
    def selection_tournament(self, index_rank, num_offsprings,
        """Conduct tournament selection

                  index_rank (list): Ranking encoded as net_indexes
                  num_offsprings (int): Number of offsprings to generate
                  tournament_size (int): Size of tournament

                  offsprings (list): List of offsprings returned as a list of net indices


        total_choices = len(index_rank)
        offsprings = []
        for i in range(num_offsprings):
            winner = np.min(
                np.random.randint(total_choices, size=tournament_size))

        offsprings = list(set(offsprings))  # Find unique offsprings
        if len(offsprings) % 2 != 0:  # Number of offsprings should be even
        return offsprings
コード例 #12
 def int(limit):
         return fastrand.pcg32bounded(limit)
         if limit == 0:
             return 0
コード例 #13
ファイル: SeqClassing.py プロジェクト: copoer/python-lgp
 def reset(self):
     self.input = []
     self.curr_step = 1
     # Ability to set constant number of ones
     num_of_ones = self.N
     if (self.N == 0):
         num_of_ones = fastrand.pcg32bounded(11)+4
     for i in range(num_of_ones):
         # https://stackoverflow.com/a/46820635
         self.input += [1 if random.random() < 0.5 else -1]
         if (self.gap_size):
             self.input += [0]*self.gap_size
             self.input += [0]*(fastrand.pcg32bounded(10)+10)
     self.input += [1 if random.random() < 0.5 else -1]
     self.input_len = len(self.input)
     return np.array([self.input[0]])
コード例 #14
def randint(start, end):
    """ Faster version of random.randint """
    v = fastrand.pcg32bounded(end)
    if v < start:
        v += start
    if v > end:
        return (v + start) / 2
    return v
コード例 #15
    def classic_parameter_mutation(self, network):
        mut_strength = self.cfg.mutation.mutation_sd
        num_mutation_frac = 0.1
        super_mut_strength = 10
        super_mut_prob = 0.05
        reset_prob = super_mut_prob + 0.05

        model_params = network.state_dict()

        potential_keys = []
        for i, key in enumerate(model_params):  # Mutate each param
            if not 'norm' in key:
                W = model_params[key]
                if len(W.shape) == 2:  # Weights, no bias

        how_many = np.random.randint(1, len(potential_keys) + 1, 1)[0]
        chosen_keys = np.random.choice(potential_keys, how_many, replace=False)

        for key in chosen_keys:
            # References to the variable keys
            W = model_params[key]
            num_weights = W.shape[0] * W.shape[1]
            # Number of mutation instances
            num_mutations = fastrand.pcg32bounded(
                int(np.ceil(num_mutation_frac * num_weights)))
            for _ in range(num_mutations):
                ind_dim1 = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W.shape[0])
                ind_dim2 = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W.shape[-1])
                random_num = self.rng.uniform(0, 1)

                if random_num < super_mut_prob:  # Super Mutation probability
                    W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2] += self.rng.normal(
                        0, np.abs(super_mut_strength * W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2]))
                elif random_num < reset_prob:  # Reset probability
                    W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2] = self.rng.normal(0, 1)
                else:  # mutauion even normal
                    W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2] += self.rng.normal(
                        0, np.abs(mut_strength * W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2]))

                # Regularization hard limit
                  ind_dim2] = self.regularize_weight(W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2],
        return network
コード例 #16
    def mutate_inplace(self, gene):

        mut_strength = 0.1
        num_mutation_frac = 0.1
        super_mut_strength = 10
        super_mut_prob = 0.05
        reset_prob = super_mut_prob + 0.05
        model_params = np.array(gene.get_weights())
        num_params = model_params.shape[0] * model_params.shape[
            1] * model_params[0].shape[0]
        ssne_probabilities = np.random.uniform(0, 1, num_params) * 2
        #the shape of the matrix of the model (n_layers, n_matrix_each_layer) --> i.e (4,2)4 layers with 2matrices each layers
        #need to check whether its weight matrix or bias matrix
        for layer in model_params:
            for W in layer:
                if len(
                ) == 2:  #Weights, no bias, the original implementation doesn't mutate the bias matrix
                    num_weights = W.shape[0] * W.shape[1]
                    ssne_prob = ssne_probabilities[i]

                    if random.random() < ssne_prob:
                        num_mutations = fastrand.pcg32bounded(
                                num_mutation_frac *
                                num_weights)))  # Number of mutation instances
                        for _ in range(num_mutations):
                            ind_dim1 = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W.shape[0])
                            ind_dim2 = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W.shape[-1])
                            random_num = random.random()

                            if random_num < super_mut_prob:  # Super Mutation probability
                                W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2] += random.gauss(
                                    super_mut_strength * W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2])
                            elif random_num < reset_prob:  # Reset probability
                                W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2] = random.gauss(0, 1)
                            else:  # mutauion even normal
                                W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2] += random.gauss(
                                    0, mut_strength * W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2])

                            # Regularization hard limit
                            W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2] = self.regularize_weight(
                                W[ind_dim1, ind_dim2], 1000000)
コード例 #17
    def epoch(self, pop, fitness_evals):

        # Entire epoch is handled with indices; Index rank nets by fitness evaluation (0 is the best after reversing)
        index_rank = self.list_argsort(fitness_evals); index_rank.reverse()
        elitist_index = index_rank[:self.num_elitists]  # Elitist indexes safeguard

        # Selection step
        offsprings = self.selection_tournament(index_rank, num_offsprings=len(index_rank) - self.num_elitists,

        # Figure out unselected candidates
        unselects = []; new_elitists = []
        for i in range(self.population_size):
            if i in offsprings or i in elitist_index:

        if self.rl_policy != None: #RL Transfer happened
            self.selection_stats['total'] += 1.0

            if self.rl_policy in elitist_index: self.selection_stats['elite'] += 1.0
            elif self.rl_policy in offsprings: self.selection_stats['selected'] += 1.0
            elif self.rl_policy in unselects: self.selection_stats['discarded'] += 1.0
            self.rl_policy = None

        # Elitism step, assigning elite candidates to some unselects
        for i in elitist_index:
            try: replacee = unselects.pop(0)
            except: replacee = offsprings.pop(0)
            self.clone(master=pop[i], replacee=pop[replacee])

        # Crossover for unselected genes with 100 percent probability
        if len(unselects) % 2 != 0:  # Number of unselects left should be even
        for i, j in zip(unselects[0::2], unselects[1::2]):
            off_i = random.choice(new_elitists);
            off_j = random.choice(offsprings)
            self.clone(master=pop[off_i], replacee=pop[i])
            self.clone(master=pop[off_j], replacee=pop[j])
            self.crossover_inplace(pop[i], pop[j])

        # Crossover for selected offsprings
        for i, j in zip(offsprings[0::2], offsprings[1::2]):
            if random.random() < self.args.crossover_prob: self.crossover_inplace(pop[i], pop[j])

        # Mutate all genes in the population except the new elitists
        for i in range(self.population_size):
            if i not in new_elitists:  # Spare the new elitists
                if random.random() < self.args.mutation_prob: self.mutate_inplace(pop[i])

        return new_elitists[0]
コード例 #18
    def next_g(self, actors, all_fitness):

        index_rank = self.list_argsort(all_fitness)
        elitist_index = index_rank[:self.num_elitists]

        offsprings = self.selection_tournament(index_rank, num_offsprings=len(index_rank) - self.num_elitists,

        losers = []
        for i in range(self.population_size):
            if i in offsprings or i in elitist_index:

        if self.rl_policy_index != None:
            self.selection_stats['total'] += 1.0
            if self.rl_policy_index in elitist_index:
                self.selection_stats['elite'] += 1.0
            elif self.rl_policy_index in offsprings:
                self.selection_stats['selected'] += 1.0
            elif self.rl_policy_index in losers:
                self.selection_stats['discarded'] += 1.0
            self.rl_policy_index = None

        new_elitists = []
        for i_elitist in elitist_index:
                replace = losers.pop(0)
                replace = offsprings.pop(0)
            self.hard_clone(master_actor=actors[i_elitist], replace_actor=actors[replace])

        if len(losers) % 2 != 0:
        for i, j in zip(losers[0::2], losers[1::2]):
            off_i = random.choice(new_elitists)
            off_j = random.choice(offsprings)
            self.hard_clone(master_actor=actors[off_i], replace_actor=actors[i])
            self.hard_clone(master_actor=actors[off_j], replace_actor=actors[j])
            self.crossover(actors[i], actors[j])

        for i, j in zip(offsprings[0::2], offsprings[1::2]):
            if random.random() < self.crossover_prob:
                self.crossover(actors[i], actors[j])

        for i in range(self.population_size):
            if i not in new_elitists:
                if random.random() < self.mutation_prob:

        return new_elitists[0]
コード例 #19
ファイル: Simulation.py プロジェクト: Jshimer2/covid-sim
def _create_new_sick_nodes(G, sick_nodes, showing, prob):
    for node in sick_nodes:        
        # Go through each contact
        for edge in G[node]:
            if edge not in sick_nodes and edge not in showing:    
                if fastrand.pcg32bounded(1000)/1000 < prob:
                    G.node[edge]['COVID-19'] = 1
    return(G, sick_nodes)  
コード例 #20
    def selection_tournament(self, index_rank, num_offsprings, tournament_size):
        total_choices = len(index_rank)
        offsprings = []
        for i in range(num_offsprings):
            winner = np.min(np.random.randint(total_choices, size=tournament_size))

        offsprings = list(set(offsprings))  # Find unique offsprings
        if len(offsprings) % 2 != 0:  # Number of offsprings should be even
        return offsprings
コード例 #21
ファイル: random.py プロジェクト: themaxw/ledControl
def randInt(start, stop):
    """returns a random int in the range [start, stop)

        start (int): start of interval, inclusive
        stop (int): end of interval, exclusive

        int: random int
    return fastrand.pcg32bounded(stop - start) + start
コード例 #22
    def crossover(self, actor1, actor2):

        ori_parameters1, ori_parameters2 = actor1.get_parameters(), actor2.get_parameters()

        for param1, param2 in zip(ori_parameters1, ori_parameters2):

            if len(param1.shape) == 2: # weight
                num_variables = param1.shape[0]
                num_cross_overs = fastrand.pcg32bounded(num_variables * 2)
                for i in range(num_cross_overs):
                    if random.random() < 0.5:
                        ind_cr = fastrand.pcg32bounded(param1.shape[0])
                        param1[ind_cr, :] = param2[ind_cr, :]
                        ind_cr = fastrand.pcg32bounded(param1.shape[0])
                        param2[ind_cr, :] = param1[ind_cr, :]

            elif len(param1.shape) == 1: # bias
                num_variables = param1.shape[0]
                num_cross_overs = fastrand.pcg32bounded(num_variables)
                for i in range(num_cross_overs):
                    if random.random() < 0.5:
                        ind_cr = fastrand.pcg32bounded(param1.shape[0])
                        param1[ind_cr] = param2[ind_cr]
                        ind_cr = fastrand.pcg32bounded(param1.shape[0])
                        param2[ind_cr] = param1[ind_cr]

コード例 #23
    def crossover_inplace(self, gene1, gene2):
        for (k1, v1), (k2, v2) in zip(gene1.items(), gene2.items()):
            W1 = v1
            W2 = v2
            if len(W1.shape) == 2:  #Weights no bias
                num_variables = W1.shape[0]
                # Crossover opertation [Indexed by row]
                num_cross_overs = fastrand.pcg32bounded(
                    num_variables * 2)  # Lower bounded on full swaps
                for i in range(num_cross_overs):
                    receiver_choice = random.random(
                    )  # Choose which gene to receive the perturbation
                    if receiver_choice < 0.5:
                        ind_cr = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W1.shape[0])  #
                        W1[ind_cr, :] = W2[ind_cr, :]
                        ind_cr = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W1.shape[0])  #
                        W2[ind_cr, :] = W1[ind_cr, :]

            elif len(W1.shape) == 1:  #Bias
                num_variables = W1.shape[0]
                # Crossover opertation [Indexed by row]
                num_cross_overs = fastrand.pcg32bounded(
                    num_variables)  # Lower bounded on full swaps
                for i in range(num_cross_overs):
                    receiver_choice = random.random(
                    )  # Choose which gene to receive the perturbation
                    if receiver_choice < 0.5:
                        ind_cr = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W1.shape[0])  #
                        # print("ind_cr,",ind_cr)
                        W1[ind_cr] = W2[ind_cr]
                        ind_cr = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W1.shape[0])  #
                        # print("ind_cr,", ind_cr)
                        W2[ind_cr] = W1[ind_cr]
コード例 #24
ファイル: mod_neuro_evo.py プロジェクト: zhan0903/pytorch-erl
    def crossover_inplace(self, gene1, gene2):
        for param1, param2 in zip(gene1.parameters(), gene2.parameters()):
            # References to the variable tensors
            W1 = param1.data
            W2 = param2.data

            if len(W1.shape) == 2: #Weights no bias
                num_variables = W1.shape[0]
                # Crossover opertation [Indexed by row]
                num_cross_overs = fastrand.pcg32bounded(num_variables * 2)  # Lower bounded on full swaps
                for i in range(num_cross_overs):
                    receiver_choice = random.random()  # Choose which gene to receive the perturbation
                    if receiver_choice < 0.5:
                        ind_cr = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W1.shape[0])  #
                        W1[ind_cr, :] = W2[ind_cr, :]
                        ind_cr = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W1.shape[0])  #
                        W2[ind_cr, :] = W1[ind_cr, :]

            elif len(W1.shape) == 1: #Bias
                num_variables = W1.shape[0]
                # Crossover opertation [Indexed by row]
                num_cross_overs = fastrand.pcg32bounded(num_variables)  # Lower bounded on full swaps
                for i in range(num_cross_overs):
                    receiver_choice = random.random()  # Choose which gene to receive the perturbation
                    if receiver_choice < 0.5:
                        ind_cr = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W1.shape[0])  #
                        W1[ind_cr] = W2[ind_cr]
                        ind_cr = fastrand.pcg32bounded(W1.shape[0])  #
                        W2[ind_cr] = W1[ind_cr]
コード例 #25
    def epoch(self, all_hives, fitness_evals):

        # Entire epoch is handled with indices; Index rank nets by fitness evaluation (0 is the best after reversing)
        index_rank = self.list_argsort(fitness_evals); index_rank.reverse()
        elitist_index = index_rank[:self.num_elitists]  # Elitist indexes safeguard

        # Selection step
        offsprings = self.selection_tournament(index_rank, num_offsprings=len(index_rank) - self.num_elitists,

        #Extinction step (Resets all the offsprings genes; preserves the elitists)
        if random.random() < self.parameters.extinction_prob: #An extinction event
            print "######################Extinction Event Triggered#######################"
            for i in offsprings:
                if random.random() < self.parameters.extinction_magnituide and not (i in elitist_index):  # Extinction probabilities

        # Figure out unselected candidates
        unselects = []; new_elitists = []
        for i in range(self.population_size):
            if i in offsprings or i in elitist_index:

        # Elitism step, assigning elite candidates to some unselects
        for i in elitist_index:
            replacee = unselects.pop(0)
            self.copy_individual(master=all_hives[i], replacee=all_hives[replacee])

        # Crossover for unselected genes with 100 percent probability
        if len(unselects) % 2 != 0:  # Number of unselects left should be even
        for i, j in zip(unselects[0::2], unselects[1::2]):
            off_i = random.choice(new_elitists);
            off_j = random.choice(offsprings)
            self.copy_individual(master=all_hives[off_i], replacee=all_hives[i])
            self.copy_individual(master=all_hives[off_j], replacee=all_hives[j])
            self.crossover_inplace(all_hives[i], all_hives[j])

        # Crossover for selected offsprings
        for i, j in zip(offsprings[0::2], offsprings[1::2]):
            if random.random() < self.parameters.crossover_prob: self.crossover_inplace(all_hives[i], all_hives[j])

        # Mutate all genes in the population except the new elitists plus homozenize
        for i in range(self.population_size):
            if i not in new_elitists:  # Spare the new elitists
                if random.random() < self.parameters.mutation_prob: self.mutate_inplace(all_hives[i])
コード例 #26
def generate_list():
    Get the length from user and generate a random array of that size
    upper_bound = int(input("-> Please choose the Upper Bound of the array: "))
    size = int(input("-> Please choose the size of the array: "))

    # return upperBound, size, np.random.randint(0, upperBound, size)

    rand_arr = []
    for _ in range(size):

    return upper_bound, size, rand_arr
コード例 #27
def simulateBedpe(input_df, n, chromosome):
    sim_dfs = []
    end = int(ranges[str(chromosome)])
    for i in range(n):
        sim_df = input_df.copy()
        for row in input_df.itertuples():
            r = r+1
            offset1 = int(row.end1) - int(row.start1) #this could be 0 or greater than 0 depending on the resolution of the caller
            offset2 = int(row.end2) - int(row.start2) #this could be 0 or greater than 0 depending on the resolution of the caller
            #new_coord = random.randint(end) #pick random start coordinate within chromosome

            #once you have the new start coordinate, where to put the end coordinate so that resolution and length is preserved?
            new_coord = end+1
            while new_coord + row["length"] >= end or new_coord + offset1 + row["length"] >= end:
                new_coord = fastrand.pcg32bounded(end) #Fast random number generation in Python using PCG
            sim_df.iat[r, 1] = new_coord
            sim_df.iat[r, 2] = new_coord + offset1
            sim_df.iat[r, 4] = new_coord + row["length"]
            sim_df.iat[r, 5] = new_coord + offset2
            # if (row["svclass"] != "trans"):
            #     if new_coord + row["length"] <= end: #if you don't go off end of chromosome
            #         sim_df.iat[i, 1] = new_coord
            #         sim_df.iat[i, 2] = new_coord + offset1
            #         sim_df.iat[i, 4] = new_coord + row["length"]
            #         sim_df.iat[i, 5] = new_coord + offset2
            #     else: #you go off end of chromosome
            #         sim_df.iat[i, 4] = new_coord
            #         sim_df.iat[i, 5] = new_coord + offset2
            #         sim_df.iat[i, 1] = new_coord - row["length"]
            #         sim_df.iat[i, 2] = new_coord + offset1
            # else: #we are dealing with a translocation and the breakpoints are on another chromosome
            #     if sim_df[sim_df.columns[0]].nunique() == 1 and row["chrom1"] != row["chrom2"]:
            #         sim_df.iat[i, 1] = new_coord
            #         sim_df.iat[i, 2] = new_coord + offset1
            #     else:
            #         sim_df.iat[i, 4] = new_coord
            #         sim_df.iat[i, 5] = new_coord + offset1
        #recompute simulated lengths and make sure they are the same as actual
        lengths = []
        for row in sim_df.itertuples():
            lengths.append(abs(row.start1 - row.start2))
        sim_df["length"] == lengths

        assert(list(input_df["length"] == sim_df["length"])) #sizes of events are the same
        assert(all(i > 0 for i in list(sim_df['start1'])))
        assert(all(i > 0 for i in list(sim_df['start2'])))
    return sim_dfs
コード例 #28
def metropolis_step_removal(X, move_index=None):
    '''For a given state vector X, apply MC Metropolis move and update
        bookkeeping associated with counting grid'''
    global accepted, rejected, counting_grid

    # Original point
    if move_index == None:
        index = fastrand.pcg32bounded(N)
        index = move_index

    point_old = X[index].copy()
    counting_index_old = (
        int(point_old[1] * grid_marks_y / Ly),
        int(point_old[0] * grid_marks_x / Lx)
    )  # the index that the particle appears in in the counting grid

    # Propose new move
    point_new = [0, 0]
    point_new[0] = (point_old[0] + step * (fastrand.pcg32() / 2147483647)) % Lx
    point_new[1] = (point_old[1] + step * (fastrand.pcg32() / 2147483647)) % Ly
    counting_index_new = (int(point_new[1] * grid_marks_y / Ly),
                          int(point_new[0] * grid_marks_x / Lx))

    # Use counting grid to check for nearest neighbours
    neighbour_indicies = [
        neighbour for neighbours in extract_3X5(counting_grid,
        for neighbour in neighbours

    # Determine whether overlap occurs
    # Here is the difference from old step. Move accepted if it's further away
    for point_index in neighbour_indicies:
        if torus_dist(point_new,
                      X[point_index]) < 2 * r and point_index != index:
            rejected += 1
            return X

    # Else accept move
    accepted += 1
    X[index] = point_new

    # Determine whether grid counts need to be changed
    if counting_index_old != counting_index_new:

    return X
コード例 #29
    def her_augmentation(self, buffer, k):
        her_buffer = []
        buffer_dim = len(buffer) - 1
        for _ in range(k):
            for i in range(len(buffer)):
                # Chooses an index in the future
                if buffer_dim == i:
                    her_goal_index = i  #Edge case of last experience
                    her_goal_index = i + fastrand.pcg32bounded(buffer_dim - i)

                her_goal = buffer[her_goal_index][3][0:self.args.goal_dim]
                her_buffer[-1][1] = her_goal

        return buffer + her_buffer
コード例 #30
    def run(self):
        drive = open(self.device, 'rb')
        timer = time()

        while self.bytes_read < self.bytes_needed:
            rand = fastrand.pcg32bounded(self.size)
            drive.seek(rand, 0)
            data = drive.read(512)

            if data != pattern * 512:
                print('Non-zero data has been failed. Erasure has failed.')
                self.success = False

            self.CURRENT_DATA.emit((self.bytes_read / self.bytes_needed) * 100)
            self.CURRENT_TIME.emit(str(timedelta(seconds=(time() - timer))))
            self.bytes_read += 512
