コード例 #1
def test_utils_random_points():
    "utils.random_points return diff sequence"
    area = [-1000, 1200, -40, 200]
    size = 1300
    for i in xrange(20):
        x1, y1 = utils.random_points(area, size).T
        x2, y2 = utils.random_points(area, size).T
        assert numpy.all(x1 != x2) and numpy.all(y1 != y2)
コード例 #2
def test_utils_random_points_seed():
    "utils.random_points returns same sequence using same random seed"
    area = [0, 1000, 0, 1000]
    size = 1000
    for seed in numpy.random.randint(low=0, high=10000, size=20):
        x1, y1 = utils.random_points(area, size, seed=seed).T
        x2, y2 = utils.random_points(area, size, seed=seed).T
        assert numpy.all(x1 == x2) and numpy.all(y1 == y2)
コード例 #3
def test_utils_random_points_seed():
    "utils.random_points returns same sequence using same random seed"
    area = [0, 1000, 0, 1000]
    size = 1000
    for seed in numpy.random.randint(low=0, high=10000, size=20):
        x1, y1 = utils.random_points(area, size, seed=seed).T
        x2, y2 = utils.random_points(area, size, seed=seed).T
        assert numpy.all(x1 == x2) and numpy.all(y1 == y2)
コード例 #4
def test_utils_random_points():
    "utils.random_points return diff sequence"
    area = [-1000, 1200, -40, 200]
    size = 1300
    for i in xrange(20):
        x1, y1 = utils.random_points(area, size).T
        x2, y2 = utils.random_points(area, size).T
        assert numpy.all(x1 != x2) and numpy.all(y1 != y2)
コード例 #5
def test_utils_random_points_seed_noseed():
    "utils.random_points returns diff sequence after using random seed"
    area = [0, 1000, 0, 1000]
    size = 1000
    seed = 1242
    x1, y1 = utils.random_points(area, size, seed=seed).T
    x2, y2 = utils.random_points(area, size, seed=seed).T
    assert numpy.all(x1 == x2) and numpy.all(y1 == y2)
    x3, y3 = utils.random_points(area, size).T
    assert numpy.all(x1 != x3) and numpy.all(y1 != y3)
コード例 #6
def test_utils_random_points_seed_noseed():
    "utils.random_points returns diff sequence after using random seed"
    area = [0, 1000, 0, 1000]
    size = 1000
    seed = 1242
    x1, y1 = utils.random_points(area, size, seed=seed).T
    x2, y2 = utils.random_points(area, size, seed=seed).T
    assert numpy.all(x1 == x2) and numpy.all(y1 == y2)
    x3, y3 = utils.random_points(area, size).T
    assert numpy.all(x1 != x3) and numpy.all(y1 != y3)
コード例 #7
from fatiando.mesher import SquareMesh
from fatiando.seismic import ttime2d, srtomo
from fatiando.inversion.regularization import Smoothness2D, LCurve
from fatiando.vis import mpl
from fatiando import utils

area = (0, 500000, 0, 500000)
shape = (30, 30)
model = SquareMesh(area, shape)
vel = 4000 * np.ones(shape)
vel[5:25, 5:25] = 10000
model.addprop('vp', vel.ravel())

# Make some travel time data and add noise
seed = 0  # Set the random seed so that points are the same every time
src_loc = utils.random_points(area, 80, seed=seed)
rec_loc = utils.circular_points(area, 30, random=True, seed=seed)
srcs, recs = utils.connect_points(src_loc, rec_loc)
tts = ttime2d.straight(model, 'vp', srcs, recs)
tts, error = utils.contaminate(tts,
# Make the mesh
mesh = SquareMesh(area, shape)
# and run the inversion
misfit = srtomo.SRTomo(tts, srcs, recs, mesh)
regularization = Smoothness2D(mesh.shape)
# Will use the l-curve criterion to find the best regularization parameter
tomo = LCurve(misfit,
コード例 #8
from fatiando import logger, mesher, utils, seismic, vis

log = logger.get()

area = (0, 500000, 0, 500000)
shape = (30, 30)
model = mesher.SquareMesh(area, shape)
# Fetch the image from the online docs
urllib.urlretrieve("http://fatiando.readthedocs.org/en/latest/_static/logo.png", "logo.png")
model.img2prop("logo.png", 4000, 10000, "vp")

# Make some travel time data and add noise
log.info("Generating synthetic travel-time data")
src_loc = utils.random_points(area, 80)
rec_loc = utils.circular_points(area, 30, random=True)
srcs, recs = utils.connect_points(src_loc, rec_loc)
start = time.time()
tts = seismic.ttime2d.straight(model, "vp", srcs, recs, par=True)
log.info("  time: %s" % (utils.sec2hms(time.time() - start)))
tts, error = utils.contaminate(tts, 0.01, percent=True, return_stddev=True)
# Make the mesh
mesh = mesher.SquareMesh(area, shape)
# and run the inversion
estimate, residuals = seismic.srtomo.run(tts, srcs, recs, mesh, damping=10 ** 9)
# Convert the slowness estimate to velocities and add it the mesh
mesh.addprop("vp", seismic.srtomo.slowness2vel(estimate))

# Calculate and print the standard deviation of the residuals
# it should be close to the data error if the inversion was able to fit the data
コード例 #9
import urllib
from os import path
import numpy
from fatiando import mesher, utils, seismic, vis

area = (0, 500000, 0, 500000)
shape = (30, 30)
model = mesher.SquareMesh(area, shape)
# Fetch the image from the online docs
    'http://fatiando.readthedocs.org/en/latest/_static/logo.png', 'logo.png')
model.img2prop('logo.png', 4000, 10000, 'vp')

# Make some travel time data and add noise
seed = 0 # Set the random seed so that points are the same everythime
src_loc = utils.random_points(area, 80, seed=seed)
rec_loc = utils.circular_points(area, 30, random=True, seed=seed)
srcs, recs = utils.connect_points(src_loc, rec_loc)
tts = seismic.ttime2d.straight(model, 'vp', srcs, recs, par=True)
tts, error = utils.contaminate(tts, 0.01, percent=True, return_stddev=True)
# Make the mesh
mesh = mesher.SquareMesh(area, shape)
# and run the inversion
estimate, residuals = seismic.srtomo.run(tts, srcs, recs, mesh, smooth=2*10**9)
# Convert the slowness estimate to velocities and add it the mesh
mesh.addprop('vp', seismic.srtomo.slowness2vel(estimate))

# Calculate and print the standard deviation of the residuals
# it should be close to the data error if the inversion was able to fit the data
print "Assumed error: %g" % (error)
print "Standard deviation of residuals: %g" % (numpy.std(residuals))
コード例 #10
import urllib
from os import path
import numpy
from fatiando import mesher, utils, seismic, vis, inversion

area = (0, 100000, 0, 100000)
shape = (100, 100)
model = mesher.SquareMesh(area, shape)
# Fetch the image from the online docs
    'http://fatiando.readthedocs.org/en/latest/_static/logo.png', 'logo.png')
model.img2prop('logo.png', 4000, 10000, 'vp')

# Make some travel time data and add noise
src_loc = utils.random_points(area, 200)
rec_loc = utils.circular_points(area, 80, random=True)
srcs, recs = utils.connect_points(src_loc, rec_loc)
ttimes = seismic.ttime2d.straight(model, 'vp', srcs, recs, par=True)
ttimes, error = utils.contaminate(ttimes, 0.01, percent=True,
# Make the mesh
mesh = mesher.SquareMesh(area, shape)
# Since the matrices are big, use the Steepest Descent solver to avoid dealing
# with Hessian matrices. It needs a starting guess, so start with 1000
solver = inversion.gradient.steepest(1000*numpy.ones(mesh.size))
# and run the inversion
estimate, residuals = seismic.srtomo.run(ttimes, srcs, recs, mesh, sparse=True,
    solver=solver, smooth=0.01)
# Convert the slowness estimate to velocities and add it the mesh
コード例 #11
from matplotlib import pyplot
import numpy
from fatiando.mesher.dd import SquareMesh
from fatiando.seismic import traveltime
from fatiando import vis, logger, utils, inversion
import cPickle as pickle

params = __import__('exercicio1_entrada')

imgfile = params.imagem
area = (0, 5, 0, 5)
shape = params.tamanho
model = SquareMesh(area, shape)
model.img2prop(imgfile, params.vmin, params.vmax, 'vp')

src_loc = utils.random_points(area, params.epicentros)
rec_loc = utils.circular_points(area, params.sismometros, random=True)
srcs, recs = utils.connect_points(src_loc, rec_loc)
tts, error = utils.contaminate(traveltime.straight_ray_2d(
    model, 'vp', srcs, recs),

with open(params.dados, 'w') as f:
    data = [model, src_loc, rec_loc, tts, error]
    pickle.dump(data, f)

pyplot.figure(figsize=(7, 5))
pyplot.title('Modelo de velocidades')
コード例 #12
from matplotlib import pyplot
import numpy
from fatiando.mesher.dd import SquareMesh
from fatiando.seismic import traveltime
from fatiando import vis, logger, utils, inversion
import cPickle as pickle

params = __import__('exercicio1_entrada')

imgfile = params.imagem
area = (0, 5, 0, 5)
shape = params.tamanho
model = SquareMesh(area, shape)
model.img2prop(imgfile, params.vmin, params.vmax, 'vp')

src_loc = utils.random_points(area, params.epicentros)
rec_loc = utils.circular_points(area, params.sismometros, random=True)
srcs, recs = utils.connect_points(src_loc, rec_loc)
tts, error = utils.contaminate(
    traveltime.straight_ray_2d(model, 'vp', srcs, recs), params.ruido, percent=True,

with open(params.dados, 'w') as f:
    data = [model, src_loc, rec_loc, tts, error]
    pickle.dump(data, f)

pyplot.figure(figsize=(7, 5))
pyplot.title('Modelo de velocidades')
vis.map.squaremesh(model, model.props['vp'], cmap=pyplot.cm.seismic)
cb = pyplot.colorbar()