コード例 #1
 def sum_gradient(self, gradient, p, residuals):
     polygon = Polygon(self.verts + [p], self.prop)
     at_p = talwani.gz(self.xp, self.zp, [polygon])
     polygon = Polygon(self.verts + [[p[0] + self.delta, p[1]]], self.prop)
     jacx = (talwani.gz(self.xp, self.zp, [polygon]) - at_p) / self.delta
     polygon = Polygon(self.verts + [[p[0], p[1] + self.delta]], self.prop)
     jacz = (talwani.gz(self.xp, self.zp, [polygon]) - at_p) / self.delta
     self.jac_T = numpy.array([jacx, jacz])
     return gradient - 2. * numpy.dot(self.jac_T, residuals)
コード例 #2
ファイル: basin2d.py プロジェクト: fillipesiqueira/fatiando
 def sum_gradient(self, gradient, p, residuals):
     polygon = Polygon(self.verts + [p], self.prop)
     at_p = talwani.gz(self.xp, self.zp, [polygon])
     polygon = Polygon(self.verts + [[p[0] + self.delta, p[1]]], self.prop)
     jacx = (talwani.gz(self.xp, self.zp, [polygon]) - at_p)/self.delta
     polygon = Polygon(self.verts + [[p[0], p[1] + self.delta]], self.prop)
     jacz = (talwani.gz(self.xp, self.zp, [polygon]) - at_p)/self.delta
     self.jac_T = numpy.array([jacx, jacz])
     return gradient - 2.*numpy.dot(self.jac_T, residuals)
コード例 #3
 def sum_gradient(self, gradient, p, residuals):
     x1, x2 = self.verts[1][0], self.verts[0][0]
     z1, z2 = p
     delta = self.delta
     polygon = Polygon(self.verts + [[x1, z1], [x2, z2]], self.prop)
     at_p = talwani.gz(self.xp, self.zp, [polygon])
     polygon = Polygon(self.verts + [[x1, z1 + delta], [x2, z2]], self.prop)
     jacz1 = (talwani.gz(self.xp, self.zp, [polygon]) - at_p) / delta
     polygon = Polygon(self.verts + [[x1, z1], [x2, z2 + delta]], self.prop)
     jacz2 = (talwani.gz(self.xp, self.zp, [polygon]) - at_p) / delta
     self.jac_T = numpy.array([jacz1, jacz2])
     return gradient - 2. * numpy.dot(self.jac_T, residuals)
コード例 #4
ファイル: basin2d.py プロジェクト: fillipesiqueira/fatiando
 def sum_gradient(self, gradient, p, residuals):
     x1, x2 = self.verts[1][0], self.verts[0][0]
     z1, z2 = p
     delta = self.delta
     polygon = Polygon(self.verts + [[x1, z1], [x2, z2]], self.prop)
     at_p = talwani.gz(self.xp, self.zp, [polygon])
     polygon = Polygon(self.verts + [[x1, z1 + delta], [x2, z2]], self.prop)
     jacz1 = (talwani.gz(self.xp, self.zp, [polygon]) - at_p)/delta
     polygon = Polygon(self.verts + [[x1, z1], [x2, z2 + delta]], self.prop)
     jacz2 = (talwani.gz(self.xp, self.zp, [polygon]) - at_p)/delta
     self.jac_T = numpy.array([jacz1, jacz2])
     return gradient - 2.*numpy.dot(self.jac_T, residuals)
コード例 #5
ファイル: simple.py プロジェクト: caparicajr/fatiando
 def update(self):
     if self.polygons:
         polys = []
         for p, d in zip(self.polygons, self.densities):
             polys.append(Polygon(1000.*numpy.array(p), {'density':d}))
         self.predgz = utils.contaminate(talwani.gz(self.xp, self.zp, polys),
         self.predgz = numpy.zeros_like(self.xp)
     self.predplot.set_data(self.xp*0.001, self.predgz)
     if self.gz is not None:
         ymin = min(self.predgz.min(), self.gz.min())
         ymax = max(self.predgz.max(), self.gz.max())
         ymin = self.predgz.min()
         ymax = self.predgz.max()
     if ymin != ymax:
         self.dcanvas.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
コード例 #6
ファイル: simple.py プロジェクト: fillipesiqueira/fatiando
 def update(self):
     if self.polygons:
         polys = []
         for p, d in zip(self.polygons, self.densities):
             polys.append(Polygon(1000. * numpy.array(p), {'density': d}))
         self.predgz = utils.contaminate(
             talwani.gz(self.xp, self.zp, polys), self.error)
         self.predgz = numpy.zeros_like(self.xp)
     self.predplot.set_data(self.xp * 0.001, self.predgz)
     if self.gz is not None:
         ymin = min(self.predgz.min(), self.gz.min())
         ymax = max(self.predgz.max(), self.gz.max())
         ymin = self.predgz.min()
         ymax = self.predgz.max()
     if ymin != ymax:
         self.dcanvas.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
コード例 #7
 def get_predicted(self, p):
     x1, x2 = self.verts[1][0], self.verts[0][0]
     z1, z2 = p
     polygon = Polygon(self.verts + [[x1, z1], [x2, z2]], self.prop)
     return talwani.gz(self.xp, self.zp, [polygon])
コード例 #8
 def get_predicted(self, p):
     polygon = Polygon(self.verts + [p], self.prop)
     return talwani.gz(self.xp, self.zp, [polygon])
コード例 #9
import numpy
from fatiando import utils, mesher
from fatiando.gravmag import talwani
from fatiando.vis import mpl

# Notice that the last two number are switched.
# This way, the z axis in the plots points down.
area = (-5000, 5000, 5000, 0)
axes = mpl.figure().gca()
polygons = [mesher.Polygon(mpl.draw_polygon(area, axes),
                           {'density': 500})]
xp = numpy.arange(-4500, 4500, 100)
zp = numpy.zeros_like(xp)
gz = talwani.gz(xp, zp, polygons)

mpl.subplot(2, 1, 1)
mpl.title(r"Gravity anomaly produced by the model")
mpl.plot(xp, gz, '-k', linewidth=2)
mpl.xlim(-5000, 5000)
mpl.subplot(2, 1, 2)
mpl.polygon(polygons[0], 'o-k', linewidth=2, fill='k', alpha=0.5)
from fatiando import utils, mesher
from fatiando.gravmag import talwani
from fatiando.vis import mpl

# Notice that the last two number are switched.
# This way, the z axis in the plots points down.
area = (-5000, 5000, 5000, 0)
axes = mpl.figure().gca()
polygons = [mesher.Polygon(mpl.draw_polygon(area, axes),
xp = numpy.arange(-4500, 4500, 100)
zp = numpy.zeros_like(xp)
gz = talwani.gz(xp, zp, polygons)

mpl.title(r"Gravity anomaly produced by the model")
mpl.plot(xp, gz, '-k', linewidth=2)
mpl.xlim(-5000, 5000)
mpl.polygon(polygons[0], 'o-k', linewidth=2, fill='k', alpha=0.5)
コード例 #11
ファイル: basin2d.py プロジェクト: fillipesiqueira/fatiando
 def get_predicted(self, p):
     x1, x2 = self.verts[1][0], self.verts[0][0]
     z1, z2 = p
     polygon = Polygon(self.verts + [[x1, z1], [x2, z2]], self.prop)
     return talwani.gz(self.xp, self.zp, [polygon])
コード例 #12
ファイル: basin2d.py プロジェクト: fillipesiqueira/fatiando
 def get_predicted(self, p):
     polygon = Polygon(self.verts + [p], self.prop)
     return talwani.gz(self.xp, self.zp, [polygon])
コード例 #13
def forward_oib(basedir, infile, dropturns=False, make_plots=False, diagnostics=False):
    # type: (object, object, object, object) -> object
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    # %load_ext autoreload
    # %autoreload 2

    pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None  # None or 'warn' or 'raise'
    pd.set_option("display.max_rows", 20)
    # pd.set_option("precision",13)
    pd.set_option('expand_frame_repr', False)

    Read in file
    # if os.path.isdir('/Volumes/C/'):
    #     basedir = '/Volumes/C/data/Antarctic/OIB/ATM/2009_AN_NASA_ATM'
    # else:
    #     basedir = '/Volumes/BOOTCAMP/data/Antarctic/OIB/ATM/2009_AN_NASA_ATM'
    # basedir = '/Users/dporter/Documents/data_local/Antarctica/OIB/'
    # basedir = 'data'
    outdir = os.path.join(basedir, 'integrated', 'forward')
    df = pd.read_csv(infile)

    Preliminary Processing
    # Crossing Horizons
    # df.ix[df['SURFACE_atm'] - df['ICEBASE'] <= 0, 'ICEBASE'] = (df['SURFACE_atm'] - 0.1)
    # df.loc[df['surface_recalc'] - df['ICEBASE'] <= 0, 'ICEBASE'] = (df['surface_recalc'] - 0.1)
    df.loc[df['surface_recalc'] - df['icebase_recalc'] <= 0, 'icebase_recalc'] = (df['surface_recalc'] - 0.1)

    df = df.round({'RTOPO2_icemask': 0, 'D_gravmask': 0})

    # TODO Add water block when HYDROAPPROX close to icebase_recalc OR use RTOPO icemask

    if make_plots:
        pdir = os.path.join('figs', str(df['DATE'].values[0]))
        if not os.path.exists(pdir):

    # Compute distance along transect
    distance = np.zeros((np.size(df['LONG'])))
    for i in range(2, np.size(df['LONG'])):
        distance[i] = distance[i - 1] + haversine([df['LAT'].values[i - 1], df['LONG'].values[i - 1]],
                                                  [df['LAT'].values[i], df['LONG'].values[i]])
    df['DIST'] = distance

    # Drop where no gravity
    if dropturns:
        df = df.dropna(subset=['FAG070'])

    Run functions to read in each flight
    dflist = {}
    dflst = [g for _, g in df.groupby(['LINE'])]
    for dnum, dname in enumerate(dflst, start=0):
        # print 'Mode of ATM is %.2f' % (mode)
        print('L%s' % (str(dname['LINE'].values[0])))
        dist = dname['DIST'][0:].values
        fag070 = dname['FAG070'][0:].values
        print('Distance of line is %i km' % (dist[-1] - dist[0]))
        if np.isfinite(fag070).any() and (dist[-1] - dist[0] < 5e2) and (dname['surface_recalc'].any()):
            if diagnostics:
                print('Processing the line.')
            Extract data from DataFrame
            rho_i = 915
            rho_w = 1005
            rho_r = 2670

            ### Interpolate
            if dname['icebase_recalc'].isnull().all():
                print('No Icebase for this flight...')
                dname['icebase_recalc'] = dname['surface_recalc'] - 1

            # if dname['surface_recalc'].all():
            #     print('No surface for this flight...')

            # TODO should these horizons be interpolated in previous script (read_OIB_ALL.py)?
            dname['ICESFC_horizon'] = dname['surface_recalc']
            dname['ICESFC_horizon'].interpolate(method='pad', inplace=True)
            dname['ICEBASE_horizon'] = dname['icebase_recalc']
            dname['ICEBASE_horizon'].interpolate(method='linear', limit_area='inside', axis=0, inplace=True)

            # Find ice front position
            firstmean = np.mean(dname['ICEBASE_horizon'].iloc[:5])  # or 'icebase_recalc', but this breaks when no bed
            lastmean = np.mean(dname['ICEBASE_horizon'].iloc[-5:])
            firsticepoint = dname['ICEBASE_horizon'].first_valid_index() - 1
            lasticepoint = dname['ICEBASE_horizon'].last_valid_index() + 1
            if np.isnan(firstmean):
                if diagnostics:
                    print('Missing data at start of line.')
                # firsticepoint = dname['icebase_recalc'].first_valid_index() - 1
                if dname['ICESFC_horizon'].loc[firsticepoint] >= 120:
                    if diagnostics:
                        print('NOT floating.')
                    dname['ICEBASE_horizon'].interpolate(method='linear', limit_direction='backward', axis=0,
                    # make ice constant thick at end of line
                    if diagnostics:
                        print('LIKELY floating.')
                    dname['ICEBASE_horizon'].loc[firsticepoint] = dname['ICESFC_horizon'].loc[firsticepoint] - 1
                    dname['ICEBASE_horizon'].iloc[0] = dname['ICESFC_horizon'].iloc[0] - 1
                if diagnostics:
                    print('NO missing data at start of line.')

            # Find ice front position
            # lastmean = np.mean(dname['icebase_recalc'].iloc[-5:])
            if np.isnan(lastmean):
                if diagnostics:
                    print('Missing data at end of line.')
                # lasticepoint = dname['icebase_recalc'].last_valid_index() + 1
                if dname['ICESFC_horizon'].loc[lasticepoint] >= 120:
                    if diagnostics:
                        print('NOT floating.')
                    dname['ICEBASE_horizon'].interpolate(method='linear', limit_direction='forward', axis=0,
                    # make ice constant thick at end of line
                    if diagnostics:
                        print('LIKELY floating.')
                    dname['ICEBASE_horizon'].loc[lasticepoint] = dname['ICESFC_horizon'].loc[lasticepoint] - 1
                    dname['ICEBASE_horizon'].iloc[-1] = dname['ICESFC_horizon'].iloc[-1] - 1
                if diagnostics:
                    print('NO missing data at end of line.')

            ### Final INNER interpolation
            dname['ICEBASE_horizon'].interpolate(method='linear', limit_area='inside', axis=0, inplace=True)

            # Check for crossing horizons AGAIN?
            #     dname.loc[dname['ICESFC_horizon']-dname['ICEBASE_horizon'] <= 0, 'ICEBASE_horizon'] = (dname['ICESFC_horizon'] - 0.1)

            # Create water base, set it to single depth below ice
            dname['WATERBASE_horizon'] = dname['ICEBASE_horizon'] - 1
            if np.mean(dname['ICESFC_horizon'].iloc[:5]) < 120:
                print('Adding water block to START.')
                dname['WATERBASE_horizon'].loc[dname['WATERBASE_horizon'].index[0]:firsticepoint] = \
                    firsticepoint + 1]
            if np.mean(dname['ICESFC_horizon'].iloc[-5:]) < 120:
                print('Adding water block to END.')
                dname['WATERBASE_horizon'].loc[lasticepoint:dname['WATERBASE_horizon'].index[-1]] = \
                    lasticepoint - 1]

            # if make_plots:
            #     pdir = os.path.join('figs', str(dname['DATE'].values[0]))
            #     print(pdir)
            #     if not os.path.exists(pdir):
            #         os.makedirs(pdir)
            #     oib_lineplot_all(dname, str(dname['DATE'].values[0])[:10] + '_L' + str(dname['LINE'].values[0]),
            #                     os.path.join(pdir, str(dname['LINE'].values[0])+'_forward_lineplot.png'))

            Convert OIB data to polygon arrays
            icesfc = dname['ICESFC_horizon'][0:].values
            icebase = dname['ICEBASE_horizon'][0:].values
            # iceoutline = np.append(np.concatenate([icesfc, icebase[::-1]], axis=0), icesfc[0]) # no extension
            iceoutline = make_outline(icesfc, icebase)
            # plt.figure(facecolor='white'); plt.plot(iceoutline[1180:1220])

            watertop = icebase
            waterbase = dname['WATERBASE_horizon'][0:].values
            wateroutline = make_outline(watertop, waterbase)

            rocktop = waterbase
            rockbase = -30000 * np.ones_like(waterbase)
            # rockoutline = np.append(icebase[0], np.concatenate([icebase, z_r], axis=0), icebase[0], icebase[0])
            rockoutline = make_outline(rocktop, rockbase)

            ### Distances
            x = dist * 1000
            xs = make_outline_dist(x, 1e6)

            ### Heights
            elevation = dname['WGSHGT'][0:].values
            # z = int(np.max(elevation))
            # z = int(np.max(icesfc) + 1) * np.ones_like(x)
                z = elevation + int(np.max(icesfc) + 1)
            except ValueError:
                z = elevation + 50
            # z = np.max(elevation) * np.ones_like(x)
            # z = elevation + 50

            Build the Polygon
            props_i = {'density': rho_i}
            props_r = {'density': rho_r}
            props_w = {'density': rho_w}
            # polygon = Polygon(np.transpose([xs, iceoutline]), props_i)
            # polygons = [Polygon(np.transpose([xs, iceoutline]), props_i),
            #             Polygon(np.transpose([xs, rockoutline]), props_r)
            #             ]
            polygons = [Polygon(np.transpose([xs, iceoutline]), props_i),
                        Polygon(np.transpose([xs, wateroutline]), props_w),
                        Polygon(np.transpose([xs, rockoutline]), props_r)

            Forward Model
            gz = talwani.gz(x, z, polygons)
            gz_adj = (gz - np.nanmean(gz)) + np.nanmean(fag070)
            n = len(gz_adj)
            rmse = np.linalg.norm(gz_adj - fag070) / np.sqrt(n)
            # print 'modeled'

            Make new channels
            # print 'make new channels'
                dname.loc[:, 'rmse'] = rmse
                dname.loc[:, 'RESIDUAL'] = gz_adj - fag070
                dname.loc[:, 'GZ'] = gz_adj
                dname.loc[:, 'rmse'] = 0
                dname.loc[:, 'RESIDUAL'] = 0
                dname.loc[:, 'GZ'] = 0

            Models of Intermediate Complexity
            # dnum = 7

            # Interpolate across NaNs in compilation bedrock
            dflst[dnum]['RTOPO2_bedrock'].interpolate(method='linear', axis=0, inplace=True)

            # Remove Ice Mass Contribution

            # Remove Water Mass Contribution

            # Bouguer correction rock
            # dflst[dnum]['BOUGUER_CORR_1'] = dflst[dnum]['RTOPO2_bedrock'] * 0.0419088 * (np.abs(rho_w - rho_r)) / 1000
            dflst[dnum]['BOUGUER_CORR'] = np.where(dflst[dnum]['RTOPO2_bedrock'] > 0,
                                                  dflst[dnum]['RTOPO2_bedrock'] * 0.0419088 * (
                                                      np.abs(rho_r)) / 1000,
                                                  dflst[dnum]['RTOPO2_bedrock'] * 0.0419088 * (
                                                      np.abs(rho_w - rho_r)) / 1000)

            # Bouguer Anamoly
            dflst[dnum]['BOUGUER_ANOMALY'] = dflst[dnum]['FAG070'] - dflst[dnum]['BOUGUER_CORR']
            # dflst[dnum][['BOUGUER_ANOMALY', 'BOUGUER_ANOMALY_1']].plot();
            # plt.show()

            # Low-pass filter (fill NaNs first)
            dflst[dnum]['BOUGUER_ANOMALY'].interpolate(method='cubic', axis=0, inplace=True)

            ## Savitzky-Golay
            # from scipy import signal
            # dflst[dnum]['BOUGUER_ANOMALY_LP'] = signal.savgol_filter(dflst[dnum]['BOUGUER_ANOMALY'].values,
            #                                                      window, 2, mode='nearest')
            # dflst[dnum][['BOUGUER_ANOMALY', 'BOUGUER_ANOMALY_LP', 'FAG070']].plot();
            # plt.show()

            ## Butterworth (filtfilt)
            from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt
            import scipy.signal as signal
            N = 1  # Filter order
            # Wn = 0.4 # Cutoff frequency
            lp_length_wallclock = 70
            Wn = 1 / (lp_length_wallclock / np.nanmean(np.diff(dflst[dnum]['UNIX'])))
            B, A = signal.butter(N, Wn, output='ba')
            dflst[dnum]['BOUGUER_ANOMALY_LP'] = signal.filtfilt(B, A, dflst[dnum]['BOUGUER_ANOMALY'].values,
            # dflst[dnum][['BOUGUER_ANOMALY', 'BOUGUER_ANOMALY_LP', 'FAG070']].plot();
            # plt.show()

            # Floating Ice
            dflst[dnum]['D_floatice'] = np.where(dflst[dnum]['RTOPO2_icemask'] == 2, 1, np.nan)
            # dflst[dnum][['RTOPO2_icemask', 'D_floatice']].plot();
            # plt.show()

            # Set bed beneath floating ice to -2000 AKA 'bedcomp'
            # TODO samples SID and only do this to UNCONSTRAINED
            dflst[dnum]['BEDCOMP'] = np.where((dflst[dnum]['D_floatice'] != 1),# & (dflst[dnum]['D_floatice'] != 1),
            # dflst[dnum][['RTOPO2_bedrock', 'ICESFC_horizon', 'ICEBASE_horizon', 'BEDCOMP']].plot();
            # plt.show()

            # diagnostics = True
            if make_plots:
                pdir = os.path.join('figs', str(dname['DATE'].values[0]))
                if not os.path.exists(pdir):
                if diagnostics:
                    fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, figsize=(12, 8))
                    axes[0].plot(xs, iceoutline, color='cyan', marker='o')
                    axes[1].plot(xs, wateroutline, color='blue')
                    axes[2].plot(xs, rockoutline, color='orange')
                    plt.savefig(os.path.join(pdir, str(dname['LINE'].values[0]) + '_polygonsplot.pdf'))

                    # ### Horizons
                    # plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(8, 5), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
                    # plt.plot(xs, iceoutline)
                    # # plt.plot(x, icebase, linewidth=1, color='orange', alpha=0.5)
                    # plt.plot(x, z, '-r', linewidth=2, label='Modeled (constant)')
                    # plt.xlim(min(x), max(x))
                    # # plt.legend()

            ### Plot model results
            if make_plots:
                talwani_lineplot(x, fag070, gz_adj, polygons, rmse, np.nanmin(rocktop) - 300, np.nanmax(icesfc) + 300,
                                 str(dname['DATE'].values[0]) + '_L' + str(dname['LINE'].values[0]),
                                 os.path.join(pdir, str(dname['LINE'].values[0]) + '_Talwani_lineplot.pdf'))
            if make_plots:
                if diagnostics:
                    fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(12, 8))
                    axes.fill(polygons[0].vertices[:, 0], polygons[0].vertices[:, 1], edgecolor='black', linewidth=1,
                              color='cyan', alpha=0.5)
                    # axes.fill(polygons[1], '.-k', linewidth=1, color='blue', alpha=0.5)
                    # axes.fill(polygons[2], '.-k', linewidth=1, color='orange', alpha=0.5)
                    plt.savefig(os.path.join(pdir, str(dname['LINE'].values[0]) + '_polygonsplot.pdf'))

        elif not np.isfinite(fag070).any():
            if diagnostics:
                print('No FAG070 present: skipping.')
            if diagnostics:
                print('Line over 1000 km: skipping.')
        print(('\n' * 0))

    Merge back together
    dfout = {}
    dfout = pd.concat(dflst, sort=True)

    ### Entire flight
    # if make_plots:
    #     oib_mapplot_flight(dfout['LONG'].where((dfout['D_gravmask'] != -1)),
    #                        dfout['LAT'].where((dfout['D_gravmask'] != -1)),
    #                        dfout['FLTENVIRO'].where((dfout['D_gravmask'] != -1)), '',
    #                        'FLTENVIRO ' + str(dfout['DATE'].values[0])[:10],
    #                        os.path.join(pdir, str(dfout['DATE'].values[0])[:10] + '_mapplot_talwani_FLTENVIRO_ALL.png'))
    # if make_plots:
    #     oib_mapplot(dfout['LONG'], dfout['LAT'], dfout['rmse'], 'm',
    #             'rmse '+str(dfout['DATE'].values[0])[:10],
    #             os.path.join(pdir, str(dfout['DATE'].values[0])+'_mapplot_Talwani_rmse_ALL.pdf'))

    if make_plots:
            oib_mapplot_zoom(dfout['LONG'].where((dfout['D_gravmask'] != -1)),
                             dfout['LAT'].where((dfout['D_gravmask'] != -1)),
                             dfout['BOUGUER_ANOMALY_LP'].where((dfout['D_gravmask'] != -1)), '', '',
                             os.path.join(pdir, str(dfout['DATE'].values[0])[:10] + '_oceanmapplot_BOUGUER_ALL.png'))
            oib_mapplot_zoom(dfout['LONG'].where((dfout['D_gravmask'] != -1)),
                             dfout['LAT'].where((dfout['D_gravmask'] != -1)),
                             dfout['RESIDUAL'].where((dfout['D_gravmask'] != -1)), '', '',
                             os.path.join(pdir, str(dfout['DATE'].values[0])[:10] + '_oceanmapplot_RESIDUAL_ALL.png'))
        except KeyError:
            print("Can't make mapplot zoom for this flight. Sorry - do it yourself.")

    Save to CSV
    # TODO: rename some channels?
    # Trim and rename
    if not diagnostics:
        print("Trimming output CSV for export")
        dfout.drop(['FLT', 'FAG100', 'FAG140', 'FX', 'FY',
                    'BOTTOM', 'ELEVATION', 'NUMUSED', 'EOTGRAV', 'FACOR', 'ICEBASE',
                    'SURFACE_radar', 'TOPOGRAPHY_radar', 'INTCOR', 'QUALITY'],
                   axis=1, inplace=True)
        print("Exporting it all...")

    # Change Precision of certain fields
    dfout = dfout.round({'GZ': 1, 'DIST': 0, 'RESIDUAL': 2, 'rmse': 2, 'FAA': 1,
                         'BOUGUER_CORR': 1, 'BOUGUER_ANOMALY': 1, 'BOUGUER_ANOMALY_LP': 1,
                         'HYDROAPPX': 0, 'icebase_recalc': 1, 'surface_recalc': 1, 'BEDCOMP': 1,
                         'RTOPO2_icemask': 0, 'RTOPO2_bedrock': 0,
                         'ICESFC_horizon': 1, 'ICEBASE_horizon': 1, 'WATERBASE_horizon': 1})
    # dfout['GZ_test'] = dfout['GZ'].map(lambda x: '%2.1f' % x)

    # Write to CSV
    if not os.path.exists(outdir):
    dfout.to_csv(os.path.join(outdir, 'OIB_' + str(dfout['DATE'].values[0])[:10] + '_forward.csv'))
コード例 #14
from fatiando.vis import mpl
from fatiando import utils
import numpy as np

# Make some synthetic data to test the inversion
# The model will be a polygon.
# Reverse x because vertices must be clockwise.
xs = np.linspace(0, 100000, 100)[::-1]
depths = (-1e-15*(xs - 50000)**4 + 8000 -
          3000*np.exp(-(xs - 70000)**2/(10000**2)))
depths -= depths.min()  # Reduce depths to zero
props = {'density': -300}
model = Polygon(np.transpose([xs, depths]), props)
x = np.linspace(0, 100000, 100)
z = -100*np.ones_like(x)
data = utils.contaminate(talwani.gz(x, z, [model]), 0.5, seed=0)

# Make the solver using smoothness regularization and run the inversion
misfit = PolygonalBasinGravity(x, z, data, 50, props, top=0)
regul = Smoothness1D(misfit.nparams)
solver = misfit + 1e-4*regul
# This is a non-linear problem so we need to pick an initial estimate
initial = 3000*np.ones(misfit.nparams)
solver.config('levmarq', initial=initial).fit()

mpl.subplot(2, 1, 1)
mpl.plot(x, data, 'ok', label='observed')
mpl.plot(x, solver[0].predicted(), '-r', linewidth=2, label='predicted')
ax = mpl.subplot(2, 1, 2)
コード例 #15
GravMag: Simple gravity inversion for the relief of a 2D trapezoidal basin
import numpy
from fatiando import utils
from fatiando.mesher import Polygon
from fatiando.gravmag import talwani, basin2d
from fatiando.vis import mpl

verts = [(10000, 1.), (90000, 1.), (90000, 7000), (10000, 3330)]
model = Polygon(verts, {'density': -100})
x = numpy.arange(0., 100000., 1000.)
z = numpy.zeros_like(x)
gz = utils.contaminate(talwani.gz(x, z, [model]), 0.5)

solver = basin2d.Trapezoidal(x, z, gz, verts[0:2],
                                                  initial=[9000, 500]).fit()
estimate = solver.estimate_

mpl.subplot(2, 1, 1)
mpl.title("Gravity anomaly")
mpl.plot(x, gz, 'ok', label='Observed')
mpl.plot(x, solver.predicted(), '-r', linewidth=2, label='Predicted')
mpl.legend(loc='lower left', numpoints=1)
mpl.xlim(0, 100000)
mpl.subplot(2, 1, 2)
GravMag: Simple gravity inversion for the relief of a 2D trapezoidal basin
import numpy
from fatiando import utils
from fatiando.mesher import Polygon
from fatiando.gravmag import talwani, basin2d
from fatiando.vis import mpl

verts = [(10000, 1.), (90000, 1.), (90000, 7000), (10000, 3330)]
model = Polygon(verts, {'density':-100})
x = numpy.arange(0., 100000., 1000.)
z = numpy.zeros_like(x)
gz = utils.contaminate(talwani.gz(x, z, [model]), 0.5)

solver = basin2d.Trapezoidal(x, z, gz, verts[0:2], density=-100).config(
        'levmarq', initial=[9000, 500]).fit()
estimate = solver.estimate_

mpl.subplot(2, 1, 1)
mpl.title("Gravity anomaly")
mpl.plot(x, gz, 'ok', label='Observed')
mpl.plot(x, solver.predicted(), '-r', linewidth=2, label='Predicted')
mpl.legend(loc='lower left', numpoints=1)
mpl.xlim(0, 100000)
mpl.subplot(2, 1, 2)
mpl.polygon(estimate, 'o-r', linewidth=2, fill='r',
    alpha=0.3, label='Estimated')
mpl.polygon(model, '--k', linewidth=2, label='True')