コード例 #1
    def sliding_window(cls, pview):

        #Perspective View coordinates
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = pview

        #Initial height,width & aspect ratio of perspective view
        iheight = y2 - y1
        iwidth = x2 - x1
        aspect_ratio = iwidth / iheight

        #Resized height,width
        nheight = 64
        nwidth = int(nheight * aspect_ratio)

        #Resized Perspective view
        pmg = cv2.resize(cls.image[y1:y2, x1:x2, :], (nwidth, nheight))

        #Hog features of the entire perspective view
        hog_features = FeatureExtractor.extract_hog_features(pmg)

        #Sliding window on perspective view with a sliding of 8 pixel increments
        #Slide size is 8 pixels is to be able to subsample the hog features as it has 8 pixels per block
        img_block_size = 64
        slide_size = 8
        hog_block_size = 8
        xend = nwidth - img_block_size + 1
        for idx, vx in enumerate(range(0, xend, slide_size)):

            #Select the sub-image specified by the sliding window
            smg = pmg[:, vx:vx + img_block_size]

            #Get the features for the current sliding window
            sfeatures = FeatureExtractor.extract_spatial_features(smg)
            hfeatures = FeatureExtractor.extract_histogram_features(smg)

            gfeatures0 = hog_features[0][:, idx:idx + hog_block_size].ravel()
            gfeatures1 = hog_features[1][:, idx:idx + hog_block_size].ravel()
            gfeatures2 = hog_features[2][:, idx:idx + hog_block_size].ravel()
            features = np.concatenate(
                (sfeatures, hfeatures, gfeatures0, gfeatures1, gfeatures2))
            pred = cls.model.predict(features)
            #cv2.imwrite("genimgs/img" + str(random.randint(0,1000)) + ".png" ,bmg)

            if (pred == 1):
                #Calculating the window coordinates in main image basing on the resized image coordinates
                rx1 = int(vx * (iwidth / nwidth)) + x1
                ry1 = y1
                rx2 = rx1 + iheight
                ry2 = ry1 + iheight
                cls.hot_windows.append(((rx1, ry1), (rx2, ry2)))
                #cv2.rectangle(cls.frame_image,(rx1,ry1),(rx2,ry2), (0,255,0), 1)
                if (vx > xend - 32):
                    cls.hot_windows.append(((rx1, ry1), (rx2, ry2)))
コード例 #2
    def get_features_labels(cls):
        v_features = []
        n_features = []
        for img in cls.v_images:
            sfeatures = FE.extract_spatial_features(img)
            hfeatures = FE.extract_histogram_features(img)
            gfeatures = FE.extract_hog_features(img)
            features=np.concatenate( (sfeatures,hfeatures,gfeatures[0].ravel(),gfeatures[1].ravel(),gfeatures[2].ravel()) )
        for img in cls.n_images:
            sfeatures = FE.extract_spatial_features(img)
            hfeatures = FE.extract_histogram_features(img)
            gfeatures = FE.extract_hog_features(img)
            features=np.concatenate( (sfeatures,hfeatures,gfeatures[0].ravel(),gfeatures[1].ravel(),gfeatures[2].ravel()) )

        cls.features = np.vstack((v_features, n_features)).astype(np.float64)
        cls.labels = np.hstack((np.ones(len(v_features)), np.zeros(len(n_features))))
        print("Feature & Label time - " ,round(t2-t1, 2) )