コード例 #1
ファイル: metrics.py プロジェクト: ranok92/deepirl
def pedestrian_hit(trajectory, agent_radius):
    """Returns true if pedestrian is hit in any of the state in
    the trajectory.

    :param trajectory: trajecory comprised of states_dicts.
    :type trajectory: list of state_dicts
    :param agent_radius: width of the agent in environment.
    :type agent_radius: float.
    :return: True if pedestrian hit in last state_dict, false otherwise.
    :rtype: Boolean.

    for state in trajectory:

        pedestrians = state["obstacles"]
        agent_position = state["agent_state"]["position"]

        for ped in pedestrians:
            ped_position = ped["position"]

            distance = dist_2d(ped_position, agent_position)

            if distance <= (agent_radius):
                return True

    return False
コード例 #2
ファイル: metrics.py プロジェクト: ranok92/deepirl
def goal_reached(trajectory, goal_radius, agent_radius):
    """Returns true if the goal was reached in the last state of this
    trajectory. Goal is considered reached if the distance between agent and
    goal is less than their respective radii (provided it has not hit a
    pedestrian in the way)

    :param trajectory: Trajectory of state dictionaries generated by the
    :type trajectory: list of state dictionaries.

    :param goal_radius: radius of goal.
    :type goal_radius: float

    :param agent_radius: radius of agent.
    :type agent_radius: float

    :return: True of distance between goal and agent is less than goal_radius
    + agent_radius.
    :rtype: Boolean.

    if pedestrian_hit(trajectory, agent_radius):
        return False

        agent_position = trajectory[-1]["agent_state"]["position"]
        goal_position = trajectory[-1]["goal_state"]

        return (dist_2d(agent_position, goal_position) <=
                goal_radius + agent_radius)
コード例 #3
ファイル: metrics.py プロジェクト: ranok92/deepirl
def count_collisions(trajectory, agent_radius):
    """Counts the number of distinct collisions between agent and
    pedestrians in the provided trajectory.

    :param trajectory: Trajectory of agent as a list of state dictionaries as generated by the
    :type trajectory: list of (state) dictionaries

    :param agent_radius: Radius of agents in the environment.
    :type agent_radius: float

    :return: number of collisions with pedestrians in trajectory.
    :rtype: int
    collision_count = 0

    collision_list = []
    for state in trajectory:

        agent_pos = state["agent_state"]["position"]

        for pedestrian in state["obstacles"]:
            ped_position = pedestrian["position"]

            if dist_2d(ped_position, agent_pos) <= agent_radius:
                if pedestrian['id'] not in collision_list:
                    collision_count += 1
                if pedestrian["id"] in collision_list:
    return collision_count
コード例 #4
ファイル: metrics.py プロジェクト: ranok92/deepirl
def proxemic_intrusions(trajectory, units_to_meters_ratio):
    Calculate number of proxemic intrusions as defined by the proxemics model:
    "E. Hall, Handbook of Proxemics Research. Society for the Anthropology of
    Visual Communications, 1974."

    Based on Vasquez et. al's use in their paper:
    "IRL algos and features for robot navigation in crowds"

    This is a similified version ignoring public space and near/far phases,
    using thresholds found at:

    :param trajectory: Trajectory of states generated by environment.
    :type trajectory: List of state_dicts

    :param units_to_meters_ratio: the ratio (env distance unit length) / (1
    meter). e.g. if 1 env unit is 10 cm, this ratio is 0.1.
    :type units_to_meters_ratio: float.

    :return: Number of intrusions in initimate, personal, and social spaces.
    :return type: tuple (int, int, int)

    # Thresholds
    INTIMIATE_DISTANCE = 0.5 * units_to_meters_ratio
    PERSONAL_DISTANCE = 1.2 * units_to_meters_ratio
    SOCIAL_DISTANCE = 3.7 * units_to_meters_ratio

    # intrusion counts
    intimiate_intrusions = 0
    personal_intrusions = 0
    social_intrusions = 0

    for traj in trajectory:
        pedestrians = traj["obstacles"]
        agent_position = traj["agent_state"]["position"]

        for ped in pedestrians:
            ped_position = ped["position"]

            distance = dist_2d(ped_position, agent_position)

            if distance <= INTIMIATE_DISTANCE:
                intimiate_intrusions += 1
            elif INTIMIATE_DISTANCE < distance <= PERSONAL_DISTANCE:
                personal_intrusions += 1
            elif PERSONAL_DISTANCE < distance <= SOCIAL_DISTANCE:
                social_intrusions += 1
            elif distance > SOCIAL_DISTANCE:
                raise ValueError("Distance did not fit in any bins.")

    return intimiate_intrusions, personal_intrusions, social_intrusions
コード例 #5
def find_pedestrian_group(pedestrian_trajectory, 
    Returns a list containing the id of the pedestrians who are likely to belong to a group
        trajectory : a filename containing the trajectory of the said pedestrian.
        proximity_threshold : integer containing how close the nearby pedestrians have to
                              be to the subject inorder to be qualified to be in the same group
        temporal_threshold : a float mentioning for what fraction of the total trajectory does a
                             nearby pedestrian have to be inside the proximity_threshold of a 
                             subject in order to be classified as a fellow group member

        group : a list containing the ids of the pedestrians that are in the same group as the
                subject pedestrian

    #read the trajectory from the file

    assert os.path.isfile(pedestrian_trajectory), 'Bad trajectory file!'

    traj = np.load(pedestrian_trajectory, allow_pickle=True)
    total_frames = len(traj)

    #maintain a dictionary of all the pedestrians who pierce the proximity threshold
    #and see who stays inside the proximity threshold for how long.
    proximity_tracker = {}
    for state in traj:

        for obs in state['obstacles']:
            agent_position = state['agent_state']['position']
            ped_dist = dist_2d(agent_position, obs['position'])

            if ped_dist <= proximity_threshold:

                if obs['id'] not in proximity_tracker.keys():
                    proximity_tracker[obs['id']] = 1
                    proximity_tracker[obs['id']] += 1
    #check through the proximity tracker to see which of the nearby pedestrians
    #qualify to be in a group with the pedestrian at hand using the temporal threshold

    temporal_threshold_frames = temporal_threshold * total_frames 
    ped_group = []
    for people in proximity_tracker.keys():

        if proximity_tracker[people] > temporal_threshold_frames:
    return ped_group
コード例 #6
ファイル: metrics.py プロジェクト: ranok92/deepirl
def trajectory_length(trajectory):
    Returns the length of the trajectory.

    :param trajectory: Trajectory of agent in envrionment.
    :type trajectory: List of state dictionaries.
    :return: length of trajectory by calculating the distance between the position of
             the agent in consequtive frames.
    :rtype: int.
    agent_cur_pos = trajectory[0]["agent_state"]["position"]
    traj_length = 0
    for state in trajectory[1:]:
        traj_length += dist_2d(agent_cur_pos, state["agent_state"]["position"])
        agent_cur_pos = state["agent_state"]["position"]
    return traj_length
コード例 #7
ファイル: metrics.py プロジェクト: ranok92/deepirl
def distance_to_nearest_pedestrian_over_time(trajectory):
    At each timestep in trajectory, calculates the distances to the
    nearest pedestrian.

    :param trajectory: trajectory comprised of states_dicts.
    :type trajectory: list of state_dicts
    :return: list of distances to nearest pedestrian, ordered from t=0 to t=end.
    :rtype: list of floats.
    min_distances = []

    for traj in trajectory:
        agent_position = traj["agent_state"]["position"]
        pedestrians = traj["obstacles"]
        ped_positions = [ped["position"] for ped in pedestrians]
        distances = [
            dist_2d(ped_pos, agent_position) for ped_pos in ped_positions

    return min_distances
コード例 #8
def agent_drift_analysis(agent,
    Performs a drift analysis of a particular agent.
            agent: the policy/controller
            agent_type: the type of the controller (policy network or an alternate
                        controller like a Potential field or something else)
            env: the environment
            feat_extractor: the feature extractor to be used.
            ped_list: list of pedestrians on which to perform the drift analysis.
            pos_reset: Number of frames after which the position of the agent gets reset
                    to that of the trajectory of the actual pedestrian.
        output: the amount of drift incurred by the agent for the pedestrians
            provided in the ped_list.


    drift_value = 0
    segment_counter = 0
    env.cur_ped = None
    print('Starting drift analysis of agent :{}. Reset interval :{}'.format(agent_type, 

    #an array containing the drift value for each pedestrian
    drift_info_detailed = np.zeros(len(ped_list))
    for i in tqdm(range(len(ped_list))):

        #reset the world
        state = env.reset_and_replace(ped=ped_list[i])

        env.goal_state = copy.deepcopy(env.return_position(env.cur_ped, env.current_frame + pos_reset)['position'])
        env.state['goal_state'] = copy.deepcopy(env.goal_state)
        state = copy.deepcopy(env.state)

        final_frame = env.final_frame
        if feat_extractor is not None:
            except AttributeError:
            state_feat = feat_extractor.extract_features(state)
            state_feat = torch.from_numpy(state_feat).type(torch.FloatTensor).to(DEVICE)

        #reset the information collector
        done = False
        t = 0
        drift_per_ped = 0
        segment_counter_per_ped = 0
        abs_counter = env.current_frame
        while abs_counter < final_frame:
            #stop_points = []
            if feat_extractor is not None:

                if agent_type == 'Policy_network':
                    action = agent.eval_action(state_feat)
                #action selection for alternate controller namely potential field
                    action = agent.eval_action(state)

                if args.render:
                action = agent.eval_action(state)
            state, _, done, _ = env.step(action)
            drift_value += dist_2d(env.ghost_state['position'], env.agent_state['position'])
            drift_per_ped += dist_2d(env.ghost_state['position'], env.agent_state['position'])
            if feat_extractor is not None:
                state_feat = feat_extractor.extract_features(state)
                state_feat = torch.from_numpy(state_feat).type(torch.FloatTensor).to(DEVICE)

            t += 1
            abs_counter += 1
            if t%pos_reset == 0:

                segment_counter += 1
                segment_counter_per_ped += 1
                env.agent_state = env.return_position(env.cur_ped, env.current_frame)
                env.state['agent_state'] = copy.deepcopy(env.agent_state)
                pos = env.agent_state['position']
                for pos in stop_points:
                    pygame.draw.circle(pygame.display.get_surface(),  (0,0,0), (int(pos[1]), int(pos[0])), 20)
                env.goal_state = env.return_position(env.cur_ped, env.current_frame + pos_reset)['position']
                env.state['goal_state'] = copy.deepcopy(env.goal_state)
                state = copy.deepcopy(env.state)
                env.release_control = False
                t = 0
                done = False
        if segment_counter_per_ped == 0:
            segment_counter_per_ped = 1
        drift_info_detailed[i] = drift_per_ped/segment_counter_per_ped

    return drift_info_detailed
コード例 #9
ファイル: metrics.py プロジェクト: ranok92/deepirl
def anisotropic_intrusions(trajectory, radius, lambda_param=2.0):
    Measures number of times the anisotropic radius of a pedestrian is violated by an agent.
    This implementation is based on the one presented in Vasquez's paper:
    "IRL algos and features for robot navigation in crowds."

    The anisotrpic radius can be though of a circular radius around
    pedestrians that is stretched to include more of the front direction of
    the pedestrian and less of the back direction. This is because being in
    front of a walking pedestrian is considered worse than being behind or to
    the sides of a walking pedestrian.

    :param trajectory: Trajectory of states generated by environment.
    :type trajectory: List of state_dicts.

    :param radius: (Base) radius to consider around pedestrians. This will be
    stretched according to lambda_param.
    :type radius: float.

    :param lambda_param: factor by which to stretch radius parameter,
    defaults to 2.0
    :type lambda_param: float, optional

    :raises ValueError: If for some reason the angle between (agent_pos -
    pedestrian_pos) and pedestrian_orientation does not fit in [0,2pi]

    :return: Number of times front, side, and back intrusions happen in
    :rtype: tuple (int, int, int)

    # intrusion counts
    back_anisotropic_intrusion = 0
    side_anisotropic_intrusion = 0
    front_anisotropic_intrusion = 0

    for traj in trajectory:
        agent_position = traj["agent_state"]["position"]
        pedestrians = traj["obstacles"]

        for ped in pedestrians:
            ped_position = ped["position"]
            ped_orientation = ped["orientation"]

            vector_to_agent = agent_position - ped_position

            if ped_orientation is None:
                    "pedestrian orientation is none, setting to (1.0, 0.0)")
                ped_orientation = np.array([1.0, 0.0])

            angle = angle_between(vector_to_agent, ped_orientation)
            distance = dist_2d(agent_position, ped_position)

            # evaluate if agent is in anisotropic radius
            anisotropy_factor = lambda_param - 0.5 * (1 - lambda_param) * (
                1 + np.cos(angle))
            anisotropic_radius = radius * anisotropy_factor

            if distance < anisotropic_radius:
                if angle < 0.25 * np.pi:
                    front_anisotropic_intrusion += 1
                elif 0.25 * np.pi <= angle < 0.75 * np.pi:
                    side_anisotropic_intrusion += 1
                elif 0.75 * np.pi <= angle <= np.pi:
                    back_anisotropic_intrusion += 1
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Cannot bin angle in any of the thresholds.")

    return (