def trainRanker(training_data_file): context_question_list = readFile(training_data_file) featureMatrix = FE.extractFeatures(context_question_list) ''' (n,m) = featureMatrix.shape for i in range(n): for j in range(m): sys.stdout.write(str(featureMatrix[i,j])+" ") print '' ''' writeFeatureMatrixToFile(featureMatrix,context_question_list,'train') #train the model using svm-rank svm_rank_learn_exec_path = "svm_rank/svm_rank_learn" feature_vectors_file_path = "models/train.dat" model_file_path = "models/model.dat" command = svm_rank_learn_exec_path+" -c"+" 0.001 "+" -t"+" 1 "+feature_vectors_file_path+" "+model_file_path #command = svm_rank_learn_exec_path+" -c"+" 0.001 "+feature_vectors_file_path+" "+model_file_path #print command os.system(command)
def answerQues(doc, nlp): startTime = time() qclass = classifyQuestion(doc) print("\nQclass: ", qclass) endTime = time() totalTime = endTime - startTime print("Classification Total Time Taken: ", totalTime) startTime = time() keywords = extractFeatures(doc) print("\nKeywords: ", keywords) endTime = time() totalTime = endTime - startTime print("Feature exraction Total Time Taken: ", totalTime) startTime = time() docRank = rankDocs(keywords) print("\nDocRank: ", docRank[:3]) endTime = time() totalTime = endTime - startTime print("Doc scoring Total Time Taken: ", totalTime) startTime = time() answers = possibleAnswers(keywords, docRank, nlp) endTime = time() totalTime = endTime - startTime print("\nFinding Answers Total Time Taken: ", totalTime) return answers
def answerQues(question): nlp = en_core_web_sm.load() doc = nlp(u'' + question) qclass = classifyQuestion(doc) keywords = extractFeatures(doc) docRank = rankDocs(keywords) answers = possibleAnswers(keywords, docRank, nlp) return answers
def main(): # load dnn params dnn = joblib.load( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/dnnParameters.sav") print("DNN loaded...") # load elm param svm = joblib.load( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/svmParameters.sav") # load test file testFile = "keaton.wav" testFilePath = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/testWavs/" + testFile audioRate, audioData = frameFeatureMatrix = extractFeatures(audioData, audioRate) topSegmentIndices = getTopEnergySegmentsIndices(audioData, audioRate) topSegmentFeatureMatrix = getSegmentFeaturesUsingIndices( frameFeatureMatrix, 25, topSegmentIndices) print("Segments generated...") # normalize the data scaler = joblib.load( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/scalerParameters.sav") topSegmentFeatureMatrix = scaler.transform(topSegmentFeatureMatrix) print("Data normalized...") # for each segement generate the probability distribution segmentProbabilities = dnn.predict_proba(topSegmentFeatureMatrix) # convert to percent # segmentProbabilities = segmentProbabilities * 100 feat1 = np.amax(segmentProbabilities, axis=0) feat2 = np.amin(segmentProbabilities, axis=0) feat3 = np.mean(segmentProbabilities, axis=0) prob0 = segmentProbabilities[:, 0] prob1 = segmentProbabilities[:, 1] prob2 = segmentProbabilities[:, 2] prob3 = segmentProbabilities[:, 3] count0 = np.sum(prob0[prob0 > 0.2]) / len(segmentProbabilities) count1 = np.sum(prob1[prob1 > 0.2]) / len(segmentProbabilities) count2 = np.sum(prob1[prob2 > 0.2]) / len(segmentProbabilities) count3 = np.sum(prob1[prob3 > 0.2]) / len(segmentProbabilities) feat4 = np.array([count0, count1, count2, count3]) featureVector = np.hstack([feat1, feat2, feat3, feat4]) print("feature vector : ") print(featureVector) probs = svm.predict_proba(featureVector.reshape(-1, 1)) print(probs)
def main(): DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # load dnn params dnn = joblib.load(DIR + "/dnnParameters.sav") print("DNN loaded...") # load test file testFile = sys.argv[1] # testFile = "keaton.wav" testFilePath = DIR + "/testWavs/" + testFile audioRate, audioData = frameFeatureMatrix = extractFeatures(audioData, audioRate) topSegmentIndices = getTopEnergySegmentsIndices(audioData, audioRate) topSegmentFeatureMatrix = getSegmentFeaturesUsingIndices( frameFeatureMatrix, 25, topSegmentIndices) print("Segments generated...") # normalize the data scaler = joblib.load(DIR + "/scalerParameters.sav") topSegmentFeatureMatrix = scaler.transform(topSegmentFeatureMatrix) print("Data normalized...") # for each segement generate the probability distribution segmentProbabilities = dnn.predict_proba(topSegmentFeatureMatrix) # convert to percent segmentProbabilities = segmentProbabilities * 100 print( str(segmentProbabilities) + ", samples : " + str(len(segmentProbabilities))) # plot probability distribution prob0 = segmentProbabilities[:, 0] prob1 = segmentProbabilities[:, 1] prob2 = segmentProbabilities[:, 2] prob3 = segmentProbabilities[:, 3] # plot the data #'seaborn') plt.xlabel("Samples") plt.ylabel("Confidence") plt.plot(range(1, len(prob0) + 1), prob0, label="neu", color="red") plt.plot(range(1, len(prob1) + 1), prob1, label="sad_fea", color="blue") plt.plot(range(1, len(prob2) + 1), prob2, label="ang_fru", color="green") plt.plot(range(1, len(prob3) + 1), prob3, label="hap_exc_sur", color="black") plt.legend(loc="upper left")
def predict(): ques1 = request.args.get('ques1') ques2 = request.args.get('ques2') extractFeatures(ques1,ques2) df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(APP_DATA, 'quora_features_test.csv')) predictionJSON=predictProbabilityForDifferentFeatures() feature_list = ['fuzz_qratio', 'fuzz_WRatio', 'wmd', 'norm_wmd', 'cosine_distance', 'jaccard_distance', 'euclidean_distance', 'braycurtis_distance', 'cosSim'] response_JSON = {} for feature in feature_list: if df.iloc[0][feature] < 1.0: response_JSON[feature] = str(df.iloc[0][feature]*100) else: response_JSON[feature] = str(df.iloc[0][feature]) outputJSON=[predictionJSON,response_JSON] return jsonify(outputJSON)
def main(): emotions = ['neu','sad_fea', 'ang_fru','hap_exc_sur'] DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # load wav WAVS_DIR = os.path.join(DIR, "testWavs") testWavs = glob.glob(WAVS_DIR + "/*") # print(testWavs) for i in range(len(testWavs)): # detect features audioRate, audioData =[i]) frameFeatureMatrix = extractFeatures(audioData, audioRate) topSegmentIndices = getTopEnergySegmentsIndices(audioData, audioRate) topSegmentFeatureMatrix = getSegmentFeaturesUsingIndices(frameFeatureMatrix, 25, topSegmentIndices) # normalize data scaler = joblib.load(DIR + "/scalerParameters.sav") topSegmentFeatureMatrix = scaler.transform(topSegmentFeatureMatrix) # generate probabilities with DNN dnn = joblib.load(DIR + "/dnnParameters.sav") segmentProbabilities = dnn.predict_proba(topSegmentFeatureMatrix) # create high level features feat1 = np.amax(segmentProbabilities, axis=0) feat2 = np.amin(segmentProbabilities, axis=0) feat3 = np.mean(segmentProbabilities, axis=0) prob0 = segmentProbabilities[:,0] prob1 = segmentProbabilities[:,1] prob2 = segmentProbabilities[:,2] prob3 = segmentProbabilities[:,3] count0 = np.sum(prob0[prob0>0.5])/len(segmentProbabilities) count1 = np.sum(prob1[prob1>0.5])/len(segmentProbabilities) count2 = np.sum(prob1[prob2>0.5])/len(segmentProbabilities) count3 = np.sum(prob1[prob3>0.5])/len(segmentProbabilities) feat4 = np.array([count0, count1, count2, count3]) featureVector = np.hstack([feat1, feat2, feat3, feat4]) # predict with svm # svm = joblib.load(DIR + "/svmParameters.sav") # emotionLabelNum, = svm.predict(featureVector.reshape(1,-1)) emotionLabelNum = np.argmax(feat3) # display result print(testWavs[i].split("/")[-1][:-4] + " ---> " + emotions[emotionLabelNum])
def testRanker(test_data_file): context_question_list = readFile(test_data_file) featureMatrix = FE.extractFeatures(context_question_list) writeFeatureMatrixToFile(featureMatrix,context_question_list,"test") svm_rank_classify_exec_path = "svm_rank/svm_rank_classify" feature_vectors_file_path = "models/test.dat" model_file_path = "models/model.dat" output_scores_file_path = "result/prediction.txt" command = svm_rank_classify_exec_path+" "+feature_vectors_file_path+" "+model_file_path+ " "+output_scores_file_path os.system(command)
def main(): # path to audio file dataset AUDIO_DATASET = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/dataset/" # path to feature extracted dataset for DNN CSV_DATASET = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/datasetForDNN.csv" # CSV_DATASET = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/datasetForDNN_test.csv" # maintain a dictionary for emotion label and labelNumber emotions = {} emotionLabelNum = 0 # this will be needed to set the target in csv file emotionDirPaths = glob.glob(AUDIO_DATASET + "*") csv_dataset = open(CSV_DATASET, "w") for emotionDirPath in emotionDirPaths: # keep a count of segment per emotions countSegmentsPerEmotion = 0 # emotionLabel is also the directory name in the dataset directory emotionLabel = emotionDirPath.split("/")[-1] # set the emotion label emotions[emotionLabel] = emotionLabelNum # for all files in the emotionLabel directory, generate csv data print("Generating csv data for : " + emotionLabel) wavFilesPath = os.path.join(AUDIO_DATASET, emotionLabel, "*") # print(wavFilesPath) # setup progressBar progressBarWidth = 50 sys.stdout.write("[%s]" % (" " * progressBarWidth)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write( "\b" * (progressBarWidth + 1)) # return to start of line, after '[' wavFiles = glob.glob(wavFilesPath) numberOfWavFiles = len(wavFiles) progressBarUpdatePerFiles = int(numberOfWavFiles / progressBarWidth) countFiles = 0 for wavFile in wavFiles: utteranceName = wavFile.split("/")[-1] audioRate, audioData = frameFeatureMatrix = extractFeatures(audioData, audioRate) topSegmentIndices = getTopEnergySegmentsIndices( audioData, audioRate) topSegmentFeatureMatrix = getSegmentFeaturesUsingIndices( frameFeatureMatrix, 25, topSegmentIndices) # for each top segment in audioData, write the feature vector into csv_dataset along with target emotionLabelNum for topSegmentIndex in range(len(topSegmentFeatureMatrix)): featureVector = ",".join([ '%.8f' % num for num in topSegmentFeatureMatrix[topSegmentIndex] ]) featureVector = utteranceName + "," + featureVector + "," + str( emotionLabelNum) + "\n" csv_dataset.write(featureVector) countSegmentsPerEmotion += 1 # update the progressBar countFiles += 1 if (countFiles % progressBarUpdatePerFiles == 0) and ( int(countFiles / progressBarUpdatePerFiles) <= 50): # won't let the progressbar #'s exceed 50 repetitions sys.stdout.write("#") sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\n") # print the count for each emotion print("Number of segments for emotion : " + emotionLabel + " [ " + str(emotionLabelNum) + " ] : " + str(countSegmentsPerEmotion)) emotionLabelNum += 1 csv_dataset.close()
def main(): emotions = ['neu', 'sad_fea', 'ang_fru', 'hap_exc_sur'] DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # default parameters RATE = 16000 CHUNK = 1024 DEVICE_IN_HW = "Camera" DEVICE_OP_HW = "pulse" UTTERANCE_SECONDS = 5 # load FILE try: FILE = sys.argv[1] except: FILE = "keaton" MP4_DIR = os.path.join(DIR, "testMp4s") MP4_FILE = os.path.join(MP4_DIR, FILE + ".mp4") print("Extracting audio from video : ", end=" ") # end=" " suppresses new line command = "ffmpeg -i " + MP4_FILE + " -ac 1 -ar 16000 -vn " + MP4_FILE[: -4] + ".wav" print(command), shell=True) print("DONE") WAV_IN = os.path.join(MP4_DIR, FILE + ".wav") testWav =, "r") # aggregate 5 seconds of frames, process each 5 second utterance # NOTE : it is possible to directly read frames for 5 seconds # i.e. (RATE*UTTERANCE_SECONDS), instead of reading them CHUNK by CHUNK # and aggregating them, but we are using a for loop on CHUNKS, to # keep it consistent with pyaudio stream input, which will be added later utteranceProbabilities = [] utteranceCount = 0 while (True): try: utterance = b'' # empty byte string for _ in range(int(RATE * UTTERANCE_SECONDS / CHUNK)): samples = testWav.readframes(CHUNK) utterance += samples # # for testing, see if each 5 second utterance matches the deteced emotion # WAV_OUT = os.path.join(MP4_DIR,FILE+ "_" +str(utteranceCount)+".wav") # outWav =, "w") # outWav.setnchannels(1) # outWav.setsampwidth(2) # outWav.setframerate(RATE) # outWav.writeframes(utterance) # outWav.close() # print("Saved : " + str(WAV_OUT)) utterance = np.fromstring(utterance, np.int16) frameFeatureMatrix = extractFeatures(utterance, RATE) topSegmentIndices = getTopEnergySegmentsIndices(utterance, RATE) topSegmentFeatureMatrix = getSegmentFeaturesUsingIndices( frameFeatureMatrix, 25, topSegmentIndices) # normalize data scaler = joblib.load(DIR + "/scalerParameters.sav") topSegmentFeatureMatrix = scaler.transform(topSegmentFeatureMatrix) # generate probabilities with DNN dnn = joblib.load(DIR + "/dnnParameters.sav") segmentProbabilities = dnn.predict_proba(topSegmentFeatureMatrix) # create high level features avgSegmentProbabilities = np.mean(segmentProbabilities, axis=0) # determine emotionLabelNum emotionLabelNum = np.argmax(avgSegmentProbabilities) # display result print("Probabilities : " + str(avgSegmentProbabilities)) utteranceProbabilities.append( avgSegmentProbabilities) # save for plotting print(MP4_FILE + " : " + str(utteranceCount) + " ---> " + emotions[emotionLabelNum]) # update the utterance count, for the next CHUNKs read from the file utteranceCount += 1 except: break # remove wav file os.remove(os.path.join(MP4_DIR, FILE + ".wav")) utteranceProbabilities = np.array(utteranceProbabilities) prob0 = utteranceProbabilities[:, 0] prob1 = utteranceProbabilities[:, 1] prob2 = utteranceProbabilities[:, 2] prob3 = utteranceProbabilities[:, 3] # plot the data plt.xlabel("Seconds") plt.ylabel("Confidence") plt.plot(np.arange(1, (len(prob0)) * UTTERANCE_SECONDS, UTTERANCE_SECONDS), prob0, label="neu", color="red") plt.plot(np.arange(1, (len(prob0)) * UTTERANCE_SECONDS, UTTERANCE_SECONDS), prob1, label="sad_fea", color="blue") plt.plot(np.arange(1, (len(prob0)) * UTTERANCE_SECONDS, UTTERANCE_SECONDS), prob2, label="ang_fru", color="green") plt.plot(np.arange(1, (len(prob0)) * UTTERANCE_SECONDS, UTTERANCE_SECONDS), prob3, label="hap_exc_sur", color="black") plt.legend(loc="upper left")