def test_plot_detections(): test_data_dir = get_test_data_path() test_image = join(test_data_dir, "input.jpg") detector = Detector() image_prediction = detector.detect_image(test_image) axes = image_prediction.plot_detections() assert axes[1].get_xlim() == (0.0, 1.1) plt.close() axes = image_prediction.plot_detections(muscle=True) assert axes[1].get_xlim() == (0.0, 1.1) plt.close() image_prediction2 = image_prediction.copy() image_prediction2["input"] = "NO_SUCH_FILE_EXISTS" axes = image_prediction2.plot_detections() assert axes[1].get_xlim() == (0.0, 1.1) plt.close()
import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns sns.set_context("talk") clip_attrs = pd.read_csv("clip_attrs.csv") videos = np.sort(glob.glob("*.mp4")) print(videos) # Process each video using our detector. # In[ ]: from feat import Detector detector = Detector(au_model = "rf", emotion_model = "resmasknet") for video in videos: detector.detect_video(video, outputFname = video.replace(".mp4", ".csv")) # In[9]: from feat.utils import read_feat import pandas as pd for ix ,video in enumerate(videos): outputF = video.replace(".mp4", ".csv") if ix == 0: fex = read_feat(outputF) else:
# !pip install -q py-feat # ## Detecting facial expressions from images. # # First, load the detector class. You can specify which models you want to use. # In[2]: from feat import Detector face_model = "retinaface" landmark_model = "mobilenet" au_model = "rf" emotion_model = "resmasknet" detector = Detector(face_model=face_model, landmark_model=landmark_model, au_model=au_model, emotion_model=emotion_model) # Find the file you want to process. In our case, we'll use our test image `input.jpg`. # In[3]: # Find the file you want to process. from feat.tests.utils import get_test_data_path import os test_data_dir = get_test_data_path() test_image = os.path.join(test_data_dir, "input.jpg") # Here is what our test image looks like. # In[4]:
fd, hog_image = hog(resized_face_np, orientations=8, pixels_per_cell=(8, 8), cells_per_block=(2, 2), visualize=True, multichannel=True) return fd, hog_image, points # Replace the paths so that it points to your local dataset directory. # In[ ]: detector = Detector(face_model="retinaface", landmark_model="mobilenet") # Correct path to your downloaded dataset. EmotioNet_images = np.sort(glob.glob("/Storage/Data/EmotioNet/imgs/*.jpg")) labels = pd.read_csv( "/Storage/Data/EmotioNet/labels/EmotioNet_FACS_aws_2020_24600.csv") labels = labels.dropna(axis=0) for col in labels.columns: if "AU" in col: kwargs = { col.replace("'", '').replace('"', '').replace(" ", ""): labels[[col]] } labels = labels.assign(**kwargs) labels = labels.drop(columns=col) labels = labels.assign( URL=labels.URL.apply(lambda x: x.split("/")[-1].replace("'", "")))
## How to use the Feat Detector class. *Written by Jin Hyun Cheong* Here is an example of how to use the `Detector` class to detect faces, facial landmarks, Action Units, and emotions, from face images or videos. ## Detecting facial expressions from images. First, load the detector class. You can specify which models you want to use. from feat import Detector face_model = "retinaface" landmark_model = "mobilenet" au_model = "jaanet" emotion_model = "fer" detector = Detector() Find the file you want to process. In our case, we'll use our test image `input.jpg`. # Find the file you want to process. from feat.tests.utils import get_test_data_path import os test_data_dir = get_test_data_path() test_image = os.path.join(test_data_dir, "input.jpg") Here is what our test image looks like. from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt f, ax = plt.subplots() im =
# Installation example *Written by Jin Hyun Cheong* Open the current notebook in [Google Colab]( and run the cell below to install Py-Feat. # Install Py-Feat from Pypi. !pip install py-feat # Check Fex class installation. from feat import Fex fex = Fex() # Check Detector class installation. from feat import Detector detector = Detector()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from feat import Detector face_model = "retinaface" landmark_model = "mobilenet" au_model = "rf" emotion_model = "resmasknet" detector = Detector(face_model=face_model, landmark_model=landmark_model, au_model=au_model, emotion_model=emotion_model)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from feat import Detector face_model = "retinaface" landmark_model = "mobilenet" au_model = "rf" emotion_model = "resmasknet" detector = Detector(face_model=face_model, landmark_model=landmark_model, au_model=au_model, emotion_model=emotion_model) from feat.tests.utils import get_test_data_path import os test_data_dir = get_test_data_path() test_image = os.path.join(test_data_dir, "input.jpg") from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt f, ax = plt.subplots() im = ax.imshow(im) image_prediction = detector.detect_image(test_image) # Show results image_prediction
Here is an example of how to use the `Detector` class to detect faces, facial landmarks, Action Units, and emotions, from face images or videos. Let's start by installing Py-FEAT if you have not already done so or usign this from Google Colab !pip install -q py-feat ## Detecting facial expressions from images. First, load the detector class. You can specify which models you want to use. from feat import Detector face_model = "retinaface" landmark_model = "mobilenet" au_model = "rf" emotion_model = "resmasknet" detector = Detector(face_model = face_model, landmark_model = landmark_model, au_model = au_model, emotion_model = emotion_model) Find the file you want to process. In our case, we'll use our test image `input.jpg`. # Find the file you want to process. from feat.tests.utils import get_test_data_path import os test_data_dir = get_test_data_path() test_image = os.path.join(test_data_dir, "input.jpg") Here is what our test image looks like. from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt f, ax = plt.subplots() im =