def pdf_fill(orig_pdf,vals): print "pdf_fill",orig_pdf,vals fields=[] for k,v in vals.items(): fields.append((k,v,)) orig_pdf_abs=os.path.join(os.getcwd(),orig_pdf) # tmp=os.tempnam() #jy_serv.pdf_fill(orig_pdf_abs,tmp,vals) # pdf=file(tmp).read() data_fdf= '%s.fdf' % uuid.uuid4() src_pdf = orig_pdf_abs output_pdf = '%s.pdf' % uuid.uuid4() fdf = forge_fdf("",fields,[],[],[]) fdf_file = open(data_fdf,"wb") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() # system command to fill cmd = "/usr/bin/pdftk %s fill_form %s output %s flatten" % (src_pdf,data_fdf,output_pdf,) os.system(cmd) # read to iostream pdf=file(output_pdf).read() # remove temporay file os.unlink(output_pdf) os.unlink(data_fdf) return pdf
def get_filled_pdf_bytes(original_template, fields): from fdfgen import forge_fdf tmppath = tempfile.mkdtemp() template_file = os.path.join(tmppath, 'template.pdf') shutil.copy(original_template, template_file) data_file = os.path.join(tmppath, 'data.fdf') with open(data_file, "wb") as fdf_file: fdf_file.write(forge_fdf('', fields, [], [], [])) output_file = os.path.join(tmppath, 'output.pdf') arguments = [ 'pdftk', template_file, "fill_form", data_file, "output", output_file, 'flatten' ] try: output_bytes = shell_call(arguments, tmppath, output_file) return output_bytes except Exception as err: logging.error("Error during PDF FDF: %s", err) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmppath) return None
def create_fdf(data): fields = [] for k in data.keys(): if k in NEW_KEYS: fields += [(k,data[k])] elif k == "Repairs": for i, repair in enumerate(data["Repairs"]): op_key = "OP " + str(i+1) roi_key = "ROI " + str(i+1) svc_key = "SVC " + str(i+1) fields += [(op_key, repair["op"])] fields += [(roi_key, repair["instruction"])] fields += [(svc_key, repair["svc"])] elif k == "Invoice": inv = str(data[k]) for i in range(5,-1, -1): invoice_key = "D " + str(i) if inv: fields += [(invoice_key, inv[-1])] inv = inv[:-1] else: fields += [(invoice_key, "0")] fdf = forge_fdf("",fields,[],[],[]) fdf_file = open("temp_data_new.fdf","wb") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close()
def print_bill(self): fields = [ ('shipping_name', self.order.shipping_firstname + ' ' + self.order.shipping_lastname), ('shipping_address1', self.order.shipping_address1), ('shipping_address2', self.order.shipping_address2), ('shipping_town', self.order.shipping_postcode + ' ' + self.order.shipping_city), ('order_date', self.order.order_date), ('payment_method', self.order.payment_method), ('total',, ('tax',, ('box',, ] fdf = forge_fdf("", fields, [], [], []) fdf_name = self.output_dir + '/' + self.order.order_id + '_' + self.order.shipping_lastname + '.fdf' with open(fdf_name, 'w') as fdf_file: fdf_file.write(fdf) pdf_name = self.output_dir + '/' + self.order.order_id + '_' + self.order.shipping_lastname + '.pdf' # pdftk vorlage.pdf fill_form data.fdf output ausgabe.pdf flatten['pdftk', self.template, 'fill_form', fdf_name, 'output', pdf_name, 'flatten'])
def print_bill(self): fields = [ ('shipping_name', self.order.shipping_firstname + ' ' + self.order.shipping_lastname), ('shipping_address1', self.order.shipping_address1), ('shipping_address2', self.order.shipping_address2), ('shipping_town', self.order.shipping_postcode + ' ' + self.order.shipping_city), ('order_date', self.order.order_date), ('payment_method', self.order.payment_method), ('total',, ('tax',, ('box',, ] fdf = forge_fdf("", fields, [], [], []) fdf_name = self.output_dir + '/' + self.order.order_id + '_' + self.order.shipping_lastname + '.fdf' with open(fdf_name, 'w') as fdf_file: fdf_file.write(fdf) pdf_name = self.output_dir + '/' + self.order.order_id + '_' + self.order.shipping_lastname + '.pdf' # pdftk vorlage.pdf fill_form data.fdf output ausgabe.pdf flatten[ 'pdftk', self.template, 'fill_form', fdf_name, 'output', pdf_name, 'flatten' ])
def nv_mobility_assessment_pa(rform): # Map fields all_fields_key = [ ("7 Name last first", 'patientnamelf'), ("Address", "patientaddress"), ("9b Age", "patientage"), ("11 Phone", "patientphone"), ("16 Name", "physicianname"), ("17 NPI", "physiciannpi"), ("18 Address include city state and zip", "physicianaddress"), ("19 Phone", "physicianphone"), ("20 Fax", "physicianfax") ] # Fill Data all_fields = [(x[0], rform.get(x[1], "")) for x in all_fields_key] all_fields += [("9a Date of Birth", datefix(rform.get('patientdob')))] # Fill Requested Equipment headers = ["hcpcs{}", "description{}", "modifier{}", "qty{}"] zheaders = ["hcpcs", "name", "modifier", "qty"] rl = createMapFromZohoString(rform.get('relatedrecord', "")) firstpage_items = rl[:19] for index, record in enumerate(firstpage_items): fill_headers = map(lambda x: x.format(index + 1), headers) fill_kv = zip(fill_headers, [record.get(head, "") for head in zheaders]) all_fields += fill_kv # Convert fdf_data = fdfgen.forge_fdf("", all_fields, [], [], []) fdf_file = open("forms/NV_Mobility_assessment_and_PA_form_data.fdf", "w+") fdf_file.write(fdf_data) fdf_file.close() pdftk_cmd = "/app/vendor/pdftk/bin/pdftk forms/NV_Mobility_assessment_and_PA_form.pdf fill_form forms/NV_Mobility_assessment_and_PA_form_data.fdf output NV_Mobility_assessment_and_PA_form.pdf" os.chmod("/app/vendor/pdftk/bin/pdftk", 0o777) os.system(pdftk_cmd) zoho_upload("NV_Mobility_assessment_and_PA_form.pdf", rform.get("poid"))
def form_fill(fields, row_count): fdf = forge_fdf("", fields, [], [], []) fdf_file = open(tmp_file, "wb") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() # fill in with borrower last name if there is something there or it uses Demo filename_prefix = fields[19][1] + "_" if fields[19][1] else "Demo " output_file = '{0}{1}{2}.pdf'.format(output_folder, filename_prefix, fields[1][1].replace(" ", "_")) if os.path.isfile(output_file): while True: new_file_name = '{0}{1}{2}_{3}.pdf'.format( output_folder, filename_prefix, fields[1][1].replace(" ", "_"), row_count) if os.path.isfile(f'{new_file_name}'): row_count += 1 else: output_file = new_file_name break print(output_file) cmd = 'pdftk "{0}" fill_form "{1}" output "{2}" dont_ask'.format( pdffilename, tmp_file, output_file) os.system(cmd) os.remove(tmp_file)
def idaho_mcd_pa(rform): # Map fields all_fields_key = [("last_name", 'patient_last_name'), ("first_name", "patient_first_name"), ("medicaid_id", "patientmedicaid"), ("provider_name", "patientprimaryinsurance"), ("npi", "physiciannpi"), ("contact_person", "primarycontact"), ("phone", "providerphone")] # Fill Data all_fields = [(x[0], rform.get(x[1], "")) for x in all_fields_key] all_fields += [("dob", datefix(rform.get('patientdob')))] # Fill Requested Equipment headers = ["hcpcs{}", "description{}", "qty{}", "price{}"] zheaders = ["hcpcs", "name", "qty", "price"] rl = createMapFromZohoString(rform.get('relatedrecord', "")) firstpage_items = rl[:9] for index, record in enumerate(firstpage_items): fill_headers = map(lambda x: x.format(index + 1), headers) fill_kv = zip(fill_headers, [record.get(head, "") for head in zheaders]) all_fields += fill_kv # Convert fdf_data = fdfgen.forge_fdf("", all_fields, [], [], []) fdf_file = open("forms/idaho_mcd_pa_data.fdf", "w+") fdf_file.write(fdf_data) fdf_file.close() pdftk_cmd = "/app/vendor/pdftk/bin/pdftk forms/idaho_mcd_pa.pdf fill_form forms/idaho_mcd_pa_data.fdf output Idaho_MCD_DME_Wheelchair_Repair_PA.pdf" os.chmod("/app/vendor/pdftk/bin/pdftk", 0o777) os.system(pdftk_cmd) zoho_upload("Idaho_MCD_DME_Wheelchair_Repair_PA.pdf", rform.get("poid"))
def nv_dme_prior_auth(rform): # Map fields all_fields_key = [("patient_name", 'patientnamelf'), ("MID", "patientmedicaid"), ("Address", "patientstreet"), ("Phone", "patientphone"), ("City", "patientcity"), ("State", "patientstate"), ("Zip Code", "patientzip"), ("age", "patientage"), ("pat_phone", "patientphone"), ("physician", "physicianname")] # Fill Data all_fields = [(x[0], rform.get(x[1], "")) for x in all_fields_key] all_fields += [("DOB", datefix(rform.get('patientdob')))] # Fill Requested Equipment headers = ["hcpcs{}", "description{}", "modifier{}", "qty{}"] zheaders = ["hcpcs", "name", "modifier", "qty"] rl = createMapFromZohoString(rform.get('relatedrecord', "")) firstpage_items = rl[:7] for index, record in enumerate(firstpage_items): fill_headers = map(lambda x: x.format(index + 1), headers) fill_kv = zip(fill_headers, [record.get(head, "") for head in zheaders]) all_fields += fill_kv # Convert fdf_data = fdfgen.forge_fdf("", all_fields, [], [], []) fdf_file = open("forms/NV_DME_Prior_auth_form_data.fdf", "w+") fdf_file.write(fdf_data) fdf_file.close() pdftk_cmd = "/app/vendor/pdftk/bin/pdftk forms/NV_DME_Prior_auth_form.pdf fill_form forms/NV_DME_Prior_auth_form_data.fdf output NV_DME_Prior_auth_form.pdf" os.chmod("/app/vendor/pdftk/bin/pdftk", 0o777) os.system(pdftk_cmd) zoho_upload("NV_DME_Prior_auth_form.pdf", rform.get("poid"))
def fillPDFForm(formPdf, fields, outputPdf="filled.pdf", input_is_fullpath=False, editable=False): """ fill given pdf file with form fields with given attributes and store result in pdf file """ # build data file fdffilename = "{}{}infdata.fdf".format(config.get('paths.tempdir'), str(random.random())[2:]) outputPdf = "{}{}filled.pdf".format(config.get('paths.tempdir'), str(random.random())[2:]) try: with open(fdffilename, 'wb') as fdf_file: fdf_file.write(fdfgen.forge_fdf(fdf_data_strings=fields)) # fill data in form pdf and generate pdf pdftkcmd = [ "pdftk", formPdf, "fill_form", fdffilename, "output", outputPdf ] if not editable: pdftkcmd.append("flatten") if os.path.exists(fdffilename): os.remove(fdffilename) except Exception: logg.exception( "exception in workflow step addformpage, error while filling pdf form, ignoring" ) return outputPdf if os.path.exists( outputPdf) else "" # check if file created
def fill_form(self, fields, src): fdf_stream = forge_fdf(fdf_data_strings=fields) cmd = [self.pdftk_bin, src, 'fill_form', '-', 'output', '-', 'flatten'] cmd = ' '.join(cmd) return self.run_cmd(cmd, fdf_stream)
def fill_form(slef, fields, src, pdftk_bin=None): if pdftk_bin is None: from django.conf import settings assert hasattr( settings, 'PDFTK_BIN' ), "PDF generation requires pdftk ( Edit your PDFTK_BIN settings accordingly." pdftk_bin = settings.PDFTK_BIN fdf_stream = forge_fdf(fdf_data_strings=fields) cmd = [ pdftk_bin, src, 'fill_form', '-', 'output', '-', 'flatten', ] cmd = ' '.join(cmd) try: process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) return process.communicate(input=fdf_stream) except OSError: return None
def fill_pdf(data_obj,input_file,output_file): """ Create a filled form pdf file @param data_obj: list of dictionary with pdf params and values @param input_file: pdf form file name (with path and extension) @param output_file: output file name (with path and extension) @return: result dictionary: {'code' : <code_value>, 'message' : <msg_value>} (<code_value>: 0 -> execution succesful, <> 0 execution error), <msg_value> contains error description if <code_value> is not 0) """ #returning objects result = {'code' : 0, 'message': ''} #temporrary fdf file name temp_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_file))[0] temp_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(input_file)) temp_fdf = "%s/%s" % (temp_path,temp_name) #get fileds and values fdf = forge_fdf("",data_obj,[],[],[]) #make temporary file settings fileds with values try: fdf_file = open(temp_fdf,"w") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() except IOError, (errno, strerror): result['code'] = -1 result['message'] = "Can't write temporary file! I/O error (%s): %s" % (errno, strerror)
def main(): NAMESLIST = input('Name list(.csv): ') PDFORI = input('Original pdf file (.pdf): ') names = [] with open(NAMESLIST, "r") as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',') for row in reader: for x in row: names.append(x) numfile = 0 for i in names: fields = [('Name', i)] z = i.replace(" ", "") print('creating {0}.pdf...'.format(z)) fdf = forge_fdf("", fields, [], [], []) fdf_file = open("tmp.fdf", "wb") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() cmd = 'pdftk {0} fill_form tmp.fdf output {1}.pdf flatten'.format( PDFORI, z) os.system(cmd) numfile += 1 print('{0}.pdf created'.format(z)) print('END OF PROCESS: {0} FILES CREATED'.format(numfile))
def exec_pdftk(self, data): logging.debug('Data for fdf filling: ') logging.debug(data.items()) fdf = forge_fdf("", data.items(), [], [], [], checkbox_checked_name="Yes") fdf_file = open("fdf.fdf", "wb") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() args = [ "pdftk", self.filename, "fill_form", "-", "output", "-", "dont_ask", "flatten" ] logging.debug('Pdftk args: ') logging.debug(args) p = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate(fdf) logging.debug('Result: ') logging.debug(stdout) if stderr.strip(): logging.debug('Errors: ') logging.debug(stderr) raise IOError(stderr)
def generate_contract_de_fdf_pdf(user): """ take user information and generate fdf """ if DEBUG: # pragma: no cover print "===== this is generate_fdf_pdf" from fdfgen import forge_fdf fields = [ ('surname', user.surname), ('lastname', user.lastname), ('street', user.street), ('number', user.number), ('postcode', user.postcode), ('city',, ('email',, ('user_id',, ('username', user.username), ('date_registered', user.date_registered), ('date_generated',, ] #generate fdf string fdf = forge_fdf("", fields, [], [], []) # write to file my_fdf_filename = "fdf" + str( + ".fdf" fdf_file = open(my_fdf_filename, "w") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() if DEBUG: # pragma: no cover print "fdf file written." res = os.popen( 'pdftk pdftk/berechtigungsvertrag-2.2.pdf fill_form %s output' ' formoutput.pdf flatten' % my_fdf_filename).read() if DEBUG: # pragma: no cover print res print "done: put data into form and finalized it" # delete the fdf file res = os.popen('rm %s' % my_fdf_filename) if DEBUG: # pragma: no cover print res print "combining with bank account form" # combine res = os.popen( 'pdftk formoutput.pdf pdftk/bankaccount.pdf output output.pdf').read() if DEBUG: # pragma: no cover print res print "combined personal form and bank form" # delete the fdf file os.popen('rm formoutput.pdf').read() # return a pdf file from pyramid.response import Response response = Response(content_type='application/pdf') response.app_iter = open("output.pdf", "r") return response
def _createFDF(self, fields): fdf = forge_fdf("",fields,[],[],[]) fdf_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() fdf_file.write(fdf) # need to rewind the file handle in order to read form it # remember to fdf_file.close() at the end of the program return fdf_file
def build_fdf(fields, filename): if fields != [] and filename != 'none': fdf = forge_fdf("", fields, [], [], []) fdf_file = open(filename, "wb") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() else: print("error in buildfdf - fields were empty and filename was none")
def fill_pdf_template(row, pdf_template, output_file): tmp_file = "tmp.fdf" fdf = forge_fdf("", row, [], [], []) with open(tmp_file, "wb") as fdf_file: fdf_file.write(fdf) cmd = "pdftk '{0}' fill_form '{1}' output '{2}' dont_ask".format(pdf_template, tmp_file, output_file) os.system(cmd) os.remove(tmp_file)
def generate_pdf(fields, template, output): fdf = forge_fdf('', fields.items(), [], [], []) temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() with open(, 'w') as fdf_file: fdf_file.write(fdf) getoutput('pdftk %s fill_form %s output %s.pdf flatten' % (template,, output)) fdf_file.close() temp.close()
def main(input_fields_file): if input_fields_file != "-": with open(input_fields_file, "r") as input_fields_fd: fields = parse_fields(input_fields_fd) else: fields = parse_fields(sys.stdin) fdf = forge_fdf("", fields, [], []) sys.stdout.buffer.write(fdf)
def fill_form(self, fields, src, pdftk_bin=None): fdf_stream = forge_fdf(fdf_data_strings=fields) #cmd = [self.pdftk_bin, src, 'fill_form', '-', 'output', '-', 'flatten'] cmd = [self.pdftk_bin, src, 'fill_form', '-', 'output', '-'] cmd = ' '.join(cmd) return self.run_cmd(cmd, fdf_stream)
def generate_invoice_file(invoice_id): invoice = Invoice.query.filter( fields = [('name','John Smith'),('telephone','555-1234')] fdf = forge_fdf("",fields,[],[],[]) fdf_file = open("data.fdf","wb") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() return redirect(url_for('index'))
def fill_template(template, data_strings=[], data_names=[], hidden=[], readonly=[], images=[], pdf_url=''): fdf = fdfgen.forge_fdf(pdf_url, data_strings, data_names, hidden, readonly) fdf_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wb", suffix=".fdf", delete=False) fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() pdf_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wb", suffix=".pdf", delete=False) subprocess_arguments = [PDFTK_PATH, template, 'fill_form',,'output',, 'flatten'] result = call(subprocess_arguments) if result != 0: logmessage("Failed to fill PDF form " + str(template)) raise DAError("Call to pdftk failed for template " + str(template) + " where arguments were " + " ".join(subprocess_arguments)) if len(images): fields = dict() for field, default, pageno, rect, field_type in read_fields(template): if str(field_type) == '/Sig': fields[field] = {'pageno': pageno, 'rect': rect} for field, file_info in images: if field not in fields: logmessage("field name " + str(field) + " not found in PDF file") continue logmessage("Need to put image on page " + str(fields[field]['pageno'])) temp_png = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wb", suffix=".png") args = ["convert", file_info['fullpath'], "-trim", "+repage",] result = call(args) if result == 1: logmessage("failed to trim file: " + " ".join(args)) continue im = width, height = im.size xone, yone, xtwo, ytwo = fields[field]['rect'] dppx = width/(xtwo-xone) dppy = height/(ytwo-yone) if (dppx > dppy): dpp = dppx else: dpp = dppy extent_x, extent_y = xone*dpp+width, yone*dpp+height overlay_pdf_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wb", suffix=".pdf") args = ["convert",, "-background", "none", "-density", str(int(dpp*72)), "-gravity", "NorthEast", "-extent", str(int(extent_x)) + 'x' + str(int(extent_y)),] result = call(args) if result == 1: logmessage("failed to make overlay: " + " ".join(args)) continue new_pdf_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wb", suffix=".pdf") with open(, "rb") as inFile, open(, "rb") as overlay: original = pypdf.PdfFileReader(inFile) background = original.getPage(fields[field]['pageno']-1) foreground = pypdf.PdfFileReader(overlay).getPage(0) background.mergePage(foreground) writer = pypdf.PdfFileWriter() for i in range(original.getNumPages()): page = original.getPage(i) writer.addPage(page) with open(, "wb") as outFile: writer.write(outFile) shutil.copyfile(, return
def form_fill(fields): fdf = forge_fdf("",fields,[],[],[]) fdf_file = open(tmp_file,"w") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() output_file = '{0}{1} {2}.pdf'.format(output_folder, filename_prefix, fields[1][1]) cmd = 'pdftk "{0}" fill_form "{1}" output "{2}" dont_ask'.format(pdf_file, tmp_file, output_file) os.system(cmd) os.remove(tmp_file)
def write_notes(system, Vnominal=240.0): stationClass = 1 name, usaf = geo.closestUSAF( geo.zipToCoordinates(system.zipcode), stationClass) mintemp = epw.minimum(usaf) twopercentTemp = epw.twopercent(usaf) fields = [] for i in set(system.shape): print "PV Module Ratings @ STC" print "Module Make:", i.array.make fields.append(('Text1ModuleMake',i.array.make)) print "Module Model:", i.array.model fields.append(('Text1ModuleModel',i.array.model)) print "Max Power-Point Current (Imp):",i.array.Impp fields.append(('MAX POWERPOINT CURRENT IMP',i.array.Impp)) print "Max Power-Point Voltage (Vmp):",i.array.Vmpp fields.append(('MAX POWERPOINT VOLTAGE VMP',i.array.Vmpp)) print "Open-Circuit Voltage (Voc):",i.array.Voc fields.append(('OPENCIRCUIT VOLTAGE VOC',i.array.Voc)) print "Short-Circuit Current (Isc):",i.array.Isc fields.append(('SHORTCIRCUIT CURRENT ISC',i.array.Isc)) fields.append(('MAX SERIES FUSE OCPD','15')) print "Maximum Power (Pmax):",i.array.Pmax fields.append(('MAXIMUM POWER PMAX',i.array.Pmax)) print "Module Rated Max Voltage:",i.array.Vrated fields.append(('MAX VOLTAGE TYP 600VDC',i.array.Vrated)) fields.append(('VOC TEMP COEFF mVoC or oC',round(i.array.TkVoc,2))) fields.append(('VOC TEMP COEFF mVoC','On')) print "Inverter Make:",i.make fields.append(('INVERTER MAKE',i.make)) print "Inverter Model:",i.model fields.append(('INVERTER MODEL',i.model)) print "Max Power", i.Paco fields.append(('MAX POWER 40oC',i.model)) fields.append(('NOMINAL AC VOLTAGE',240)) print "Max AC Current: %s" % round(i.Paco/Vnominal,2) fields.append(('MAX AC CURRENT', round(i.Paco/Vnominal,2))) fields.append(('MAX DC VOLT RATING',i.model)) print "Max AC OCPD Rating: %s" % ee.ocpSize(i.Paco/Vnominal*1.25) print "Max System Voltage:",round(i.array.Vmax(mintemp),1) print "AC Output Current: %s" % \ round(sum([i.Paco for i in system.shape])/Vnominal,2) fields.append(('AC OUTPUT CURRENT', \ round(sum([i.Paco for i in system.shape])/Vnominal,2))) print "Nominal AC Voltage: %s" % Vnominal fields.append(('NOMINAL AC VOLTAGE_2',i.ac_voltage)) print "Minimum Temperature: %s C" % mintemp print "2 Percent Max: %s C" % twopercentTemp from fdfgen import forge_fdf fdf = forge_fdf("",fields,[],[],[]) fdf_file = open("data.fdf","w") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() import shlex from subprocess import call cmd = shlex.split("pdftk Example2-Micro-Inverter.pdf fill_form data.fdf output output.pdf flatten") rc = call(cmd)
def create_form(self, datas): fdf = forge_fdf("", datas, [], [], []) fdf_file = open("data1.fdf", "wb") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close()[ "pdftk", "AFTP.pdf", "fill_form", "data1.fdf", "output", "outputAFTP.pdf", "flatten" ])
def create_fdf(data_fields_dict): fields = [] del data_fields_dict['RESET'] for k in data_fields_dict.keys(): fields += [(k,data_fields_dict[k]["possible_values"][0])] fdf = forge_fdf("",fields,[],[],[]) fdf_file = open("data_new.fdf","wb") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close()
def generate_fdf(fields, data, fdfname): field_value_tuples = [] for field in fields: field_value = (field, data[field]) field_value_tuples.append(field_value) fdf = forge_fdf("", field_value_tuples, [], [], []) fdf_file = open(fdfname, "wb") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close()
def form_fill(fields, pdf_form, file_prefix, output_dir): tmp_file = "tmp.fdf" fdf = forge_fdf("",fields,[],[],[]) fdf_file = open(tmp_file,"w") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() output_file = '{0}{1}{2}.pdf'.format(output_dir, file_prefix, fields[0][1]) cmd = 'pdftk "{0}" fill_form "{1}" output "{2}" flatten'.format(pdf_form, tmp_file, output_file) os.system(cmd) os.remove(tmp_file)
def writeFDFoverflow(all_fields): print "ALL FIELDS:\n" print all_fields fdf_data = fdfgen.forge_fdf("", all_fields, [], [], []) fdf_file = open("overflowfile_fdf.fdf", "w+") fdf_file.write(fdf_data) fdf_file.close() pdftk_cmd = "/app/vendor/pdftk/bin/pdftk utahPA_overflow.pdf fill_form overflowfile_fdf.fdf output Medicaid_overflow.pdf" os.chmod("/app/vendor/pdftk/bin/pdftk", 0o777) os.system(pdftk_cmd)
def create_form(self): self.fill_fields() fdf = forge_fdf("", self.datas, [], [], []) fdf_file = open("data.fdf", "wb") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close()[ "pdftk", "leaveForm.pdf", "fill_form", "data.fdf", "output", "output.pdf", "flatten" ])
def create_form(field): fdf = forge_fdf("", field, [], [], []) fdf_file = open("data1.fdf", "wb") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() # fill_form("leaveForm.pdf", self.datas, "output.pdf")[ "pdftk", "AFTP.pdf", "fill_form", "data1.fdf", "output", "outputAFTP.pdf", "flatten" ])
def form_fill(fields): fdf = forge_fdf("", fields, [], [], []) fdf_file = open(tmp_file, "wb") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() output_file = "{0}{1}.pdf".format(output_folder, "Adeldian") cmd = 'pdftk "{0}" fill_form "{1}" output "{2}" dont_ask'.format(pdf_file, tmp_file, output_file) # print(cmd) os.system(cmd) os.remove(tmp_file)
def autocomplete_pdf(data, filepath): pair_list = to_pair_list(data) fdf_data = fdfgen.forge_fdf("", pair_list, [], [], []) fdf_file = open(FDF_FILENAME, "w") fdf_file.write(fdf_data) fdf_file.close() destination = '/'.join(str(filepath).split('/')[:-1]) + '/completed.pdf' pdftk_cmd = "pdftk %s fill_form %s output %s flatten" % ( filepath, FDF_FILENAME, destination) os.system(pdftk_cmd) os.remove(FDF_FILENAME)
def form_fill(fields): fdf = forge_fdf("", fields, [], [], []) fdf_file = open(tmp_file, "w") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() output_file = '{0}{1} {2}.pdf'.format(output_folder, filename_prefix, fields[1][1]) cmd = 'pdftk "{0}" fill_form "{1}" output "{2}" dont_ask'.format( pdf_file, tmp_file, output_file) os.system(cmd) os.remove(tmp_file)
def gen_fdf(outfile='data.fdf'): '''Generate random numbers to form fill 10-liner cards, save FDF file.''' fields = [] increment = 0 for card in range(6): increment += 1 cardname = 'Card '+str(increment) fields += gen_card(cardname) fdf = forge_fdf("",fields,[],[],[]) fdf_file = open(outfile,"w") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close()
def process_submission(post_data): print 'beginning' samples_sheet = json.loads(post_data['samples_sheet']) print 'samples_sheet: {}'.format(str(samples_sheet)) faber_form = FacilityForm(post_data) # TODO initial= if not faber_form.is_valid(): return False # Get cleaned form data, create FDF file to fill out Faber core PDF faber_form_data = faber_form.cleaned_data faber_form_data['date'] = faber_form_data['date'].strftime('%m/%d/%Y') # fdf_fields = [ # (pdf_key, faber_form_data.get(web_key, None)) # for web_key, pdf_key # in FacilityForm.web_to_pdf_field_map().iteritems() # ] fdf_fields = [('Sample Labels', 'sample labels test'), ('DNA', 'On'), ('Other Run Type', 'Running it!'), ('RNA', 'On'), ('SE 100 bp', ''), ('Index Manufacturer', 'Star Warts'), ('2 lane flow cell Rapid Run', 'Off'), ('SE 50 bp', ''), ('undefined_2', 'On'), ('None', 'On'), ('ChIP', 'Off'), ('8 lane flow cell High Output', ''), ('Other_2', ''), ('Billing Administrator', 'Heather'), ('Sample Species', 'Human Pig Hybrid'), ('Date mmddyyyy', '02/03/2017'), ('Dual 88', 'On'), ('Experiment Contact Email Phone', '911'), ('Billing Administrator Email Phone', '*****@*****.**'), ('8 bases', ''), ('Number of Lanes Requested', '9000'), ('EXOME', ''), ('undefined', 'On'), ('6 bases', ''), ('PO #', '82'), ('Other', 'On'), ('Comments', 'This is the comment box'), ('PE 50 bp', 'On'), ('Experiment Contact', 'Dominic'), ('PE 100 bp', 'Off'), ('Number of Tubes Submitted', '71'), ('Principal Investigator Email Phone', '*****@*****.**'), ('Department', 'Biological Sciences'), ('Other_3', 'On'), ('Principal Investigator', 'Kevin Dubbs'), ('Number of Samples per Tube', '34')] with open('/tmp/data.fdf', 'wb') as fdf_file: fdf_file.write(forge_fdf(fdf_data_strings=fdf_fields)) # Combine the form data with the PDF, output to a new file[ 'pdftk', '/home/dfitzgerald/faber_submission.pdf', 'fill_form', '/tmp/data.fdf', 'output', '/home/dfitzgerald/faber_output.pdf' ]) print 'returning true' return True
def fill_pdf_form(input_pdf, entries, output_pdf, flatten=False): d = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: fdf_filename = pjoin(d, 'entries.fdf') with open(fdf_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(forge_fdf("", entries, [], [], [])) args = ['pdftk', input_pdf, 'fill_form', fdf_filename, 'output', output_pdf] if flatten: args += ['flatten'] check_call(args) finally: shutil.rmtree(d)
def exec_pdftk(self, data): fdf = forge_fdf("", data.items(), [], [], []) args = [ "pdftk", self.filename, "fill_form", "-", "output", "-", "dont_ask", "flatten" ] p = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate(fdf) if stderr.strip(): raise IOError(stderr) return BytesIO(stdout)
def FillForm(list): #TODO finish this function fields_filled = [] # for i in list: # if not Field_to_ignore(i): # for testing only fields = [('Given Name Text Box', 'Bhavesh'), ('Family Name Text Box', 'Praveen')] fdf = forge_fdf("", fields) fdf_file = open('/home/ichigo/Desktop/test_outputs/data.fdf', 'wb') fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close()
def run(self): fdf = forge_fdf("", self.fields, [], [], []) ="/", "\\") out_filename = + "\\" + self.filename + ".pdf" fdf_filename = out_filename + ".fdf" fdf_file = open(fdf_filename, "wb") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close()"pdftk " + self.template_file + " fill_form " + fdf_filename + " output " + out_filename) print(fdf_filename)"del " + fdf_filename, shell=True) self.finished.emit(self.uuid)
def gen_martins_fdf(): """ generates fdf file to patch the pdf form with """ #generate fdf string fdf = forge_fdf("", gen_martins_fields(), [], [], []) # write to file fdf_file = open("testdata_martin.fdf", "w") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() print "fdf file written."
def pdf_fill(email,input_pdf_file_name): # ******************************************************************************************************** # * This figures out where the script is stored # ******************************************************************************************************** script_path: Union[bytes, str] = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) logging.debug('Script Directory:' + script_path) # ******************************************************************************************************** # * Read in the pdf field names and values # ******************************************************************************************************** input_fields_and_values_file = os.path.join(script_path, email) + '.txt' with open(input_fields_and_values_file) as f: all_fields = [tuple(i.strip().split(',')) for i in f] # ******************************************************************************************************** # * Build the fully qualified file names # ******************************************************************************************************** fdf_file_name = os.path.join(script_path, "file_fdf.fdf") base_output_f_name = os.path.split(input_pdf_file_name)[1] # Extract the file name with extension base_output_f_name = os.path.splitext(base_output_f_name) # Split the file name and extension output_f_name = base_output_f_name[0] + r'_output.pdf' # Build the output file name with extension # output_file_name = os.path.join(script_path, output_f_name) # Build the fully qualified file name output_file_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(input_pdf_file_name), output_f_name) # Build the fully qualified file name # ******************************************************************************************************** # * Create FDF file with the fields read from the file earlier # ******************************************************************************************************** fdf_data = fdfgen.forge_fdf("", all_fields, [], [], []) fdf_file = open(fdf_file_name, "wb") fdf_file.write(fdf_data) fdf_file.close() # ******************************************************************************************************** # * Run pdftk system command to populate the pdf file. # * The file "file_fdf.fdf" is pushed in to "input_pdf.pdf" thats generated as a new "output_pdf.pdf" file. # ******************************************************************************************************** input_pdf_file_name1 = '"' + input_pdf_file_name + '"' output_file_name1 = '"' + output_file_name + '"' pdftk_cmd = "pdftk " + input_pdf_file_name1 + \ " fill_form " + fdf_file_name + \ " output " + output_file_name1 + " flatten" logging.debug('pdftk command:' + pdftk_cmd) os.system(pdftk_cmd) # ******************************************************************************************************** # * Remove the fdf file # ******************************************************************************************************** os.remove(fdf_file_name) return output_file_name
def generate_pdf(values, source_filename, fdf_filename, output_filename): # values: dictionary of fieldname, value fdf_fields = [] for fieldname, value in values.iteritems(): fdf_fields.append((fieldname, value)) fdf = forge_fdf("", fdf_fields, [], [], []) fdf_file = open(fdf_filename, "w") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close()['pdftk', source_filename ,'fill_form', fdf_filename, 'output', output_filename])
def generate_pdfs(persons, maßnahmenzeitraum, datum, kif_ev, maßname, leer_blaetter): seite = 1 data_file = "data_fdf.bin" output_file_name = "output" personen_pro_seite = 14 #check if vorlage exits test_file = Path(vorlage) if not test_file.is_file(): print("[X] File {} not found!".format(vorlage)) exit(-1) anzahl_seiten = ceil(len(persons) / personen_pro_seite) pdfs = [] for j in range(anzahl_seiten + leer_blaetter): felder = [] i = 0 for item in form_mapping: if personen_pro_seite * j + i < len(persons): felder.append((item[0], str(j * personen_pro_seite + i + 1))) felder.append( (item[1], persons[j * personen_pro_seite + i]["Name"])) felder.append( (item[2], persons[j * personen_pro_seite + i]["Hochschule"])) i += 1 if i == personen_pro_seite: output_file = output_file_name + str(seite) + ".pdf" headers = [("1", seite), ("2", maßnahmenzeitraum), ("3", datum), ("4", kif_ev), ("5", maßname)] fields = felder + headers fdf = forge_fdf("", fields, [], [], []) fdf_file = open(data_file, "wb") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() sh.pdftk(vorlage, "fill_form", data_file, "output", output_file, "flatten") pdfs.append(output_file) seite += 1 return pdfs
def write_pdf(source, fields, output, flatten=False): ''' Take a source file path, list or dictionary of fdf fields, and output path, and create a filled-out pdf. ''' fdf = forge_fdf(fdf_data_strings=fields) with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as file: file.write(fdf) call = ['pdftk', source, 'fill_form',, 'output', output] if flatten: call.append('flatten') try: check_output(call) except FileNotFoundError: raise PdftkNotInstalledError('Could not locate PDFtk installation') remove(
def fill_template(template, data_strings=[], data_names=[], hidden=[], readonly=[], pdf_url=""): fdf = fdfgen.forge_fdf(pdf_url, data_strings, data_names, hidden, readonly) fdf_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wb", suffix=".fdf", delete=False) fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() pdf_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wb", suffix=".pdf", delete=False) subprocess_arguments = [PDFTK_PATH, template, "fill_form",, "output",, "flatten"] result = call(subprocess_arguments) if result != 0: logmessage("Failed to fill PDF form " + str(template)) raise DAError( "Call to pdftk failed for template " + str(template) + " where arguments were " + " ".join(subprocess_arguments) ) return
def exec_pdftk(self, data): fdf = forge_fdf("", data.items(), [], [], []) args = [ "pdftk", self.filename, "fill_form", "-", "output", "-", "dont_ask", "flatten" ] p = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate(fdf) if stderr.strip(): raise IOError(stderr) return StringIO.StringIO(stdout)
def form_fill(fields): global pdf_pages # pprint(fields) fdf = forge_fdf("",fields,[],[],[]) fdf_file = open(tmp_file,"w") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() output_file = '{0}{1}_{2}.pdf'.format(temp_folder, filename_prefix, fields[0][1]) if pdf_pages == "": pdf_pages = output_file else: pdf_pages = pdf_pages + " " + output_file cmd = 'pdftk "{0}" fill_form "{1}" output "{2}" dont_ask'.format(pdf_file, tmp_file, output_file) os.system(cmd) os.remove(tmp_file)
def autofillPDF(pdfPath,fields): env = envUtils.getEnvironment() formout = env.createGeneratedOutputFilePath('file_', '.pdf') try: pdftkBinaryPath = env.getPDFtkBinPath() fdf_data = fdfgen.forge_fdf("", fields, [], [], []) fdf_file_path = env.createGeneratedOutputFilePath('file_', '.fdf') fdf_file = open(fdf_file_path,"w") fdf_file.write(fdf_data) fdf_file.close() pdftk_cmd = "%s %s fill_form %s output %s" % (pdftkBinaryPath,pdfPath,fdf_file_path,formout) error = os.system(pdftk_cmd) if error <> 0: formout = pdfPath except Exception,e: #if the form won't autofill, eat the error and return the original form formout = pdfPath pass
def generate_fdf(): # TODO: use session ID instead of max ID f = model1040NREZ.objects.all().order_by("-id")[0] fields = [('topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].f1_01_0_[0]', f.INFOL01), ('topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].f1_02_0_[0]', f.INFOL02), ('topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].f1_10_0_[0]', f.F1040NREZL03), ('topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].f1_12_0_[0]', f.F1040NREZL04), ('topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].f1_14_0_[0]', f.F1040NREZL05), ('topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].f1_16_0_[0]', f.F1040NREZL06), ('topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].f1_18_0_[0]', f.F1040NREZL07)] fdf = forge_fdf("",fields,[],[],[]) # TODO: include session ID in fdf file fdf_file = open("data.fdf","w") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close()
def fill_form(self, fields, src, pdftk_bin=None): if pdftk_bin is None: from django.conf import settings assert hasattr( settings, "PDFTK_BIN" ), "PDF generation requires pdftk ( Edit your PDFTK_BIN settings accordingly." pdftk_bin = settings.PDFTK_BIN fdf_stream = forge_fdf(fdf_data_strings=fields) cmd = [pdftk_bin, src, "fill_form", "-", "output", "-", "flatten"] cmd = " ".join(cmd) try: process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) return process.communicate(input=fdf_stream) except OSError, e: return None, e
def actas_compromiso(modeladmin, request, queryset): evidencia = Evidencia.objects.filter(entregable__id__in = [8,72,127]).values_list('beneficiarios_cargados__id',flat=True).distinct() x = list(evidencia) x.remove(None) for formador in queryset: for beneficiario in Beneficiario.objects.filter(formador = formador).exclude(id__in = x): municipio = '' sede = '' if beneficiario.radicado != None: municipio = beneficiario.radicado.municipio.nombre.upper() sede = beneficiario.radicado.nombre_sede.upper() else: municipio = beneficiario.municipio_text.upper() if beneficiario.sede_text != None: sede = beneficiario.sede_text.upper() fields = [('Texto1', beneficiario.get_full_name().upper()), ('Texto2', beneficiario.cedula), ('Texto3', municipio), ('Texto4', sede), ('Texto5', formador.get_full_name().upper()), ('Texto6', formador.cedula), ('Texto7', formador.expedicion.upper()), ('Texto8', 'ASOANDES'), ('Texto9', beneficiario.diplomado.nombre.upper()), ('Texto10', municipio.upper()), ('Texto11', random.randint(15,31)), ('Texto12', 'AGOSTO'), ] fdf = forge_fdf("",fields,[],[],[]) if not os.path.exists("C:\\Temp\\ACTAS\\"+ formador.get_full_name().upper().encode('ascii',errors='ignore')): os.mkdir("C:\\Temp\\ACTAS\\"+ formador.get_full_name().upper().encode('ascii',errors='ignore')) fdf_file = open("C:\\Temp\\ACTAS\\"+ formador.get_full_name().upper().encode('ascii',errors='ignore') +"\\"+str(beneficiario.cedula)+".fdf","wb") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() os.system('pdftk "C:\\Temp\\ACTAS\\Acta de compromiso.pdf" fill_form "C:\\Temp\\ACTAS\\'+ formador.get_full_name().upper().encode('ascii',errors='ignore') + "\\" + str(beneficiario.cedula)+'.fdf" output "C:\\Temp\\ACTAS\\' + formador.get_full_name().upper().encode('ascii',errors='ignore') + "\\" + str(beneficiario.cedula)+'.pdf" flatten') os.remove('C:\\Temp\\ACTAS\\'+ formador.get_full_name().upper().encode('ascii',errors='ignore') + "\\" + str(beneficiario.cedula)+'.fdf')
def fill_w10(form, data): # print "data", data inputs = formencode.variabledecode.variable_decode(data) # print "inputs", inputs fields = populate_fields(form, inputs) # print "FIELDS" # print fields # fields = [ # ('topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].p1-t1[0]', inputs['inputs[0][value]']), # ('topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].p1-t2[0]', inputs['inputs[1][value]']), # ('topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].p1-t3[0]', inputs['inputs[2][value]']), # ('topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].p1-cb1[0]', inputs['inputs[3][value]']), # ('topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].p1-t4[0]', inputs['inputs[4][value]']), # ('topmostSubform[0].Page1[0].p1-t5[0]', inputs['inputs[5][value]']), # ] fdf = forge_fdf("",fields,[],[],[]) fdf_file = open("data.fdf","wb") fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() call(['pdftk pdfs/' + form + '.pdf fill_form data.fdf output pdfs/output.pdf flatten'], shell=True)
def save(self, path): fdf = fdfgen.forge_fdf('', self.fdf_fields, [], [], []) pages = [str(p) for p in self.pages] # TODO: the "cat" step breaks the JavaScript used to print # Georgia Form 600S, so we should just skip the step if the PDF # fails to specify a list of pages. stdout = run_pdftk(fdf, [ self.original_pdf_path, 'fill_form', '-', 'output', '-', 'flatten']) stdout = run_pdftk(stdout, ['-', 'cat'] + pages + ['output', path]) if not self.canvases: return with open(path, 'rb') as f: inputdata = pdf = PdfFileReader(StringIO(inputdata)) output = PdfFileWriter() for i in range(pdf.numPages): page = pdf.getPage(i) canvas = self.canvases.get(i + 1) if canvas is not None: canvas.showPage() overlay = PdfFileReader(StringIO(canvas.getpdfdata())) page.mergePage(overlay.getPage(0)) output.addPage(page) # We call write() outside of the open() context to avoid # truncating the file if write() dies with an exception. output_stream = StringIO() try: output.write(output_stream) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write('PyPDF exception: {}\n'.format(e)) sys.exit(1) with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(output_stream.getvalue())
def main(): """Fill in each field in a PDF form with its own name.""" path = sys.argv[1] data = subprocess.check_output(['pdftk', path, 'dump_data_fields']) with open('fields.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(data) names = [ line.split(' ', 1)[1] for line in data.splitlines() if line.startswith('FieldName: ') ] fields = [ (name, name.split('.')[-1]) for name in names ] # verbose: fields = [ (name, name) for name in names ] fdf = forge_fdf('', fields, [], [], []) fdf_file = open('data.fdf', 'w') fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close() subprocess.check_call(['pdftk', path, 'fill_form', 'data.fdf', 'output', 'fields.pdf'])
def fillPDFForm(formPdf, fields, outputPdf="filled.pdf", input_is_fullpath=False, editable=False): """ fill given pdf file with form fields with given attributes and store result in pdf file """ # build data file fdffilename = "{}{}infdata.fdf".format(config.get('paths.tempdir'), str(random.random())[2:]) outputPdf = "{}{}filled.pdf".format(config.get('paths.tempdir'), str(random.random())[2:]) try: with open(fdffilename, 'wb') as fdf_file: fdf_file.write(fdfgen.forge_fdf(fdf_data_strings=fields)) # fill data in form pdf and generate pdf pdftkcmd = ["pdftk", formPdf, "fill_form", fdffilename, "output", outputPdf] if not editable: pdftkcmd.append("flatten") if os.path.exists(fdffilename): os.remove(fdffilename) except Exception: logg.exception("exception in workflow step addformpage, error while filling pdf form, ignoring") return outputPdf if os.path.exists(outputPdf) else "" # check if file created
def generate(request): form = DockerfileRequestForm(request.POST) if request.method == 'POST' and form.is_valid(): data = form.cleaned_data["character_sheet"] conv = Converter() char = conv.convert(data) pdf_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("wb", delete=False) pdf_file.close() os.unlink( if request.POST["target"] == "sheet": fields = fill_pdf(char) fdf = forge_fdf("", fields, [], [], []) fdf_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("wb", delete=False) fdf_file.write(fdf) fdf_file.close()["pdftk", "dndgen/Interactive_DnD_4.0_Character_Sheet.pdf", "fill_form",, "output",, "flatten"]) os.unlink( response_file = open(, 'rb') wrapper = FileWrapper(response_file) response = HttpResponse(wrapper, content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="sheet.pdf"' response['Content-Length'] = os.path.getsize( return response if request.POST["target"] == "powers": gen(char, response_file = open(, 'rb') wrapper = FileWrapper(response_file) response = HttpResponse(wrapper, content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="powers.pdf"' response['Content-Length'] = os.path.getsize( return response else: return render(request, "index.html", {'form': form})